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would legalization ruin our culture?


Active member
One of the main things that worry me if cannabis was legalized or even decriminalized to a level that it’s far more openly tolerated is our ability to retain our true image of what our community represents. With false lights already around and magazines that at times perpetuate stereotypes that some of us would like to distance ourselves from. Would we be able to maintain our substance as a community or would we be, how to put it “mtv’d”.
Kind of what happening to our culture in general because of television and movies showing kids how they think they need to act (the kids I mean).
Would this same effect happen to us, would some cheesy weed channel come about with a bunch of cracked out shows and what not making us look like a bunch of perpetual children just after toilette humor and trippy colours .

OR would this channel have some integrity and think about what to put on. Witty political humor (jonstewart etc..) and other intelligent shows of discussion , world news events revolving things more than just weed but also a lot of updates on laws and what not in areas at the same time, High end cooking shows catering to the stoner with a need for fine food and wine to match his buzz, not to mention media reviews on shows movies games.

How many companies would pop up with terribly made products and things meant to lure the smoker and grower alike like lures tend to hook the fisherman and not the fish.

Legalization would be a shock to our culture and the public’s , a wave of users would join at first most likely for the wrong reasons but I think that trend would die out after society gets over the initial shock to it’s system as well.
Where would we go from there? Create and perfect distribution centers or perhaps a coffee shop like scene. Would a quadruple standard take effect and society watch us under a fine microscope after it happens, waiting for a fatal accident to be caused by someone driving high or blaming suicides on it.
Not to mention any fire in a house with a grow room in it , the grow room gets blamed, and the commercial grows that literally ruin suburban houses taking us all back in image….so many things these days gutted of any substance and I worry if it will happen to our community ……

Barn Owl

Active member
Keeping it illegal will continue to ruin lives of many people. Our culture is a joke anyway. Nothing could ever become mainstream without exploitation. We would get over it. We don't have a culture that's really worth saving...

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Yeh GG it would be nice for shows of the SMARTER side of our culture that we'll have to wait for to see,and for the suicides and fires they already blame cannabis for that and soooo much more ,,,Thanks

I N Hail


Active member
Oh, I don't know, if handled properly, I'd like to believe that our society could grow (put intended) to view cannabis farms the same way as our society views a vineyard - with varied growers producing varied product.

Remember, it wasn't too long ago when there was a prohibition on wines.

Now there's a tasting-tour I could get into!!


Active member
Keeping it illegal will continue to ruin lives of many people

that goes without saying and worth an entire thread of its own,
the reason our culture is a "joke" is the temporary users that are merely experiencing a phase in thier lives, using it because its cheap and has funny movies and what rappers liek snoop dogg smoke , but to the people that sue it for medication or are passionate about the plants and breeding it AKA the REAL community, the group of pple that are no joke and take this as a responcibility, would legalization allow them to grow or make them look the same as someone trying to sell tobbaco they've grown (just a scenario)

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
To answer your question, yes. Legalization would send a clear message to the American public that drug abuse is OK. The only thing stopping everyone from getting high all the time now is the law against it. Without such a law, people would be out of control. It would be chaos. The end of days. Dogs and cats living together.

I'm sure that 9 out of 10 American politicians will back me up on this.

Just noticed this is my 400th post! WOOOHOOOO! Does this make me an old timer?


The Dutch seem to be doing ok with their liberal cannabis laws. The non functional products you speak of would be targeted people that dont know any better, do your research and you wont be douped. I am so sick of stupid people, I say let them be taken for all they are worth, by natures laws the idiots were never meant to survive birth. We feed, clothe and wipe the asses of too many people that arent worthy of the air they breathe.


To answer your question, yes. Legalization would send a clear message to the American public that drug abuse is OK. The only thing stopping everyone from getting high all the time now is the law against it. Without such a law, people would be out of control. It would be chaos. The end of days. Dogs and cats living together.

I'm sure that 9 out of 10 American politicians will back me up on this.

Just noticed this is my 400th post! WOOOHOOOO! Does this make me an old timer?

Hmmm I dunno, I know alot of people that dont use MJ not because it is illegal but because they just dont care for it's effects. I look at it as there is different strokes for different folks, alcohol is legal but it doesnt make me want to drink it everyday.


Hmmm I dunno, I know alot of people that dont use MJ not because it is illegal but because they just dont care for it's effects. I look at it as there is different strokes for different folks, alcohol is legal but it doesnt make me want to drink it everyday.

I think he was being cynical =)


It's really hard to say. What's stopping some major corporation like a tobacco company or something hire people that are very good at growing cannabis to corner the legal weed market?

Shelf-life. It would be really hard to supply the entire nation with high quality marijuana without some sort of local grow situation. A lot of the growing connoisseurs probably wouldn't want to work for some bullshit corporation anyways. We all know the packaged and shipped bud look as well.

I wouldn't mind being able to go into a quickie-mart buy a single stick of some decent haze and light it up once i get outside like a cigg.

Stoner TV? I don't know about all that. Sounds like some public access shit gone wrong.


Active member
To answer your question, yes. Legalization would send a clear message to the American public that drug abuse is OK. The only thing stopping everyone from getting high all the time now is the law against it. Without such a law, people would be out of control. It would be chaos. The end of days. Dogs and cats living together.

I'm sure that 9 out of 10 American politicians will back me up on this.

Just noticed this is my 400th post! WOOOHOOOO! Does this make me an old timer?

nice ont he posts ...back to buisiness though , its funny you say that about drug abuse . our culture is a drug riddled habit forming society with so many different vices to gt wrapped up in , alcohol abuse, cough syrups,pills that are a dressed up form of heroin plaguing the blue collar industry and a plant allready legal to smoke far more addictive in nature. Last but not least the most used drug on the planet caffiene dominating the lives of our public and if you live in canada deal with a market thats goal is to creat the idea that to drink coffee is to be canadian , specially when you drink from TIM HORTONS. Dont forget the drugs we give our children proven to increase thier risk on dependency later on in life ie ritalin and what not , weed in reliaty is rather pale in comparison. if our society can't accept it's own drug addictions allready under some umbrella idea that if it's legal it's not bad then I feel bad for them. some cant admit it and it's funny i tried telling someone I know well even know weed is illegal so was alcohol once, and so was mixed colour universities and so was womens right to vote , we need to keep evolving as a society and get free of these laws tainted by the sway of religion and political self righteousness

*im slightly bitter towards pills as I was given ritalin as a child but most the time I threw it out when no one was looking at schoole because
they would litterly have a differnt bell 5 min ealry so kids that needed ritalin would go to this room to take it .....
how F%&KED is that , good way to alienate kids *


It would, especially where I live!
Here, people are just not as progressive as at other places(holland, cali, canada)
It would become awful

Maybe someday, but tomorrow is too early


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Adult Swim anyone?

Though its not a whole channel just a segment.There target audience ;well no need explain .:joint:


Active member
Adult Swim anyone?

Though its not a whole channel just a segment.There target audience ;well no need explain .:joint:

yea no doubt some shows for sure....Space ghost and some other good ones ,,,,personaly I love Tom meets the mayor, hehe .........ps harvesting in minutes....... bwahahaha


IMO it would be a good idea, at least initially, to keep it on the down low. No advertising and no cheap exploitation like 'Weed TV' with Snoop Dog.

Let legalization mature for a decade and then revisit commercialization. If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that corporations tend to ruin good things. The same will happen with Cannabis unless we're smart about it right out of the gate.

Weedman Herb

Yeah it will ruin our culture ... No more clandestine meetings in 7-11 parking lots to decide a safer spot to "Do the deal" ... No more looking over your shoulder when traveling to and from the hydro store ... What will I do with the clothes I've collected (and that I will never wear after a legalization) in order to appear less like a stoner?