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AACT Flowering Tea

Neo 420

Active member
Ok Fellows. Do you folks think the tea I made below is a good flowering tea?

1 tsp of unsulphured molasses per gallon
1 tsp Bloom organic Humate per gallon
1 tsp O.G. Bloom mix per gallon 0-9-0
1/3 cup EWC per gallon per gallon

It is bubbling right now in 5 a gallon bucket. I plan to let it bubble for 24 to 36 hours. My understanding is when its done it should smell earthy and nice. If it smell rank or stinks its no good.

If you have recipes for good flowering teas, post em and lets talk about it!

CT Guy

Don't know what the 3rd ingredient, but i'd recommend a minimum of a cup to cup and a 1/2 of EWC. I'd consider some alfalfa meal or kelp too....

Neo 420

Active member
The third ingredient is dried guano. I was thinking about the sea kelp. I will include that in my next batch. Considering what I do have included, am I going in the right direction?

BTW I been studying AACT tea's on this board and I noticed you provided a lot of good input on teas. I happened to be reading the thread "Tea Article" when I noticed you replied. Thanks for the help!!


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
molasses - 1 to 1.5 tablespoons per gallon
humic acid - 1/4 teaspoon max per gallon
guano - I would only use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon if at all
EWC - 1/3 cup per gallon is good
Kelp meal - 1 and 1/2 teaspoon per gallon

CT Guy

I'd go with MM's recommendations as he has much more experience than me with using these ingredients in AACT. Good luck!

Neo 420

Active member
molasses - 1 to 1.5 tablespoons per gallon
humic acid - 1/4 teaspoon max per gallon
guano - I would only use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon if at all
EWC - 1/3 cup per gallon is good
Kelp meal - 1 and 1/2 teaspoon per gallon

Right on Micro!! Sound like a plan! What do you recommend for vegging? These formula's are going into my charts.

Neo 420

Active member
Hey another quick question. I will be flushing my plants tonight with 2 to 3 times the volumes of the plants container with water (due to PH lockout). Will it be ok to use this tea directly after the flush? I understand usually I would wait a couple of days to week before I feed again but since this is a tea I assume I can use it right after.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Well how do you know you have a pH lockout? Your flushing sounds drastic. If you are going to swamp your soil, I'd let things dry out a bit otherwise you'll drive the O2 out of your soil. What soil do you have and what volume?

I don't really change ACT recipes for veg or flower.

Neo 420

Active member
Well how do you know you have a pH lockout? Your flushing sounds drastic. If you are going to swamp your soil, I'd let things dry out a bit otherwise you'll drive the O2 out of your soil. What soil do you have and what volume?

I don't really change ACT recipes for veg or flower.

Nit def I have been chasing. Gave it some PBP veg, leaves still yellowing. Tested soil with PH meter..... read 7.5.

The original soil was miracle grow. (Original owner used MG. Veg was over 2 months) I transplanted into bigger buckets (8 gallons and 5 gallons) and amended with foxfarm. Think I over feed with with PBB Flower. Leaves curled (indication over overfeeding) and then the lockout of nit followed. Do you think I should flush with less?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Nit def I have been chasing. Gave it some PBP veg, leaves still yellowing. Tested soil with PH meter..... read 7.5.

The original soil was miracle grow. (Original owner used MG. Veg was over 2 months) I transplanted into bigger buckets (8 gallons and 5 gallons) and amended with foxfarm. Think I over feed with with PBB Flower. Leaves curled (indication over overfeeding) and then the lockout of nit followed. Do you think I should flush with less?

I'm sorry, I just don't know how to advise you. I am not familiar with the acronyms and I do not have experience with store bought soils. If it were me, I would not flush with so much water.
PBP is not Organic.
You should never have to flush with Organic.
Teas will serve you well.
Maybe try a hydrolyzed fish and kelp tea for flower...very easy and effective.

Neo 420

Active member
Thanks for the info!! I'm going to continue to read these organic threads. They are packed with good info....

Neo 420

Active member
I am going to give the tea to my ladies tonight. Should I dilute it? I didn't use a screen so everything is free flowing. Can I just dump the mix on the plants?