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A World On A String



my question was more in regards to other plant species besides cannabis that exhibit that particular collection of aromatic compounds...geraniums?

Ok...gotcha. Maybe in some of the Sages that grow around here...but sometimes those same Sages reek like skunk too. Anyway...they have such deep aromas...depending on your distance from them..they can come across as funky/fuel. I smoke White Sage combined with cannabis sometimes.

In spring and summer..a hillside with lots of Sage...can be overwhelmingly strong with funk. It's when the plants are in a large population and flowering (?) that they seem to smell less like the typical sage aroma..and more like something else


ICE Cream eater
Cute chunks man. Whit that number of plant you are gonna find some nice keepers for sure. Both male and female probably :)
Its great that this line is kept and further worked on :)


Cute chunks man. Whit that number of plant you are gonna find some nice keepers for sure. Both male and female probably :)
Its great that this line is kept and further worked on :)

Well...it should work out. I've been interested in this line for a bunch of years. I'm glad to have gotten it...already worked into specific directions. Saves a hell of a lot of money, time, space, and effort. Seeds/genetics are about the only time...I take on...a collectivist attitude. I become a union man...a brotherhood of gardeners. Lot of cultivators working their asses off in the great search


Active member
Love the scene in Blue Velvet with the guy singing in the apartment while a woman dances slow go-go style on the hood of the car:


Roy Orbison....genius tenor and guitar slinger....


I like the soundtrack for Lost Highway....and ain't that Robert Blake in the flick? Trippy shit..




Creeping through the cold days...of a cold February week....it's not so much the cold outdoor nights...as it is...that the last few days have not...drawn the mercury up past 40 degrees..even in the heat of the day. My studios...and those in them...do not function as well...in these conditions. It takes only a few days before there is evidence of this

...but...that's winter...and these are the currents

Gone: Took out the last Hell Hound sister this morning. She is that squat (3.5') one...flushed forever on tea...and then on straight RO water for a bunch more days...late 70's???...I don't even know anymore..

The other day...I'd showed a cut branch off her...that branch being the only one I had taken...so what I'm saying...is that harvested her almost complete..in this one..felled swoop

She's not blowing my mind or anything...though she's still..really...a decent enough expression...I'd not consider her...a stand out

and again...recognizable structure..reoccurring expression..different but the same...as plants and days...gone by




Creeping through the cold days...of a cold February week....it's not so much the cold outdoor nights...as it is...that the last few days have not...drawn the mercury up past 40 degrees..even in the heat of the day. My studios...and those in them...do not function as well...in these conditions. It takes only a few days before there is evidence of this

...but...that's winter...and these are the currents

Gone: Took out the last Hell Hound sister this morning. She is that squat (3.5') one...flushed forever on tea...and then on straight RO water for a bunch more days...late 70's???...I don't even know anymore..

The other day...I'd showed a cut branch off her...that branch being the only one I had taken...so what I'm saying...is that I harvested her almost complete..in this one..felled swoop

She's not blowing my mind or anything...though she's still..really...a decent enough expression...I'd not consider her...a stand out

and again...recognizable structure..reoccurring expression..different but the same...as plants and days...gone by

Subjected to nonstop onslaughts...what must be done...to get to...what must be seen


Active member
Ultimate Greenhouse

Ultimate Greenhouse

Creeping through the cold days...of a cold February week....it's not so much the cold outdoor nights...as it is...that the last few days have not...drawn the mercury up past 40 degrees..even in the heat of the day.

Back in the early 1990's I visited the Biosphere for the first time. I couldn't go inside because the folks there were still sealed inside. All we could do back then on the tour was to cruise the visitor center, hear about the history, look into the Ocean area from afar, and gaze into the Ocean from underground, through thick aquarium-style windows.

On a snowy day this last weekend I toured the Biosphere 2 from the inside. The new tours have the cool assistance of walkways throughout the entire structure, including the underground mechanical area which is mind-blowing in itself.

I've toured several botanical gardens over the years....used to trip with friends and spend part of our journey at the Denver Botanical Gardens sitting near the waterfalls in the jungle area. Most excellent Ted! Still, nothing compares to the magnitude of the Biosphere...imagine if it had a cannabis section....the 10 month Thai or Colombians would reach full porportion with a little additional CFL lighting and the jungle humidity would make them feel right at home. Some day perhaps....

If you're ever passing through Oracle, Arizona on the north side of the Catalinas from Tucson, check it out.





That's fantasy land....that's how I'd like to have my entire property. Talking micro climate controls....wow


Riding Clouds of Vapor

Riding Clouds of Vapor

I've had this overly modest vaporizer...for many a moon...having even lost it (forgotten the placement of) for about 1/2 those moons.

This head cold I caught last week...I took as a sign. I've decided to give up my joints..as I'm sick of all the smoke...sick of coughing...and sick of the dishonesty. It is difficult to plead a case of health...yet maintain a hefty habit of cannabis smoke

It's counteractive...it's a rut...an obstacle in the path. Walking around with a constant pot cough...puffing deep the smoke..even before running in the mountain airs....watching the smoke...and wondering about inflicted damage...wondering about performance hinderance (fuel, spark, air)

Ok...off the background shit and into the vapor cloud

Been vaporizing nothing but sugar leaves off the Hell Hound sister...the one I was showing yesterday. Gives me incentive to carefully trim...the best sugar leaves..place the high grades into their little pile..not to hash up...but to vaporize fresh and wet off the vine.

I know my vaporizer is not all that....has no numbered gages to monitor temps...or anything fancy at all. Just a knob to turn up the heat...and a ceramic tube within a glass tube...mate the one glass piece with the other glass piece...

get the timing down...and it works. I like the wet stuff...gets a bit of moisture blended in with the melting glands..totally flavorful and soothing. The highs are so much more complex...unmolested..clean. The differences are amazing. Totally gone now...into the vapor clouds. I see the light

Edit: talking about complex...noticed that there are 4 different wood grains in the above picture...box, board, table, and floor
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Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Interesting tale. I don't have a vaporizer but when I've been overindulging and get into a coughing cycle I start to feel like I might as well be a junkie. And that little smoker's hack is always present even when not overdoing it.

I'm on a forced break now (spider mites and fungus shut it all down for several months) and I sure don't miss the cough. In times past when I had nothing to smoke but had a room full of green I've built a foil hood over the toaster oven with a straw to suck on. Cover a pan with trim, pop it in the oven with door slightly ajar and inhale away. Does the trick, especially since my tolerance is low then. I wouldn't want to explain why my toaster has a tinfoil hat though.


Interesting tale. I don't have a vaporizer but when I've been overindulging and get into a coughing cycle I start to feel like I might as well be a junkie. And that little smoker's hack is always present even when not overdoing it.

I'm on a forced break now (spider mites and fungus shut it all down for several months) and I sure don't miss the cough. In times past when I had nothing to smoke but had a room full of green I've built a foil hood over the toaster oven with a straw to suck on. Cover a pan with trim, pop it in the oven with door slightly ajar and inhale away. Does the trick, especially since my tolerance is low then. I wouldn't want to explain why my toaster has a tinfoil hat though.

lol...tinfoil hat. That's ripe man.

Yeah smoking so much....saying...seems I'm rolling joints all the time...smoking 5..6..more a day..depending. That's a lot of smoke rolling into lungs...that I actively train to run. No genius...in realizing...hey man...come on..that's not healthy.

eating it...tinctures etc...don't work for me. Don't like the heads or the bodies. Most times they bring me down and dumb. Smoking and vaporizing...gets me high and motivated. That's where I like to be...out and bout...skipping along

I'll adapt to vaporizing...not just for the health...but also the different flavors and heads found in the vapors. Learning a few new tricks on this vaporizer...timing is everything

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
They are all different highs aren't they? Even kief is different There's something about smoking the whole plant, but it's naive to believe that you don't pay a price. The times I've vaped there does seem to be something missing but the real priorities in life need to be payed attention to.

I need to better learn to moderate my tolerance levels. I keep chasing the high which is a losing game of diminishing returns. If I don't smoke that second bowl it gets me out the door while I can enjoy the euphoria, and I'll be better able to enjoy the same when the next time comes around. Chasing that carrot on a stick and the stick only grows longer the more I try. The second bowl of ice cream is never as enjoyable as the first.


Active member
Vape Is The Way...Portables For Best Play

Vape Is The Way...Portables For Best Play

lol...tinfoil hat. That's ripe man.

Smoking and vaporizing...gets me high and motivated. That's where I like to be...out and bout...skipping along

I'll adapt to vaporizing...not just for the health...but also the different flavors and heads found in the vapors. Learning a few new tricks on this vaporizer...timing is everything

This is the finest vape anywhere. It stands up against even the $400 plug-into-the-wall-electric...and it's totally portable. Run with it even....

The Cera: http://thermovape.com/loose-leaf/


Gene Mangler
IMO & experience, the downside to vapes is...
They'll change a nice melt into the couch Indica into a speedy, spacey, scratchy throat...

Another vape peeve... You used to get bitchslapped for not clearing the bong.
Now... a big balloon of nastyass stale smoke is all the rage! lmao

gonna go roll me one...


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I had the flu a few wks back. Doc @ the clinic thought I sounded like I might have the start of pneumonia in one lung, and if the antibiotics didn't kick it quick, if I was coughing up the heavy duty shit, to go get an xray. I felt shitty enough to not smoke, but 24 hrs. later, I was digging out my old Hot Box. Not even a heat controller, but it does the trick. I usually smoke out of a bubbler, but the taste in the vape is nice.
5-6 J's a day, man, I couldn't hang w/ that anymore. Hit it & quit it.
We have a no joint rule @ work, just the one-hitter. It's a good rule.

I start to feel like I might as well be a junkie

BHO made me feel that way, just WAY TOO HIGH, but loving it, jonsing for it. I simply had to curtail my usage w/ that, and I'd love to take a 6 mo. break from canna, but the damn thing is, I've got so much around!
I am weak.