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PC Case Growers Club



So I got my new pc case! It's huge, about 19"(D)x19.5"(H)x8"(W) inside, full size ATX case. I'm trying to strip it out, and noted in the thread that some people mentioned power-drilling these weird little screws to get them out. Do you guys mean I need a specific bit that will remove them, or that a small bit drilled through them will cause them to pop?

Edit: Nevermind! Just realized a good size drill bit causes these things to evaporate!


New member
Hey Niok34, good looking plant and nice setup. I might be wrong but she looks a little thirsty.

One thing i would tell ya is be ready tie down branches and if smell is going to be a major concern then making a carbon filter will put your nerves at ease over any other alternative.
Unless of course, what ur talking about is an ionizer then, although i haven't had experience with one, i think those work great.

If you put a screen in there and train ur plant through it, it would efficiency use the little amount of space available and maximize ur yield.

As far as a reflector they are pretty easy to make for the extra lumans and imo its worth it. Heres a youtube video of a pop can reflector. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpX1fYaDdkQ

Hope this was helpful. Good luck with your grow, i hope it turns out great.
Thx for advices ;)

The last pics is indeed an ionizer, so i'm going to use it.

Question: you're talking about put a screen in my pc box, are you talking about Scrog??



Here is my case! :)


Give me some tips about the smell! Can´t have practicly any smell, please help


Cut out your PC fan grates!

Cut out your PC fan grates!


I took your advise and cut out my fan grates using regular wire cutters. I agree--it does increase air flow and made my pc a little quieter.

I reccomend to all PC builders to definitely cut out those grates! I think this step is overlooked by many when building. One more thing for the your :)


MrSterling consider you need at least 50W of CFL light per sq.ft. With those 2 42W CFLs you will be in the minimum, so dont worry it wont be overkill


MrSterling consider you need at least 50W of CFL light per sq.ft. With those 2 42W CFLs you will be in the minimum, so dont worry it wont be overkill

The recommended light is not by watts per square foot. It is LUMENS per square foot. You want about 10,000 lumens per square foot. 8000 is considered the minimum.

Hope this helps..


Some recent pics of my PK'S. All are fattening up nicely, not quite half way there. Right now Im trying out new stuff in the case before I decide to put her in the 250w box. Peace all.


New member

do you guys got some good tutorial or just threads about how to train a plant? I'm also interested in Scrogging. I'm growing for the first time in my pc box and would be interested in some ways how to use as much space as I can.



I hadnt planned on transplanting... I suppose I could, they might stretch up a bit more... As a general rule, for me, I dont during flower because I want the plants energy to focus on budding, however, this is usually on a slightly larger scale. Ive only done a few pc grows. Do you suggest transplanting? What benefits would I see?


Keep in mind I'm new to this...

It's just that I was using those solo cups too for the first 30 days. The plants were really bushy, droopy, and getting root-bound. I had to water them like every other day. I transplanted last night into slightly larger plastic cups--like from fast food places. Within 24 hours they look much healthier and have already grown. Immediate improvement.

As a micro grower myself, I'm trying to determine the smallest container needed for some decent bud. Looks like about 1 gallon square is best. I was not able to continue growing in the small cups. The plants were not happy. Have you done decent grows from start to end in those small cups?


This will be my first grow using 16oz cups right through. My other two PC grows I used 32 oz cup cut down a bit. I could get two plants in there, and got about 15 and 17 grams. Not too sure what ill get out of this run...


Wow. I had no idea you could grow with so little dirt right through. I just took them out of 18 oz cups and put them in 32s I think. Good to know. Thanks and good luck. I think I need to flip to 12/12 and scrog very soon.


The recommended light is not by watts per square foot. It is LUMENS per square foot. You want about 10,000 lumens per square foot. 8000 is considered the minimum.

Hope this helps..

mmm i think its 5000lumens minimum, but then again diferent sources diferent info :)


This will be my first grow using 16oz cups right through. My other two PC grows I used 32 oz cup cut down a bit. I could get two plants in there, and got about 15 and 17 grams. Not too sure what ill get out of this run...
Just to clear this up before someone calls me on it, 15 and 17 grams were combined weight total from 2 plants from 2 seperate grows. Peace!