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A World On A String



its already almost time for me to get veggies sprouting and established...had a big windstorm yesterday,i bet i got 1/10 of an inch of dust dropped on the yard...so far im liking the mish mash of stuff i built the soil with,i have been presoaking it to get it fired up,and there are still deep layers of stuff thats only partially composted from the yard so i have been dumping 5-10 gallons of water into it every couple of days...at any rate it actually has some structure now and the 6 inches of mulch are holding the moisture in..seems like it should be ok....plus i get to move the bulk of the houseplants./cactus outdoors soon,gonna be a bunch of up potting to do this spring,some of them area already pretty big...

My portable greenhouse came yesterday...and I'll get my orders in for seed....and some row covers. Get my shit together on all that...in the next month.

I've enjoyed some down time..but I need to go out and make some real world money. Off to work I go

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Thanks go out to LG from yours truly...thanks

View Image .

You're very welcome my friend!
Nice drop! I popped about that many of the F2s to take a peek at the line and the F4s you have are where I've ended up. It will be interesting to find out what you think of the Dcong.
I've got a new camera and some finished Purple F4 nugs. I'll upload some pics later.


From the morning harvest session

From the morning harvest session

Picking here...picking there...most these flowers are 70some days flowered

Thumpers...dense candy sticks. You can probably see the OG Jam influences. Very smelly...like I don't know...wife said they had some mint...but to me..they just smell like Hell Hound. Funky aroma..

I'm finding it better to let them dry for a few days...before implementing the manicure. If I wait..they don't clog up the scissors as fast..cuts are cleaner...no pulling and tugging on jack ass sugar leaves imbedded deep in the flowers

Yeah...pretty nice...picking every other day. I so much more prefer shit...mellow in pieces..fragmented harvest stories..told a little at a time. I like smoking the same exact expressions as I harvest...being high on the girl..as I...collect her fruits. A more intimate thing
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You're very welcome my friend!
Nice drop! I popped about that many of the F2s to take a peek at the line and the F4s you have are where I've ended up. It will be interesting to find out what you think of the Dcong.
I've got a new camera and some finished Purple F4 nugs. I'll upload some pics later.

They are in their little squares....planted them this morning. If all goes well...should have some birthing shots in a few days. I was very tempted by some of those other beans...I seriously could have started any of those. Great work man..seriously. If anything fucks up...I'll quickly reload with something else out of there. I'm growing Lean stuff for a while

* tripping hard on worm castings and the molasses. When I presoaked the peat squares (containing the worm castings and perlite medium)...I did so...with my tea brew. Experimenting again with germinations

** I'm going to get serious about making my own castings. That's on my agenda for spring. Castings are the coolest thing.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
im just about to enter trimming hell time,like 2/3 of the space coming down within a few days...i have been hang drying the whole plants and then trimming once dry,i find it goes much quicker and i can do 70% of the work with my fingers...by the time the whole plant has dried its ready for curing once its trimmed,it slows the drying way down for me,from 48 hours to like a week...


im just about to enter trimming hell time,like 2/3 of the space coming down within a few days...i have been hang drying the whole plants and then trimming once dry,i find it goes much quicker and i can do 70% of the work with my fingers...by the time the whole plant has dried its ready for curing once its trimmed,it slows the drying way down for me,from 48 hours to like a week...

Whoosh....that's the hell..I'm trying to avoid. I could never be a pro trimmer...I'd get fired within a couple hrs...that's how slow I am.

Me too...I like crow picking leaves with fingers..if the expression allows. These buds I'm showing today..cling to their leaves..it's tough to pull out sugar leaves without ripping out flower sections. I'll use scissors on them mostly.

I'm doing the box thing..as I'm taking a little at a time..it's easier on my mind..."O I just have this little box to do...no worry" Mind power lol...Nah..I can't hang dry these anyways..damn things don't want to be chopped at one time.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
a lot of heavy duty indicas this round so im sure the scissors will come out plenty,i got one of theose shop freebie scissor dugunking sponge in a jar thingies,im sure they are overpriced but they clean scissors off in seconds...im about to order a couple of those trim tray things i hear they are real back savers,i already do pretty much the same thing,but these have nice bells and whistles,built in glass tray and sieve screen and built to sit in your lap....yeah its gonna be a long trim sesh for sure,days of it...but lots of new flavors to try as a result,7-8 strains coming down...


Have noticed you are rolling the plants through. Nice. Can be some serious madness.

I trim on a wood cut board that I bought down in Oaxaca many years ago. Beer cup 1/2 full of rubbing alcohol...sometimes rotating scissors...sometimes just one pair

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Castings are something I kick myself for buying every time I'm at the checkout line. I run two huge Compost piles outside for my Hops and Veggies. I love peeling that pile open and getting smacked by a cloud of steam and the sweet smells of compost. I need a worm bin. The indoor grow and kitchen scraps would probably yield tons of castings.

The way I trim is to remove the fans and leave'm hanging until I get a chance to remove the rest of the trim. mostly by hand, it's so dry in the winter that this works incredibly well. I am the poster boy for lazy trimming;)


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I've had a vermicomposter for 2 yrs now, and like anything, it's trial & error. The results are very nice, but I no longer put my egg shells in - too long breaking down. This time of yr. w/ it being in my garage, the temps are cool and the worms are just trying to winter over, not a lot of action, so the bins fill up quicker than they empty.
Most of it goes in the garden. I'm sticking w/ coco for canna unless I'm running sativas. I think they react alot better w/ organics, but I'm in med-mode right now, indica doms for me!

Always a pleasure to see this thread so active! :tiphat:


ICE Cream eater
I cant wait to see you growing those Deep Congos man.
Good luck, will be lurking here for sure :huggg:


Feeding The Temple

Feeding The Temple

This is what the wife juiced for us this morning: carrots, beets, kale, celery, oranges, ginger, tangerines, green bell pepper....you swirl the juice in your mouth until it is body temp...and swallow. I'm gardening on this stuff in a wave of energy..hydro feeding form with form

* When I put those Dcong seeds into the perlite/worm castings yesterday morning...many were cracked open from the 12hrs or so...they spent..in shot glasses of water. Not many had tails hanging..but you could see the white meat of root.

This morning...many of them are already breaking surface. It's still I rush for me...to see...the earth rising up..under the desire of a sprout. I can see their...still encased heads..pushing through. By end of the day...it's possible I may see..their green wings. Quick.


Ready to be trimmed

Ready to be trimmed

These Hound Hound flowers were picked 4 or 5 days ago. Dry and ready for the trim. Tight little nuggets off an OG Jam influenced expression

Twist me up some off one of these..give it a whirl this evening


The 2 day pop

The 2 day pop

Nice...less than 48hrs and up we go. Dcong F4

The purples and the greens..more popping every hour. I'm fucking rushing..with a wave of new sprung energy merchants.

Training on the trails with the wife today. Here's the juice she made for us this morning // my keyboard is sticky with plant resins transferred from my gardens..smoking a joint..sipping juice\\

beets, carrots, leek, apple, green bell pepper, parsley, kale

* we are going for our 2nd run together...keeping it mellow on rolling trails for just a few miles. Then she drives home...and leaves me to run my way back. Works out nicely.

** Been researching worm farming. One could say...it's on my mind. I'm on my way to this discipline...I now see farming worms in my near future


Active member


My co-worker has a side business growing worms and selling worm castings. Even though she produces her own castings she will also tell you that it is more proper to call it worm compost since it isn't totally clean of sand and chewed up compost particles.

I turned her onto Georg in the LA area who sells rock dust (worms love to eat it and transform it) and 100% OMRI-rated worm castings. He gets his castings from a supplier on the east coast and the castings are the purest my friend has ever seen. No original material from what the worms worked on...virtually 98% pure castings.

She spends hours and hours collecting compost from friends and other sources (and many days waiting form the worms to do their magic) to produce perhaps 5-10 lbs. It's a big job believe it or not to produce worm casting volume. Since she sells at the local farmer's market in Tucson every week, she just can't produce enough by herself to meet the demand. Plus it isn't economically rewarding...she does it more cause she loves it.

In comes Jeurg Spoerri, a yogi from Switzerland who has lived in the Encinitas area for almost 20 years. He's a runner, too....My friend decided to order from him because even with the freight costs to AZ it was so reasonable when buying in bulk. I piggy-backed a 100 lbs for myself in her first order of 1,000 lbs. She was amazed at how fine the castings were, like the finely ground, dark coffee grinds.

As Jeurg will tell you, and she agrees, castings this fine go farther than less pure "worm compost". You need less per container or square foot of garden to accomplish the same. Worm compost is still great and I use that too, however this stuff along with rock dust has transformed my garden, her garden, and my boss' garden.

Jeurg's website is: www.Agrowinn.com as well as www.FertilizerOnline.com

Jump straight to worm castings here: Worms

I think you'll save $ as well as find this to be a superior product. Make your own worm compost and combine the best of both worlds....



^ thanks man. I was on YouTube and Goggle last night..just getting some ideas. I've always had worms in my compost pits...but now I want to buy some red wigglers and isolate populations indoors in bins/worm farms..as well as..isolating them in outdoor pits for larger scale use.

I was thinking of digging a pit and lining it with landscape material (or one of those big smart pots)...then populate the pit with worms and their foods. cover the top with straw in warmer months.. and keep a tarp/straw bales over it in winter
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Active member
Cool plan...I like the straw bail topper in Winter concept. My lady friend uses old burlap bags about 1 foot deep cover with plastic tarp or if in a wooden bed, two-inch wood planks. In summer here the shade is the key factor or you heat up the compost to fast and high.

Though i'm not a big sports fan at all, I set up my food table for my friends coming over...


Nah, just kidding...I don't even have TV hahaha....