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A World On A String


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i must be crazy,its not like i dont have to take care of a few hundred plants at work,now i have 70-80 houseplants to deal with...plus they are creeping out on to the porch now...i tell you what,you want super healthy houseplants,feed them overpriced pot nutes!

this fall and winter i will prepare my garden beds for next year,have a nice bed going from years of rootball recycling,at least i have some solid amounts of organic matter mixed in with the sand!,well draining from the perlite and such too,so a good foundation,theres a solid two feet of compost at this point..


Active member
Ola P3,

Last week we got 4" of rain in 5 days...2.25" pounding down alone on the morning of the 23rd. It's looking like the monsoons of the 1970's now. I'm glad I have a greenhouse roof over my ladies. In the deep canyons years ago we had torrential rains knock em down hard. We learned to tie up a giant network of ropes between the trees and shrubs. It acted like a massive Hortinova net. Good thing when the girls are heavy with flowers.

A thousand grasshoppers bloomed a few weeks ago in response to the rains with even more coming out after these 4 inches. I had a new experience: I used Food-Grade diatomaceous earth on the lawn grass outside my enclosed patio. A perimeter about 10 feet out. I dusted the fig especially since it was attracting the hoppers and it has already bore all of its fruit. I also dusted the jasmine vine wall that the hoppers were coming over. They love those newly-formed cannabis tips.

I could walk through the yard and 15-20 baby and medium-size hoppers would be jumping off in front of me. Two days after the DE, they are sitting on fig branches and cannot move. They're as good as gone. Today I didn't see a single one on the move when I walked through the yard.

Moral: use it, make a perimeter, dust nearby plants, dust the ants that look for aphids if that's your problem, and when it's over just wash it into the earth. Don't use the "Pool Grade" ever since it is up to 60% silicon (tiny glass - no good in your eyes or lungs).

I love the fatness of the colas you have in the Pit Show. Juicy Lucy. I went for a lot of Sativa hybrids this year and growing in my enclosed patio makes allows only 6-8 hours of direct sun at best. No side angle sun. Hey, it's still worth it. Next year, some fat Afghanis will rule.



Getting Fat...Selection #1

Getting Fat...Selection #1

This Fuck Show sister will be the next to go into flush...she's showing the signs of wanting to turn over. This is the most indica leaning expression...slightly over 3' tall. Hefty weight...like a brick house

She's an Oak tree...thick...tough...and mean as hell.

Bees working over a Sunflower under overcast skies

Last edited:


Selection #3....the 3 blader

Selection #3....the 3 blader

Well...all the Fuck Show sisters down in the pit are starting to feel that their cycle of life is heading into its final stages.

I started flushing #1 this morning....#2 is a couple days ahead....and now #3 is looking like she will follow along. It's really not that critical...as far as...timing the flushes...I mean...they seem like they will harvest within 10 days of each other. It's more of a convenience thing for the cultivator (me) as to when and how they will be harvested. A work load aspect.

So...look at #3...she is a fine girl (the expression that puts out 3 bladed leaves toward her tops)....about 3' tall...fat flowered

Here's that section where I had to remove the mold growth. No other problems have come up concerning mold....at least I'm unable to see any other signs of it. Cost me a tad bit of bud...but not really that big a deal....as long as it has been contained to just that area

>>>ok I've got to get out of here. Going to the beach...have an appointment for funding/work...have a bit of lunch with the wife...and hopefully find some waves to ride. Been taking time off the trails...concentrating on working out this cramping issue (lots of stretching...Mag sprays)...but I need to find some action. When I don't get to train...I get pent up with energy. Waves chill me out.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
its good to let your body rest on occasion and mix things up,i should get out and hike more,just generally too many chores to take care of,not to mention i could ride 30-40 miles in the time it would take to drive to the mountains and bust out a quick 5 mile loop hike and drive home....walking is soooooo slow!

those are gonna be some fat ass colas by the time they are done,fingers crossed for good weather for yah!


Flat...no surf

Flat...no surf

Yeah...summer...no swell...tourists...no surf

Went to an archery shop after lunch. Never even shot a bow before today...but decided to purchase the one I was trying out. Wanted to keep it simple...old skool...recurve...40lb pull.

Got myself some straw bales...going to practice practice practice...until I feel I can hit what I'm aiming for consistently...then I'll be out in the woods. Not many people (so the shop dudes told me) hunt deer with recurves...so maybe later I'll reconsider...but for now the light weight and simplicity of the recurves are where I am.

I'm not sitting in a tree either....but I do have a few concepts on how I plan on getting within range (30 yards)...which does involve some moving around...then settling in. I've studied how deer move...and I know where they are. Buck or doe....doesn't matter to me.


its good to let your body rest on occasion and mix things up,i should get out and hike more,just generally too many chores to take care of,not to mention i could ride 30-40 miles in the time it would take to drive to the mountains and bust out a quick 5 mile loop hike and drive home....walking is soooooo slow!

those are gonna be some fat ass colas by the time they are done,fingers crossed for good weather for yah!

Yeah I know...but I've not been out on the trails in a week...maybe a week 1/2....so it's wearing on me. I didn't expect waves today (looked at a web cam set up where we were going to be)....but really wanted to ride waves...that's the thing about surfing though...you need swell.

Yeah...the harvests are going to be bountiful. The shit reeks...REEKS...and the flowers are fattening up nicely. Amazing little plants. I'd recommend The Fuck Show to most anyone. It's going to be great smoke...no doubts in my mind.

It's really fun watching your own creations come together. Takes gardening to an entirely different level. I try to explain that to anyone...who will listen


The beginning of the 4th Quarter

The beginning of the 4th Quarter

T-cell burst at sunset....finds the wife and I in the pit...Fuck Shows pushed together tight....and a tarp held over our heads....protecting the ball with both hands

Goddamn Pit growing is fucking wild...lightening flashing...thunder crashing....rain falling...but standing tall in the pocket

Outdoor easy? My ass.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I stopped trying to fight with that woman (mother nature) a while back... now I just see how tough the plants are! and some are tougher than others but overall have found that when I am prepared (as well as one can be) for the poorer weather, I suffer very little loss... though I am not growing OD at moment, which makes me sad :cry:


I'll be damned if I've brought the pit this far along to have the flower quality reduced by heavy rain...the water is one thing....but having filth kicked up and onto the plants is another. Downside to pit growing...is shit flies downhill. Most the walls are covered by tarp or plywood...but still stuff comes down.

My wife...though not directly involved in the day to day gardening...understands quality standards concerning produce....doesn't enjoy smoking dirt anymore than I do. She's a Marine when it comes to these situations. Hell...we deal with forest fires around here. That shit is crazy....this T-cell was just a pain in the ass...but we were laughing.

It was fun....a sick part of me gets a rush off these sort of things. I'm at my best when the shit is hitting the fan....gives me a calming effect. I hate it...but love it at the same time.


It's going to be a tough drive

It's going to be a tough drive

Checking the game weather: More T-cell build ups...hot with a great chance at storms..until Monday. That's long range....hopefully not...taking it day by day.

This is how the girls look this morning. I'm enjoying them as they are now...might not be as pretty after the next few days




The 4th quarter of this game is no joke. Refortifying my position...more cardboard, tarp, and arrangements. This team we're playing against is a veteran squad....mountain old aged sky....atomic looking clouds rising above to fall out over quickly ripening herb flowers ( and their head on a swivel maniac keeper)

This is what it is about. All the practice...all the training...all the effort...to muck the way through pits of chaos. I don't believe I know a calm...fully mellow the whole way through....pit grow. The great control concerns of the indoor have nothing on the rampaging madness that plays on the psyche of the pit grower. Soul growing under Mother Nature's conditions...is about surrender. Surrendering to her power...is not really weak...more an understanding

* In the real world...I always say..."enjoy your garden while you're in it...it's not forever"


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
you sound like a football coach there!

the colas are looking nice... hopefully they can hold up, but ouch... 3-4 days of solid rain is never good... hopefully the forecast is wrong and or the rain comes intermittently. but I do love a good thunder/electrical storm though we don't get fork lighting very often here, its usually either sheet or cloud lighting.


So far so good

So far so good

Never get day after day of solid rain. It's just T-cells forming due to the excessive heat...desert influences run into mountain influences...and then costal influences sometimes play a part. Billowing clouds get so heavy...the bottoms fall out. Short and violent. Excessively violent. Flash flooding...fire starts etc

I've been here all day...monitoring all the cells passing over...and those passing by. Watching lightening strikes...cloud to cloud and cloud to ground (ground to cloud)

This is the outer edge of a cell missing the pit by a few miles...there's an army of them marching around. I have my tarps at the ready. I figure we'll get hit hardest...like yesterday...around sunset. I'm watching other areas getting drilled...but so far...we're skimming the edges

I've played this game many Xs before. I know my cell patterns. Been up and down in the pit since daylight...organizing...refortifying (risk out weighs gains= don't do it. Sometimes working in the pit causes more damage to the plants than a possible storm cell. I know this...so don't get crazy fixing stuff up. I could put a roof over it pretty quick...but I could also drop the material on the plants...that sort of stuff happens...if you get overly aggressive or in a rush).....hanging out smoking my herbs...in the wind


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
we have been lucky here this summer,the storms have lacked their usual violence,only a few hail storms,and none of them have been above pea sized....here at my house at least,go a mile away and it could be a whole nother story....yes,we get plenty of orthographic lift around here as well,the mountains shoot up almost another mile in elevation from the valley at 4000 feet....which only adds to the typical violence of the summer storms...but i would rather have short violent storms rather than 3 weeks of non stop drizzle....dont think i will live in any coastal rain forest again anytime soon...old bones like sun and warmth...


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
sounds exciting... weather here has been very boring... for a while actually, I would love a good late summer Electrical storm... something about natures release of raw power, no matter what it be, has always intrigued me.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lol,when nature is releasing raw power in my experience it has failed to be a pleasant thing at all! i have been out in dust storms and hurricanes and blizzards and ice storms and sand storms and every other sort of foul weather one might imagine,been outdoors at -73 and 118...been battered at sea and blasted in the desert,seen sundogs moondogs and the specter of brokken (needs the little dot thingies over the o...) but rarely did any of them qualify as pleasant.....awesome sure,beautiful in some sinister fashion you bet...it can make for great stories afterward,had many a fine weather related epic in my day...and they all pretty much sucked ass while they were happening,its only in the beer fueled retelling that they aquire the burnish of fondness...

sorry,stoned and rambling again!


Active member
3 Digit Hot...Waiting for Flowers

3 Digit Hot...Waiting for Flowers

It's still 3-digit hot...time for a dip in our swimmin' pool while the girls flower out

It does take a different kind of patience around this time. When I leave and come home I have to check in on them, of course. Though not a forest like Mendo420 or FillthePotmore, my secret garden fills my dreams....


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
It's still 3-digit hot...time for a dip in our swimmin' pool while the girls flower out

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=35034&pictureid=932726&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=38164&pictureid=932734&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=38164&pictureid=932733&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=38164&pictureid=932732&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

It does take a different kind of patience around this time. When I leave and come home I have to check in on them, of course. Though not a forest like Mendo420 or FillthePotmore, my secret garden fills my dreams....

that last pic is beautiful. do you have those ladies under your deck?

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