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A World On A String



Damn P,you must have some foreplay skills,those IHOPs look like they're begging for their pearl necklaces:tongue: Hope the boys are up to it.
Got a good fluffer on set?

Damn,those hellhounds look tasty...intimidating even. Serious buds. Structure looks almost like an old DP BB cut that made the rounds here a few years ago.Makes sense,to me at least. BB is afghan/thai dom. OG and odessa combined would be similar in concept,no? BB being a 32 ford,hellhound being the hotrod,sort of....there I go with stupid similes again....

Actually,funny story,I've given some of the Accidentals to the guy who shared that cut with me a few years ago. Can't wait for his feedback,dude is a killer grower and discerning smoker.

It's impossible for me to tell with the Hell Hounds....if the Kush expressions are actually "true" Hell Hounds or OG Jam IX1s. The pollen was blended (Odessa/OG Jam) to make the cross.

Because I used only beans from an OG Jam mom this round....I can only tell if an expression for sure has Odessa in it (making it a "true" Hell Hound) if I can see it.

The next Hell Hound run I have waiting to sex...used beans coming from 2 Odessa IX1 females. So it will be the opposite. If I get Odessa looking plants it means A. Odessa IX2 or B. "true" Hell Hound....but if I get OG Kush expression it can only mean "true" Hell Hound.

Either way...no matter what happens....the weed will be ripping. Some day I'll be done documenting this shit...and be able to just run stuff without labels...without care for what is what. Blended pollen is the 13th step

* beans are beans...never really know until you crack them open.
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Oldest (1st batch)...

Oldest (1st batch)...

....Katsu Bubba X Ghost (OG) at day 57 on the left and day 60 on the right. Flushing since their early to mid 40s.

Had them out for a spray down and a flooding of their mediums. Like yesterday's plants....these represent the most common expression in the run. They are slowing down. One thing about my method of flooding flush...is that it wears them down completely. It washes them clean of salted sin...confessions are made repeatedly.

When it takes them more than a 24hr period to dry out 1.7 gals of coco...I consider them on death's door. True...you can fuck around and nurse them along....but I've not seen an overwhelming benefit to carrying on...playing nursemaid...with most plants. I hit flush hard...and I hit it at length. I often check the coco medium...after harvest...looking for any salt residue. There should be very little/none if I flushed correctly.

* I also like putting them under different light spectrums during flush....MH, T5, grow Fluorescents, HPS, and "Natural" light Fluorescent spectrums (most pix taken under these). If I can finish them in the outdoors...I do that as well.

Flower structures are dense and tight. These plants are not coloring up other than the yellowing of leaves. Lots of stench...lots of resin. Overall....very very solid plants. Not flimsy in any way. * Both partially pollinated for the next generation.

About uniform imo....blend of both parents? I'm thinking harvest time on these expressions....65-70...early window 55-60. Running expressions for only a single run....I have to freestyle it on harvest windows. I gage more off plant reactions...than I do off looping glands.

Ok....I've got a long paved hilly road I'm training on today. I haven't slept well in 2 nights due to being beat up by hills....and the fucking moon. It ain't easy living.



About uniform imo....blend of both parents? I'm thinking harvest time on these expressions....65-70...early window 55-60. Running expressions for only a single run....I have to freestyle it on harvest windows. I gage more off plant reactions...than I do off looping glands.

Ok....I've got a long paved hilly road I'm training on today. I haven't slept well in 2 nights due to being beat up by hills....and the fucking moon. It ain't easy living.

I would like to hear more about your freestyle method. I have intuitively started down the same path and not completely sure what I am looking for. Mostly the calyx swelling, lack of new pistils, coloring and slowed growth. I also believe that due to the lack of IR and UV in my garden I am not going to see the amber trichomes timed like they would be under the sun so relying on other clues the plant sends is necessary.

I'm with you on the hills - beat me for 12 miles and 3000 ft elevation change yesterday. :tiphat:


Yup...that was about my run today. Mountain road....6 or so miles up...only about a 2000' elevation change though. Running roads is easier than running trails...but allows you to push and stay in a rhythm at longer intervals.

I banged up the bones in the ball and toes of my left foot before Christmas. Rock caught it totally wrong. Took 2wks off to let it heal...but to no avail. One of those nagging injuries that you have to work through.

Can't take the time off...or I lose all that I worked for the last 6 months. I ran in Merrell minimalist shoes today...pretty nice on the asphalt....but my foot was hurting on the 6 miles back down. Uphill I jammed it the whole way....working all the groups. Downhills are where I was hurting today....foot and hip rotors...breathing exercises the whole way down to work through the pain.

Rolled on tennis balls in a sock...on my yoga mat after the run. Dug into my back/shoulders....lower back...ass and hammies for about 45 minutes. Loosens me up....breaks down all the knots. Tennis balls in a sock is the best invention ever. Also have a foam roll...an Indo board...shit all kinds of shit like that. Balance train...stretching...torturing myself on the yoga mat. No Indo board today though....foot is too fucked up.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

As far as figuring out finish Xs.....I don't too hung up on them. If I have same expressions....I'll try different harvest Xs...usually within 10 days (harvest 1 at 55 and let another go 65...example). I'm not such an accurate stoner....honestly...I have a hard time determining high differences. My flood flushing style tends to clean plants out rather rapidly...I never harvest plants without at least a 10 day flush....15-20 even better. I really believe...sometimes...that going into flush early (by most grower's standards) manipulates finish Xs. Flushing is the best part of the grow usually. I can't believe more growers don't indulge in it extended. Doesn't cost you much in yield...fun and cheap.

I'm sure some can (tell finish X differences)...and that there is truth in it....but I mix my jars most the time anyway...rarely label a jar. I just grab an interesting flower and smoke it. I'm hardly ever disappointed by any bud or jar of buds.

If I was in a competitive contest or something...maybe I'd focus on expression exactness. I find myself going the other way on most occasions....exactness doesn't interest me.

As I grow so many different varieties from seed only...I never really sit down and get overwhelmed with slight differences. They are gone before I realize it....and I'm onto something else. Guess some may say....that it's a downfall to my gardening style/methods. Can't really say....as I don't really notice. Annual plants are...by design....meant to show and go. One of the foundation principles.

Gardening without expectation, prejudice, and preconceived notions....is where I'm attempting to make my path. Blind indulgence...blind to labeling...free impressions...free from the mire opinion generates. I can't be concerned about anything other than what is before me now.

If any of that makes sense
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trimming the latest harvest

trimming the latest harvest

nuggets off two of the Hell Hounds I harvested the other day...differences between the expressions is easily seen. nice stuff



Ya gotta love the Swiss. My family over there sends me old army surplus polarized glacier goggles....and the best cheeses and chocolates. I have so many Swiss Army knives that I could become a broker for them. Nah...I but have a few.

I'll have to get me a pair of those socks (I'd like to try them on asphalt)....but I'd get ruined in those on the trails I run. I wasted a pair of the Vibram 5 finger shoes in less than 100 miles....and they wasted parts of my feet. Rocks/roots are able to grab at free soloing toes in those things. Damn near broke a pinky toe off. Kind of cool to skate in though...

Hell...my main shoe now is a Merrell....but their water sport model. Not even a trail shoe. I've been running in those since August I think. Made some modifications to them...but they are holding up. Give me the feel with the needed protection. About perfect.

Have a couple pair of Merrell Trail gloves...but I use them only on road runs now. Too damn thin for rocks. I finally gave up on them as trail shoes...after months and months of experimenting. My feet blessed me. Great for non rocky trails...painful on the rocky ones.

It all started with the old skool Vans for me....the waffle sole....it's still one of my favorite designs/feels for trails. The waffles are still a little too thin...and the canvas/suede does not deal with heat or moisture well. All canvas styles wear out quickly.

Back to trimming....
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I have F13 in RM's Tweedy IX1....those were bred. I still have HL's F13 X A11 and RM's Chem4 X F13 seeds. I wanted to do a parallel run with those and outcross them to each other...but..I'm hung up exploring these current rivers. At a point now...where I need to focus on my own projects.

It's a wild time...everyone is blasting out great projects. I'm enjoying the era. These are golden days. Wish I could grow it all. I never even dreamed of the doing it up like this....years ago. To me: it's fantasy land....a glassy ride...perpetual slides down genetic faces. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Chugging along

Chugging along

The "Superior" expression Bubba G (Katsu Bubba X Ghost)....now at day 51. This girl keeps getting better...changing colors...stinking it up...pumping resin. Flushing 6 days now...she was sprayed down with Willow tea and had her medium flooded over several times this morning. * Swear to god...I've grown this exact structure in LUI. She doesn't smell like those LUIs...but she is a ringer for them in appearance.

Here's the "Shim" expression of Bubba G at day 49 (flushing since 43)....wonderful squat plant. I think this expression has a beneficial structure. Super tight/dense flowers on a strong branching low slung frame. OGish in the flowers...but without all the lanky stretch branching. Interesting expression. I call her The Mighty Shim Plant...with affection. She is starting to color up as well. Sprayed down with Willow tea...flooded repeatedly

Finally...the "Premium" expression of Hell Hound....day 64 (flushing since day 44)...pure sickly sweet candy. She can be harvested at any time. Love this plant. I can only hope that her smoke is...as fun as..cultivating her has been. I can find few bitches to flaw her with. I'd like to see her color up and finish faster....but that's about the only things I can fault her for. She's a nice trophy. Flooded repeatedly and sprayed down with Willow tea. I'll harvest her before the weekend.

* One negative concerning Tomato cages....vigorous/aggressive/hardy plant expressions tend to lift the cages up....they pull the cages loose.

** The only herbal teas I've experimented with...that I'm sold on and continue to use are: Willow Tea and Rosemary tea. As spring shows up...I'll be experimenting with others. Willow and Rosemary are foundation teas now.

***It's a big transition day.....the 1st batch I-HOP Highend females were placed in the flower studio. They are fucking gnarly plants. I promise. I'm super excited about this section...think I'll get what I need. Standing tall in the pocket
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ICMag Donor
gotta tell me what the deal with the willow spray is...

I KNOW why I am playing with ground willow in my soil...but do tell, please!

That Katsu x Ghost is looking KILLER....you'll enjoy puffing that one!



gotta tell me what the deal with the willow spray is...

I KNOW why I am playing with ground willow in my soil...but do tell, please!

That Katsu x Ghost is looking KILLER....you'll enjoy puffing that one!


I use it as a foliar because I personally like the aroma and the way it spreads the water. Thicker than water but doesn't leave a film when it dries. I've also found (at least in my mind...but that counts...) that White Fly are not attracted to it. Has sterile vibe to it.

Yup...in a drench....it's all about the hormones in the Willow. I think the roots uptake some of those and in my observations the plants seem to respond favorably. I also think it bothers (but probably doesn't kill) root pests.

Willow is good stuff. Chew on the bark for headaches.

Man....I enjoy puffing on all this stuff. I feel blessed every day.


The Mad Monk
Digging the expressions, P. The shim is no joke, OG nugs on a Bubba frame. Superior kinda reminds me of LVPK in terms of bud structure. Doesn't appear to be a bad lady in the bunch.

Good to know about the cages, been thinking about picking some up. As much as I enjoy my bamboo teepees, I'm getting danger close to poking an eye out one of these days. And it's a real mess.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
looks like will we be getting some rosemary essential oil at the shop,planning on using it with neem and on its own maybe in a bit of canola oil and a drop of dish soap to emulsify it to use in a prophylactic manner....


No shit...bamboo is highly dangerous. I've come close to getting an eye taken out...while bending over to wiff canopy. Truly scary. I need to get rid of shit loads of stakes. Taking up space. I don't think I'll ever use them again...though I liked the teepee style for ease in moving plants around. Cages....gotta be real careful...those metal rings mangle plants when they bang into them.

The heavier gage Tomato cages (Home Depot 42"...they sell 50some" as well) are the ones I've found choice. The Blind Willy Chemical Hazes...I have flowering...lift their cages a couple inches every day. Coco...being not so dense...helps them achieve this feat. I push the cages back down...it's no problem really...just worth noting. I could anchor them off somehow if it was necessary.

Yeah....ClearBarbedFunk made those Bubba Gs...real deal...no bullshit kind of cross. I'm happy to have had the opportunity to run and work with them. Correctly stated.....not a subpar expression in the population....some will probably hit my top shelf. They are hefty girls....stanky girls...sticky girls...easy on the eyes...easy to grow. Appear to be stable. I've not seen a nanner on any of them.

I'd grow anything CBF creates without question. Everything I've had from the dude...does what it's suppose to do.
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looks like will we be getting some rosemary essential oil at the shop,planning on using it with neem and on its own maybe in a bit of canola oil and a drop of dish soap to emulsify it to use in a prophylactic manner....

The only thing about sprays and such....indoors they can make such a sticky mess. I've used oils....carefully....over doing oil in the garden is like getting oil in your hair lol...it mats and lingers. Takes for ever to wash out/off.

I take my plants out of the grow rooms for spraying. I do love bathing the plants....they react well to the spraying every few days (depending). Rosemary on flowering cannabis smells wild...Willow the same...love how the aroma interact. Importantly....bugs get upset.


Working in veg...#s and selections...

Working in veg...#s and selections...

culls....2 I-HOP Highends that were not going the direction I want to go. Sometimes it takes me a long time to make selections. Find that different genetics and different crosses require more or less time to select in veg. Some come to me quick...some do not. ////These dead girls were going to lean to a standard Blueberry dominant Highend. Slower...less hardy...not good choices for where I'm taking the cross. I let them hang out....then I didn't....vested time more costly...yet...that's how it's done. Pennies on the dollar....they won't be wasting my time or money in the flower studio.

I-HOP Highend selections 4-8. These are all going to be flowered. Selections 1-3 are already in the flowering studio. This is going to be a wild ride. I was dealt a great hand....and my selections are solid. The run should cover all the dominant expressions this cross offers. I'll be hooking into more than a few with inline pollen.

Transplanting my 1st female selections from the Hell Hounds (Odessa mom versions)....from beer cups into 1.7 squares. The girl in the front has my eye 1st...she is #1.

Here she is from the top. I like this one a lot...grabbed me up as I sexed her. She has the attitude and profile I'm looking for in the Hell Hounds.

* I ALWAYS sex plants in veg. Often I can look at young sexing plants from a distance...and tell whether they are male or female. I'm very accurate.

* Selection at this stage depends a lot on vigor and structure. I check roots as well. I culled a couple lesser rooted plants today. Roots matter. $$$How fast a plant shows sex is also important...fast showing females I deem favorable

* I'll have ample #s and selections for the Hell Hound (Odessa) run. I will probably do inline pollinations...so....selecting males as well.

* Because I'm doing inline pollinations...I'll be selecting for variety. Todays selections holds 2 expressions in 3 plants.
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