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A World On A String



.....I like all the peeps the thread attracts. I'm glad to have the company....that's why I come online.

I realized it to be a trudging waste of time trying to explain myself like I have an overall picture or understanding. I surely do not...

Part of my goal is to show method to the progressions....even if they are based on little professional education ....even if they are solely based on gut instinct and luck (if you believe in luck...I tend to not)

....I have my theories....read some books...grown lots of different types of plants...it is an unprofessional garden...run in an unprofessional way....by an unprofessional...creations within not geared for an open market...

Where it goes? No idea. But...yes...I find it interesting to document the plants....the mindset....the skill levels....of the time....but I guess my goal is to map new expression....by building off the backs of others....as they did....before me...and maybe bringing it together to a good stopping point....and pass it on

Some of the dialog is important...shows mindset of the period...especially when germinating new beans I'll often go off a little bit....make some chaotic moves in the garden....not sure what influences the selections at Xs....

I've lately been dealing with my chaotic nature...my attitude changes...I garden different...less clean...less organized...but I go with it until that nature subsides and see what happens as I clean up after myself.

During periods like this...I'm constantly germinating beans....knowing I will shit can the majority of them...very harsh weather I become...I'm constantly dumping out cups...refilling them...few days later...dumping them again...set and return...it is strange...it is wasteful....but it works for me

I'm running my ass off...the days are long...June is a planned training month....long days in June...getting ready for that


how are those new shoes working?

The Merrell Barefoot Gloves are killer....I now have 2 pair....in 2 different sizes (1/2 size difference)...I use one pair for hiking and the other smaller size for running...

I've taken them over my most rocky courses... starting to compound the miles/hrs on them....they are thin and durable....thumbs up...I now have a yr's worth of trail shoes

Summer training rules....the days are longer...the heat (when it gets here...cold May) changes the game. I'm hurting this morning...I blasted a good one yesterday afternoon up on the PCT..lots of rattlers this season (probably due to rain?)....I've had to jump a couple already...sketchy


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
more rain equals more food for mice equals more active rattlers...still havent seen one this summer,just a matter of time,plenty warm out for them...
i may have to get something like that,maybe just a trailrunning shoe as my knees are pretty shot and i have a bad foot already...

i tell you what,i am digging the co2,really pumping the garden up...


They are everywhere

They are everywhere

more rain equals more food for mice equals more active rattlers...still havent seen one this summer,just a matter of time,plenty warm out for them...
i may have to get something like that,maybe just a trailrunning shoe as my knees are pretty shot and i have a bad foot already...

i tell you what,i am digging the co2,really pumping the garden up...

Took this picture of a baby one the other day...on a hike with my wife....he was cold and lethargic...used a stick to move him out of the way as the trail was wound tight with walls of brush. I jump these and much bigger ones routinely.

The young ones like this...are the ones that will fuck you up....they don't have much rattle and...of course...no control over venom doses. Coming uphill....the snakes are more at face level....I've been doing the jerky-jump at the last second often this season.

I've seen and almost stepped on some fatties...with big heads...loud tails...recently....down on non trailed areas....down in serious drainage holes (couple/several thousand feet to get out...up up up)...down there if you are hit....the game is over for good

Once I go on gas dude....I'll be folding my studio over with flowers...my room is begging for gas...I bet you are having fun

Highly recommend the said slippers if you are going that direction....I also have been hiking barefoot when I'm out with the wife collecting herbs and taking nature pix....we did 10.5 the other day....I did the last 3 miles barefoot. It works your feet like a bastard. Then...go run 15+ miles the next day....I'm feeling it this morning...day off...back out tomorrow.

The Sour Diesel clone...day 28....partially pollinated this morning with ????????????.......this is a pretty good clone....should be fun blasting this one

I'm starting to come out of chaotic self and back to steady-as-it-comes self...lol....it's like waking up and finding out what you did...I have unmarked cups everywhere....but remember what is in them some how


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
funny,i just had to label a bunch of stuff,been having a problem keeping everything straight,i get easily distracted....sativa,what are yah gonna do? i dunno if my feet would stand up to something so thin,something about falling to the ground thousands of times bouldering in super tight shoes,my feet are pretty crushed....plus its just soooo slow after being on a bike...


True true....you might not like something so thin. My feet are pretty tired today...well my whole body...but going softly on the feet. Luckily I'm home today....so just working in the veggie gardens in a very soft medium.

Labeling blows....it's starting to really suck...kind of like cloning lol...I just get sick of stuff. I'm not yet ready to give it up though. It would make threading my projects a bitch...never really knowing has its plus and minuses.

I'm having excellent strike rates....so there will be a whole lot of killing going on around here. I'm essentially looking at four different crosses with these latest germinations. Be nice if I could see a couple females from each one. I'll see how I feel about doing any pollinations as I go along....no real plan...but it is set up...if I feel the urge.

I've been kind of bored with the canna garden....looking forward to running the Hell Hound project....but mostly treading my way through Cleveland Sage...nonchalant....ho hum....waiting to see what they become. They seem as bored as me...


Moonshine showing up

Moonshine showing up

Cindy Moon Jones = Blue Moonshine X Cindy Jones

Pretty obvious BMS leaning seedlings...I'm currently with a nice little population of the CMJ cross. I'm taking whatever looks good...not sticking just to Moonshine leaners nor to Cindy J leaners...would prefer a blend of both parents...if I had a say. Healthy batch

Concerning the Hell Hound project: both the Odessa male and the SFV x Ghost X Ghost male went into flower yesterday.

Further: I sent a Kush (let's refer to them in short form as: Kush) female into flower....a scouting venture to give me some intelligence about turn on habits...stretch etc...

The Odessa I know....and can tell by just looking....what they are going to do.....aggressive whores....the Kush dust on Odessa is my infatuation
Cindy Moon Jones....damn man,just when I thought your stuff couldn't get any tastier... I know your stance on releasing your lines what with them being geard totally and utterly to your tastes,needs and way of growing. But FUCK MAN,if those pan out in any way close to the blue thaiesque expressions you've showed in the Crunge for instance I'd be aching to be able to get something like that at the Bay. No pressure,just saying what a lot of us are thinking...


just checkin in to see how my boy Pablos is doing........killing it as usual.


kush? care to divulge what,of the numerous variations, it may be?

Hey Uncle....I'm just calling CBF's SFV x Ghost X Ghost....Kush....instead of typing it out. It is a mash of OG Kush.

I'm busting my ass getting my veggie gardens all put in....long long days.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
oh yeah,i have a few "kush" going myself then,just started some more witches weed ..sfv og kush x chemd x c99...good stuff,i forget what the camelot kush is crossed too,i think bubba..i could be very wrong tho...


oh yeah,i have a few "kush" going myself then,just started some more witches weed ..sfv og kush x chemd x c99...good stuff,i forget what the camelot kush is crossed too,i think bubba..i could be very wrong tho...

I'll be "Kushin' " for the next couple of months. This Hell Hound project is looking sweet. I'm really chilled in the garden now....the Chaos period has eased up. Waking up to what has been done

I killed a bunch of stuff.....helped me commit to a direction...sometimes I need a change in the plant stand...accelerates the pace....cost me time and money in plants...but seems to work out in the long run.


"Time's catching up with me...you know what I mean?

"Time's catching up with me...you know what I mean?

.....days been passing me by while I was a sleep....when I'm down I'm down you know it....when I'm up I gots to show it..." *Lucy's Fur Coat

In the OD Corral....finishing girls....Unknown Summer and the "mini" Chem DD IX1.......I'm totally over these plants....taking pleasure in killing them slowly

Tasty expressions....I'm most sure....they will be ripping smoke

Then...here....a mass grave of sprouts raising their doomed heads in the adjacent compost pit

Germ #s.....observe some growth....and realize that finding elites is almost a total fallacy.....sitting there with your 10 pacs. 10 pacs must be made into 1000 pacs...cracks me up when I hear about keepers found in a 10 bean drop. Guess that depends on what is defined as a keeper.

I've never ever found a keeper....only building blocks to the next progression. There is no ultimate....only mortality....learn it...live it...put down the vanity


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i dunno P,i found this one in 5 seeds....but you are on a whole 'nother path than me,but from your perspective i can see what you are saying,at least a 100 pack would be far more useful of a tool for you than for me...



i dunno P,i found this one in 5 seeds....but you are on a whole 'nother path than me,but from your perspective i can see what you are saying,at least a 100 pack would be far more useful of a tool for you than for me...


Yup....I tend to talk a bunch of shit. Keeps me focused you know? I perform better under pressure. I don't mean offense to any or all that have found happiness in their bean drops. Certainly I have found my foundations in exactly the same way.

...but now I must have attitude. It is a way of looking at things...keeps me dedicated and sharp. I must be a motherfucker to my population....the realities can be overwhelming when given the nature of beans....my rewards do not come free...it's a lot of work.

I've been looking at seedlings until I'm crossed eyed....seedlings of all sorts....all my gardens are coming on....I'm back out today....to put in my last veggie bed.

Great picture Unc....you are a solid grower....with a good eye


Conglomerate and Fuk It seedlings

Conglomerate and Fuk It seedlings

Conglomerate = Congo X Grape Krush

Fuk It = Flo X Hashberry

Raising up in spring sun spectrums....Conglomerate seedlings are a little older...all clean looking seedlings with no indication of mutation

As far as the Fuk Its go....I doubled up in some of the cups to begin very early selections as well as saving space. I transplanted a few of the stronger ones into their own cups....others I simply culled.

Conglomerate typical

Fuk It...I should be seeing the Flo mom's mutations within a few days....if not already...I can feel the Flo I know that. I've been here many Xs now. Working out Flo

I have no idea about the Hashberry...I remember I had a shit load of males. The males I recall as all squat, lush, indica all day. I just had a good feeling that Hashberry was an older California acclimated indica and I think that is why I used the males on Flo.

I can't recall a female at all....maybe I never had one? I don't think I did and I can't find any notes from that era...just labeled bean bags...my notes are in a black hole somewhere.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yeah,i popped a whole pack of hashberry and got one female about whom all i can say is ...meh... kalichakra i loved tho...sadhu was ok,easy to grow,sleepy high...


yeah,i popped a whole pack of hashberry and got one female about whom all i can say is ...meh... kalichakra i loved tho...sadhu was ok,easy to grow,sleepy high...

I'm pretty sure Mandala had a story about Hashberry. Something like: they were up in San Fran...scored some bud....liked it...and used some seeds they found in the nugs...outcrossed to an Indian landrace etc...not sure...but I like a story

I don't know exactly why I made the cross...other than having lots of pollen and wanting to mash some indica into Flo for kicks. I'll wager that Flo dominates....with mutants....with lots of resin.

The one plant I've ever grown of this cross was one of the most beautiful plants I've grown. I had pix somewhere but I think they are in another computer.

I've also grown Satori and out crossed that to Flo....called it Dinky Hocker and made it to the 2nd generation. It was ok....nothing to write home about.

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