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A World On A String


Guest 88950

travel is tough when you run a perpetual garden but im lucky enough to have my father water when im gone.

i travel to compete in a full contact wheelchair sport and during the season its common to be gone thur-sunday and im always worried that something has quit working and its not caught in time.

i told my best friend today that my desire to travel will be the only reason i would stop growing.

thx for sharing your work with us.



if your interested heres the build in one spot....

actually i think at my level of garden size even if the po-po were watching they would see that any investigation would be economically un-feasible considering what i have going,im too small for them to afford to really dig at my life unless i do something stupid like sell a bunch of it,i use it as a swapping good as well so i dont ever sell in the traditional sense,its a useful chicken to have when your swappin!

Excellent flower room....I really like that you have the hoods above and sealed away from the garden. One thing I find appealing is flushness...in grow rooms I like everything to fit flush..the less edges the better. My rooms are a bad examples of flushness and I know it.

I like the mixed light spectrum too.....you are not using LEDs in this set up?

Anyway...damn and a tank....right on....that room will be blasting...throw some plants in there.

Yup....I have the space and ability to go bigger...but what I have now provides me and mine just fine. I'm not trying to cash crop at this age. I do my best to follow the laws....don't make attempts to rub it in anyone's face....don't dig attention....have my cap on straight....I'm an excellent neighbor and a fine citizen imo. Being respectful of others is being responsible...though like I said...I dislike slinking around like a cretin.

Fulfilling personal cultivation dreams. I'd grow poppy and everything else in a perfect world. I prefer plants to peeps....that cultivating certain family groups is illegal....is pompous of mankind. That eradicating plant species in support of keeping these plants illegal....is a criminal act in my view. Imprisoning peeps for "drugs" is business unfortunately. In this state....there are probably bigger grows than mine in every other house. None of my affair.


travel is tough when you run a perpetual garden but im lucky enough to have my father water when im gone.

i travel to compete in a full contact wheelchair sport and during the season its common to be gone thur-sunday and im always worried that something has quit working and its not caught in time.

i told my best friend today that my desire to travel will be the only reason i would stop growing.

thx for sharing your work with us.


I went from being on the road for 10+ yrs......to being home the majority of all the time.

Travel....that's what I miss. As it is...I'm not unhappy with my situation....but I can't do this forever. While I'm up and going...I'll do all I can to make the garden interesting. I don't get bored super easy....but things must always be changing for me.

Maybe I need to see for myself: that what I seek has been under my nose the entire time.....I believe in full circles...sometimes the point of view or lighting needs adjustment to make you see it...for what it is. I am a seeker.....relentless/dedicated to the quest.

Happy to have you aboard and following along. I really enjoy threading the journey. That is true.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i use the led for veg...



Plant speed...

Plant speed...

In the constant flow of the plant population....kind of like dog years...so for instance: crosses I grew/made only a couple years ago seems like a lifetime has passed me by.....so many expressions have come and gone

The most squat I-HOP Grape Krush flushing away at day 52.

Casey leaning Ma Kettle at day 59....flushing and fat

I call this Chem DD (incrossed once) "Mini"...her flowers are tight and dense....her stature short and heavy...her attitude "fuck you dude....I'm doing what I feel like doing"......probably due to the quasi defoliations she has had her entire life.....at day 47

Candy Loving is my Chem DD "Queen Deliah" mated to male ELEbx1 x ChemDbx2 (incrossed once)...........she is a replica of the mother...very much aqua coloring.....at day 40

Here she is on the right beside Unknown Summer (Summer at day 52).....

Top from the Unknown Summer

plant speed must be noted. Scratch things down...as...if I don't things get lost and .....anyway...it becomes one humungous blur of expression and resin. Sometimes I wonder if it is even worth the effort to keep things straight.

Would it not be easier to have a bucket of beans and not keep record? I admit to keeping a random shot glass full of beans....my doomsday effort. There is a sense of losing touch yet being unconcerned.....labeling....plotting courses....who gives a shit? Why must things be exact? Who am I trying to impress?

Note: all plants shown in this post.....had been brought out to be washed. I wash my plants on a regular bases....it may cost me a few gland heads but I like to wash off dust, pruning scraps,White Fly and their egg casings....I'm dry so the wash downs help keep up the RH and also adds a less artificial affect to the plants.....plus I comb over them making sure there are no issues.
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when was the last time you popped a breeder pack P?

....I can not remember.... Maybe Afghan Haze? Well.....I mean....I'm working some of CBF's OG Kush work at present...but as far as commercial breeders I think the AH were the last. Might be wrong.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
....I can not remember.... Maybe Afghan Haze?
funny,i was looking at my 20 oz party cups,some of which have been used dozens of times and i swear i couldnt remember what half the initials meant...i honestly dont even have a clear idea of how long i have been growing now...must be getting up close to 10 years,but i really sucked at it for most of that time...strange the paths life takes you down...or up....when i signed up for IC not so very long ago i never imagined that i had the faintest hope of ever being a test grower,or the quantum leap the quality of the genetics i had available to me would take...been a strange ride so far...in the time i have been on ic i went from a jar of hermi produced seeds and the stray bag seed to having more beans than i know what to do with sometimes! and more coming!!


My garden has everything to do with my trail running/meditation/sweating progressions.....and general herbalism.

It amazes me what you can do if you stop listening to everyone's opinion. Peeps are flocking birds...they need to give comfort to each other to feel safe. Most opinions are given with this flocking motivation in mind.

I try not to look back. It is a discipline not to look back or 2nd guess.

It seems as I progress in my running....now blasting at pushing speeds of a minimum three 15 milers a week....that my garden progresses in a relative manner. Less plants but highly tuned

I slim down....go further...speed up...the garden follows. It comes to my mind that "letting go" indeed comes in plateaus....increments....

time on the trails is long. country is vast, steep, pitted, and relentlessly brutal. As I lose myself in that slow progression....I view plant speed traveling light speed at the very least. In the garden....shit moves fast. I've had so many different relationships...so many expressions.

....I do not want light and social pot. I want the stuff that sends you out.

It is a voyage. Some peeps never get past the basic principles of gardening. They may never want to for many different reasons...logistical and so on....they may want only to predict the same ample harvest over and over for their needs....whatever the case.

Stepping beyond all that is a far different place....if you can give over to the plants...view from their perspective you become ruined and can never go back...couldn't if you wanted to. That's called: acceptance...relaxing in the chaos.... laughing at the scandals of control

I can not fail


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
"to burn away the dross and reveal the shining metal"...

yup,i didnt really chose a conventional path through life,there simply isnt any amount of money that could be traded for some of the things i have seen/done,places i have been privileged to see.as much of a hassle as running a garden may be at times,i wouldnt trade it for anything...


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
Wassup p ..had to catch up like always ..I like ur last few statements ..i believe travel is the only thing that would slow down my growing ..its hard to trade places and things like fish said ..also I agree on some people jus growing for there purpose and not finding real smoke ..in between buying I'm growing ..and if the stuff I'm growing can't compete why bother ..id rather pop fifty of pablos beans and find something special that will never be found again then spend countless dollars on breeders packs for medicore shit ..I'm all for rare and hard to get but its not always what it seems ..after I get some more space ill need those CHEM dd and some of the Cindy Jones ..


Why we do it....in the end...bottom line

Why we do it....in the end...bottom line

I-HOP Grape Krush....3 tops off the last 3 harvested girls....duly documented a little ways back.

Trophies....taken at day 70.....I hunt these things all the day long...

"when yer sittin' there....in yer silver upholstered chair....talking' to sum rich folk that ya know...I hope ya won't see me in my ragged company...."

Kill sir.....that's it....looking for the kill. That's why I spend all my spare time tracking them down. Spread the wealth I say.....open up all the more hunting grounds. As the world seems to be shrinking in technology....my garden expands. Every revolution opens more doors to uncharted expression.

Or do they all eventually become the same? It all comes from one original pool....life I mean. Stands to reason everything goes full circle into itself. Little glimpses...little seams...ancient memory washed over and over

I won't lie....I keep my work out tree beside my garden. I'll slam out sets of pull ups and dips....push ups are done OD...fill my garden pitchers full of feed....control movement and breathing while I feed...constant stretching in the garden....I must show the plants heart...suffer when they do....roll when they roll...it keeps us honest and even.

I do smoke shit loads of top shelf dope....it's as good as anything I've ever bought....and getting better. Mighty bold and unproven...extremely subjective...yet I am my own hardest critic...it must be this way....for me it works


Reality is....

Reality is....

...that not every plant I select to flower reaches my expectations. The less that fall short the better...be sure of that. As I progress...as time goes by and plants with it...I find less and less sub par plants.

Certain crosses are more susceptible to sub par(ness)....I could list you a bunch of crosses that just do not line up or line up infrequently. Doesn't make a cross a bad cross....no...but there is more work,effort, and plants needed to be weeded.

The Crunge is one of those crosses. It put out several jammin' ass plant expressions with delicious colorful fruit....and syrupy grape/berry flavor. I really like the cross...still have one going that I'm outcrossing to Cleveland Sage....but...

there were also 2 plants I just didn't much care for....cultivation wise. They were too slow....too tightly branched even with regular thinning of inside branches....too fucking leafy for me...

Here are some pix of those two....I started flush at day 40....finished them in the OD Corral...suffered at least 3 frosts....harvested this morning at day 53.

I'm sure the herb...the final product....will be very good. The stuff smells great....real stinkers....genetically speaking there is little chance the smoke will suck. That's not an issue

Talking...if I don't enjoy growing certain expressions....I won't grow them. No matter the smoke. The skill is in figuring out which ones you do not like in veg. Not always easy....sometimes a real crap shoot....made more difficult by one run shots. Running blind is not accurate...no not exactly....more like doing runs unclearly

As objective as I am in final selections...and as subjective as I am in pre final selections....I at times fall short of the glory...and end up flowering plants that fooled me. Such is the case here.

I enjoyed killing these two....glad I don't have to look at them anymore. I'll trim and forget...and still get enjoyment out of them


Refinement: Making Chocolate with P

Refinement: Making Chocolate with P

I've been fucking around with a Food Dehydrator and a few bundles of Bubble hash....

here are 3 (bubble bag) screens of hash I strained from my nets last evening...still very wet and only slightly pressed into form...water is readily seeped at this stage

They were placed on the dehydrator's plastic screen (olive oil wiped over the screen beforehand for a nonstick surface)....the setting placed on 95 degrees for 1hr....then checked and setting raised to 105 for 1/2hr....then taken out and hand rolled for a few minutes...put back on the screen and the setting raised to 115 for 15 minutes....rolled again to cool...back on the screen for a couple hrs at 95 degrees...ready for the cure jar and its bed of select house flowers

Here are the 3 after drying in the above treatment....the 4th ball on the bottom left is aged/cured hash from my last run. I took leftovers from several snakes and blended them into this ball....heating, rolling, mashing of several different sized gland heads....multiple genetic backgrounds...finding a new love for hash making and the quality of a finished product

Peace can be found rolling a soft ball of hash between the clasp of your hands...

Using the ceramic wand.....I melt the hashish into the wall of the bowl until it starts to liquify into oil....keeping the bowl tilted forces the oil to collect in a pool...the liquid easily caught with a steady wand tip...blue-white vapor drawn up the through the stem of the pipe

....exhale releases a magnitude of fruity flavor...deep roasted hash aftertaste....oily citrus

Lift off is clear....much more clear
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
almost look like chunks of wood...or some other natural substance,but that makes sense....it is a natural substance...except in oklahoma apparently....


...such attractive pieces. Roasted nuts....cracked open there will be blond inners...preserving color under an oxidized shell. Handcrafted peanut butter cups

They are inviting in their cleanliness...hard to beat for potency/concentration....artistic globs of alkaloids....fucking high grade resin....fills the holes of any given afternoon...that I can attest to....the only way to correctly make hash is under the influence of hash...it clarifies the mission at hand....tunes the receptors to visions of purity


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
"Life is like a Box of Chocolates..."

"Life is like a Box of Chocolates..."

Beautiful artisan hash!
I gotta new kif box, been happy putting some trim in, chop it for 2m, and enjoying the results. So pure, always burns the cleanest.
I guess I should work at gathering it all together while my trim is still fresh, and work it up like you.
I'm off the bubble hash unless I have snow, and that'll be a while. :)

My dehydrator is old, vents to manipulate heat. I use it's trays to dry my bud on, but I'll be using the sun for heat on my kif.

Lovely stuff, my friend!



Beautiful artisan hash!
I gotta new kif box, been happy putting some trim in, chop it for 2m, and enjoying the results. So pure, always burns the cleanest.
I guess I should work at gathering it all together while my trim is still fresh, and work it up like you.
I'm off the bubble hash unless I have snow, and that'll be a while. :)

My dehydrator is old, vents to manipulate heat. I use it's trays to dry my bud on, but I'll be using the sun for heat on my kif.

Lovely stuff, my friend!

...pretty good stuff if I do declare myself. I froze it one night in a 2 gal bucket...in the freezer...with water in the bucket and a lid covering the top. Night 2....I left it out in 40 degree night temps to thaw. It took all day by the fireplace....actually...to thaw and allow it to be worked.

Hand stirred as normal...elbow length industrial gloves....pretty quick with a little ice added and a tad bit more water...I didn't find many "impurities".....all the glands fell clean...and as unmolested as possible....just going for the cream of the cream...

Same pieces into a mason jar of various Haze hybrid flowers...in the private vault...this is where my hash cures at present

I'd never used the dehydrator for drying hash (or even cannabis flowers)....but I give it praise for leaching water out of fresh Bubble hash....at 115 degrees...gets so soft and oily...fun to work with and very quick

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