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A World On A String



Taking a Shower

Taking a Shower

......My auntie used to call a morning dew.....a young rain... vapor humidity saturated like a full sponge.

I took out these 3 I-HOP Grape Krush sisters to mist/spray them down. At day 46 they are packing weight feeding heavy on Phosphorus...not yet exposed to any light spectrum other than the HPS.

I use a quality spray bottle with an adjustable nozzle that shoots out pressurized water.....I like to mist gently over the flower surfaces and the tops of leaves. But I angle the nozzle, narrow and strengthen the spray on leaf undersides. It helps to wash off White Fly eggs...egg casings.

Really nice plants.....stink up the place....makes me want to hook up gas....I think I could flop my entire flower studio over. Nothing at all to bitch about with sisters like these...every phenotype is aggressive and a cat walker. Slamming.

******Note: Federation's Mikado....I don't know what makes it up....but I fucking love that one I recently harvested. Even no cure....sends me to the moon with a funk assed flavor. I have a big jar....and I bred her to I-HOP Grape Krush....yes yes yes.....Anyone with experience or ideas about Mikado.....please talk to me.
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"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
Everytime I catch up to the thread u hit me with 4 new strains ..lol ..and after reading that I usually have to see how many pairs of running shoes u went tru ..one of my fav threads by far ..


pablos homie look at this !!

pablos homie look at this !!

you feelin the warmth ?? i find it a refreshing change from green and sticky... heavy peace homie !!



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
got out into the mountains today,there is a trail here you would just love,its 12 miles over the pass and back,but on the other side you have the option of adding a 4 1/2 mile loop trail,indeed,one day i want to do the double pass loop,would be about 5000 feet of elevation gain,maybe a bit more,could be closer 8000 feet when i think about it....20 + miles...still some route finding to do to link the current trails together....actually ran for a bit over a mile,crushed my previous best time on the trail we did today...
reminds me of some 'lumbo from back in the day! looks sun cured just like the gold was...

other colors can be pretty too!


Seedlings everywhere....

Seedlings everywhere....

.....to get to know the bean: one must participate in the tossing of beans....whether in water hash pulp composted away....or by free throwing a small handful here and there....even escapees

Then you learn....that finding "elites" is so delusional to the point of vanity. There are thousands and millions of such plants...any given toss of a well collected handful will most likely show you some. It's not like one in a million....or any great feat in finding something that may sell or win a contest.

You can't take beans....and the "elite clones" so seriously. I say use them by all means....but don't cater to them.

I watch beans sprout....watch them all the time. I watch mostly to practice selection....and to objectively kill or test the durability of the fledgelings. We baby our shit indoors....the laws...the costs...they force this upon us. But...Cannabis is a tough ass plant....takes abuse.

More of the OD flushers....I spread the ChemDDIX1 apart with Cedar bark....get all that inside flower filled in. The Crunge gets more purps by the day.....

EDIT: Don't mind me....I've been smoking some of that Bubble....my foot is semi infected and I can't do much of anything other than post up shit and order new books. I spend more money sitting than when I'm moving.


......Thanks you guys for posting those pix.....I'm stoned as shit. My hash making skills ain't bad....and the blend is every which way....just retarded.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
......Thanks you guys for posting those pix.....I'm stoned as shit. My hash making skills ain't bad....and the blend is every which way....just retarded.

im pretty tired from the running,just not used to it but i have been finding my cardio is so tuned up from the bike that to even get to the same breathing rate that i just drop into naturally on the bike required me to run,especially on the downhill part,i tore down that today,i just had to run,walking is boring!

was cool to note how my focus narrowed down the faster i went and you get to that point where the pain stops or atleast you are just ignoring it,thats much easier for me to do on a bike,to just zone out and keeping tapping that rhythm out on the pedals right in tune with your breathing,different thing on the trail,my mind didnt wander like it does on the bike....


Hope you're healing up ok.
Have you ever trained martial arts? I reckon you could seriously get into it. With your attention to detail, disregard for mental/physical discomfort, and acute awareness of your centre of gravity and speed/flow of movement I'd say you're made for it.
You should check out something like Yiquan or Baguazhang....balance, elegance, softness, relaxation, speed, power, focus. I reckon you'd be down.
Great work in the garden, as always.


.....Man I'm about to take the trails to a new level. I'm in tune with what needs to be done concerning the use of herbs and other medicinal properties.

I'm reading now...."Plants of the Gods" their sacred, healing, and hallucinogenic powers. Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofmann, and Christian Ratsch.

The running tribe of the now trendy (due to the best seller) Tarahumara natives down in Mex.....it's a dying culture...but they run under the influences of plants. In this book I'm reading...their are several different plants the Tarahumara use. We are talking about dudes....who can run over 200 miles at a time.

Of course...in the best selling book "Born to Run" this was not touched upon. It will actually help ruin them.

I figured they ran in a spiritual sense....as I believe that is what I am doing myself. I already know I can elevate into endorphins.....now I seek to enlighten further via use of nature's oldest offerings. It is breathing, balance, strength of mind, soul, and body. You and the land are one....it must be ingested as it ingest you. Was that not the answer to the Grail?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
saw a cool thing about one of those ultra marathon runners,his body just doesnt make lactic acid so he can just go for hour after hour running,i wonder if some of these plants also help to block the lactic acid production....

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Heya Pablo's! I thought about you the other night whilst going through a tray of grape krush seedlings. I'm down to a 1/4 of a tray of gk seedlings now lol! I have that book you are reading, btw.
Ever read any of McKenna's stuff?


Heya Pablo's! I thought about you the other night whilst going through a tray of grape krush seedlings. I'm down to a 1/4 of a tray of gk seedlings now lol! I have that book you are reading, btw.
Ever read any of McKenna's stuff?

....No on Mckenna. I'll look into that.

I'm not looking to go tripping off into the woods of my mind. I am...however...very interested in plant and spiritual interactions. I have seen enough to know....that there are indeed woven patterns in realities...and that we are not all in the same places.

Much of what gardening has taught me....I am now applying to my pathway. I have come to the conclusion.....that it really is a matter of letting go of the idea that you are in control. So many of your problems go away....when you can accept that.


I love the last posts bro.

...not all in the same place.... I can entertain this idea... but to know it? ...
I've seen a woman come down the stairs, she was from my Pilates group and I wondered: why is she already leaving? I took the elevator, rushed into the room and bam! there she was again, sitting on her mat, waiting for the training to begin...

I took sunflower seeds to plant them as companions for my ganja and they disappeared while I was cutting back the bramble. now that one is easy to say: you just didn't find them in the dark of the night. but... I looked for them hard, the area where they could have fallen from my hand was small, they were in a fairly big blue paper bag, not much vegetation... fucke, maybe they are still in the brambles, but that woman coming down the stairs and sitting on the mat!

I have come to the conclusion.....that it really is a matter of letting go of the idea that you are in control.
I'm good at that :smoke: I try to work the opposite way... but I go with the flow...
...the sunflowers were a silly idea. might have blown my cover with them. I'm happy to have thistles on the spot as my deep soil divers. no need for sunflowers.

good to hear your elixirs are working... that you have support from wife and friends. best wishes on your path. most interesting indeed.

my magic garden is coming along. slowly, as it is very young, but a reality already. the most peaceful spot. brings the hobbits to mind... someone was raped there the other week, but it was the other side of the hill... woven patterns in realities...

I'll go now for a run. earn my progressions. pace by pace.

I've cut down on my weed smoking, but on weekend I burned some Satori, went to a party and left after 10 minutes. I've run fast like running away. That spliff has blown me out of water... and the 10 minutes at the party, people saying hello, was enough for me to seek distance and sort through my thoughts and emotions. Mad shit. Good run.
I've decided to combine my smoking with running and see how it works out. Satori is not so good for running coz it cuts into my physical strength, but it's for sure "magical" <- that's my name for it, the other criterion that I'm looking into with our weed...

cheers brothers!


Cutting a new album....Briggs style and looking at roots

Cutting a new album....Briggs style and looking at roots

....I've been advised by a friend (not an ICer) to obtain a book titled "Temalpakh: Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants".....I have a copy underway.....the historic peeps and plants of my region.

My appetite to learn of different pathways is broader and patiently being fed the knowledge. It seems that everywhere I turn....I am seeing shadows and evasive movements....all the while....being shown enough to feel calm...even understanding the deliberation in the flicks of glimpses I am able to see. It is an old world....the energies recirculated into time, distance, and self.

I've never had an original thought in my entire life. I do not believe it possible. But I am not dismayed....instead i am motivated to find out exactly why that is.

If one circuit course... that has been followed for a length of time reveals nothing new and keeps repeating itself....perhaps a passage must be made onto another course....or why get out of bed and continue?

To doubt the existence of change/other pathways would be the most lonely feeling a body could experience. I don't doubt at all....I have blind faith in chaos and its many realities....though only in...limited grasps.

I whole heartedly believe in enlightenment being deliberately overlooked and set aside by modern man. I believe modern man's ridicule of enlightenment to be his biggest weakness. Vanity.

More song from the mighty Zep: The Crunge.....a couple Indica leaning specimens at day 28.....being washed down and crow picked of shading leaves. I'm gearing these girls to run between 60-65daze flower...but they could easily be picked 50-55daze. This observation comes from watching the sister I have outdoors....the 65 would be a late window.

The Crunge....they smell like perfume. The best smelling plants I have going currently. Lavender perfume.

Briggs brought in to produce this next mess of genetics into some sort of grand expression. I must admit to being stoned out of my mind....drinking backyard tea...and my foot in a lot of pain when I put this batch of beans together. The jess langs and prudence highlands....mighty bitches in these...chaos selections. This album may never make it out of the studio....but they are growing

Roots.....these are on the flushing Ma Kettles...tomorrow when they are dry again....I'll vacuum out some more coco. I'm imitating the erosion look of a desperately clinging tree.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
sooner or later i imagine you with some sort of weird bonsai bud tree that drops trimmed and fully cured buds every week or so....


Smoke Buddy

Much repcect Pablos! Plants are looking great bro.

Reading your posts I had thought of Carlos Castenada's book — "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge" Have you by chance read this book? If not you really should. Back in the day a bunch of us became intrigued by his adventures with a certain plant which coincidentally was available to us. Ill never forget the scenes that followed... Here are a couple of his quotes which remind me of your approach:

"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us."
— Carlos Castaneda

"We hardly ever realize that we can cut anything out of our lives, anytime, in the blink of an eye."
— Carlos Castaneda (Journey to Ixtlan)

"In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions."
— Carlos Castaneda (Journey to Ixtlan)

Good stuff man....

On another note, regarding you and uncles training, Im in! this is the time of year for me to get into cycling heavily. I have a mock training schedule to prepare for the tour de france... I use it as a motivational aid in my yearly training... so my ass is kicked right now from riding almost EVERY day, hard. I have a couple hills here that are my own little Alpe d'Huez. I love me a little toke and a hard ride.

keep em comin bro!~



Much repcect Pablos! Plants are looking great bro.

Reading your posts I had thought of Carlos Castenada's book — "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge" Have you by chance read this book? If not you really should. Back in the day a bunch of us became intrigued by his adventures with a certain plant which coincidentally was available to us. Ill never forget the scenes that followed... Here are a couple of his quotes which remind me of your approach:

"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us."
— Carlos Castaneda

"We hardly ever realize that we can cut anything out of our lives, anytime, in the blink of an eye."
— Carlos Castaneda (Journey to Ixtlan)

"In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions."
— Carlos Castaneda (Journey to Ixtlan)

Good stuff man....

On another note, regarding you and uncles training, Im in! this is the time of year for me to get into cycling heavily. I have a mock training schedule to prepare for the tour de france... I use it as a motivational aid in my yearly training... so my ass is kicked right now from riding almost EVERY day, hard. I have a couple hills here that are my own little Alpe d'Huez. I love me a little toke and a hard ride.

keep em comin bro!~


Why yes....of course I've read Carlos. His writings often question the vast realities. Some peeps may get a little too caught up in fairy tales....but then again...that is a reality. It's been well over 15 yrs that I've picked up one of his books.

The existence of Don Juan....well it doesn't actually really even matter....a book drove peeps out in search of cacti....coyote.....and it actually turned detrimental to the cacti deity....as she was profusely over harvested.

Cause and effect. When one makes discoveries....it is wise to think it through...before inviting humanity in. I like to think that Carlos meant well in telling his tale....the effects I'm unsure he much thought through. He could only hide so much and still tell the story of Don Juan. As I remember it.....years later.

I met....a couple hiker dudes a couple wks ago. I was switching out water bottles under an oak and hyperventilating a joint of DD as i did so....really high on endorphins and DD.....lol....

....so these dudes had seen me pass them going up...like a fucking mountain goat....I was flowing....now they stopped to talk to me as I was getting my shit back together.

After a bunch of questions about what I was doing.....I finally concluded to them that my only real reason for doing what I was doing was: "I see it as the warrior's path. It's righteous"......I didn't blink and the one dude responded: "damn right"

......that's my reality ...my alter ego Smoke in Brush....I wear as little as I have to...I paint my face with Zinc....I leave my hair down banded by a bandana.....I train hard and allow myself to be competitive. If I see tracks...I'm hunting that track maker. I'm allowed to be aggressive and forced to take beatings. I've broken down and cried...not from pain...again...it's about letting go of what you think you know.

Look at the new TrailRunner Mag....they have a little commentary on some of the most elite runners today. Hear what they say. Then look at the new National Geo.....with those dudes free climbing El Capitan.....endorphins vs adrenaline vs life vs death.......getting past pain.

I vacuumed the roots here....like I told you I was going to do....

This Ma Kettle....only like a week into flower. I attacked her with Vacuum.....then went ahead and crow picked her torn leaves and opened her up. Ma kettle...is the type of plant you can get away abusing like this. She'll jam flowers.

I needed to harvest some Stinging Nettle.....makes such a filling/lifting green tea. Been drinking lots of Nettle. Make sure you use gloves when harvesting...

This is an early little stand.....creek side under an Interior Live Oak

I hit up a couple different stands.....enough to make 128 fluid ounces....
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I'd love more info on how you make the tea (fresh nettle? Just simmer in water? What ratio, how long?). I use it as a green like kale and this is the good time of year since they are just coming up. It makes killer pesto - better than basil in some instances.


I'd love more info on how you make the tea (fresh nettle? Just simmer in water? What ratio, how long?). I use it as a green like kale and this is the good time of year since they are just coming up. It makes killer pesto - better than basil in some instances.

....Making teas: I kind of think of it in the same breath as breeding plants or making marinades.

I experiment as in anything else....but let's look at this Nettle based tea.

In the big glass bowl is the minced up Stinging Nettle....figure a typical medicinal dose would be 3 to 4 oz dry weight or 1oz wet weight. Very general....as not all herbs or peeps are the same.

I just eye ball it.....there is probably 8oz of wet Nettle in that bowl. It has been covered with warm to hot RO filtered water and left to seep (I let it set for a few hrs). There is also an oz or so of Mugwort. You can add your sweeteners if you choose....Blue Agave, Organic Maple syrup, Sage flower bee honey.....basically open to the maker....what is put in and in what potency.

The smaller glass bowl has cotton muslin rubber banded around it....that's how I'll slowly strain out the liquid and squeeze out the pulp. As the bowl fills....I'll dump the pulp in the compost....and funnel the liquid into two 64oz amber beer growlers. I'll be able to fill both growlers.

Each growler will have an overly potent blend...so I just 1/2 it with water per glass full. I can also add my Canna tincture drops per glass if desired.

Teas I'm making now....are teas of opportunity. Early plants. I like the Nettle for nutritional values...great greens obviously. The Mugwort....gives it a bit of bitterness and an elevated relaxing effects are what I feel overall.

I've been adding Camomile.....but I'm letting that grow for a couple more weeks before hitting it again. Nettle and Mugwort are everywhere.

Once summer kicks in....I'll be cultivating and going on wild harvesting missions.

Then....imagine as I learn my craft....how I will infuse these nutrient rich/medicinal based brews into my trail waters. Via a series of tinctures and teas.....balms and wraps....I'll fine tune my needs. If I can recognize useable plants as I need them on the trail...it will be possible to maybe keep going....when the going gets tough.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yep,i can see it now....at this rate you are going to end up naked,covered in some herb/hash based paint,with only two tied off rattlesnake skins for water bags,and running for like 3 days solid...
