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A World On A String



Blowing like a bastard....offshore

Blowing like a bastard....offshore

Several ounces of AzaMax, dashes of Sesame oil, teaspoons of both cayenne pepper, and Cinnamon mixed in a 1gal jug....poured into a pump up spray bottle.....stiff misted onto the eggs and bodies of white fly.

I've taken up aggressively cutting their herd in the last few days. When the temps are in the 80's/90's their populations grow insanely...forces my hand....this aggression won't stand man. The blend works....some expressions don't like it as well as others though...it can cost you some leaves. I'm experimenting with mixes.

Take a look here...

Conglom= Congo (Ace) X Grape Krush (Short)

This one is 27 days in flower. Seems to be keeping to her mom's side of the genetics. Fierce growers...thick hollow tubes...some are bushier than others...I'm watching for the Grape Krush influence more in others...rather than...this particular subject

I can't seem to focus too much on Conglom....I'm not breeding them...have no available pollen. I have no more beans either. I'll run them in this format...then...they are gone. I do have Congo F2...I could make a similar cross realistically...if I see something within the population that warrants it. I would like to see a Bluish Congo...if there is a goal for this cross....that would be it.

Couple more Cindy Moon Jones (BMS X Cindy Jones)....BMS leaners all the day long.....fucking mess to deal with.

{When I breed Blues from the female side....I see this expression often. When I use Blues from the male side....I see this very dominant Blue expression less often}

Am I bummed on this expression?

"Yes. I can not grow these properly in my set up. They are getting the shit kicked out of them. It rather embarrasses me to hack my way through this grow."

What can you do?

"Not a god damn thing...keep the chin tucked...roll with the punches...put all my skills into making them... at least....a decent internet grow."

Will it be good Blueberry?

"Yup...probably. My Cindy Jones male doesn't fail me often...it will be a swell combination of genetics."

Is that the only expression?

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i bet those would make an awesome trellis,be perfect for a garden archway....or it also looks good for vert....

No doubt....nothing wrong with the plant expressions....really proper blueberry vines. I can't get the light down to the bottoms....can barely keep them safe from getting burned overhead by lights...but...in a vert set up....in a setting where they could get light to the bottoms...surely they would jam.

I've been here so many Xs now. I should have sacrificed 3 of 4 in veg...honestly...I'm not sure how I let them slip by. Hard to read my own crosses sometimes...even though...I keep telling myself that I'm literate....well versed. I fuck up all the time...under no illusion about that.

EDIT: I also went on a rampage and trashed most of my 2wk old seedlings. This morning I started over again...I refuse to mess with any plants that are struggling....even if it is due to heat. Fuck'em....I'd rather trash 2wks worth of work. I kept a few tough ones though....a very small % made the grade


A couple pix from my garden.

The male F13xA11s:

Their big sister:

My BangiMix second gen:

I have 11 of my fem BangiMix and I'm pleased with them. Resinous, stinky, fairly early, uniform. The 12th turned out hemie.

Jacalyn from CLS looks fantastic. I've never had such an indica plant. Massive girth and vibrating health.

The F13xA11 girls might be to late for my area. We shall see.

The Bangis that are most advanced in flowering are suffering from Botrytis. Hot and humid. It looks like I can't have anything that is done before October, coz it rots away... (this year, last year mid Sept, the year before earlies were ok)

Everything grows in last years horse shit holes. 4 plants to one hole. Turned out pretty nice. No girth coz totally seeded. I'll try and hash the plants separately. Or at least by type and strain.

I went out today to take pix but most are blurry :/ I'm no photographer.


Looks excellent my friend. A fine outdoor patch....great genetics.
I hope you can finish the F13 X A11....I'm getting close to running the beans I have.....should be up next. Keep posting pix as you progress toward harvest.


Getting the "runt" ready for the landing

Getting the "runt" ready for the landing

SFV x Ghost X Ghost.....she has been flushing since the 28th of August...believe she started flowering in the 1st week of July (or maybe the 2nd week...somewhere in that timeframe)...doesn't really matter I suppose. Smells like a funky bubblegum...but not bazooka bubblegum...can't describe it very well....very funky

Let's see.....I trimmed the majority of her leaves....opened her up to the sun for the final week...or so....of her stanky life. Weather is the major factor now. If the weather holds I'll keep her pushing along...if it fails me, or some other factor arrises....I'd be comfortable taking her at any time....from here...on out.....either way....

....either way: I like to stay up on my work load....by trimming off all the non resinated parts of the leaves....I'm already ahead of the curve when it comes to manicuring.

I prefer to prepare my harvest pre chop...in most any case (indoors or out)....so I don't have to deal with the shit at the "finished trim" table....I only want to collect primo sugar leaves for hash making...all the 1/2 ass stuff gets left for compost. At the finish table I need to see nothing but quality flower...quality sugar trim...that's it.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the runt ended up with a mighty fine trunk on it...just another week and the last crop gets pulled here and its off to the west,scissors in hand...trimming is going to take on a whole new meaning for me soon...


the runt ended up with a mighty fine trunk on it...just another week and the last crop gets pulled here and its off to the west,scissors in hand...trimming is going to take on a whole new meaning for me soon...

Well then....let the harvest be bountiful...where you are, and in the west. Keep those scissors sharp.

"runt" girl turned out nice. I'm interested in the Bramble, and interested in the Revolver now. As far as I'm concerned the "runt" grow is treading water in a rip current...I'm pretty much over the grow.

Here's a look at the developing Revolver (front)...and the Bramble (rear)....as they were this morning.

The Revolver (Chem DD X I-HOP GK) is coming out...well...there is Chem D from both sides of the cross...coming out rather Chemmy thus far along (late 30's)....different though. I detect the berries in her aroma. This girl will be a nice smoke.

The Bramble (Ma Kettle X I-HOP GK) is coming out like a Blue Casey...appears she has a good load of BB expression, but her flower structure looks Casey(ish)....she is in her 40s

These two girls will be up against the weather....they will see the end of pit season.


It's 0400 hrs....

It's 0400 hrs....

...and you are in dreamland...sleeping without care.

Pounding of thunder....sky lights up....a cell unleashes fury via hail.

Man....I must say...I am a dedicated gardener. Jumping out of bed....pulling on a pair of board shorts....throwing on a sweat shirt....barefoot down into the pit. I didn't even have the sense to grab an available (set out for blackouts and such occasions) head lamp. It's been a long time since I was in a hail storm of this magnitude.

EDIT*** In retrospect....I didn't think to grab the head lamp because it was so bright out from the lightening that I thought it was dawn...1/2 awake and all...running on instinct

I seriously needed a hard hat....if I could have had anything during the rescue operation....it would have been that. I wish I could have gotten pix of the size of some of the hail balls that drilled me repeatedly in the skull bone.

The pit was in 4" of water/ice in less than 5 minutes....all the while...as it filled...I climbed in and out (using the lightening flashes and well rehearsed memory to guide me) of that slippery-sharp-deep son of a bitch (actually the pit is female...daughter of a bitch).....I will admit this: after the 1st run down...which netted me the "runt"....I put on a pair of trail sneakers and switched my drenched hoodless sweat shirt for one that had a hood....

Now I'm drinking coffee....high as hell on Cleveland Sage...and I'm thinking that as I took the last plant out of the pit...the Manzana Bramble...how much she smelled like a Blue line plant. Climbing out of the pit....getting drilled by hail....and that's what I remember....a fucking Blueberry.

I enjoy this kind of shit...the situations in chaos. It has a calming effect on me. I feel that chaos is correct...it is more honest.

******Anyway.....it may be a sign that I need to harvest the "runt". Probably a good idea.


Plants took a beating...

Plants took a beating...

The Bramble and Revolver were the last in....they got shredded up pretty good. There are chunks of nuggets missing....leaves ripped apart. They'll recover ok though....had they been out 10 minutes more...there would be nothing left of them. You should see the devastation in my veggie gardens. Like a bomb went off.....over...fucking done....melons have pieces ripped out of them....shredded my tomatoes....it's all compost now

The "runt' was my priority....she didn't take too much of a beating. I'm harvesting her today after she dries out. I can't see moving her again...and...for what???...to get beat up again lol....nah I'm picking her.


Pit aftermath....melon damage

Pit aftermath....melon damage

Here's what the pit looks like....must bail that out...

The force of the storm can be seen on this melon....

I don't make this shit up....


oh i bet,i no doubt looks like....well.. a bunch of rocks dropped from the sky or something...

Dude...I'm no pussy, but I was in serious pain while doing the rescue operation....lol....no shit....it hurt like a motherfucker. Had to keep looking down, as a hit in the eye would have blinded me. My head was getting drilled....saw stars a time or two. Hell of a way to wake up....hell of a way to see your garden season end. Love it.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
those hailstorms are no joke,i know i have found myself lying under cars after ditching the bike,and was damn glad to have a helmet on! those things frickin hurt! i have seen a few truly huge hailstorms,in one i had to abandon several shelters as they were being destroyed,ended up under a metal carport roof and even that was getting holes in it,it was crazy loud too,the first ten minutes of that storm was just insane...


those hailstorms are no joke,i know i have found myself lying under cars after ditching the bike,and was damn glad to have a helmet on! those things frickin hurt! i have seen a few truly huge hailstorms,in one i had to abandon several shelters as they were being destroyed,ended up under a metal carport roof and even that was getting holes in it,it was crazy loud too,the first ten minutes of that storm was just insane...

Like the gods themselves have something to tell you....."hey P!! You up for a game??? That's good sonny boy.....'cause we gots something for you tonight!!! How bad do you want it???"

Anyway....I've had to change my day up. The weather makes me money.....but it won't be today. I have a cell over top me as I type this. Going to spend the day processing the "runt".....looking at her in the light....she came out of the incident without a scratch.

Pushing always forward....the only direction my compass points


Wow, man... that's intense. I'm really sorry to hear about the damage, but your attitude toward the adventure of it all is pretty fucking rad.

I'm trying to be similarly upbeat about my recent total TMV wipeout. More than once the situation has had me on my knees, fists skyward, shouting "WHYYYYYYY?!?!?!". But I've been wanting to point my grow ship toward the Progressive Perpetual Pathways for a long time now, and there's nothing like total devastation to help one re-evaluate one's methods, intent, goals and direction.

Moving forward right along with you, my friend.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
1st pic I thought it was all perlite. :biglaugh: Def got yer adrenaline up, I'm sure!
Walk on.
Pond, bummer about the TMV. No clone is worth that to me. Good luck w/ the reassessment.

SD vs. NE, oh boy, it's gonna be fun! :D


Ha! Living the life like the heroic adventure it should be :)
That hail looks fuckin serious. The weather gods and their fury... I'm glad I don't get pounded with that kind of bricks.

I shall take some more pix as the garden makes progress.

For a little color a picture from the forest we went to to harvest Boletus edulis. It was a lovely day and we had two baskets full.



Revolver and Manzana Bramble Damage Assessment

Revolver and Manzana Bramble Damage Assessment

Well friends....I can't very well sit here typing out how I garden in chaos, and then not accept it. I'm not bummed at all. I'm one of those peeps who is more comfortable when the shit is flying. I feel more knowing....maybe a sense of presence...when I don't have time for my thoughts to get in my way.

I document this stuff....well...because it is how my projects are being done. There is not much fabrication to the process....I try to keep it raw with as little over dubbing as I possible. As it happens....the record switch is flipped on........Crazy Horse...

I'm comfortable working down the pathways in this manner....the good and bad in things.....following rabbits down holes....slipping 'n sliding. One thing I've learned about the pathways is: you've got to go fast...things happen when you go too fast for your mind to slow you down....going fast is where things grip or slip....race the gravity....get in a sliding flow...and make each section by the skin of your teeth.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Look at the Bramble....turns out she is 50 days in flower. Remember I had a revelation while rescuing her last night....I became very aware how much a Blueberry she really is. Look at her stacking flowers...turret style....lots of intense heat/sun and plenty of Phosphorous aid her inclined genetic habit to stack foxtails

*note: the picture with the shears shows where a piece of bud was blasted off by hail

The Revolver plant...day 38....my chemmy girl got beat up badly. Look at her flowers....the picture with the blade suggest where pieces of her were blown away....shredded by hail....she asked me "what the fuck dude? what the fuck?"

The two of them as they stand presently....Bramble (left) Revolver (right).....beat up but I can for sure salvage, and continue on

***The end of Bonnie and Clyde...that's how I picture the events from last night. Hail of bullets...shot to pieces by the Browning Automatic Rifles, Thompson sub machine guns, and shotguns of a mean ass posse....lol....fuck man what a trip...we got shot up ragged

EDIT**** The Prudence Highland was not in the pit....she was outdoors, but she was under a section of roof....protected
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