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A World On A String



pretty neat....looks like a split that meshed? I'd just see what happens...I wouldn't say it's a bad thing....non typical.


Fun Run Friday....

Fun Run Friday....

....has left my legs floating heavy...and I get to do it all again...today. Man....some drainages have no bottoms going down....and no tops coming up....unless it's those false ones....that can break your heart.

I was lost at least a 1/2 hr....just flaked out and passed the trail turn...I needed. If you have no sense of direction or aspects...don't play this game....it is amazing how fast getting lost in the back country...can fuck with your head. A man will dig a hole...in a hole....and that top is way...up there....and that top is not....the end of the trail for you.

Tack on a few more miles....for the fuck up...at least I caught it fairly quick. Awesome...the things I get to see....wall after wall...running stoned and wild is very free feeling. The walls you go through (or the ones that slam you)...are mind blowing...the farther you can run...the more the effect.

Very primitive. You really stop caring about anything but the moment...coming with the pain....and dealing with it as raw as it comes from lungs and muscle...mind over matter...sugars deplete...mind wanders...body consumes itself. Nirvana?

...The beginning of the Sweet Milk pollinations for the inline. Understand...these plants I'm showing...these females...are at day 19 of flowering. Quick off the line you must assume....the shorter one is a representative of the moms I used....the other two seem more like the LUI.

This is the more Gumblebum leaner....fat leaves...solid flower development....stocky....I like her...

I didn't bag these after the pollinations....these kind of plant structures are a pita for bagging. I brushed on the pollen where I wanted it...let them sit for a 1/2hr....then washed them down...put them back in.

Casey Jones F2....what I consider a Diesel phenotype...she's about done in hers mid 50s....low yielder...but these phenotypes don't smell like the more well rounded....stretchy...bigger...fruity phenos.....no...this is very fuel....so I like this one.. for what she is...Sour D....managed to inline her into the F3.

The other Casey F2s are more the fruity...big...stretchers....still flowering hard...I'll try to show them at harvest. I like all the Casey Jones phenotypes. All have their purposes.

Reservoirs Killer Chemdog (I'm into the F2s here)....I consider a good deal. For $150 initial investment....make the inline into the F2...and you get C99....ChemD....G13....all very well represented...all potent (some more than others...phenotype dependent)...all fast....some yield....top shelf weed.

Below I'll show my interpretation of the Phenotypes....I inlined all three of the variations into the F3. These are the plants I find consistently....as in every time.....very easy plants....

This is just my interpretation...I get to smell these remember....

ChemD phenotype.....finishes 60-70 daze flower....yup...smells like ChemD...maybe a dash of tropic piss.

C99 phenotype...finishes 50-60 daze flower...pineapple all day...some piss in these as well.

G13 phenotype...finishes 60-65 daze flower...not as strong aroma wise...some tropical mush blended with something else...no piss....my least favorite phenotype...but maybe the best yielder. These could get big.

I read where peeps were bagging on Killer Chemdog....not sure why...I'll put it down for awhile....I'll try the F3s when I pick it up again. My findings....the F2s ripped harder than the F1s....certain phenotypes hit the top shelf....but all of it is worthy. Almost a "Blue Collar" strain....as it gives its grower....3 solid phenotypes of the very coveted variety. What's the problem?


Strawberry Hill tops

Strawberry Hill tops

.....Dry and curing....the tops from the two plants. I find the difference in the phenotypes interesting.

Good stuff....


....lol....I know it....but that one finished in 60some days and the other at 78 days....strange but likable. I inlined the Hazy one...outcrossed the Lunker.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i had to give up any notion i could actually keep up with what was going on in your garden,i just enjoy it as it comes....


...I'm lost as well....with moments of clarity. I'm not sure how well I'm testing this stuff....it may be that I need to take a sabbatical from all the pot I smoke.

The last stuff to really stick out for me....was the I-HOP Satellite's berry/chem flav and "To-Pluto" head. But I still haven't tested some of this other stuff...like these Straw Hills....haven't gotten serious about them yet. I just can't right now...definitely on an anti-anything-with-C99 in it...at the moment. Burned out on pineapple.....I think my head is a pineapple...at this point with all the Joy/Kill Chem that I've had lately.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
ah,this is my first time with any c99 based stuff so i am still digging it,the two cuts i kept from last round are outstanding herb,got some different things to run alongside them...one of them sssdhsdcdg13hazessdhs thingys going,too many initials...dominatrix II is what core called it....interesting little plants...


....I'm a fan of C99....you must know that...and I'll come back to her...I've found interesting stuff in C99 outcrosses....sometimes it gets quite redundant though...like anything else.

Unexpected rain delays....yet again...so it's a bubble making day...cleaning out the freezer. Cold ass work. I'll post up some mud after it's all made....


Monday's Motherfuckin' Mud

Monday's Motherfuckin' Mud

.....All the different stuff that I grew over the spring/summer....
combined....through several runs (still have more left to do)...into this mud slide.....winning points with the wifey.

I will let this dry by the warmth of the fire place....won't take but a couple/few days to dry.....chopping it into a freshly plowed rutted field until it is brittle....then pulverized into powder.

The next step....will be to dry sieve two mason jars of my OD Joy Division harvest (smaller flowers) that I have saved. After which....I will combine the dry sieve to the bubble hash....heat on a covered plate (one plate inverted on top of the other) set on the top of the fire place insert....slammy bammy thank ya mammy......big old slab of retardation.


The Mad Monk
After which....I will combine the dry sieve to the bubble hash....heat on a covered plate (one plate inverted on top of the other) set on the top of the fire place insert....slammy bammy thank ya mammy......big old slab of retardation.

:laughing: ya that sounds like it'll be quite the herbal remedy... nice pile of hash Pablos, you use them bubble bags for that?

i know what ya mean about those walls... its a beautiful feeling, reaching a near point of exhaustion and seemingly exercising right through it and beyond. makes ya wonder just what yer capable of...

certainly can understand the sentiment behind being burnt out on c99, i must say that's a privileged position to be in from certain vantage points. ;) i haven't had her straight up but i've got an S99, ecsdxc99, and what appears from the cindy side of things is definitely a nice introduction to her. what would you say she most reliably seems to contribute to outcrosses?


:laughing: ya that sounds like it'll be quite the herbal remedy... nice pile of hash Pablos, you use them bubble bags for that?

i know what ya mean about those walls... its a beautiful feeling, reaching a near point of exhaustion and seemingly exercising right through it and beyond. makes ya wonder just what yer capable of...

certainly can understand the sentiment behind being burnt out on c99, i must say that's a privileged position to be in from certain vantage points. ;) i haven't had her straight up but i've got an S99, ecsdxc99, and what appears from the cindy side of things is definitely a nice introduction to her. what would you say she most reliably seems to contribute to outcrosses?

Yup...5gal Bubble Bags....7 bag kit....had them for 5 or 6 yrs....it's a chore....I like to hand stir....I wear black elbow length industrial gloves....so hands in the bucket....stirring and scraping the trim against sharp ice.

C99....often cuts down flower Xs.....often brings out tropical flavors...mostly pineapple...but grapefruit shows too. I've only worked with H3ad's BX....in my projects.....but found both grapefruit and pineapple in his beans. I have a thread detailing that grow in his forum....also details SSH X C99 (Rez's SSH I believe).....made F2s of all that....plus the outcrosses.....I can't even remember all I did there....might have to read my own thread lol...just need a break....but I know there must be awesome stuff in those SSH X C99 F2s.....think about that one...

C99 is all that....love the high and the flavs....I'll get back in there after some time passes. I'm looking to find something....I don't know....more original to me....more mine....not there yet. Hit the wall....lol


Real quickly....

Real quickly....

Pictured on the left at day 19 is the 1st of the Honey White BX1 to be pollinated.....on the right is a Sweet Milk....both hit with the Sweet Milk dust.

This is how the Honey White is developing...

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Guest 88950

I love your method of growing, Perpetual Progressive Breeding. your style has had to have led to some interesting and surprising outcomes.

EDIT: i was fortunate to get a cut of C-99 thats been floating around for a while and their flushing but i took a sample nug and its dry enough to smoke and i really like it and the fruty tropical smell that i cant pinpoint other than fruity pebbles is intoxicating. i like huffing it and getting the aroma all in my mouth an nose but the 3 hits is what made me forget this part.

now back to medicating & jammin to JJ Grey & Mofro........Georgia Warhorse

EDIT: damn it took me 10 min for the prev edit. i guess i really like C-99.

i would love to do the PPP method in the fl sunshine.

im tagged 4 life.
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love the gloves brother the bud aint bad either :)


...Yup I like me gloves lol....sometimes I wear polarized glacier googles to....my in laws send me Swiss army surplus ones from the old country...with strings that you tie around your head....I have several pair...for running cause they don't fog or move around....and for saw work when I'm cutting on trees....but they are trippy to wear in the garden....like an alien roaming around.....for sure I freak peeps out on the trails...googles and white zinc oxide all over my face....I get into my freaky alter egos.....Smoke in Brush...Eugene the Jeep...all depends where my head is and what I'm doing....many facets to The Pablos....I am many...lol

I vote for KW's photos....check out the dudes thread....he is forcing me to upgrade on my camera work....and his subjects...are exceptional. I'm going to get some lights and a prop set up....but I'll stick with my Canon PowerShot G10.....to make myself learn...before the next upgrade. Upgrading to a MacBook Pro was a smart move....love this thing.


Dog Daze Operation....

Dog Daze Operation....

....So I did....dry sieve....those two mason jars I spoke of previously....

...beforehand...had to take my dog to have a minor operation....damned if dogs...ain't expensive. Ahhh...man...he's a veteran of life....been maced....skunked...half drown and pissing out his ass...they tossed him in jail one time...$35 to bail the boy out. Bad ass motherfucker.

pick it up...about the business at hand....if peeps are interested in hash...I have not the best of or best pictures....but my hash is passable for....decent....so you may enjoy....these balls gone by....

The large ball of mud....that's slighted mostly...but has a bit...of dry sieve in it. This....like CHACO gifted his Hazy flowers lately...I do much the same with my hash....gifted to friends...

The smaller ball....that belongs to my wife...cool chick....that ball is about 1/2 the finest pieces of the bubble pile....and 1/2 OD dry sieve. That is the primo mud....though the other should be like a cannon ball....of damage. Dark and evil...sinister...but with vanilla streaks....to angel it off....halos of goodness.

Hash making....when I get into it.....is pretty much an art form....seems I never make it the same way...twice. This most surely has to do with a revolving garden.....I found bags of Satellite trim....Flo Highland...TFlux Highland...Blue Moonshine....from way back in the spring....the water turned purps...on some runs.....other times it was dark and indica seeming....the microns will tell you what you are running ....check your nets...check your color....

Then you know? Then...you start blending it together....get your streaks in...swirls of a different strain...a different grade....that's what gives the ball character....pops it up a shelf maybe. You know it's getting good...when it is greasy...careful now....or it sticks to you....starts to melt in your hands.

Dry sieve adds...that whole other factor....I love adding the dry sieve....changes the texture for awhile....like a powdered pastry...it brings out the "old skoolness" feel.....but quickly disappears into the oils....after a few palm rolls....ancient tricks passed down the line. Hash making.