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A word of advice for you guys who have ever thought about moving to a friendly state



been in oregon a long time!! way too much rain
Not in the south central area like Ashland through Grants Pass. There's some nice little nooks and crannies in and around that area. Otherwise yeah Oregon gets a lot of rain where most of the people live in Eugene and Portland.

You can buy normal guns in OR too...lol! Cali is great in many ways though.


if your thinking of moving out to cali to sell bud id move to a different state cali prices are shit right now

Haha, I knew it wouldn't be long before one of you posted this. I'm not looking to "move to Cali to sell bud" as you put it. So what if you only get $1500 a LB, at least you can sleep at night knowing the cops won't be breaking your door down at 5am and hauling you off to their gulags. I would never want weed to be my primary source of income, either...more like...if I ever need to pay off this or that bill, then I can sell off some overages to other patients.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
yeah, and seriously, all herb is not only selling for $1500/lb. Thats rediculous. That maybe true of outdoor around november, but come march, april, may only the dirtiest of the dirt outdoor is still around for those prices. And good indoor fetches twice that for respectable buyers who don't peddle dirt for 60/8th.


Yea, and the ironic thing is...high quality outdoor is actually better than indoor. And it's much more environmentally friendly

h^2 O

Yea, and the ironic thing is...high quality outdoor is actually better than indoor. And it's much more environmentally friendly

yerp. I use just water and that's it on outdoor crops. You're not smoking any nutes or anything. It's totally organic in it's truest sense.


Active member
Yea, and the ironic thing is...high quality outdoor is actually better than indoor. And it's much more environmentally friendly

Yes a long flowering sativa might be better.
Eight week urkle pulled after seven weeks is not.
Is anyone in Norcal using the outdoors to do something that can't be done indoors?
It seems like kind of a waste to use all that prime land to crank out buds that give real heads headaches.


I'm not sure what "real heads headaches" means but outdoor is better than indoor IMO. What about all that electricity to grow indoor? When I was in Cali I always preferred it to indoor, $150/oz for connoisseur quality outdoor is what I paid. I could always tell the difference, it hits your different


Active member
Haha, I knew it wouldn't be long before one of you posted this. I'm not looking to "move to Cali to sell bud" as you put it. So what if you only get $1500 a LB, at least you can sleep at night knowing the cops won't be breaking your door down at 5am and hauling you off to their gulags. I would never want weed to be my primary source of income, either...more like...if I ever need to pay off this or that bill, then I can sell off some overages to other patients.

I don't think the prices are the problem as much as the fact that people think that everything goes here. That isn't how it is at all. It varies depending on what county you are. And no counties are as liberal about it as people from other states seem to think..

And while you might not be "moving to Cali to sell bud" everyone and their mom is...

I only grow personally, but I can see why all the bigger growers are pissed off. Since the medical scene blew up the quality of marijuana has dropped drastically. There is no reason for the collectives to pay for quality flowers that they will end up selling for the same price as the shit flowers they buy..


Speaking from experience, if you are in your early or mid 20's especially...and you live in a draconian state now, and it's ever even crossed your mind to move to Cali or some similar place...JUST GO. Don't fart around, don't worry about getting your stupid ex back, don't worry about being so far from mom and dad...just get up and fuckin go, man. You want to know why? Because if you don't, you're going to end up meeting some chick, fall in love, knock her up......and you'll be stuck where you are once you put down roots. Then you'll be stuck forever in a state that locks people up for 10 years over a personal garden. It'll be tough and lonely at first, depending on your personality. My somewhat introverted self is why I had trouble adapting in California, and I ended up abandoning my new life and now I'm stuck. Fortunately for me, my girl is A-okay with the idea of uprooting and moving to CA, but I'm going to be much older and things will be drastically different than they would have been had I just stayed.

Now see what I have to deal with that I'm older and all my connections have moved on? https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=215741 I have to either go through pure hell (or risk major prison time) just to get some good clean medicine. Don't end up like me.

And that's my random piece of advice for the day

Oh man, well said...

I would just add to all of that the following. Even though some of you younger guys may think that having a "career" or full time job or whatever is something that is not in your cards, the reality is that at some point in time you more than likely will have a career/full time job that you are beholden to, and than you will really be stuck...

Also, to you young dudes who may be raking in the cash, don't splurge or be impulsive and buy shit you don't really need. Save that cash and put it away. It may not seem like it but at some point in your lifetime you will reach a point where u are unable to work,either due to age or health issues, so the more you have stashed away the better.


Also, to you young dudes who may be raking in the cash, don't splurge or be impulsive and buy shit you don't really need. Save that cash and put it away. It may not seem like it but at some point in your lifetime you will reach a point where u are unable to work,either due to age or health issues, so the more you have stashed away the better.

I'll second that loud and clear buddy. Listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about. I happen to know guys who are raking in loads of (legit) cash and are blowing it left and right. Can't tell dudes under 25 anything, they won't listen unless they want to.
I'll second that loud and clear buddy. Listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about. I happen to know guys who are raking in loads of (legit) cash and are blowing it left and right. Can't tell dudes under 25 anything, they won't listen unless they want to.

Oh man that hits it right on the nose....Boats, fancy cars and trucks, guns guitars and whores for the past 30 some years...If had been ALOT more frugal startig in my 20's, and smart enough to have taken a legitimate job when I had the chance AND continued to do what I do I would literally be a millionaire and retired by now...

Hold onto that cash guys, your gonna need it in 30 some years..


Active member
just do it!!!!!!!!!. so cal is nice but pricey if you want any privacy property wise.i was a rural guy mostly till here.i think i am eventually gonna go back east to maine.i aint really a people person and hate crowds, lines, finding parking spots , traffic jams ect. the only time i dont mind a crowd is when its women on the beach LOL.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i hear you man, that's my plan. Problem is coming up with the 5 grand or so it would cost to move out there and get a place, etc.

This is what you do bro (assuming you know how to grow already). work a regular job, and bust out a small crop or two with 1 or 2 thousand watts in huts. Make sure you get like 2 big ass carbon filters and silencers. big smells and big mouths are the two biggest down falls.

This will do several things for you. It will get you some practice right before you go so you are updated and not rusty on your grow technique. You will be able to get the money to move. In your planning you could get your new place before your old place is empty and send clones to your new place from your old place so your transition goes smoother. You can get your California or whatever state license and get your med card asap while you are scoping out your place too. knockout two birds with one stone there.

Consider just selling all your things except your valuables. I moved across the country with 1500 bucks and a suit case, but I had a good plan and back up just in case so I'm doing great. You can do the same.

my point is, plan well and don't let money be an issue. get active before it is too late, like the thread said. I haven't looked back once. Moving to a med state was the best thing I ever did. My health has improved drastically.


Active member
Love this thread, keep it coming!!

If one has $10k and a job lined up, early 20's, 4 year degree, should they transfer to SoCal for overall quality of life, and to sell excess to clubs/?

Michigan seems pretty volatile, not much legal protection and its cold as fuck. Colorado?

San Diego is a beautiful place though...Cant make up my mind!!!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^San Diego is very non friendly toward weed compared to most places in Cali. I here santa cruz is good. Personally I would want to live in Santa Barbra. Also if you like mountains and great skiing don't forget about the sierra nevadas. The coast doesn't have everything. Santa Barbra on the coast though I hear is a great place to live.

Colorado is pretty cool. Denver is a great city. They even have a ski train that will take you out to winter park and back so you dont have to drive out to the mountain. Durango is nice if you like a slow paced place.

Then there is Oregon. which is beautiful. Portland has lots of rain though, but overall it is a kick ass city I hear. southern Oregon is depressed but is really pretty.

Seattle is a really neat city and is so close to BC. it is expensive though.


Active member
moved a few years back when i was 21. 24 now. brought my kid and my girl with me, and we had another kid when we moved out here, so 2 now. went from starting at an 8 lighter, to 30+ lights in bloom and a 10,000 sq ft greenhouse.

do it and don't look back.


Active member
Love this thread, keep it coming!!

If one has $10k and a job lined up, early 20's, 4 year degree, should they transfer to SoCal for overall quality of life, and to sell excess to clubs/?

^San Diego is very non friendly toward weed compared to most places in Cali. I here santa cruz is good. Personally I would want to live in Santa Barbra. Also if you like mountains and great skiing don't forget about the sierra nevadas. The coast doesn't have everything. Santa Barbra on the coast though I hear is a great place to live.

Colorado is pretty cool. Denver is a great city.

I.Smoke.Kush- Dude! thats awesome, how would one sell excess medicine? Can only have 5 patients and clubs can't accept donations anymore In CO I thought??!

- Where is the energy the best? Want to be where all the action is, some people need/like that. Suggestions?

CA: San Diego may not be most pot friendly, ok. Santa Cruz, San Fran Bay Area, Santa Barbara, Napa Valley? any other good choices?

CO: Denver? Boulder? Ft. Collins??

HELP!! :wave::jump:
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