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a wicked pulse


No Jive Productions
I just read that quote on Co2.

I feel dumber for it.

Not that the the information wasn't smart.

But that I didn't understand it.

At all.

And now I feel dumber.


the paper was done for the pharmaceutical industry to determine the best parameters for "commercial" indoor cultivation. i think that mold, pest and diseases were considered.

the vpd question is divided into two opposed schools of thought. the first is the "feed forward" theory, whose proponents think that stomatal conductance Gs is directly and linearly driven by the VPD.

the second group believes that Gs is driven by not only VPD but also co2 assimilation and the ratio of internal co2 to ambient. this is the "feed back" theory.

both groups have done numerous experiments that produce data that supports their arguments but so far as i know, no one has absolutely proven anything.

the graphs in dr el sohly's paper clearly show a higher water use efficiency and a higher rate of photosynthesis under conditions of elevated co2 even with a lower rh.

have a nice fucking day!


No Jive Productions
hey. turbd! man, that's quite a list you have there! 78 plants. trees, smaller plants?

if you want yield build the ppks. it's fast, simple and very effective. nobody loses plants in these things.

if you want fast, cheap production, until you get used to everything, take the 560 sq ft of floor space, put 4 plants around a bare 1k with an upturned fan under it as many times as you can in that space. i calculate 22 trees or as many smaller plants as fit. that's only 4-5 lights so if you don't mind burning the juice drop as many of the other 10-11 1k's as possible in between the groups and/or around the edges

if trees veg to 30-32 inches.

you will grow a large pile of weed.

good luck!


Thanks D9. I plan to grow em as big as my space allows.
25 plants or as close to as possible with a 3week veg in a 10x10x10
If I have to veg in 1gal pots what would be best to use so transplant into the ppk would be least stressful?
Thanks for all your help. I will try not to clog up your post here.
I have been told to start my own journal. I will eventually.
Not a lot to post about. Pics of lumber and drywall arnt that cool.


No Jive Productions
Thanks D9. I plan to grow em as big as my space allows.
25 plants or as close to as possible with a 3week veg in a 10x10x10
If I have to veg in 1gal pots what would be best to use so transplant into the ppk would be least stressful?
Thanks for all your help. I will try not to clog up your post here.
I have been told to start my own journal. I will eventually.
Not a lot to post about. Pics of lumber and drywall arnt that cool.

morning! i still don't see how you are going to get 25 plants in a 10x10 with vertical lighting.

a tree can occupy over 20-25 sq ft of floor space easily so 100 sq ft is 4-6 large plants max.

you've got the license for 78 but not the floor space. there is no point in growing 78 plants just because you can if those 78 plants do not yield more than a smaller number of larger plants.

a 10x10 with just one 1k light and 4 ppk's can yield 2 lbs easily.

the same four plants with 1 1k in the middle plus four in the corners flipped using a total of 3 ballast like heath did on his thread will increase that yield by at least another lb.

and if you can run all five lights all the time, 4 pounds plus.

your biggest problem will be keeping plant material out of the lights.

i love lumber but hate drywall.


"Home sweet home."
Amen ......Buncha bare bulb crazy ass twisted kids down here in Vert-ville and I love it.......and......

HL......:moon:...You full blown hooked......bet on it... Waitin for major returns fer ALL my PPK Bro`s D9 thanks to you............



Nah, not lowlifes or scumbags or whatever...

Just the laziest bastards who ever lived!

All hail the PPK.



No Jive Productions
except me................

:moon:HIGH LIFE 45:moon:

of course, everyone but you, that's right, everyone but you. but what are you doing here then? perhaps a little slumming around? huh? maybe? hanging with the trash in the gutter to taste the seamy side of life, eh? now you'll have stories to tell your golf buddies at the 19th hole, right? need a girl? a few pills? got a favorite team to put a little money on? maybe you're here to meet that well taken care of lady down in the end booth? the one who slipped off her ring when she walked in? she looks a little out of place too. or maybe you are here to drown the pain?

well, you found the right place, whatever your reasons. it's all here at the ppk lounge. pardon the odor of stale beer and cigarette butts. were gonna replace the rug when business picks up.
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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
of course, everyone but you, that's right, everyone but you. but what are you doing here then? perhaps a little slumming around? huh? maybe? hanging with the trash in the gutter to taste the seamy side of life, eh? now you'll have stories to tell your golf buddies at the 19th hole, right? need a girl? a few pills? got a favorite team to put a little money on? maybe you're here to meet that well taken care of lady down in the end booth? the one who slipped off her ring when she walked in? she looks a little out of place too. or maybe you are here to drown the pain?

well, you found the right place, whatever your reasons. it all here at the ppk lounge. pardon the odor of stale beer and cigarette butts. were gonna replace the rug when business picks up.

Oh there is a rug under the peanut shells?