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a wicked pulse


half cat half man half baked
I gotta suggestion for the new name.. Passive-Aggressive-Komedians

I get worms too, but I remove them because I've learned I don't need roots sitting in still water as a result of taking advice from real veterans like DHF. I also pay attention to the ingenious stuff micro growers come up and I've shared how to prune roots without any holes. When your environment is not right, ya can compensate as perfect as possible, but your plants are still busy cooling themselves instead of growing. Consider spending some time thinking about the medium that surrounds your plants above ground. It's amazing how plants can adapt to less than ideal environments and it's a damn shame people can't do the same when every party has something to gain by treating each other with integrity and respect.

The images below belong to a grower who doesn't drill sidewall holes. And you can see some proper environmental controls.. :joint:



Fuck Entropy.
He doesn't drill holes 'cause he's a Lazy Bastard.

And he uses a saturation pulse.

Where the hell is ashes?

Chump. I haven't even seen him on this thread.
Chump here.

I Be Croppin'.

And you IF? What you been doing lately? No pics, no threads lately... just a lot of Bastard talk.

(I know you know I know what your up to. Just playin' it up for the people.)

-said the Lazy Bastard who don't drill holes.


Active member
Lol... You guys are funny... But RA are no laughing matter! I don't think RA are fuzzy like your worms... ;). Keep up the good work.
Lol... You guys are funny... But RA are no laughing matter! I don't think RA are fuzzy like your worms... ;). Keep up the good work.

You sir have obviously not spent enough time in the cannabis infirmary. If you had you would know that every plant problem and beast that crawls is ALWAYS root aphids. LOL

I spent three months last year obsessed with root aphids due to plants that died slowly from the lower leaves up. I bought microscopes,sticky cards, and pesticides. I researched neem flour, neem oil, Met 52, crab shell meal, earthworm castings, you name it. It was a humbling day when I figured out I had fusarium wilt from clones sitting in water trays too long.

You put a lot of muscle in your projects. Would love to see you try your mod with smart pots in rocks DTW. Others can communicate about VPD,moisture profile,O2 displacement,etc. but I just get excited by experimentation.

PS That goes for you too Catman.
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The plant in the first pic you posted of Ashes isn't even in a PPK, I'm not sure he'd switched to PPKs yet. (please correct me if I'm wrong)

I had to burn up some of that stuff because I was afraid of going over my limits. I said, what the fuck am I gonna do with all this PPK'd up shit? And then I thought: burn it.


Then I said, "How?"

And then I started experimenting with different ways to burn it. And that made some of it go away. But not enough.

So I brought some to some other people, and those people started burning it too.

And then I sighed in relief. Because I was within limits again.

It is so good to be compliant.

Rules being followed gives angels wings.

Don't you all think?

TECH THOUGHT: Bottom holes without side holes is something that IF brought to my attention with regard to saturation pulsing. It does not address the root pruning as elegantly as I'd like, but it does allow massive quantities of solution to be delivered at rapid rates without fountain-ing out the holes in the sidewall and puddling on the floor. (RO is precious.) Certain cells even have air pubbling up through the media as the old gas is displaced.

Or maybe Root Aphids are farting.

It evolves every day, good people.

Like life.


Like babies diapers.

Snoop LION.

His too.


Hey bro I have those same things!!!:comfort: Dont worry though they are beneficial worms, so its not really an infestation.

I did a side by side years ago and the plants with more fuzzy white worms def. yielded more.

It was almost as if there was a direct correlation between the fuzzy worms and yield....

Anyway don't worry about the worms.
Worms....... LMAO......All should have the fuzzy white worms as a problem.....

Rootmass is directly proportionate as to the amount of budmass that will be built before end of cycle guaranteed.....



Guest 142956

Very nice pictorial on how you make your buckets. Too high for my setup though. I have been using the cheap 3 gallon buckets you get at the dollar stores to hold my media. If you cut out the center of the 5 and 3.5 gallon bucket lids you get at both Loes and HD (the flat part inside the ridges using the inside "wall for the ridges" for your pattern) the Dollar store buckets fit right in up to the ridge on the dollar store bucket. The cheap buckets are just that and not fun to drill so I use a metal cutting disc on a drill to cut slits in them and I cut the hole in the bottom of it by running the appropriate hole saw backwards to avoid wrecking the bucket. One must also cut a large hole (1.5) inches near the top of the Loes/HD bucket so air can get to the now covered slits. Your tail piece would have to be shortened to suit. Everything else made to keep a constant water level is the same just the height of the water in the bucket is now lower. I have not yet gone to pulse watering so I still use wick (7/16 nylon rope, the good white stuff) that I loop up to the top of the media (2 pieces making 4 rope ends dangling into the bucket) which seems to keep the media properly moist. Using the electrical conduit fittings in the bottom of my media containers will make it easy to go to media wick/ pulsing. Even without pulsing I am getting better results than any other method I have used before which includes a myriad of different hydro systems. I have bought the pump, hose and built the manifold but I set it up to water some outdoor plants using solar power. My bad. They will be out of the picture in the fall and the pulse will be put to it's original planned use hopefully.


No Jive Productions
time for the "weekend update".

the plants have really taken off. they are packing on mass at high speed.

in response to low rh i have increased pulse volume to approx 56 oz's per event by increasing duration to 45 sec, shortened the interval to every 45 minutes, and raised the controlled water table by 1/2" to 7.5" total.

my home made humidifier is working fine and i'm maintaining rh between 55-61 %.

by manipulating the ac controls i'm keeping the lights on temps between 81-84f and lights off (6 hrs) at 77-78f. i don't have to touch the controls. i have them staggered slightly and the compressors kick on and off as needed. rarely does more than 2 compressors run simultaneously. i have all the ac fans on the low setting 24/7.

with the 12 light fans, 5 ac fans, and two wally's 30 buck specials every leaf on every plant moves. there are no dead spots. 19 fans total.

still feeding 900 ppm jack's/calcinit plus 100 ppm tap water will no ill effects. i finally have good water!

the reservoir is stable at 810-820 ppm with this input and the ph is stable at 5.7-5.8 with no ph adjusters.

co2 equipment is working too good. growth is so rapid now that i've realized that i'm a little late getting the screen up. i'm a little surprised.

once i got the rh right they accelerated visibly.

bought the raw materials last night for the screens and will try to get them up today and start tying back.

i filled the floor part of the system with about 80 gals initially and the volume tanks are about another 80. i have not touched them since. the 6th will be two weeks and i will have to mix another 80 gals to top off the volume tanks by then.



No Jive Productions

hey, bill, this container is ideal for those with height restrictions. the lids indent almost 1" so the top container fits down into it. they are 7" high so with a 6" medium depth you will have a total height to top of medium of 12" instead of 21" with the buckets. the 6" tailpieces work as is.

dark blue will not grow algae.

you do not need sidewall holes with this because of shallow depth. and only one 2.5 hole in the bottom container.

yep, simply using a wick of any kind with drain to waste produces healthy plants.



No Jive Productions
Snoop LION.

The Lambsbread should rock in one of these.

yeah, a couple of months ago, snoop and i were sitting around burning one when he started talking about his career. i mean his show business career, not the other one.

he said he was not real happy with the hip hop scene and was looking for a new musical direction.

given my experiences with marley and tosh and the boys in the 60's i suggested he try reggae. i started marley on that beat he used in "jammin". i told him if it worked for marley it would work for him too.

and look what happened!

but they don't have the same regard for dogs down on the island that we do here and i guess they convinced him to change his name. i don't know where they got their regard for lions though because they don't have any down there. they must like snoops ok though.

i think what really got to snoop was that new up and coming hip hop artist, Sniff Doggy Poo and his confused but entertaining white sidekick, M.C. Vanilla.

when snoop heard about him he said ok, that's it with the dog shit!

and now you know the rest of the story!


No Jive Productions
they look so peaceful, don't they! little do they suspect that soon they will be strapped down and tortured. living pieces removed from their fragile bodies. bent and contorted into unnatural poses.

sour 13, c99, and dope.
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high life 45

Seen your Member?

I love the way your room looks, I showed it to my partner and they commented on how clean your build is.

Is that your door between the two acs?

Do I spy a blue humidifier on the floor to the right?