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A try at Green/Purple Haze x Thai outdoors at 44 degrees north


Well-known member
Hello, people :tiphat:

As a Haze fan, I'm very keen on trying Oldtimer's Haze. I have experience with the dutch Hazes, but this one seems so pure and tropical with its very thin blades. Can a sativa lover resist these thin, thin leaves? I can't :biggrin:
Of course, the tropical looks comes together with a December/January harvest time, which is impossible for my outdoor climate - I'm at 44 degrees north and second half of November is usually the latest time to harvest. I saw photos posted by Dubi where OTH is just starting to bud in the beginning of November. So, pure OTH is out of question. But I'm curious to see how OTH x Meao Thai will do. It is said to be quite close to the pure OTH in terms of effect and is listed as December harvest, which means that in the end of November it already must have some "buds" and resin. I like the electric effects and fresh flavour of early harvest, so no problem to harvest it with all trichomes crystal-clear.
I received a free pack with 6 seeds of Tropical Mix together with my order of Zamaldelica at the end of 2012. I remember that I went through the threads to see what's in this particular mix (sold at the end of 2012) and saw Dubi describe it as mostly Green/Purple Haze x Thai F2 & F3, and a few Guatemalas. 5 of the seeds in the pack are small and dark, just like Haze and Thai seeds look like, and 1 is bigger and paler in color. It is Guatemalan, I guess.

I started 4 of the small dark seeds on the 12th of March, directly into peat, and all of them were above ground within 72 hours. I must say I love how healthy Ace's seeds are.
They are now under 200W of cool-white (6000K) LEDs and will be kept in 400ml cups until they show sex. Will be transplanted outdoors in the end of April. I will grow them semi-guerilla style, all of the plants planted very close to each other and looking like a bush, without any support or sign that they are looked after. I hope that with their pale thin leaves they'll look like the local hemp which the neighboring villagers are used to.
If the result turns out good, next year I can select a plant for my prime outdoor place where it will receive more sun, support and watering. This year I'll grow again Nirvana's Haze there, as I know it will flower quickly enough.

Here are the 4 HxTs:

The one on the right looks most Hazy. The others have more jagged (Thai?) serration and "hybrid" structure. The one in the middle is the only one with purple on the leaf stems and main stem.

So far, so good.


Well-known member
Some days ago I was thinking "I wonder which strain will Yoss grow this season":)
Honestly, the OTHaze x Thai was on top 3 possibilities, the others were PurpleHaze X KillerMalawi and GoldenTiger.
Pretty close:))

I wish you plenty of good weather and looking forward to see a damn huge tree!


Well-known member
Hehe, thank you for the kind words, Koondense :) It is so warming to know that someone somewhere thinks what's in my cups with peat :)
To be honest, based on my experience with Zamaldelica, I think that Golden Tiger (and perhaps Malawi even more) is not my cup of tea. I wanted to try Panama this season, and I have a friend who recently bought and was going to start an indoor grow with 30 feminized Panamas (+ a few Bangi Haze and Nepal Jam). And I would have the chance to select one female to transplant outdoors. So exciting, as I've never had the chance to select among 30 plants of a good strain. But my friend has problems which prevent him from starting now, and most probably I'll have to wait till next season for Panama.

Anyways, it's always good to have some Haze seeds left around. Good for trees :)


Well-known member
Well, grab some Panama beans and pop them right away. There's still time:)
I think many of us lurkers will be very happy to see also the Panama outdoors.


Well-known member
I'm myself very keen on seeing and of course testing the result of Panama outdoors. I guess I'll take the chance to try growing one in the shrubs guerilla-style later on in the season when my friend starts the seeds. We have enough time till autumn.

Here's an update on the Haze x Thais and Haze 1.
They suffered from bad soil, which turned out to have pH of 4.8-5.2. I didn't measure the soil ph in the beginning because I've had a few years of great results with this brand of peat mix and I've never had to measure anything, just water.
Plants had some deficiencies spots and lost a week of growth, but after a good flush and a tiny bit of fertilizer of NPK 6-4-4 are much happier. Only HxT #3 seems to need more flushing, which will be done this evening. Hopefully the stress was not too much and I won't end up with many males.

HxT #1:

HxT #2:

HxT #3, paler color and less serration:

HxT #4, purple leaf stems:
Last edited:


Well-known member
And Haze 1:

What worries me is that the Haze 1 seedling had some malformations in its initial growth. Like the missing "stipules" (I far as I can see, this is the way these small blades are called) on one side of the nodes. Fortunately, the latest nodes and growth are all fine but I cannot trust this plant until I see female preflowers.
Not saying this is your problem but ive noticed some plants dont like to be in clear containers.Ive grown in bigger clear containers and had some malformations like this after painting the exterior or potting into a different container things go back normal.


look healthy all!

I dont think that the one missing stipules is because of clear pot.
maybe shes a beauty:biggrin:no hairs on legs:biggrin:

I also try my sativas @51 N this year, have you thought about darkening them up for some weeks before natural trigger sets in?
with 3 or 4 weeks earlier we could play in another league:biggrin:
I try this out, maybe you too



Well-known member
I've started my seedlings in clear plastic cups for the last several years and they've never had such problems as now. I like the clear plastics because I can see the condition of the roots.

Good luck with the sativas at 51 degrees, rüdiger! Unfortunately, I cannot apply artificial darkening because it will attract attention and because it requires my presence at the site every day, which I don't have the time for.

Yesterday, exactly 1 month after starting the seeds, I transplanted all the plants outdoors because they (mostly the Haze x Thais) continued to suffer from some deficiencies, and instead of wondering how to fix the soil, I decided to transplant. They are just starting to pre-flower. I think I can see small male flowers on HxT #1 and HxT #3.

Here are the HxTs before transplant:

And here they are after transplanting:
#3 #1
#2 #4

The lonely Haze 1:

They all have their soil amended with about 20% peat and 20% vermicompost.


There out nice and early yoss, and if you can see signs of flower already, they should stand a chance, although the preflowers may dissapear now because the days are getting longer.

Most people would recommend bangi haze and Nepjam for your climate, I see you've gone for the extra challenge, good luck :)


Well-known member
Thanks for the nice words, Rinse! I hope to try indoor-grown Bangi Haze and NepJam this year (about to be grown together with Panama by a friend), so I'll have a taste of these 3 Ace sativas and see what deserves to be tried outdoors.

Here's an update of the Haze x Thais.
Weather was mostly cloudy, with low temps in the mornings (maybe even frosts at the site). So not much progress, the old damaged leaves are even worse, but the growing tips look healthy and the plants have increased in size.
Preflowers are still too small.
I threw some clover seeds around the plants, to keep up with the current mulching fashion, hehe. Thanks to the rains, many clovers have sprouted.


HxT #1:

HxT #2:

HxT #3:

HxT #4:


Well-known member
Here's the Nirvana's Haze 1, which was attacked by broad mites and looks horrible. So this evening I sprayed all the plants with a pyrethroid solution. I read that the broad mite saliva contains toxins to the plant. Hopefully, the Haze will overcome the stress and toxins.



Well-known member
Fingers crossed for the Haze!

I have a question, do you plant in native soil or mix some potting soil with it?


Černozjom bro, the best soil on the planet :) hey Yoss brat whats up...looking forward to see some exotic trees in fall. :canabis:


Well-known member
Fingers crossed for the Haze!

I have a question, do you plant in native soil or mix some potting soil with it?

I plant in native soil (chernozem), which, as Konopenko pointed out, is good and fertile. It has pH of 7.0-7.5, which might look a bit too high but cannabis seems to like it. On my spot, the pH is even higher than 7.5, maybe because of watering with tap water and dumping a bit too much wood ash last year. I will try to limit the watering with tap water this year. I already collected some rain water, unfortunately I don't have a big container at the site to store enough rain water from the last rains in May till hot August.
This year was the first time that I enriched the soil with some peat and vermicomost made of cow manure. Maybe about 15% peat and 20% vermicompost in the top 30 centimeters of soil.

Černozjom bro, the best soil on the planet :) hey Yoss brat whats up...looking forward to see some exotic trees in fall. :canabis:

Hiya, man! Thanks and let's pray for a good season in the Danube region. Are you getting ready to transplant outdoors soon? Or is it still cold under the Alps?


Privet Yoss, our climate is not so warm as yours..there is about 15 to 18 Celzius at the moment. Most growers wait until 15. of May, we call that day poscana Zofka (pissed Zofka) :) after that day its quite safe to plant, cos there is no danger of frost anymore.
Indians prayed for rain... they received only bullets , lets hope that černozjom will stay on the ground in your region.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Chernozem is surely here to stay. Hopefully, without two-legged predators.

Here's the update:

All plants doing fine, with only the Haze 1 still suffering from the broad mite damage, but its tops look green and not deformed, so I guess it will soon outgrow the problem.
I don't know how much of a problem it is, but there's some mole digging molehills around the HxTs. Last week I destroyed with foot a molehill next to HxT #1 and yesterday there was a new molehill between HxT #2 and HxT #4 (you can see the tramped hill on the photos). I hope this mole will not make to much damage to the HxTs' roots before giving up digging at that place.

The HxTs:

HxT #1:

HxT #2:

HxT #3:

HxT #4:


hi Yoss, nice looking Hazes you have there.

the haze 1 seens to be having a hard time, fingers cross that she can push it through

but the other 4 seens going strong, one question, what is the space between them? maybe are the pics but looks like they are a little to close together ones from the others, I hope they dont finish to cramp together

with you permission I will take a chair and watch the show!


Well-known member
Hi, Rick, and welcome! Yes, they are planted very close together (about a foot between them), and will surely limit each other. But to make the long story short - it's due to security reasons. I'm not growing the HxTs for yield, but only to see how long they flower and what's the high. I hope they will soon bring out identifiable pre-flowers and I'll be able to remove the males. So far, only HxT #4 has preflowers that look like female flowers (but without pistils protruding). The rest have very small somewhat bulbous preflowers. I hope at least one more of the HxTs is going to turn out female.