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Root Aphids

Root Aphids

the name of this one is nl/blue Im guessing thats northern lights x blueberry dont know much else about her other than that.
shes at 24 days not much stretch,heavy feeder but I need to back down a little cause shes got a minor case of the claw....check out how pointy the leaves are .very cool

Weird, I have a plant that looks just like that, came from a friend of a friend, my prize for baby sitting.

OK GUYS! Leroy is BACK!!!

And guess what.... finally figured out that I CAN indeed grow a plant indoors..........

It was Root Aphids that have been fucking me all along!!!

1st harvest was shit, I did the classic "Root aphids but it's def so overfeed"

2nd was non-existant

3rd is taking the same course as the first :(

Definitly aphids with wings, 100% on this, infestation is bad in some pots. Had some fungas gnat's, treated, fungas gnat's went away, but then I was like "Why do I still have fungus gnat's Closer inspection revealed they are clearly flying aphids of some sort. Fuck me. And all the classic symptoms- everything goes to shit 3 weeks in, I thought it was only a CO/CA problem. I have no idea where they came from as everything was from seed.

Just wondering if anyone else 'round these parts has had them? Sucks I need to get in touch with some people I handed clones out to :(


I think Azatrol root soak might eliminate those aphids, I've applied it as a drench for soil gnats and eliminated them rather effectively....This is my summer room, at least 270 degrees of it, I just strung up Chefro's chemsour with a chain and did some considerable tying up.It's still early on but this is all I've got...
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This side with the wall mounted 430W Son Agro is cranking, chocolope in the foreground and SSSDH#2 behind, it's hard to see but let your imagination run....


Some heavy, snarly odors coming from this plant.Ya'll can do a bug inspection for me, I found one small leafhoppper yesterday, the rest of the place is tight, I think...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yea i hear ya on the loud odor coming from Chefro's chemsour, i have 1 next to the ChemD and its hard determine who is the loudest :)

here is my Chem D in a 15gal at 3 weeks or so


TB Gardens

Active member
Looks busy in there Chaco, ladies are workin hard. Just wondering if anyone is making the trek down to the lords country (west Virginia) to go to All Good this weekend? Let me
leroy mine came to me via a friend as well and I never gave her much thought.....turns out she's the looker so far and giving off a familiar skunky but sweet scent......I hope she puts out the goods for me.........Is your's a nl/blue ?


Looking damn good from here, whats the 630# on that meter, ppm? I've been running coco for about 9 months and I like it but I'm leaning back to rock a little bit, it's more resiliant with a dead rez in the summer but you have to keep that rez cool!I spent half the summer last year throwing ice blocks into my rez but it was "hell yes" worth it. I have to setup another veg room today or throw away a buch of seedlings, the Nevilles Haze seedlings have outgrown everthing and I germed them a week later than the others, I'm almost out of lamps and if I need to drop another bare bulb, I'll be pissed! My eyes are toast, there's some eye dr chasing me down for a spot on my right eye, it's my own fault for having my eyes checked...


Built up the veg room, "hell yes":) Transplanted a bunch of chem D's and such, then I have loads of seedlings, soo many that only the strongest will be picked regardless of origin.This is what chem D in veg looks like in most gardens, the reason you only see macro bud pics, or flushed out shots.I took cuts from a mom that looked similar, a big one and some Bubba cuts, ya'll know the tale, now I had that D in my garden and I chose the best looking shoots for a cut, they rooted up, into coco and regardless of the mixup the D was in my garden and I never had these symptoms.We'll see if I can banish them.The twp plants are the D the others are seedligs of various sorts..


Color me gone
Chaco, looking good brother, your crazier than I thought if you add another light to the room this summer! I just trimmed for about 12 hours yesterday and well I can't wait to take a step back from the summer growing, but you just keeping adding lights I can only imagine the sighs you give when you got to trim up your room....As far as those 2 plants that look a little beat up do you think that is the Mosaic Virus or possibly heat stress on just them, otherwise things are looking good. Also one question for you and the rez, you you use automatic feeders or do you just have a rez filled up and keep it bubbling and hand feed as needed?


This blight is not TMV, Zens discussions with other prominent D growers believe it's a stress disorder of some kind that is alleviated by extra cal-mag, higher humidity and perhaps silicone supplements.They grow big like this, ugly the whole way, I saw Zens whole grow, despite the blight he took 54oz from 3K.I saw it, I smoked it.:) I set the rez up with a drip system and keep it cold, check my new clean room, 600W cooltube for veg.It's an obsession, I don't need the $$...I think they call it gear hoarding or OCD...


Color me gone
well as long as the end product is excellent who cares what she grows like right? Sounds like the yields aren't affected much.. Also thanks for letting me know about the rez set up, I've been debating whether or not I should keep hand feeding or go to auto feeders. I'm really getting tired of filling up 6-8, 5 gallon jugs at a time and mixing each up individually every other day. I rather have a couple trash cans and an orr to mix, and have to change weekly, Im sure I'll do both and compare.... Clean set up, I am OCD when it comes to a clean grow room, I can't stand seeing any dirt or grime anywhere!


Looking damn good from here, whats the 630# on that meter, ppm? I've been running coco for about 9 months and I like it but I'm leaning back to rock a little bit, it's more resiliant with a dead rez in the summer but you have to keep that rez cool!I spent half the summer last year throwing ice blocks into my rez but it was "hell yes" worth it. I have to setup another veg room today or throw away a buch of seedlings, the Nevilles Haze seedlings have outgrown everthing and I germed them a week later than the others, I'm almost out of lamps and if I need to drop another bare bulb, I'll be pissed! My eyes are toast, there's some eye dr chasing me down for a spot on my right eye, it's my own fault for having my eyes checked...

thanks and yes the 630 is what my real time ppmS are( A little high i want them around 480-540 ) I have the p/h connection but its was broke when i got it thats why its says OR but the meter is awsome you can set ppm ,ph,temp in a range so if thye go outside your parameters its will alarm you. as far as temp in the REz I have a hydrofarm chiller hookd up all the time set for 71f ,, its place outside the room becouse of the heat its produces and it will suck out all the co2 in the room ! but a chiller is the way to go if you do any type of hydro( you cant be guessing when it needs ice ) il take some more pics of room 2-5 that are in coco later :) i just planted some clones of some bubble kush but for some reason not liking its & on the way to die :( i hope i can save them or they will come back on there own :tiphat: to you and higHlighter


You might want to jump the ppm's to 1000, you're in rock don't sweat it, 630 is what I would give a fresh rooted clone, it's almost no food.I personally like my water around 55-60 degrees, esp in the summer.You might set that chiller to 68, anything over 69 will create growth of algae etc.I've been running rock for , well a long time, it's a fine line between rootrot and monster plants, hell chill that f-er down to 65 and up the ppm to 1100, that oughta juice that shit up, the plants are croaking for a reason.What do the roots look like, does your rez smell like a frog pond?....Don't mind me but I could show ya' some mean ass trees I grew in ice cooled rez', in the summer...oh wait..


You fellas recommend a good long lasting deodorant ... The sticky heat has my pits dripping with a powerful odor of beer/diesel with a hint of homelessness !!

Stay fresh homies !!


Eagle 20, just a spot on your chest and you'll be a bitch magnet in minutes!:tiphat: Good to see ya' Kotter.:) Did you see my 430 kicking ass in the wall mount position?


You might want to jump the ppm's to 1000, you're in rock don't sweat it, 630 is what I would give a fresh rooted clone, it's almost no food.I personally like my water around 55-60 degrees, esp in the summer.You might set that chiller to 68, anything over 69 will create growth of algae etc.I've been running rock for , well a long time, it's a fine line between rootrot and monster plants, hell chill that f-er down to 65 and up the ppm to 1100, that oughta juice that shit up, the plants are croaking for a reason.What do the roots look like, does your rez smell like a frog pond?....Don't mind me but I could show ya' some mean ass trees I grew in ice cooled rez', in the summer...oh wait..

No the bubble clones that are dieing are in my coco room! but I just turnd down the temp on my chilleer to 67 nd holding no the smell to the water its clean and clear beside its brannd new water only 3 days old but only reason i said the ppms are high is becouse they recommond you cut your ppms in half with this system ... i think il end out topin out around 1500-1800 for final maybe higher .... but will see how its goes ... & I would love too see monster ,everyone I talkd to said I should get no less then 10 oz a plant off a 3 week vegs.... a

this is my first RDWC CHACO all the help and advices is welcome...
leroy mine came to me via a friend as well and I never gave her much thought.....turns out she's the looker so far and giving off a familiar skunky but sweet scent......I hope she puts out the goods for me.........Is your's a nl/blue ?

It's a mystery, but I was looking at it last night, it does look similiar but it has double serations pretty hardcore, I'll have to take a pic of it. It's in "Basement mix coco" whatever that is, I know it's coco & perlite at the least, I've been meaning to research it as I was very impressed, I was under the impression that coco is a bitch & needs to be watered A LOT, but this thing has just been on a slightly more accelerated drinking schedule than my pro-mix & miracle grow plants, and it must be bound as fuck to boot, looks great though, one of the few good ones in there right now.

On a side note I don't think I'm running pro-mix again, I dunno, to be honest I found that miracle grow moisture control has crazy better drainage than promix HP, and the just add water part is nice as well. The plants in promix do look a lot better though, but the aphids aren't bad in there, I dunno, the MG drains better though for certain, whoda thunk?


It's a mystery, but I was looking at it last night, it does look similiar but it has double serations pretty hardcore, I'll have to take a pic of it. It's in "Basement mix coco" whatever that is, I know it's coco & perlite at the least, I've been meaning to research it as I was very impressed, I was under the impression that coco is a bitch & needs to be watered A LOT, but this thing has just been on a slightly more accelerated drinking schedule than my pro-mix & miracle grow plants, and it must be bound as fuck to boot, looks great though, one of the few good ones in there right now.

On a side note I don't think I'm running pro-mix again, I dunno, to be honest I found that miracle grow moisture control has crazy better drainage than promix HP, and the just add water part is nice as well. The plants in promix do look a lot better though, but the aphids aren't bad in there, I dunno, the MG drains better though for certain, whoda thunk?

i would stop using MG aad buy some Botanicare Coco premix i think it will do the the job your looking for with out all the chemicals nd its only about $20-25 a bag ( about 12 two gallon pots its fills ) put a little perlite or coco chips in the bottem of the pots befor you put your coco in its should drain no problem how this helps:dance013:

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