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a too big closet tree - the tree hugger


Well-known member
Hi everyone. Like so many others, I have stumbled over here from OG. Its always nice to bring a bottle of wine when you visit, so heres what Ive got. Im currently about 24 days into flower, so you can watch my final success or failure as it goes :)

Reeferman Hashplant
3 x 4 x 10tall space
2400 watts :)
CO2 with controlls
KBS - DWC hybrid 4 gallons hyroton in a 12 gallon bucket and 6 gallons of res.
50lpm air with large disc koi pond bubbler
Flora Nova - Liquid Karma - Cal Mag Plus

I vegged for about 5 1/2 weeks
The last pic is 21 days flower and she is 67" tall. I can only tolerate another 6 inches high, but it looks like she has almost stopped stretching.



Active member
thats fucking awesome man
I kinda wanna do you!

what kinda yield u usualy get from a setup like that?


Well-known member
I dont know. Its a new experiment :) Ill be a bit dissapointed if I dont get 2 lbs.


Come back when you have the proper gear and learn to use them. ;P
That's a monster bitch I'd say. Hope everything will go well, this is one of the very few threads I'm going to be checking regularly. So keep those pics coming now that we saw that and after few days if you don't update some of the heaviest pic junkies (incl. me) will start to shake.

Welcome to the forums.


Looks like enough dried bud for all week end alright, too bad the trunk never fully developed or it might have filled out a little. All kidding aside keep us posted pre and post chop.


Great grow foaf, nice to see names from og over here. How long before harvest? Also do you have a link for info on your pump and air disk? I am using a thomas air pump right now but its so dam loud. Thanks, BluntItUp


Well-known member
hi bluntitup, I see your trees are coming along nicely, good work.

the pump is the best thing going. at 50lpm its twice the ouput of the big Genral Hydroponics pump and just as quiet. the AV-50 from won brothers. I think you could run 2 or 3 buckets on it. $110


and the koi pond disc diffuser is available at most koi pond places, this one wont fit ina 5 gallon bucket, it just fits in this 12 gallon, its a lot of little bubbles and no clogs, the thing has a thick rubber membrane with a million little slits in it, and it cleanable and can be dissassembled. cant remember where I got it, search "koi disc rubber diffuser" and there are lots of places


Hey Foaf,
Nice setup and plant. So what were you experimenting for? Interesting use of those flouro's.
I guess that's a big question, is the 2400 watts used as efficiently as possible, as compared to other setups. Never used those style of lights so if ya got a comment on how you like them would be appreciated.



Well-known member
SmokinDog said:
Hey Foaf,
.... So what were you experimenting for?....
I guess that's a big question, is the 2400 watts used as efficiently as possible, as compared to other setups. Never used those style of lights so if ya got a comment on how you like them would be appreciated.

experimenting for fun and to try and get as much out of a 3x4xtall space as possible

everyone has a limiting factor:
money electricity knowlege and space being the most common

for me, space is my only limit. so for my purposes, I dont really care about g/w or such, I want lbs/space as my measure. actually, fun per square foot is how I measure success :smile:

most definately this is not a gonna be a great gram per watt deal, but I bet I blow the hell out of most grams/sq ft measures when its over.

the 120 watt cfl are expensive per watt compared to hps/mh. they are only good when you have some special situation and dont want a fire hazard if the bulb touches something (my acrylic cool tubes) or when you dont want to mess with a seperate ballast deal.


Well-known member
day 29 flower. I did veg nutes for the first week, then flora nova bloom nutes, and started koolbloom, a p/k booster, 3 days ago. Ill add some every 3rd day or so till later. Ive upped the co2 to 1500, had been at 800, and about to start foliar feeding with the bloom formulation of dutchmaster folitech/penetrator.

its very hard to get a representative picture of this plant, I mean, its 6'2" tall and I can only get the camera 3 feet away at most. this is the top half.

so its basically a 3x4x6 foot cube of this stuff, with a bald spot in the center.

Ive got 5 or 6 weeks to go, you think they'll fatten up some?? :smile:



Active member
damn foaf thats a very nice tree ,impressive with such a big plant in such a small space ,im really looking forward to following this thread.

Rolando Mota

Active member
Hi foaf welcome, and wow what an introduction - great thread! It would seem necessity and a stoners ingenuity are both the mother of invention. :joint: I bet you reach your goal easily.


Well-known member
day 38, about a month to go. she stalled some as far as nutrient useage, but picked back up again last week and is gaining steam. I hope she fills in some. :) This is the dark side shown. I let a reflective shade down that is against this side, the lighted side is bulkier. Even the center gets some light and has buds.



damn, thats just inspiring!
cool experiment for sure, those tops look crazy so far!