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A stoner's guide to quitting nicotine


Around this time last year i decided i wasent gonna pay for cancer anymore !
My new years resolution was to go to a store and ask for 2 cartons of cigarettes but not pay for them.
And so i did when they asked me to pay i told them i dont pay for cancer and they where gonna have to call the cops.
So they called the cops on my ass the cops looked kinda weird.They say i stole those cigarettes but i dident i told them loud and clear that i dont pay for cancer.

I had enuff money in my pocket to pay for them it was about the principal.
They told me but you choose to smoke.I told them they got me hooked when i was 12 years old and that 12 year old kids arent responsible for getting themselves addicted to cigarettes.Anyway drama hour ensued they made me pay a fine and i got banned from the store.I dont know what im gonna do this year maybe fire bomb a store or something.

If you dont have any new years resolution yet i suggest you do the same go to a store where you buy cigarettes and say you dont pay for cancer.


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
old thread
i'm happy to say that i'm still not smoking!!
It will be 5 years come 1/23/16!!
stay strong folks


ICMag Donor
Just quit. You don't need "programs".

But if you wait until they open your chest like a lobster tail like they did to me you'll wish you just threw that crap in the garbage.

It's EASY if you value life. After 30 years of smoking I think I had 3-4 really bad days and then it was gone. Now I can't stand the smell. That was in 2005. I have however increased my weed consumption which is a good thing:tiphat:

Just quit


if it smells like fish
I quit ciggies and I now puff cigars...yeehaw,,I need to quit them too but hey its not like I am gonna live forever anyhow


Hi ho here we go
I remember the day I quit smoking in 1978.

I remember the day I quit smoking in 1978.

old thread
i'm happy to say that i'm still not smoking!!
It will be 5 years come 1/23/16!!
stay strong folks

Congratulations Frank,

I had tried to quit smoking many times and couldn't do it. (Went to bars, etc. always a reason)

I decided to try again. I put 2 cigarettes on my mantle and said to myself that I would stop after they we gone.

I took a few drags on the cigarette and put it back on the mantle.

That was my last puff. After a couple of weeks there was no looking back.

Hang in there folks :smoke:
On day 7, The first few days were much better then I could have imagined. I have been using a 2:1 THC/CBD distillate with added terps and it's been a miracle for cravings. Day 5 and 6 were rough withdrawl wise(Irritability,Insatiable Hunger, Strong Headaches), but I'm quite resolute that I do not want to die a slow and terrible death. Still may happen as I smoked for 15 years but I must try to do what I can to mitigate that risk.

Thank you for this thread. I was able to stop for 24 hours then relapsed but after that pack I was done. It made me realize similar nicotine and cocaine cravings are quite similar. One you've ingested even the tiniest amount the cravings for more are EXTREMELY intense but after the effects of the substance leave, the cravings disappear.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Tx for posting, good info.

My wife and I quit 15 years ago. ( I smoked for 20 years, wife was around 15)

- Made a pact to be completely honest with ourselves and everyone around us. (This, incidentally, has also worked wonders for our marriage, now nearly 16+ years old)
- Kicked drama out of our house. (You want to bitch and complain, do it outside on my porch. Everyone inside is positive and moving forward in life)
- Quit smoking indoor and in the car

We kept this up for about 3-4 months and our stress levels went WAY down. We then bought a pound of cannabis. When the cravings hit we would drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. When we still needed a smoke after 10 minutes we would smoke a joint.

The pound lasted less than 3 months between us and we haven't smoked tobacco since about week 2 of the pound.

Craving free for 15+ years now. ;)


72h off. Last night the sweat phase started. 2. time that i quit normaly my nicotine craving goes away after 9 days. A sublimator bong or a dab also helps nicely with the craving. Already got more energy but also noticed that i like trolling more the last 2 days.


A weeks since my last bonghit with tobacco:D
Smell aready improved, overall more energy and i'm no longer tired in the morning when i wake up.
Weed consumption went up too, the high is way better and less dulling.
Still sweating a lot in the night or when exercise.


ICMag Donor
easy as pie to quit couple packs of Kools a day for umteen years-EASY

easy as pie to quit couple packs of Kools a day for umteen years-EASY

After the cardio thoracic surgeon ran his finger down the middle of my chest in explaining to me where they were going to cut me open...I never smoked another cigarette! About 14 years now!

( even more fun was when they showed me a "spot" in my lungs and sent me for the nuclear "pet scan" thing and told me if it lights up, and he drew a picture of a lung and showed me where they would slice it off....hahaha what fun people, getting old is such a fking adventure!


Well-known member
i quit about three months ago. i used patches the first month but decided to not use them because i read that once you don't have nicotine in your body, it takes nine months for your neurotransmitters to return to a non smoker's brain level. your brain adds more and more neurotransmitters for nicotine when you smoke so you have 3x the amount a non smoker has. if you don't have nicotine, eventually the cravings/signals from neurotransmitters go away. it has been a really shitty three months i'll tell ya what but i am starting to feel a tiny bit better recently.

i've been to an oral surgeon for mouth cancer which so far has turned out not to be cancerous all three times. i'm just tired of smoking and nobody else around here does. it sucks for dating. it sucks for employment. friends have to wait for me to smoke. i want change.


Well-known member
Lung cancer, and Valley fever, and MAC respiratory disease.
The ability to be able to do a bong hit is a wonderful thing.
I do a few every once in a while as a treat.
Consume most of what I do sublingually.
The ability to breath is a blessing that I
appreciate a great deal more now.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
When i first started smoking cannabis (UK - 1980's) it was always imported hashish smoked with tobacco... it was some years before i even saw brick weed from africa and quite a few again before indoor grown buds became available - so tobacco with weed becomes the habit...
When i quit tobacco it took a long time for the feeling that something was 'missing from my high' to subside... probably about 6 months...

but eventually you realize that the high you get from cannabis without tobacco is actually a lot better, a lot purer. I smoke pure weed single skin joints these days and use a filter (yes it still gets you wrecked with a filter)

And now i have grown to HATE that rising nauseous feeling you get from tobacco... makes me feel sick.
It takes some time but you get there, and it's a better place.


The Tri Guy
I can't get stoned without tobacco, I just get high. I hate being high, I like being stoned.


This is normal, for ex you get hits from bong, get high, next smoke cig to get more fu*ked up. ;)


A dab or hash pipe comes close to getting stoned.

The last months i noticed that in your memory getting stoned(=with tobacco) is way better than in reality. Most time i got to the 3 days mark and then relapsed to the nic again. Never in that time did the high hold up with the expectation of the craving brain. I was chasing the tarry dragon and never got it.
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