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A stoner's guide to quitting nicotine

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I just had a brilliant design for a shock collar that sensed tobacco smoke... but after thinking about taking it out in public, decided not to draw it up.


Active member
Thank you freedom for this great thread! I can relate heavily to a lot of ur advice and will pass it onto my mother who has recently quit.

I'm on my third and final quit attempt :D

Smoke free days 46 days
Grams NOT smoked 395
Money saved $420.00
Total savings $420.00

yay! $420 bucks!


way to go frank, im happy for you.
i have at least managed to trap down to camel one. i will give it a month then i will leav them behind for ever


I havent read 'all' the posts in this thread but like quittting smoking, reiteration and repetition is alwasy good.

I used to smoke 4 packs a day.
Driving to work on the west side hwy (NewYorkCity) I got a pin in my chest. Turned out it was a partially collapsed lung. That was 1981. I havent had a cig since. I had a reoccuring dream, yes, the same EXACT dream, FOR TWO YEARS!

My thought is, you're brain is wired to the cigs for, at least, that long.

I still smoked joints, bongs and glass pipes.
3 yearas ago I bought a vaporizor.

I say: If you're going to try to quit smoking ciggarets and continue to get hig/medicate,
buy and use a vaporizor.

My theory is that ciggaret smoke is 'hotter' and 'heavier' than
vapors from a vaporizor. Your brain is wired to the hot&heavy smoke, smoking joints, etc reproduces the hot&heavy 'trigger'
one gets from ciggarets, putting your brain back onto the cigs.

I'm high as hell right now and rambling.. but after 16 years of smoking and 30 years of not smoking ciggaretts,
I think know what I'm talking about (HAHAHA!!)

Conversly, if you smoke cigs, you porbably will not be happy with a vaporizor because of the light vapors (smoke).


almost 9 months cig free here, quit cold turkey, no patch, no e-cig, no bs.

now im even moving toward healthier herb smoking/consumption too, it's had a huge impact on my cardio and overall health.
almost @ 3months and still going strong!

i don't think i'll ever be going back :D

Dude, you like, totally rule and stuff. :trampoline:

I just had a brilliant design for a shock collar that sensed tobacco smoke... but after thinking about taking it out in public, decided not to draw it up.

:laughing: I think it'll work. The nastiest tasting medicine always does the most good. :tongue:

Thank you freedom for this great thread! I can relate heavily to a lot of ur advice and will pass it onto my mother who has recently quit.

I'm on my third and final quit attempt :D

Smoke free days 46 days
Grams NOT smoked 395
Money saved $420.00
Total savings $420.00

yay! $420 bucks!

You rule too! :jump: And you're welcome. :shucks:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
I hit the 1 year mark :D
i'm free from this horrible addiction.

thx for the reminder rep mcsnappler!
and congrats to you as well for hitting your one year :D


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I sure wish everyone looking to quit tobacco the very best of luck, I never smoked cigs so I wouldn't understand their attraction to anyone.

I did however smoke coke for over 6.5 years, I know that NO amount of outside intervention ever did me any good; it was only when I decided to quit that I did, it was a life or death realization that got me to finally walk away from it.

btw smokers, if you'd like just a bit more incentive for quitting you should know that even after going outside to have a smoke non-smokers can't stand the fresh ashtray smell you walk back into the home or office with, if they tell you they don't mind or it doesn't bother them they're lying to you.......


Lammen Gorthaur
Valuable contribution man, thanks. Thank fuck you're here. :rolleyes:

Now that was fricking funny! :thank you:

I quit on March 12, 2008. Used Chantix. Made me so sick I could hardly stand up. I lost 40 pounds and quit smoking. Now I put the 40 back on and 40 more so my next trick is to lose weight and get back to normal. So far so good on that score. I am going to love being thin and trim again. I just keep tellin' myself I can do it and now I am reducing the food intake. Got to get rid of junk food. I'm about to turn 50 and I'm still eating junk like I was 20 years-old. Oh man!

I quit crystal cold turkey when I was 18; never looked back.

I quit drinking cold turkey when I was 22; never looked back.

You can do this people. You have to man up and decide that you are not going to be willing to settle for anything less than complete success and it will be yours! As soon as I realized that quitting smoking meant that tobacco was over for the rest of my life it got a wee bit more manageable and I was able to cope. That and the Chantix that made smoking suck worse than drinking dog urine.


Today i have been smoke free for three days. i i am doing good. i can feel that this time is going to be the time it is forever. i have had smoked for way to long, and i can feel my lungs have sufered. to the point that they partialy collapse multipel times every year,that last time beeing just after newyear.
so now i will never again taste tobacko. thank fuck


I smoked from 13 to 43 - quit just about 7 yrs ago.

Cold turkey - my mother-in-law asked me to - I adore her, so I quit.

Easy peasy - never had another one - don't miss it at all...
Have been tobacco free for 2 years and alcohol free for 1 1/2 years. Now if I could go without pain meds but I need them. Enjoy money saved to buy daughter and fiance nice things.


i quit for one month, having an exam today and started again... just yet... FUCK!
try to quit again as soon as you can. after the exam, or when you get home. trow them away. you know you dont really like them.
a month is to long, and if you start smoking again, you just have to do that month of quiting againg.

i am on my fourth day to day, and i feel narky.


Lammen Gorthaur
What helped me the most was realizing that my life had to now be fundamentally different and tobacco wasn't going to be part of it, so I (slowly to be sure) started thinking about it less. Trust me. You have to gut it out for six months. Once you get six months clean you have made it. Just hang in there. You don't need to quit for six months you just don't need to smoke today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.


to day i have been off the tobacco for two weeks, what helps me alot is that we are on holliday, that i combine whit a tollerance break from the weed. so no joints that i normaly smoked whit a bit of tobacco.
also to day we whent on a day trip, kindof an organiced thing whit different people, and one discusting old man, that probably smoked a pack in 6-7 hours, and he had the worst cough i have heard in a long time. so next time i crave one really badly, i will think of that cough and how little i whant to be that old man
I gave up on christmas day; since then I have smoked on seven different days; however I have still quit, they were just small slipbacks. There are 36 days there that I didn't smoke, as opposed to 7 that I did.
It's only if I drink that I end up buying a packet.
I last smoked 2 days ago however I only smoked for the one day and then stopped the next day.
I find that once you have given up for a while it's easier to stop again if you do break out and smoke.
Slipping back occassionally is not a big deal; think of it as you are climbing a mountain; maybe part way up your feet slip and you slide back down a couple of metres; however you pick yourself up and keep going and soon you are higher up the mountain and past the point where you slipped and still going upwards.


Active member
I haven't smoke a cig since January 2000.

I remember walking through 2 1/2 feet of snow to get a pack of smokes, when I didn't want to leave the house. I hacked up brown crap and got my smokes.

I hated being a bitch to cigs.

Up yours Mother Nicotine with your brown teats, still want to suckle, but I won't do it.