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A sick twisted grafting experiment

vicious bee

Alright put the children in another room because this is a ,"A sick twisted grafting experiment". I got the idea from reading a thread by zero.kewl.
He takes a root and grafts a top onto it creating the "zero.kewl" cloning method. So I start thinking about grafting. Surfing the web. I find some amazing stuff. Weed plants with one type root and five different top strains. I start getting ideas. We all know how when you first plant seeds it seems to take forever for the plant to gain some decent size. In my searches I found a youtube video about vineyards. They took a small top (Scion) and grafted it to a large root stock. The plant exploded into growth and grew a whole vine in one year. I'm thinking, what if autos in the beginning had this explosive growth? So I started a little experiment. The first picture is is two trays of Diesel Ryders, which are not doing to well I believe due to really cold temperatures. The five on the right will be grafted. The ones on the left are controls.

The next picture shows all the plants to be grafted, the plants they will be grafted to and a three of Diesel Ryders that are a few weeks away from being done. As you can see my yield on these is pitiful but it gives you an idea of what to expect.

The Blue Streak nub on the right will take three plants and the twisted looped Ducksfoot will take two. There's an excellent guide on grafting here:
I'm doing the Blue Streak nub first. I'm using a side graft on all my grafts because it seems easiest to do. I used a normal razor knife wiped down with alcohol. The next picture shows two of three side cuts.

Next showing the nub and two of the three scions inserted. You have to line up the barks(actually the inner tissue, read the paper in the link).

Now I show all three plants on the nub stock. I used nursery tape to tape the whole thing up.

Here's another view of the three grafted plants with them labeled

Here's the Ducksfoot with the scion inserted

And here's two scions taped and labeled on the Ducksfoot stock.There's one on the left and one on the right.

What's interesting about this? Well for one thing maybe the larger stock will help the autos gain size quicker. Also on the female Blue Streak stock are some male and female scions. On the male Ducksfoot are also male and female scions. I suspect that what ever is male will stay male and whatever is female will stay female. I wonder will the auto Blue Streak stump die off before the Diesel Ryders are done? Will the autos grafted to a non auto Ducksfoot still be auto? I believe they will. Now I need to list possible modes of failure. First I've never grafted anything before. Thats a big one. The Blue Streak was cut several days ago and I just hadn't gotten around to getting rid of it. You can see it looks green and healthy but who knows. The Ducks foot two days ago had lots of male flowers on it. I cut them off and was trying to reveg. If my attempt fails maybe some one without so many problems could make it work.
I wonder if you saved your auto stocks from your last grow could you add new smaller plants and have the fully grown root system give a boost to the new plants? That's primarily what this is about. Should know some of the answers to these questions in two months time.


Very cool VB. I would suggest you get some grafting wax though...you will have better results if you can keep moisture loss from the union down. The nursery tape is a little too 'breathable' Never thought I would see grafting in a canna thread...maybe you can add an apple scion too...give you some munchies along with your bud :dance013:


hahahaha! This should be good :lurk: Thanks for posting this, I was going to do the same with standard strains to keep a flavorful mother =)

I've read honey can speed up the healing process on snapped stems and/or wounds of plants. I wish I could remember the other strange thing that I read that is alleged to work and heal better than anything else. It was a random thing to use and isn't coming to the top of my head but If i find it I'll be sure to share!


I wonder if you saved your auto stocks from your last grow could you add new smaller plants and have the fully grown root system give a boost to the new plants? That's primarily what this is about. Should know some of the answers to these questions in two months time.

I have pondered the same thing. I was considering revegging a 12/12 strain after It finishes this fall and trying to graft autos to it. If I grafted 5 AF onto ONE monster of a 12/12 stalk/plant then it's still just ONE plant, correct? :biglaugh:


I will add these to the conversation cause they are kinda an oddity too. I though af's would'nt re-veg...this bluestreak fem certainly is making a run at it....VB, you now have me thinking about pasting branches of this and that on to this stick...or of cutting the developing shoot off if it starts to fail, and trying to graft it to a Sour 60 male stem???

Hmmm, grafting for stoners.http://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=12843&pictureid=261967



vicious bee

Well one of the plants on the Duck was not doing so good today. It laid down on it's side. I kept telling it, "GET UP, GET UP". So I moved it to indirect light and gave it a nice spray of water. I went to the Depot and got some liquid electrical tape, haven't the slightest idea where to get grafting wax, and put a little on it. In the next three days or so it should probably either perk up or perk out. It was looking a little better after I watered it and propped it up. The other three on the Blue Streak root seems to be doing fine. I covered it with liquid electrical tape also. I may have not lined the scion up correctly. The , I think it's, cambium layers must be lined up. Since I twisted the Duck to hell and back who knows where the cambium layer is? It had a tough shell.
chuckyoufarley- Knew some one had to have a grafting thread somewhere. I don't claim to be doing anything particularly novel. Although I'm not sure if any one has tried this on an auto root.
ChynaRyder- I hope you do graft it or graph another plant to the Blue Streak stem. It would not take too much space and be a valuable cross check on my twisted and ill mannered attempt.
I've got a couple of normal bag seed plants I'm cutting in a week or two. I may sprout some more seeds to put on the freshly cut roots. I wonder just how soon you could graft them? Could you stick the root and all in the cut? Any ideas?


I use toilet ring wax , a new one of cours . it seals everything up nice and tight

vicious bee

I read the link chuckyoufarley posted. Very good information there. This is another one of those should have used the search function first. None the less using autos for the grafts may turn up something different.


im interested to see where this goes, id love to see this as an effective medium for multi strain mother planting

vicious bee

im interested to see where this goes, id love to see this as an effective medium for multi strain mother planting
This has already been done. There's a video on youtube. The reason they initially did it was to get larger yield. They grafted several strains on I think it was a Mexican with a really strong root system. The idea being that the strong root system would enhance the growth of the others.

vicious bee

I kinda screwed up. The smaller one is doing fine but it was male so I had to move it to an area with only fluorescents. That ruins the comparison. The two on the larger one died. So I cut the top off of the larger one and added three females to it. They don't look so good but they haven't given up yet. I haven't abandoned this it's inconclusive yet. The smaller one had a solid stem and the larger a hollow stem. Maybe that's the problem? The smaller one is growing well but with a fraction of the light, it being moved under fluorescents, it's slightly less tall than those under the HPS. I'm going to wait a couple more weeks post pictures with the outcome.