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A real tipping point in America...is about to be reached?


Power Armor rules
China is already collapsing. Just look at what their real estate market has been doing lately. Their factory output numbers are declining too which is not good for them either.



Active member
always hated putting so much time in; but anyway yeah; now it takes 5 workers to do the work of 4! as mentioned, smaller business would tend to be unaffected so the effect on the unemployment rate might not be so proportionate

nonetheless; more jobs right?
Hey buddy... You might want to do a little research into economics... maybe just the basics.

Really, if I'd spent as little time researching economics as you have.... I'd really not want to draw attention to myself.

Unless of course you're being sarcastic... in which case, I totally agree. I mean... who doesn't want to share a portion of their already small check with a new employee. Shorter hours, remember.

I've never seen so many people all :jump: about amputating their own leg in public. F'n retarded.

Stay Safe!

p.s. Hydrosun: I'd give you lots and lots of rep... but the system says I'm maxxed out for you. LOL


They can always find work as pigs, postal workers, or TSA slugs. We all know that pretending to work and cashing the government check is the highest form of enlightenment and social responsibility.

Now if we could only do away with money and make sure 100% of all jobs are state jobs.

It is so simple and would improve the lives of all. I wonder why no nation has ever tried it?




Active member
The real problem is money. Money is the root of all evil. Everything in this world revolves around money. We have technology for cars to run on water, we have technology to make tires last for ever. We have technology to make cars run off of fermented vegetables and fruits. Each one of these inventions would help us out tremendously. But none hace been emplemented why? becuase someone somewhere is gonna loose a lot of money. China? becareful cause China is a Comunist/solicalist experiment run by the illuminati. So is North Korea, another experiment. Just look into who put these fucks into power. The US with and the good ole Rothchilds calling shots from Isreal. Why does America care so much when people threatin Isreal? Cause they are our Masters Our Daddys. They own us. America is headed for China style Government. Anybody else see the commercials on TV for these huge future citys in china? Also how bout how china was given 50 square miles outside of Idaho I think.

The real problem is you need to stop listening to Zeitgeist propaganda and think for yourself. Zeitgeist is the "Other" New World Order.

You're completely distracted by bullshit. It happens when you're young... I know from experience.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
The issue is sovereignty.

I'm posting a link to a primer video on it... they should have taught this in elementary and high schools.

Do current Amerika a favor and become aware of how badly you're being raped daily. (p.s. This video is OLD and things are much worse... as you may be able to tell.)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


What like building huge cities that no one lives in? Flooding their economy with cheap easy money? Building stuff just to build stuff even though their is no demand.

Their approach is Neo-Keynesianism on steroids. Yeah that's going to work out well.

Lol, probably not and I'm not endorsing it either. It just proves my point that there's not NEARLY enough real work for such a huge population. Rather than have half their population unemployed, they give people jobs that aren't efficient and/or needed. I'm not sure there is a good solution to this issue, but having 1/2 the population work and the other half living in poverty on government handouts doesn't sound too good either...


Well-known member
FreedomFightr, I would start by studying Austrian economics and finding out the difference between it and the Keynesian model currently being used. Also look up capitalism it's the exact opposite of whatever is going on now. What we are entangled in now is not capitalism.


I love my life
FreedomFightr, I would start by studying Austrian economics and finding out the difference between it and the Keynesian model currently being used. Also look up capitalism it's the exact opposite of whatever is going on now. What we are entangled in now is not capitalism.

Don't look up capitalism (which is the opposite of what is going on), instead purchase a copy of "Capitalism the Unknown Ideal", by Ayn Rand. For less than $10 you will receive an economics education better than a $40,000 year at Harvard.



Active member
Don't look up capitalism (which is the opposite of what is going on), instead purchase a copy of "Capitalism the Unknown Ideal", by Ayn Rand. For less than $10 you will receive an economics education better than a $40,000 year at Harvard.



draztik said:
FreedomFightr, I would start by studying Austrian economics and finding out the difference between it and the Keynesian model currently being used. Also look up capitalism it's the exact opposite of whatever is going on now. What we are entangled in now is not capitalism.


FF... Did you watch the videos? There's a LOT of information there.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
So your answer is for people to join the military for a place to get money from? Don't you realize that the money they would be getting would be coming from your tax dollar and on top of it military spending is already way out of control and needs to be reduced not increased because of wave of people that can't find work anywhere else.

No I would never suggest the military is a place to get money. Someone was suggesting the government hand 25 y/o a check for $100,000 for nothing. All I was saying is the government would give you some money if you spent 4 years in the military and then reenlisted. For most jobs they will then give you a 5 figure bonus check. Yes I understand my tax dollars pay for the military. That is something I don't mind paying taxes for. Better than my tax dollars going to someone in section 8 housing sitting around eating bon-bons all day and watching Oprah. Or to bailout some wall street financial firm. The waste of tax dollars go way beyond just the military.

Look the last thing you want to here in your lifetime is "Hi! We are with the government and we are here to help."

Screw Obama. Ron Paul 2012.


Active member

Otherwise that is all your gonna have left, spare change.

Ron Paul is the ONLY person saving the US Taxpayer real money and giving us our freedom back too.



Active member
Look the last thing you want to here in your lifetime is "Hi! We are with the government and we are here to help."

This is utter nonsense. When my house burns down I'm very glad the government is there to help. When I'm in a car accident and hurt I want the government to send me help. When my street is full of potholes I want the government to send some one to patch them. The list goes on and on.

I get the sentiment but you are drinking cool aid if you believe crap like this.


I love my life
This is utter nonsense. When my house burns down I'm very glad the government is there to help. When I'm in a car accident and hurt I want the government to send me help. When my street is full of potholes I want the government to send some one to patch them. The list goes on and on.

I get the sentiment but you are drinking cool aid if you believe crap like this.

Co-intelpro or complete collectivist? Which are you? I am a complete and unapologetic individualist.

"When my street is full of potholes I want the government to send some one to patch them. The list goes on and on."

This is the root of the cancer killing any collective Humanity that actually exists: You and your ilk will always have and "The list goes on and on." demand of others.

My list includes not having to participate with individuals that think as you do. Is there a form I can file to opt out? Or is that impossible for your government?



I love my life
Yeah, I'm the wart in society by wanting to give to the people around me.

No you want others to come by and give to you. The list goes on and on.

Giving to others is just code for you stealing from others to give to who you choose, yourself.

Nothing you have written indicates that you personally give anything. Those who want to give are free to do so. The Government that you want to bless me with uses guns, cages, and blood to fulfill your lofty collectivist ideas.



Active member
I want to provide infrastructure and service to all people in this country when we need it, yes. The way to accomplish this is through government. I live around people and I would want them all to be taken care of. It isn't even that hard and it starts with getting money out of campaigns by bringing attention to Buddy Roemer or any candidate for any office with the same campaign finance ideals.