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a ppk for a 6 plant limit


No Jive Productions
Gonna take ya`ll waaaaay back ta krusty bucket school when the end result in the rootzone was a constant "nutrient rich fog" like D9 stated from Lucas speak back in the day , but it was and still is a complicated system to re-create just for the benefits with all the bells and whistles it took/takes to dial said setup....but...

Rootzone air porosity was based on the lava rocks we used that were boiled and tumbled regular to prevent silt and sediment while maintaining all those irregular edges and sizes that held O2 in the rootzones constantly while the big bitches were fed at a trickle and recirculated 24/7/365 with monsters using the right hybrids...

People were amazed at the size plants it pumped out with the proper 50/50 hybrids tailor made for the system with jacked up ppms and weekly flushes to control lockout while jamming nutes right back up their ass to make em jump with proper watts per sq ft and environment.....that said....

Why ANYONE would chase the dragon with krusty buckets SWC or the RDWC reasonable facsimile thereof these days with chillers and air compressors , plus the rest of everything needed to control environment is beyond me since the onset of a decent understanding on PPK`s and their ability to grow big plants and keep the majority of the plant`s "rootzone" as "air roots" above the juice with only a small percentage of remaining rootmass deemed as water roots in the lower container with nothing but bare minimum equipment.....anyways....

My 2 cents from all them yrs of fuckin up and finally getting it right....

D9...Respect...and...Happy Turkey Day....


thanks, fred! i just ritualistically ate the dead bird as required by custom. it was good! hope you have a good 'un!


Actually yeah, I throw the whole root ball in the trash, media and all. Turface is $12/bag and perlite is $23 a bag. It costs somewhere around $8-9 per plant for new media and that's completely worth it to me as I get a pound or two out of each plant.

Perlite is lighter and floats, yes, but for those reasons it also has a LOT more air pockets in it vs turface. It's also a lot larger so it leaves larger voids between particles whereas the turface is small and can stack up together really tight. So by adding perlite, you vastly increase the air filled porosity of your media in the same volume of space.

If you insist on reusing your turface, then you best get to screening it. At the very least, stuff perlite only down your tailpipes and toss your turface on top of that. Window screen will do the trick for screening but I've screened every which way and my advice is to use new stuff each time and cut with perlite. It's incredibly simple and less labor intensive.
Brother, I'm not 'insisting', it took me over a year to source MVP here in SE florida... that was ??? 4 years ago. I found 7 bags, bought them all, stopped looking for more and have been screening and washing ever since. Washing it requires exposure to the neighbors, if it was readily available, I would start new every time and be happy asa pig in shit and cleaning it is a PITA.. did I read some time back that MVP is carried by another name? same company. if so i'll try again at a local farm store, shit, at $25 a bag I'd throw it away.... the pearlite in the tail piece I'll go with this time.. tks..


Brother, I'm not 'insisting', it took me over a year to source MVP here in SE florida... that was ??? 4 years ago. I found 7 bags, bought them all, stopped looking for more and have been screening and washing ever since. Washing it requires exposure to the neighbors, if it was readily available, I would start new every time and be happy asa pig in shit and cleaning it is a PITA.. did I read some time back that MVP is carried by another name? same company. if so i'll try again at a local farm store, shit, at $25 a bag I'd throw it away.... the pearlite in the tail piece I'll go with this time.. tks..

Man, sometimes I forget that half this country is still living in under oppression. I was at a gas station off the interstate a few months back and some random motorist at another pump comes walking up to me and asks, "hey, I'm from (insert illegal weed state here) and I have never seen marijuana plants before. Can I check yours out?" I had my truck cab full of teens and rooted clones that I was transporting to another site and he could see all the foliage through my windows. So, I let him crawl in and I took pics for him with his phone. Yeah....at the gas station. Things are way easier for growing here in the Pacific Northwest.

In Florida though.....hmmmm.....I've used Napa floor dry (product #8822) but it tends to break down with agitation so it's probably not best for reusing.

Here's a curve ball for all of you....forget perlite and turface altogether if you can get pumice. My professional ppk grower buddies use pumice to amazing effect. Maybe that's more available in FL??

I've got a pallet of turface if anyone's in need and wants to come visit!


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No Jive Productions
Man, sometimes I forget that half this country is still living in under oppression. I was at a gas station off the interstate a few months back and some random motorist at another pump comes walking up to me and asks, "hey, I'm from (insert illegal weed state here) and I have never seen marijuana plants before. Can I check yours out?" I had my truck cab full of teens and rooted clones that I was transporting to another site and he could see all the foliage through my windows. So, I let him crawl in and I took pics for him with his phone. Yeah....at the gas station. Things are way easier for growing here in the Pacific Northwest.

In Florida though.....hmmmm.....I've used Napa floor dry (product #8822) but it tends to break down with agitation so it's probably not best for reusing.

Here's a curve ball for all of you....forget perlite and turface altogether if you can get pumice. My professional ppk grower buddies use pumice to amazing effect. Maybe that's more available in FL??

I've got a pallet of turface if anyone's in need and wants to come visit!

pumice is a west coast thing because of all the volcanos. the open pit mine that turface comes from is located in north georgia so it should be all over florida.


pumice is a west coast thing because of all the volcanos. the open pit mine that turface comes from is located in north georgia so it should be all over florida.

You know...I was wondering that while typing the previous response. I have come across a few old perlite strip mines while out hunting but I guess I assumed since people get perlite regularly anywhere, pumice would be the same. Now I know better.


No Jive Productions
You know...I was wondering that while typing the previous response. I have come across a few old perlite strip mines while out hunting but I guess I assumed since people get perlite regularly anywhere, pumice would be the same. Now I know better.

bulk pumice is available here at the landscape places, you can't find bulk stuff in the eastern states.

i could get mountains of chicken shit though! and worm poo!


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
John Deere Landscaping stores sell Turface MVP but it is in a bigger bag 50# and it is called All Sports Pro. Same product branded differently.

Lol there! Someone else owns the torch now. Lol Aint typing that anymore folks. That reminds me tho that i still need to buy two bags and screen it... shit. That aint my favorite part....


Still Learning
John Deere Landscaping stores sell Turface MVP but it is in a bigger bag 50# and it is called All Sports Pro. Same product branded differently.

Lol there! Someone else owns the torch now. Lol Aint typing that anymore folks. That reminds me tho that i still need to buy two bags and screen it... shit. That aint my favorite part....
So it was you!:tiphat:... 'all sports' av8tor says no screen, wash out dust and add pearlite, throw away after harvest, start over. When I find it , i'll give it a go (i'll look next week, there is a JD store a couple miles from here). too late for this run..
Now where do I toss it? don't have an outside garden and do not want/need a turface mountain/berm in the back yard. I guess we take a leisurely ride into westerly rural florida... Tks McK..


So it was you!:tiphat:... 'all sports' av8tor says no screen, wash out dust and add pearlite, throw away after harvest, start over. When I find it , i'll give it a go (i'll look next week, there is a JD store a couple miles from here). too late for this run..
Now where do I toss it? don't have an outside garden and do not want/need a turface mountain/berm in the back yard. I guess we take a leisurely ride into westerly rural florida... Tks McK..

I toss my entire root ball (stem cut off a couple inches above the surface) into a black hefty trash bag and then toss the bag in a dumpster. If you were feeling magnanimous, you could float the roots out, clean it up nice and spread it over a little league field. But after all that trouble, you could just reuse it. So, forget being good to the kiddos. Toss that shit in the trash.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
I clean them down to a point then pitch in the trash. Double bag with 3ml garbage bags. So i do lose some. The fines rejected go in the back yard.


Bluprint timer came in today! Stoked! Last question I promise. Does it matter how long/short the quart is delivered in the pulse? Say I can deliver a quart in 10 seconds or I can drag it out to 30 secs. I know I read a post/question similar to this just not sure which thread it was in to find the answer.

D9, Av8, Snook, Mckush, Mr. Blah, Del Taco,Boutique,Ravenboy, Mpl,Zeeke, Fliptopbox, 420ish (these are all off the top of my head there are plenty more that have assisted in my schooling) Just want to say thank you for your time, patience,knowledge and willingness to share and teach. Respect due! My ppk is finally constructed. Just need to work on one more feed ring design(hole placement)and decide which clone I want to experiment on in the ppk! Peace.

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Finally got to open the ppk pdf. I saw you mention if not going for "trees" and veggin for only 2-3 weeks, a 2gal bucket can also be used on the 3.5. And it saves media as well. I can certainly go down to the 2 gal bucket for the plant as I hardly veg longer than 25 days. What are your thoughts on this? Was in lowes today and spotted some nice lil 2 gal buckets. Iirc Snook did some 2 gals. Think I'll go have a look. Peace.



Just reread Snook's 2 gal ppk. I see the whole system would need rethinking if I went down to 2 gals for a plant pot. I'll stick with the 3.5's for the first run. I can already tell I'm gonna need that extra vertical space after looking at snook's thread. We have tents similar in size. That is unless I really get down to manipulating her structure very early on. Like keeftrees. Peace. C.O.B.


Still Learning
I went from those 2 gallon buckets back to 3.5/3.5 to now 4 gallon totes stacked. wasn't happy with what I thought would be a tighter root ball..


In my opinion, effort would be better spend learning to scrog properly as opposed to fussing over an inch or two of vertical clearance due to bucket size. I set a 7 gallon on a 3.5 gallon that sits 15" off the ground. Three of my flower rooms are only 7' tall and I still use this same setup with no issues.


Understood av8. No argument this way either. Wasn't trying to save inches of vertical space. The statements "...drive that much media.."and vegging for less than the people that are growing "trees", just kinda stuck after reading and reading a few threads. I veg for 3-4 wks tops and they are where I want them size and shape wise.
No issues with scrogging properly/successfully, I just know it's going to take some adjustment on my behalf to integrate the ppk into my system. Im in a tent with horizontal lighting. Height won't and never was an issue due to my shaping techniques and short veg.

Thanks Snook for your answer. Good to know. Peace.



Understood av8. No argument this way either. Wasn't trying to save inches of vertical space. The statements "...drive that much media.."and vegging for less than the people that are growing "trees", just kinda stuck after reading and reading a few threads. I veg for 3-4 wks tops and they are where I want them size and shape wise.
No issues with scrogging properly/successfully, I just know it's going to take some adjustment on my behalf to integrate the ppk into my system. Im in a tent with horizontal lighting. Height won't and never was an issue due to my shaping techniques and short veg.

Thanks Snook for your answer. Good to know. Peace.


I hear that. I'm going through a learning curve myself in the new flower rooms as I've gone to the DE overhead fixtures. My plant structure has had to change, too. I've got a pineapple growing both with vertical and de lighting so we will soon see if I've finally figured out the proper training for the new DE lighting. I like not having to contend with dangling, bare bulbs but man.....the results I've gotten so far are fantastic. I'm hoping the DE room proves even better.


I think your DE's, growing skills and the ppk combined are going to blast the shit out of the rooms you have them in Av8. Peace.
