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A place here for the Sacred Feminine?



Oil on Canvas: "She Who Dreams the Flowers"

To quote Montserrat, artist of the above work in her writings about The Sisterhood:

"Our civilization distorts the beauty and power of Woman by defining "beautiful" as a magazine centerfold, and "power" as the force to control and dominate others.

It is my wish to help reclaim and heal the essence of Woman by portraying her beauty and power in a Sacred Way.
(Sacred: regarded with reverence)

As women come out of our distrust and separation from one another, we find that in spite of the diversity of every aspect of our lives, on a deep, heartfelt level we share our greatest needs and concerns.

We find that no woman wants to live in a world of violence and abuse. No woman wants an unsafe, insecure place for her children, and her children's children. No woman wants the air to be unbreathable, the water to be undrinkable, the Earth unlivable. Women want to be heard and respected when they say "NO" to the things that compromise our integrity. Women want to walk in balance and equality with our male counterparts. All women want to feel whole and healthy and able to laugh with joy every day of our lives"

I was hoping that sharing this here would encourage discovery and support of Sacred Feminine aspects for women AND men here in this forum. Especially considering how we receive the benefits of Cannabis mostly through the female side of the plant.

I am a medical user, medical caregiver for my husband (brain and spine injury), grower and I have begun to help take care of other sick people by providing cannabis and formulating edibles as well these past few years. I am scared and unsure so often about how to do things right, how to protect myself as it's not yet allowed to talk about these things with our physician.

I started to come here after OG went down to continue learn at the feet of those who know about how to care for and utilize the plant, the different capabilities, how to live with it and it's use in general. It was so thrilling to see a "Women's Forum" with the stated goal to be a safe and healing place to come for discussion and fellowship.

After awhile, I found it hurtful and disheartening to see the assaults of foulness and disrespect, so I quit the forum and this site. I am no prude or anything, I just get tired of wasting time, sorting around the same old "punk junk".

Well, that wasn't the right thing to do because there is really so much good here. So I came back and thought to ask if there are other people here who feel like this too.

I also think it is remarkable to see how Cannabis is being brought out of the shadow of ignorant and violent suppression to take it's rightful place as a powerful healing force in the world. It seems to me a mirror of the process of progress women and the men who we love and love us have made in the last 100 years.

Men and Women are separate but equal parts of the whole. There is no Sacred Masculine without the Sacred Feminine. If one side is crippled the whole is lessened.

So, this is my .02 (OK $1.99, I talk too much sometimes)

What do you think?
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Hey, Rose :wave:

I don't know exactly what you are trying to get across, but I do know that I support the women of IC one hundred and ten percent. :smoke:

I feel you ladies should be able to have a forum and discuss whatever your hearts feel without having to be demeaned by chauvenistic men that disgrace my sex with their antics.

And welcome to ICmag, Rose....I dont know what i is...but you remind me of a member who has left IC recently.

Storm Crow

Active member
Rose, the word you so carefully avoided is GODDESS! Say it out loud! Goddess! Goddess is, Goddess was, Goddess will be forever!

You are totally right about the imbalance in today's world. Women are demeaned, denigrated and disposable in this male dominated society. Female circumcision, bride burnings, lower wages, human trafficking -a girl (16) was offered recently as payment for a gambling debt - it's a man's world...and LOOK at it! Could women do as badly?

The Minangkabau (http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~psanday/egginature.html )and the Musuo ( http://www.bookrags.com/Mosuo ) are STILL matriarchal in nature- both are peaceful cultures, stressing peace, co-operation and art. (Research them and see what it's like to be in a non-male dominated society.) Rape is all but unknown- the last male Minangkabau to commit rape was some 20 years ago- and it's still talked about! Can your community say the same? Matriarchy is not patriarchy in skirts- the whole mindset is different.

So you say- well not in the USA! Women aren't oppressed here! Then why don't women earn as much as men. Look at the proportion of male to female CEOs. Why hasn't there been a female president, or even Vice-President? Why is Viagra available on many health plans, while birth control isn't? Women get a lower quality of health care when they have heart attacks. We aren't bought and sold any more, in this country, at least- but neither are we equal to men. - Granny


HerbalHitman-thanks, I guess I went the long way around the barn to say "let's work together here".

Storm Crow, Goddess? Sure!

I tried to speak in general terms, but my personal frame of reference is gender neutral. I believe that the feminine aspects of life giving, loving, nurturing, healing, care and love should be embraced by men and women together.

Yes things are better than they were for women in the world but there is still lots of room for improvement. There are little girls and women murdered physically and spiritually everyday. I think our sons are abused by this set up too, that's why I think we need to work together.

So, to be the Devil's Advocate here:
For what it's worth in 35 years of working in the corporate environment, I was horrified to find some of the worst bigots I encountered were women. There are many "ol Iron Tits" and "Barbies" who enforce the status quo because they think they then have the upper hand somehow. In my opinion this bigotry isn't always gender specific even though it appears that way on the surface. Where alot of the atrocities you mention occur, women are too often the facilitators. Blind and mindless commitment to tradition and ignorance is the enemy, IMO.

(hey C- too "prissy", really?)
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
A wise man once said Women Rule The World they let men walk in front but they hold on to the end of the leash. I am a wise man Rose :wave:

My Penny


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Enlightenment and Women :)

Enlightenment and Women :)

In the Same Mind

If you are of the same mind as Nichiren, you must be a Bodhisattva of the Earth. And since you are a Bodhisattva of the Earth, there is not the slightest doubt that you have been a disciple of the Buddha from the remotest past. The Yujutsu chapter states, "I have taught these people since the remotest past." There should be no discrimination among those who propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law, be they men or women. Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Cannabrex Formulator
This thread hits the nail on the head, bigtime.

I truely believe that most of the major flaws in the present paradigm come from the fact that it is a male dominated one, designed and protected by men, for the sole purpose of weilding power and hoarding resources. The lack of female influence on the direction of our species is what has gotten us into this fucking mess.

And before you just sit back and call me a wingnut on that last idea, just keep in mind......women don't rape. And in matriarchal societies, men don't rape either.

Our species is threatened by the wanton rape of our Mother, the Earth....that is a direct result of an imbalance in the shared responsiblility for the direction and survival of our species, and the dominance of exploitative patriarchal philosophy. The rape of the Earth is being conducted by small peckered men with enormous ego issues....always has. Just small-minded and small cocked men trying to make up for the biological reality that males are really just a life support system for a pair of testes.....feh.

I personally try to avoid emotionally loaded words like "Godess" and "Sacred" when talking about these issues......while I might concur with them, they add alot of stigma into the debate/arguement which makes it very hard for many folks to see past. All they see is "feminiod crazies" and they turn off any brain they may have.

My wife sez I am a feminist....I prefer to call myself a humanist.
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Good morning,
Well, am working on learning about the terms you used, Babbabud, I don't know much about Buddha's teachings, but I am going to find out.

Pyrex, is that a Latin phrase?

Mr Wags, I like what you said. Neat mental picture too...
"pull toy!" (hee hee)

Genkisan, I agree...I guess I was really blessed to have the father I did. Although a country boy/redneck he NEVER limited us girls with anything resembling bigotry or sexism. He taught us anything we wanted to know about as well as how to defend ourselves. I am very capable and if I don't know how to do something, I know how to find out. I was so amazed to see how the world was when I got out in it.

I disagree that women don't rape. There are women that really are evil. Having a "Va Jay Jay" doesn't make a person nice. Rape is about power not sexuality.

I will agree about the stigmas on different labels like Sacred, Godess, Christian. If I give out my "label" then people assume how I should be. Some will even say I can't do things or act a certain way because that's not how a (label) behaves.

It's true that having a penis has been a license for destructive behavior for a very long time. I think it is noteworthy that there seems to be a trend that the smaller the penis, the bigger the mess and viciousness. BUT, women bought into it. Yes violence and oppression was and is used. There is no excuse today though, we have the resources to come out of it and reclaim our rights as well as responsibilities. I don't want my sons and grandsons to be robotic "Ken" dolls, money machines or mindless soldiers. I want them to be able to fully "become" what they are created for.

Our planet is just about to do a big house cleaning in my opinion. I think this warming is the beginning of the compost pile heating up. (now who is the wing nut?) All this filth is going to be cooked off and the soil and air renewed. We can manage it so we survive ....or not.

So that's my cup of tea THIS morning, thanks for the good teachings.


I don't like getting into the business of saying "women are sacred" because I liken it too much to the current trend in society that objectifies women as things of beauty.

I just look at it as:

We are all human. We all are amazing things of wonder whether male or female. One gender is no more "sacred" or "beautiful" than the other. We're just living. We all deserve the same level of rights.


Cannabrex Formulator
Gelatinous said:
I don't like getting into the business of saying "women are sacred" because I liken it too much to the current trend in society that objectifies women as things of beauty.

I just look at it as:

We are all human. We all are amazing things of wonder whether male or female. One gender is no more "sacred" or "beautiful" than the other. We're just living. We all deserve the same level of rights.

I totally agree, but I also think it has to extend way beyond rights.....women must have an equal influence in the direction of humanity and determining our purpose here, or we are all fuckered.


Been away tending to some family things.

This is so great to see the input here. I am trying to keep up with you so dug into some books a friend gave me to look at to see what you are talking about.

"Path of Practice" by Bri. Maya Tiwari -and "Inner Life" by Leadbeater. Holy Cow! (oh, sorry).

It seems true that the teacher shows up when it's time to learn something. I am still looking all this over, but I feel I get the gist of what you are referring to. Up to now my studies have been mostly New Testament with some Simples training and just country women sharing found good sense in other disiplines.

The "Sacred Feminine" was a new label, a way to talk to get people to look beyond and shake out of the Old Testament bigotry.

Seems to me it's all on the same "channel" though. I like the extra information and practical teachings. The deities and gods Maya teaches on sound like angels to me.


Well, I really WANT to be a Bodhisattva, I can say for sure.

This is alot to digest, but it seems to me that it's sort of like the story about the 12 blind men describing an elephant. Different reference points, but so much is the same. But, each aspect offers a new look and more information I didn't have before. For instance we are really feeling good with the new diet and health information already in just these few weeks.

For me the Bible has been a terrific source, and certainly Christ is my Master, my shepard, I know his voice. Even though Christ said that there were no more male, female, master, slave we were all equal. it has always troubled me that the references were mostly of, to and for the masculine even tho my father and grandpa explained the reference of man encompasses the female, so that helped. My mother, oddly carried the opposite opinion. She would have everyone being an ascetic, with her as the head whipper. The Bible is actually the beginning, the foundation and greater wisdom is revealed by the Holy Spirit sometimes thru the words of another, nature, dreams and so on.

I struggled with the reincarnation thing though. The Bible says it is "appointed to man once to die", and that "absence from the body is presence with the Lord". After study, prayer and thought it seems this is absolutely true! As Christ teaches we are not bodies, but have them. NOW it makes sense.

Alot of people, including me, attribute spirituality to things that are actually physical. Leadbeater does a great job in defining the etheral anatomy I think. (Carolyn Myss' "Anatomy of the Spirit" gives further information). It's amazing Leadbeater described these things 100 years ago that Western science and medicine is just now beginning to "discover" and acknowledge. There's a movie called "What the Bleep do we Know" we saw that dramatizes this too.

I am struck by how Homeopathy was dismantled by the AMA because Hanneman was not as respectful as they thought he should be. Then look at the decimation of the midwives, women herbalists and "crones". Much progress, but too much destruction. I think it's much like what is happening to our planet now. There is reference in the book of Isaiah of especially harsh consequences to those who poison the Earth.

Well, I think I am better for all this study, I know I am. Alot of it is working thru yet. I am grateful for explainations of things that have happened that have been a puzzle for many years. For instance out-of-body events -I spent 7 months in a bodycast when I was 18 and did alot of "traveling". I have held the memories till now as secret evidence I had lost my cookies. Or an example; I have always been sure enough to say so that Cannabis has a unique "intelligence" and is quite emotional. I thought it was a particular strain I was growing because I wouldn't always see it at other's gardens or I would see it stronger sometimes at another's garden.

Anyway, this is probably more than what you wanted to hear from me, but I am having a bunch of fun. I am still studying (probably will forever now) but want to say thanks and see what your thoughts are.

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Thanks, this has all been amazing.

I don't know what "padowin" or "yot tey" mean so I am off to look that up (I am going to be cranky with you if they're swear words!).

New book just handed me- "Secret Life of Plants"-. Waiting for Spring to blow thru. Can't do much work in the garden now, got all my starts in and up so it is next to the fire with books and puppies.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
"...I am still studying (probably will forever now) but want to say thanks and see what your thoughts are"

That can never be a bad thing Rose. One of the worst things we can do is to stop learning. And "If you're not making mistakes, you are NOT DOING ANYTHING"

And I believe padowan is used (star wars reference) as pupil.


Thanks, now I know.
Well you're right about mistakes, thats MY especiality, LOL.
Pupil? That's right then.

So, I am getting caught up on the current vernacular here and learning new and wonderful things. Has anyone else had good "aha" experiences about how things are in the (this) world? I guess we have all had the Santa Clause and Toothfairy realizations, but what about those that make you glad you are in the world and of these times ?

Being a woman (or man for that matter) today is often difficult because you just can't settle down into "what I'm supposed to be" or even "Hell no, I am NOT going to be THAT!" I personally have been in both of those camps.

Untill my husband was hurt, we really enjoyed finding our own place in the gender "assignments" together. In the privacy and intimacy of our own home we put our life together. I am much more mechanically inclined so do most of the repairs and such as well as take care of the "bug killing" too. He is more intuitive about people and situations and so keeps us safe. I am the better cook but he is more imaginative and sought out new flavors and experiences for us. So to us, THIS is the Sacred and our joy of being together.
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ICMag Donor
Thats beautiful Rose, its nice when we can compliment each other and work together as one....I so understand that, very nice, thank you :)


Just want to say hello, "Spring Sprung" and I have been putting in the garden. We depend alot on it for our food and of course the "girls" have a special place.

This has been an amazing time for me and my house with all that we are learning here. Sure appreciate ya all.

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