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a Lone Wolf.... in the ATTIC with 4000 watts!

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Hanging in there. I sent a PM your way

So basically you are running a sealed room and not air cooling the lights with outside air? I would look into cooling the lights with outside air, even from the attic, it will help IMO

I would do everything I could to remove the heat because its cheaper to remove the heat then it is to cool it.

yeah dtf, jrodgers is right...

His temps are 100* outside in the summer... I don't think outside air will do much...

i could run bare bulbs in this room, and crank the ac to 60 with no problems... the only reason why I have the air cooled hoods set up with the duct and all is because if i just left them stay then the heat would protrude downward onto the plants and the plants would just burn up... i tried it for the first couple weeks and a couple of my plants got singed real good.. so i put the glass back in the hoods, and hooked the ducting all back up and all is well.. i have the hot air that is sucked from the lights going to the scrubber which i placed right in front of the AC... so when the hot air expels from the scrubber, it gets immediately cooled by the AC...

Im not worried about temps right now... i keep it at a steady 75 -24/7 .... my only problem is humidity... today it was in the 60s... when I water the plants down, the RH really skyrockets, and stays skyrocketed for a couple days until the AC can suck most of the water out...

whats going to blow with the dehumidifier is that I am going to have to water the plants every damn day, and dump the dehumidifier ever damn day as well... I would LOVE to be able to plumb the dehuey and the AC so that the water can be collected without human interaction, but I cannot come up with a solid plan of action at the moment... Being in an attic really poses a lot of extra thinking then being in a bedroom, or a basement...

If I can successfully grow in this attic, I will prove to my self that I can grow any fuckin where I want! Put me anywhere on gods green earth, and I'll triple my worth!


until then, I am going to remain humble, cross my fingers, say my prayers bedside every night, and knock on wood every chance i get...



while a 100 degrees seems warm to you and me, it is still a lot cooler than the heat produced by a bulb. And by sealing it and ducting it out of the room, it does not make the AC work to cool it. Not sure if the lights run at night but they should and then outside temps would be lower

I thought you were having problems keeping the room cool. But if temps are not an issue even with a DH, then all is good. Good luck with it

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
while a 100 degrees seems warm to you and me, it is still a lot cooler than the heat produced by a bulb. And by sealing it and ducting it out of the room, it does not make the AC work to cool it. Not sure if the lights run at night but they should and then outside temps would be lower

I thought you were having problems keeping the room cool. But if temps are not an issue even with a DH, then all is good. Good luck with it

good point with the air being cooler then the bulbs... its just too much work for me to do at this point... my only option is to stick the damn dehuey in there and be prepaired to water every day with tons of flushes per week because i know damn well that the salt will stay in the medium when the dehuey sucks up all the h2o... i cannot wait to get out of this house and grow in a normal room... i was on another grow forum and this dude had that under current setup... he had like 20 UC buckets under 60k... i have seen countless indoor grows, and by far, this dude pooped on them all! each plant in the UC bucket was equivalent to about 30-40 of my plants that I have in this room... broke my heart to see my puny plants compared to that guys... he had a commercial bldg he was in though, and i have a lil old attic... one day when i get some bigger cajones and my state starts lightening up on the weed punishments, THEN i will do it up like that guy... im gonna steal some of his pics and load them up here... they are surely something to check out... the UC buckets seem to be the BEST indoor grow system available to man...

Was size is your ac

my ac unit is 22k btu... thats huge for a window unit in case ya didnt know..

going to steal some pictures and load them in this thread... be right back!

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
yeah i said he had 20 buckets, he has way more then that... check this shit out...

these pictures belong to JACKMAYOFFER... good fucking job bro... everyone, get a kleenex to wipe the drool from your face...






you just dont see plants this large indoors... outdoors YES... anyways, here is some motivation for you guys^

(im gonna try and do better then this guy and get some 20 foot swimming pools to grow in and put like 100 air stones in them along with a shit load of pumps to move the water around...along with a kajillion 1000w bulbs... speaking of swimming pools.. how come cali folks dont grow in swimming pools??? shit you could grow a shitload of plants in a swimming pool!...anyways... smack me out of it please someone)

im surprised my thread has not really caught on to many... :(


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Always lurked your thread mate, and I must say it's off the hook. I'll be hanging around to see how it all turns out for ya. :biggrin:
Your mate Jack's grow is just sick, beautiful trees under a cranking setup, stunning :)


nice thread LW......no rap in it though?? wtf? lol :)....nice long cure on the sour bubble will reap havoc on the taste buds for sure and keen to know how your LSD is gonna turn out as i got a pack of these to throwdown at some point.....lifesaver x nycd??? shut yer face some mind fondling business right there!!! :tiphat:

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
boom, greenthumb, straytoaster,

FUCKING NICE TO HAVE YOU ALL HERE WITH ME! IT GETS LONELY BEING A LONE WOLF!... i sent you all some messages in your rep boxes...

boom, you better stick around and see how everything turns out! hopefully i finish it out and you dont see me in the news one day for something bad!

greenthumb, its hard for me to not stick with icmag.. its my home.. i was born here.. when i go and look at all of the other weed forums I get scared at how big of a world it is out there... ive been cooped up here at ICMAG for many years despite what THIS tags registration date says... it is cool to venture out though and see what other forums have to offer... its AMAZING to see how many people are out there growing buds... 5 years ago I dont think there were too many people... i think they have been watching cnbc too much.. cnbc has probably played marijuana inc about 500x since it first aired a year ago... i have a feeling that whoever is in charge of cnbc's tv playlist is a member here at icmag... one hint... S4L!

STRAYTOASTER, i am assuming that you are talking rap because of how I popped into LUDACRIS's thread and started smack talking... grr, that dude makes me want to laugh out loud and give him a swirley at the same time... he seems like the perfect candidate for a head in the toilet (with poops in it) while i flush it repeatedly... big ups to kharmagirl for stepping up and laying the law down... his "ULTIMATE RAP THREAD" had about 800 posts in it.... funny thing is 780 of them were "LUDACRIS'S"... lol... she told him he couldn't post youtube links anymore, and dude cried TONS... i think he's still crying... i wrote a long post about the guy also and it got binned... i shoulda saved the damn post on my computer for future laughs... ANYWAYS..... thats what you were talkin about right?? LOL.. the sourbubs and the LSD are gonna be the cause for many busted nuts in my part of town, thats for damn sure... lifesaver x nycd? is that a strain you gon be workin wit?

firefox, nice to have ya around! GRAB A CHAIR, have some popcorn... fox's and wolfs can get along my friend! :comfort:

anyways, nice to have some visitors :dance013:... see you all around! :wave:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
those pics of jacks are retarded
then you go look at heaths thread...

wolf - WE SUCK....


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
No worries bro I'll be hanging around for sure, I've lurked from the very start of ya thread, just never posted cause I've never done hydro before(still haven't), but have learned a shit load of info coming into kick arse threads like this one :biggrin:

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
stankwhisperer, i know you are saying wow to jack's pictures... but im just gonna pretend you said wow to my grow... LOL...:D

greyskull, i knew you would be swingin on by sooner or later... i think we are on the same sleep pattern... anyways, while you are here, here take a rip on this... :smoker: :smoweed: its funny you said that we suck cuz i posted on jack's thread and i said something along the same lines about how his grow makes me feel bad about my grow... hey to each his own... right? :tiphat:

boom... so you do soil??? i would probably not know how to grow a plant in soil to be honest.... plants grown in soil always taste the BEST though... id love to smoke some of your buds... in fact, id love to smoke everyones buds:) thanks for calling my thread kick ass... :asskick:

alright its 5am over here... about time for me to go to bed.. gotta get up in a couple hours to go make some legal sales so i can afford to pay my electrical bill :biglaugh:.....


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
thats funny dude.
isnt there a saying about minds thinking alike hahaha

dude on the real i saw an icebox/watercooled set up today that tripped me out... i think smurfin herb did a thread on them a while back ill have to back read/search but anyways the way it replaces a/c dropped my jaw. why didnt i pay attention to this further earlier?

gimmicky? what do you think?


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
hey there Lone Wolf, looking good!...

grey skull, nice to see you around as well sir...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
aloha to you my friend
taking in the scenery trying to learn a thing or two

like how to grow indoor stalks so big you need a chain saw to cut them bitches down...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
stankwhisperer, i know you are saying wow to jack's pictures... but im just gonna pretend you said wow to my grow... LOL...:D

greyskull, i knew you would be swingin on by sooner or later... i think we are on the same sleep pattern... anyways, while you are here, here take a rip on this... :smoker: :smoweed: its funny you said that we suck cuz i posted on jack's thread and i said something along the same lines about how his grow makes me feel bad about my grow... hey to each his own... right? :tiphat:

boom... so you do soil??? i would probably not know how to grow a plant in soil to be honest.... plants grown in soil always taste the BEST though... id love to smoke some of your buds... in fact, id love to smoke everyones buds:) thanks for calling my thread kick ass... :asskick:

alright its 5am over here... about time for me to go to bed.. gotta get up in a couple hours to go make some legal sales so i can afford to pay my electrical bill :biglaugh:.....

Yeah bro I do soil and looking to go organic and doing my own soil mix, but hydro intrigues me especially DWC and look at the yields hydro provides also, fucking wow!! :jump: Wish I could go an make a few legal sales myself, but that ain't going to happen anytime soon here