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a Lone Wolf.... in the ATTIC with 4000 watts!

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
thanks to all who have sent positive vibes my way... the craigslist gods bestowed upon me a really awesome airconditioner at a really awesome price ...

22000 BTU's, brand new in the box for 150$ WOWzers... and the guy threw in 50 feet of 12-2 wire, and a mini double 40amp breaker, along with the 220amp receptacle and receptacle box... shit doesn't get better then that! The guy said he had 50+ emails on it, and I happened to be the lucky duck he called back...

the wife and I had one hell of a time carrying it... it weighs more then my wife actually... thank god for dolly's (well kinda)..

if 22k btu does not do the trick then i will be searching for dynamite on craigslist and im sure you can guess what I will be doing with it....


Take care folks,

Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
hey thanks alot guys... its cool to see have you guys come in here and comment... i really take each and every one into consideration, and would love to sit and reply to each comment, but im too much of a lazy stoner... i love you all... anyways, latest update,

I did a test run with the AC - hooked up the 220 line to the panel, and HOLY MOLY this thing is super powerful.... i almost feel like i should put 2 more lights in the room... i KNOW i could get away with it...

only a matter of time now before I start moving my vegging babies up to the top of the house!

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
im very proud of my idea here utilizing the light mover with the parabolic hood... im covering some serious space and jammin in tons of plants getting a nice BANG for my BUCK

everything is bushing out quite a bit... I just finished going through them all and taking notes and marking them based on what I believed they were predominately... its pretty cool that I can go through my new batch of self made strains and somewhat see two strains that I once grew mixed together...

for example, here is a Blueberry plant that has some obvious resemblance to BOG's Sour Bubble that I crossed it with... what should I call it? Sour Bubble Berry?


Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Below is a picture of 3 different strains that I decided to stick next to eachother to show the differences, and somewhat similarities amongst the two on the ends... the one in the middle is actually some LV PK believe it or not! Can't wait to get some of that baby going as well... anyways, on the left of the middle i believe is the sourbubble dominant "Sour Bubble Berry", and the plant on the Right is some Blueberry that very well could be WILLIAMS WONDER dominant (fat leaves and lighter green color to it)... its still very early for me to know for sure, but for now im just callin it how i see it... PEACE


Lone Wolf

Well-known member
oh yeah almost forgot about this... i was out on a random hike today through the woods and I happened to stumble upon a decently large sized papaver somniferum plot... it was pretty ironic because a couple days prior, i was randomly on youtube searching videos on how opium is extracted... they use some special knife to slice it open and let it ooze out that puss... then the puss turns black after about a week and it is collected and used... i actually tripped myself out because I stumbled upon these flowers and i was thinking "are you fucking kidding me?" "is this really happening right now?" "am I really standing in front of a bunch of poppy flowers?" sure enough, I was... i pulled my keys out of my pocket and used some sharp thing i have on my keychain to scrape them open just to make sure they were what I thought they were... low and behold the babies started pussing.... to be honest, i dont know what the fuck to do with them still after watching youtube videos, so I ripped about 5 of the pods off and took them home... i havent reasearched it yet but I think you are supposed to leave the pods on the stem after you slice them open.... oh well.. heres a shot at what I had... sorry its not the best..


and another...


these are actually some very excellent looking flowers...

i went ahead and ordered some "Hens and Chicks" off of ebay for a couple bucks... mm mmm mmm


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Just be careful man, you don't want to grow a monkey on your back that you'll have to end up feeding all the time :biglaugh:

You get more mileage for your dollar if you just collect all those pods, dry them out, and then make a tea with the dried, ground up pods. Start with maybe 3 or 4 pods, see how it works, and work your way up if you desire a stronger effect.

I speak from experience when I say that only after a few days in a row of drinking poppy tea can start to cause some dependency problems, ie. mild withdrawl symptoms.

Your ganja plants are looking great mang! Keep up the great work.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
hey thanks for stoppin by big L, thanks for the tip - nice to have you around...

Also who ever planted those may not be happy with visitors so care is the word of the day.


hey HYDROSUN, you the man! anyways, rest assured that this is nobody's private plot brother... they were for sure grown in from seeds from pods from years prior.. i know this for a fact... how do you like to see your lil PK all grown up an looking nice ?(its the plant in the middle in the pic with the 3 plants... on the pot i believe it says chronic x lui- disregard that, i wrote that a long time ago) I have about 5 big mother PK's right now actually... two of them have a really strong fruity odor associated with them, and the others are not as pungent... do you know which ones are which? I know you told me that one of them is a yielder, and the other is not... which one out of the two that i describe would be the yielder? hopefully you understand what I am saying?


I love my life
The three that went out that way were LVPK classic (cut only developed by Kyle Kushman and yields like no tomorrow) the other was an S1 from her pollinating herself. That one is more sativa like and stronger with coffee tones and less fruit. The third is an AfPak Kush that is the most purple ever but the lowest yielder and not a complex high.

So the original cut is proving to be the best around so far.

Can't wait to see them grow!



Active member
above is just a bunch of random shit that I had up in the attic. as you can see, i ran 10-3 wire from a double pole 30amp breaker in the basement, all the way up to the attic, and installed a 30amp dryer recepticle, then plugged in my pre-made timer box. It has 4-240v (powers up to 4-1kw ballasts) recepticles that run on 20 amps and 2-110v recepticles that run on 10 amps. The box is pretty goofy as it requires that you not only plug it into the 30amp dryer hookup, but you also plug it into a 110v outlet as well. The 110v recepticle that comes from the power box is what i have hooked up to a digital timer. This is just my bloom room. I have other veg and clone rooms elsewhere.."

dope ass attic man....how much did it cost to set up all those 30amp breakers and the 4 240 volt setup? was it pretty easy to DIY? thanks

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
The three that went out that way were LVPK classic (cut only developed by Kyle Kushman and yields like no tomorrow) the other was an S1 from her pollinating herself. That one is more sativa like and stronger with coffee tones and less fruit. The third is an AfPak Kush that is the most purple ever but the lowest yielder and not a complex high.

So the original cut is proving to be the best around so far.

Can't wait to see them grow!


cool cool - as far as i knew it, you only sent two different cuts... you had them wrapped together and the nug sample to go with each cut... didnt know there were 3 involved... but i will try and get you some more pictures and perhaps you can put an ID on them... they are def. growing like crazy - out of everything that I had from clone, they seem to be growing the most vigorously. ill get back to you with pix.


dope ass attic man....how much did it cost to set up all those 30amp breakers and the 4 240 volt setup? was it pretty easy to DIY? thanks

whats up Y4P215, it was cheap to set it all up. breakers are about 10-15 bucks each, wire about 150 bucks, sub box with 30 amp plugin was about 200 bucks- its really all simple shit if you just go grab an electrical book and do some basic reading... my biggest problem was getting over the fear of doing something wrong and shocking myself or starting a fire... once you break it all down, its simple shit.


I love my life
two packages one with the classic cut and the other package had the other two flavors. They all three look very similar in veg because they are all kushes but the differences start coming out about 21 days into flower, but the classic cut has the strongest branches by far.


Lone Wolf

Well-known member
well, i was unable to clear out any space in my original panel, so a very helpful man at lowes basically schooled me on how to put a install a subpanel off of the main panel. It was SIMPLE and cost me 50-60 bucks to do.. whoopty fuckin do! Basically all that was required was I had to buy a double pole 60amp breaker, some thick ass 4-wire, a 100amp subpanel box, and a 30amp double pole breaker to attatch the 220 wire that the AC will run off of. Also, I have room for more breakers, which means i can hook up more shit if i really wanted to...so to run this powerful ass AC, it has cost me 200bucks! BEAT THAT! keep the overhead low, and the profits high! a year ago I was scared shitless of electric, and it created a learning block in my brain... now that I have been educating myself on how to do it and actually doing it, I feel like a million bucks! So for anyone who was ever scared of electric, just buy a book, talk to some people, and constantly gather information - EVENTUALLY, it will all begin to make sense... I know I probably do not know 10% of what there is to know about electric, but I feel like I know enough to do ALOT of things that the average person does not know how to do... Now that I know how to hook shit up, I am going to start doing some BIG THINGS! Now I have to create a frame for the AC to sit in the wall to cool off the room, then I will start to move all of the plants up there....

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright, bright , bright, BRIGHT and
Sun-Shiny day



after thinking about it... i dont know why they designed this box so that you have to run the ground wire ALLLLLLL the way around the box to that grounding bar... its just a gooooofy ass design - or perhaps im just doing something wrong? :chin: ... I still have some more work to do in this panel, so if you see weird wires in weird places, they are there temporarily. peace to all...



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Ok i went thru all 8 pages and at 6 i noticed it was started in 2009... LOL>.. I gotta say from the start BAM it went fast N furious... str8 killt it, and lots of gurls jammed into one place, my, kinda place...:D Great work brother and im glad you hooked up an A/C that should help bigtime.. What is the tallest you can get your gurls up too? Sending good vibes brother I will check back soon peace n pufs..


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