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A hydro room is born, resirculating system my first growlog.



hey guys :wave:

so now that i have bought this new and fancy camera, i thought id make a growlog. but bear with me, i am still only working with the auto functions, and this thing has like a gazillion settings and whatnot. im reading the manual like it was my final exam, but i guess im getting older as this technical stuff dont seem as easy and logical as it once did.

my grow is usually a variety of however many different promicing strains i can get my hands on. beans are hard to come by so everything i have are clones. up until now i have been growing mainly in soil, with the odd simple bubblebucket for experimental purposes.

i have 2 flowering rooms, and i am working on converting one of the rooms for hydro purposes. my plan is to run one hydro room and one soil room. i like working with soil aswell & get my hands dirty, it was kinda the way i learned how to grow also initially.

in this thread i will be focusing solely on the new resirculating hydro systems that i made tho, so far 1 of the 2 systems are already up and running with 2 out of the 4 planned tubes installed. there are some soil plants in the room at this moment aswell. i have some clones running in the system already, they are in week 4 at this moment. its 6 small afghan indicas, and 2 hawaiian mauiwaui.

i just took some quick shots of the system, i wasnt very happy with the picture quality, the lights makes the details impossible to make out. but as i said, new cam so bear with me, ill figure it out and get better. also, first growthread so i am sorry if the incoherant ranting is boring you by now.

system specs:

200cm lenght x 20 cm diameter
80 litre reservoir
2 pumps capacity 700l/h each
inner tube water level 4-5 cm
pot size 10 cm
pot distance 45 cm

as for the rest of the room specs, 2x 600w hps lights on 2x2 meters growspace + 1x2 meters workspace for me to move around on. i use adjust a wing reflectors with heat screens, and the walls are covered with mylar. lets get back to that later, i couldnt get any descent overview pics with the lights on.

on to the pics then enough yapping.





what you are seeing is the afghan in week 4. ill be honest i have had some problems already, the ph keeps dropping on me about 2 days after i change the water, also my stoned lazy ass forgot to turn on the damn night heat fan for a coupple of nights. and then i did the same thing AGAIN like a week later, so they had some cold nights. ill show you the damage done later, but look closely on the fanleaves you can see the yellow spots from the ph problems. fuck me hydro is stressful for a newb, 2 days where i dont pay attention and shit happends fast. not so used to that, but i think i know what caused the ph problems. you see i use AN sensi one powder nutes, and i have been having problems getting the powder to dissolve properly prior to changing the water. small powder nuggets stays undissolved in the water, but it seems that when these nuggets gets sucked through the pump fans the get crushed and dissolves, releasing more nutes into the water and lowering the ph. its a big fucking theory but thats what i think anyway, either that or its the leca pebbles i used in the pots to hold the plants.

the way the system works is i have 2 pumps running. 1 pump feeds water directly to the pots through the small hoses, you can see them connected with a T piece to make a circle around the plants at the bottom by the pots. a larger central hose feeds water to the smaller ones connected just by nips inserted in the soft hose rubber (sry i lack english words to explain very well). the second pump has 2 waterhoses, going to the top of each tube in order to create a good waterflow throughout the entire system. the runoff tubes are non-adjustable and 10 cm in diameter, they keep the water levels inside the tubes at a constant 4-5 cm. the entire system is overdimentioned on purpose, with 42 cm distance between the pots, 20cm tubes and 10cm runoff tubes in order to accomodate larger plants. the reservoir is easily replaceable with a larger one if needed. as you can see the current plants in the system are quite small, because i threw them in as soon as they rooted. so next on the agenda is definately a veg box of some sort.

i dont really care all that much if the plants turn out 80% this run, this is a test run, the plan is to correct any potential flaw factors before i assemble the second system which is identical. also i needed to finish the soil plants that was occupying that space. third reason is that i am kind of bored with the strains that i can currently clone, and i didnt want to fill an entire room with a strain i have been growing for years. but the good news is that i have gotten my hands on 2 different female blueberry pheno clones from spliff seeds seedplants, also i got 2 phenos of the ak48 nirvana, and a skywalker pheno. im going indica in the system, since i got super silver haze in the soil room. lets see, i think i have only uploaded a coupple of pics of the new babies. they will be the motherplants for the next grow, where i will run both systems next to eachother.

one of the blueberrys

and here is one of the ak48 pheno's, it has 3 branches in each internode, not a healthy sign i know, but the motherplant is a bute, and i have another ak48 pheno aswell.


ill return with pics of the future motherplants once they are well rooted and start to grow. in this thread we will follow the last 4 weeks of the afghans and the mauiwaui's in this system, and then after christmas around 10th of january the installment of the second system and the new plants which will be blueberry, ak48, and skywalker most likely. i just might throw some love potion #1 in there leaning on the g13 side of the pheno's.

i didnt include any pics of the other plants in there in this first post, but this is what is currently flowering in this room. lets see if i can remember them all.
whatever isnt finished when the system is finished will get transported to the other room. some of it might even get cut too soon because i have too much going right now.

love potion #1 40L pot, g13 pheno. -week 2 of flowering
ak48, 10L pot, small plant pheno test grow. -week 2 of flowering
afghan kush, known locally as dutch, or dutch mens trap, 15L pot. -week 2 (motherplant to the system clones, byebye last run of that strain)
stonehenge test run, 10L DWC bubblebucket, pheno test run. -week 1
mr.nice super silver haze, 10L pots, 100days pheno. -week 5

in the veg room, clones with and without roots:
ak48 2 pheno's
blueberry 2 pheno's
strawberry cough
eva's monster
mr nice super silver haze
love potion #1
hawaiian skunkX mauiwaui
(hawaiian skunkXmauiwaui)Xnorthern lights - a friends cross

i think that's most of them lol, i wont litter this thread with pics of loads of soil plants, but if anyone is interrested ill show pics of any of the soil plants upon request. i have a soil room aswell as stated previously, and i guess ill make a soil grow thread aswell. but there's unfinished work everywhere here, so all in good time.

here is a shot of the love potion in the 40 litre pot, just cus its looking like its going to be a great grow, and cus well its nice with a pic at the bottom of the thread. maybe someone bothers reading all the way down my insanely long posts haha.


stay tuned, ill be back with more shots of this hard hitting afghan and the mauiwaui in the system as we come ever close to harvest time :D if i can get the ph under control, there should be some nice shots of the afghan, usually it goes all woolly with crystals. i hope ill get a macro lens for christmas.

and please guys, shoot if you have questions, or want to see something more closely whatever. peace!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
arcticsun said:
Please, please, please, tell me this is a fuzzy pic and not an example of Powdery Mildew. Pretty please? Cause everything else looks great.


Dang Canada'ism is kinda confusing with the 'cm and shit but i like where you're going with this. <pulling up chair>
This is just my opionion and I'd kinda like to live vicariously thru you in this post but here it goes.

Depending on your situation, try doing one (or maybe two) strains on each side for consistency in height, nutes, and things to be learned during your grow.

Once you determined how to achieve that, go out on a limb and try some Coca or Sunsine Mix as they will compliment your hydro setup better than soil will.(After all you started in soil) live a little. Don't get me wrong, I love soil, but I've learned some of my best tricks from experimenting with whatever's out there.

As far as hydro being tricky, and bad things happening fast, GET A LARGER, AERATED, TEMP STEADY, RESERVOIR and things should steady out.(sry for the caps)

Wow, your not messin around with genetics, some very nice picks indeed.
Very interested in the G13 pheno,as I have some comin, AK48 which I've been droolin over, and anything with the word dutch or haze in it. there were more but I'm rambling.

OMG, just read: "maybe someone bothers reading all the way down my insanely long posts haha." GOT ME!



tyty all kind words.

G13 love potion pheno shots coming up tomorrow as soon as the lights come on. just noticed some nice early crystal production on it today. all exited about that :D

as far as coco is concerned, i kinda live far backcountry so good soil is much easier to come by. but i have a new growgear supplier now so i have been thinking real hard about making a drip to waste coco system in the other room as it has a concrete floor and a water runoff hole thingy. i reccon just a timer and a pump to a reservoir and 10 litre coco pots with good draining should do the trick. allso 2x600w in that room.

and no its not powdery mildew mate :D

got a new 700m3/h fan sitting just waiting to be installed aswell to improve air quality, but im waiting for the carbon filter to go with it, my supplier keeps telling me next week next week. its the problem with living backcountry i guess.

let me take some shots of the floor in the other room aswell for you guys tomorrow and ill show you what i mean in terms of the coco drip to waist.


did some work today, changed the water in the system. again it had dropped to 5,3-5 somewhere around there. not very pleased at all about not knowing for sure what is causing the ph problems. but it is after all the first run in the new system so ill bite my tongue and stay patient. i disconnected the pump that runs water directly to the pots, the roots have punched through long ago anyway. i did that just to eliminate the possibility of it being the leca pebbles in the pots that is causing the ph drop. the second pump is still running water through the tubes.

also i must have been stoned last nite, because i checked the calendar and i am in week 5 with the system it seems. or day 38 (ish) is that right hmm, 5x7=35... yup 5 weeks closing in on week 6. i ran 8 days with 18/6 aswell before switching to 12/12. so they should really have gotten overdrive this week, but alrite ill run them 21 days more. 7 days with sensi one/overdrive, then 7 days with ripen, and 7 days on final phase. gave them 1,0 EC today because they are looking very very green and full of nutes, kept it kinda low. and gave 2ml pr l of overdrive. and some barricade.

that should do the trick i guess. woops wall of text getting pretty long now, time for something to rest your eyes on because i was thinking i'd write some more about the setup and the plans for a drip to waist system and all that. uploaded some more pics aswell and the upload was slow as hell so if you want the budporn you gotta listen to my rant, or atleast scroll hehe

eyerest for you, some cured afghan same as in this grow, only from my previous soil grow, aaaand a big fat bonghit of this bud for me because i can feel a long post coming hehehe :joint:


holy mother, ill tell you what it rips something fierce. i should do a smokereport on it because it is something else. but in short it is really hard on the throat, it has a fucking overwhelming rotten smell, like cut grass left in the sun half decomposed. and it hits you like a fist to the face, man i am typing sooo slooooowly right now lol. think we will leave the report with that for now. trying to explain the effects of it right now is futile hehe. dude i need a drink... id say now given a drink and a minute to think about it that the effect is really narcotic yet focused. for example i got a friend that loves this strain for guitarplaying he says. dunno about that, i get paralyzed but .. yea .. wutever, kinda creative i guess in a mental not physically active kinda way lol.

okok to the point. this is what i am thinking is causing the ph to drop over time(below), i use the advanced nutrients sensi one powder nute product. some of this powder just kinda lumps and doesnt dissolve. you can see it here in the bottom of the mixing container, i made this mix two days ago, and took the pic today so it was left for 2 full days and still didnt dissolve properly.


i think what happends is that these lumps gets sucked into the pump, gets crushed by the pump propellars and dissolves to sour the water. it could ofcourse also be the tubes but they are of a material that can stand even acids and such so it shouldnt be. i made the ph alittle high today around 6,5 because there was some undissolved lumps in the mix. also as i said above i disconnected the pump that feeds directly to the pots in order to eliminate that it could be the leca pebbles in the pots.

i took shots of the motherplant, some budporn, some shots of the equipment that i intend to install, a shot of the DWC bubblebucket and some shots of the drain and floor in the super silver haze room. i was talking about a drip to waist system in my other room because i have a drain hole there in the floor.

so lets just see that real quick, and ill save the best for last (you better not be thinking about scrolling to the bottom for the budporn now hehe). the drainhole in the other room, some ssh hanging over it supercropped.


im soooo done with super silver after this grow, look at this mess, supercropped most of the tops they go skyhigh. im like fucking tom cruise mission impossible type catburglar trying to feed these things in here.


the drainhole and the plan: ill simply take a reservoir of suitable size, throw a pump in it connected to a timer, and connect hoses to each plant through a central softrubber hose in the same way as in the system with the T pieces to make a circle around the plant at the bottom. good drainage and just let the runoff go straight to the drainhole. ill use coco i reccon as it holds water well, could be expencive if alot was to go in the drain. simple but should work i reccon. planning to install that when the ssh comes down. manual individual feeding getting on my nervs :badday:

just some equipment shots first and ill get to the bubblebucket, the mom-plant and some budporn at the bottm i promice. :D here is the fan waiting to be installed, 700m3/h capacity it will run the exhaust out of 2 rooms, one of the rooms is ventilated into the other. i have a 350m3/h fan that will deliver fresh air directly from outside and into the rooms. lets see how that turns out once my carbon filter gets here (LARS IF YOU'RE READING THIS TICK TICK). damn equipment supplier hehe, nah he is a good guy, not his fault. oh the pic, right ..here it is. (sry rambling)


aaaand, a quickie of one of the 2 tubes waiting to be installed.


next one is the stonehenge in a DWC bubblebucket. simple little setup, just a airpump, throw that in a 10 litre bucket, cut a hole for the pot. fill with water and nutes, just make sure that your airpump has some *umpfh*, some power! you want the bucket to be really bubbeling like a.. what should i say.. a hottub only with tiny bubbles. i use one of those airstones they use in aquariums which is connected to the airpump to break the air into little bubbles. im sorry again for my lack of english words to explain very well, luckily i got the cam so i can take pics inside the bucket if anyone wants. think there is a post somewhere on icmag also on how to do it, ill dig that up and include in the thread at some point. also lol the angles of the shots are sometimes abit fucked up, sorry about that, not easy to move around in there.


and below here is the mothership, really should have included her in first post, but hey.. happends hehe :joint: she had a good run the old bag. i really wasnt supposed to keep a mother of this strain anymore i have loads of new ones (see first post) someone else is keeping a mom because we dont want to loose the strain, but wont you be damned if i couldnt help myself from taking a clone of it and set it aside hehe. so i still have it. its a good old trusted strain its been with us locally for atleast 10 years, prior to this mom there was a 6 year old mom. tadaaa! here she is, next to her is the G13 LP#1!
threw her in there the first of dec i guess and today is 11th, so 11 days into it.


did a good oldfashioned "below the waist" trim on her. she looks months younger now, i want the old lady to go out gracefully hehe.


those that bothered reading all the way down here, i bet you are like, yeahyeah yapyap lets see some trichs and friggin buds already! so kk here is a shot from today, i think its day 38,39 or 40 one of those 3. pistils turning brown abit too soon might be because of the ph, i want them to boost alittle more, fatten abit so lets see if we cant get some new white pistils growing this week before the final flush :D


see now how i distracted you all and didnt show any pics of the yellow spots on the plants. didnt show the hawaiian skunk either did i? :D hehe well its fattening up like a motherfucker, but the hawaiian is the one worst affected by the yellow spots. lets get back to that aswell it yields like a bastard, already some huge heads on that thing, maybe when the nugs are big enough you wont notice the discoloration so much heheheh.

one last eyetease, the post is already long as hell. again, some more cured buds from the last grow of this indica, same strain as in the system.


ill just finish up this yet another insanely long post, then ill go hit that a coupple of times atleast from a big fucking bong, before i check out what the rest of icmag is up to today. didnt even check my subscribed today yet cus this post took forever with the upload and all. laters all ill keep adding stuff :D

:bongsmi: :wave:



Hey Artic in regards to your Ph issue try this. Dissolve the powder in warm water before adding it to your res. Keep the Ph on the high side (as much drop as you've been encountering) and make sure you are bubbling your nutes.

Let me know if this works out for yah, but it should get yah close.
~Keep up the good fight.


lokes said:
Hey Artic in regards to your Ph issue try this. Dissolve the powder in warm water before adding it to your res. Keep the Ph on the high side (as much drop as you've been encountering) and make sure you are bubbling your nutes.

Let me know if this works out for yah, but it should get yah close.
~Keep up the good fight.

good tips man, thanks alot. ill definately try warm water to dissolve it. brilliant man! me so sloow cant believe i didnt think of that.

as far as keeping the ph on the high side i am abit anxious about doing that right now because i cant say for sure how much exactly the ph drops. and i am not 100% sure that it is the powder either, as it is a new system, could be the tubes for all i know. but yea, i have been mixing it 6,5 recently. lets see how it turns out in a coupple of days.

im sorry but what exactly do you mean by bubbling the nutes? i usually have an airpump in the reservoir aswell, but that didnt show on the pics because it broke and i had to take it to the store to get a new one.

but thanks again, warm water... +rep for helping a poor guy with too much on his mind :D


Yeah, by bubbling the nutes thats all I meant. Airpump/stones. Good luck, will be interested to see how she goes.


I Love pot. Its so much fun to grow and smoke. I been smokin it all my life. I feel for you buddy. I hate it when my plants screw up. I get all upset. Like what am I gonna do for these babies? Oi? Hey bro, its just part of it, I guess. Then when you get it right you get this get this great smoke. I just like to sit there and hang with my weeds. It give me some solace, Jah Know. Once you get it dialed in -- Bam! That weed looks good. Man that one bud almost as long as my arm! Wow!! I gotta get me a hps light. I am gonna pull up a chair and watch this. Maybe I will finally go hydro. I gotta do it on the cheap though to keep the ol' lady out of it. I do the wick method with a pump to keep it fresh. I dump nutes in the pool and sometimes it gets a little mucky and the plants let me know. Mostly though they love it. Its like a sand barge in a swamp. Bubbling helps alot! Wish ol' Ed Rosenthal had put that in his books. I should get some PH strips just to see what my brine is pullin. Anyway bro that's my piece.


ok update time.

hooked up a new 400w hps for the veg babies. gonna change the bulb with a veg bulb come newyear. still waiting for the large can filter for the new fan, but the old one is working fine now that its winter and not so warm. so for now i'm ok. rigged one of the tubes with some clones with good roots so they could get a head start. also rigged 5 more bubblebuckets for the future mothers of different strains. a selection of the finest clones of the best phenos my crew has grown the last 10 years.

overview shot veg chamber


i took some shots with the lights off in the budroom. first here is the afghan in the system at day 50. started the flush today, they really dont look like they need more then a week more actually, but ill see. i want them properly flushed because this one is couch lock nomatter what. plants arent more then maybe 30-40cm's tall, so the yield/space/watts ratio is not to be spoken of. yield doesnt really concern me much anyway because the grow is personal, so if i have med's im cool it doesnt matter. i think much more about quality then about quantity. might look like i have loads of plants but im a total strainwhore, and i prefer having loads of different ones to choose from over yield maximizing. medically it is good to get the largest amount of different cannabinols possible. also as a grower it gives me great pleasure to see the different varietys and i am all exited like a kid at christmas every time i get a new strain and get to see it start growing.

dutch mans trap, afghan indica, day 50 initiating flushing.

next 2 pics are the 2 strains about to go into the tubes after the afghan goes down. first one is the ak48 at day 21, soil grow with manual feeding. 10L pot. this one went abit dry twice the last week, crystal production looked even better a week ago. has a lovely fruity smell, im all exited about it, i think it kinda smells alittle like cheese but ill say again when it becomes more ripe. anyway it has been selected as the main strain for the next hydro run.

second is the love potion #1 G13 pheno, day 21-25 i am not entirely sure as to which exact date it was put in the budroom. its showing some nice early trich production aswell, i have 3 of these in the tube you can see in the pic of the veg room. it yields huge, so im going to run this strain as a supplement strain to the ak next grow.

just some new babies finally, strawberry cough, eva's monster and psychodelica. starting to root and looking not so bad, should turn into nice mothers. some of the chemicals i use, god i hate that shit, mixing nutes is not my favorite pass-time ill admit to that.

not so long until cutting guys, looking good. going to make some nice improvements to the set-up. upon the next run, all new and all better :D

check y'all laters :wave:


Artic, looking very nice. That Afghan is a gem, but can't go wrong with 48. If you hate mixing nutes slap your mums in some dirt, and just add water. As far as your hydro, use the Lucas Formula, no fuss no muss. Whatever you do, keep growing that nice ass weed bro.
~Keep up the good fight.


will do mate, you know it :D

ph problems are under control by the way, and that afghan is being safeguarded locally as it has been for over 15 years now

i do usually keep my moms in soil with nutes in it, but this time i am in a hurry so i made some bubblebuckets because i usually get a great growth ratio in them. hoping to speed things up abit. got about 70% of the moms in soil because of what you said and to limit size of them :)

tnx for checking in btw :D ill keep adding pics

much peace bro


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High artic! Damn..you got a lot going on over here! everything looks good but Id get confused...lol. I have enough problems keeping up between just my veg and flower..lol.
Great job!
Peace, bugout


Damn arctic, you write such long posts LOL just messin with ya bro, it keeps me entertained and interested and it definitely wont hurt my growing skills any to read up on some detailed notes by an experienced grower :smoke: Anyways you have an impressive lineup of strains bro; the only ones I havent personally thought about getting before or even heard about is the eva's monster and psychadelica. Think you could give me a little info on those two girls? Also whats your opinion about the SSH (growing, smoking, ect...)? I cant wait to see how the LP #1 and AK48 turn out. Ive been meaning to get me some LP #1 seeds, just gotta save up enough money to buy a few packs. I totally agree with you about the quality over quantity thing, especially when your growing your own meds. Glad to hear you got your pH issues under control now man, hopefully itll just be smooth sailing from here :D Anyways my post is starting to look like one of yours so Id better cut it short HAHA totally just kidding. I couldnt help but fuck around a bit after reading "maybe someone bothers reading all the way down my insanely long posts haha," well I do bro so keep em comin. Take it easy bro :rasta:

Mr. Durden :joint:


very very nice artic u got some skills that is 4 sure ...it looks so healthy all way thru and thats the prober way to thread them ladies :) i be around champ


hey guys, thanks alot for stopping by :D

lol Tbug, i am totally confused myself, i am going to get rid of about half of my moms and i will from now on probably run only 1 strain pr room. indica in one room and sativa in the other. but as i said i am totally such a strainwhore so i cant help myself from grabbing a clone if i can hehe.

haha durden, i am so sorry for being such a rambling old sod. next time i make a thread its going to be moar pics and less yapping hahahaha. i promice. eva's monster and psychadelica. ill tell you more about them when i grow them out myself. dont know much about them yet, i have been invited to go see a garden sometime in christmas which is full of eva's in flower. supposedly this garden is very impressive, ill hit you back with some more info on it. its a strain imported from denmark it grows like a motherfucker and it has some insanely large fanleaves mostly indica thats all i know for now. the AK, and the LP pheno's i run are selected clones so they are top notch genetics imo. the mrnice super silver haze, well i have to say i am a bit disappointed. i only got to test 2 phenos of it tho because the germinator killed many seeds. this pheno i run is a 100day + pheno which is looking and smelling very much like pure haze. its a huge monster of a plant, and i find it quite challenging to get prime quality smoke from a ssh grow. but i have had some limited success i would say. here is a sample of a ssh soil grow from last year, you can see the thin fluffy budstructure of the haze. i have seen this pheno go incredibly full of trichomes once, i have a friend who is quite a pro grower, he did a hydro run with this and it was just trichomes all over up the stems .. along the fanleaf stems etc. here are the pics, ssh, quality of this ssh id say is 5/10. soil grow cut at day 100ish, alittle too soon.

kalle, all u guys, thanks for stopping by. here is a pic of the arctic in december :D and some pics of me working a 70 year old smoke oven. norwegian smoked salmon. delicassy :D

smoked arctic christmas lamb, hanging to dry. cant put a prize on that tbh.

try rolling that in 15below hehe. had to warm the hands in the oven first before rolling :D

the ferry's that are everywhere around here. we gave the ferry crew some salmon and got a free ride :D

inside the ferry

storm found a mouse or something under the snow, he kept jumping around and yelling, it was incredibly funny.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Your dog, Storm? Didn't he sell cars in L.A. back in the 60's? Good to know retirement suits him.


actually its my neighbours dog, i adopt him every once in a while tho he is the coolest dog ever. trained avalanche resque dog.

lol sell cars huh.. he likes running after them atleast :D

actually here is our family's dog. he lives with my old folks, just a pup still but i took him with me skiing the other day, jolly good fun. cant wait until summer gonna take him fishing with me all summer, staying out for weeks :D