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A Guide to Fishsticks


Well-known member
Wow what a coincidence! I think I’m on day seven stone cold sober and I think that is good news because I haven’t felt this good in years I was getting worried thinking I was sick with Covid so I need to make sure it wasn’t something else… pretty sure it was all the concentrates :whip:ha ha….. i’m sleeping better I have a much better appetite , more energy and a much more mentally stable so go figure

I would be completely full of shit if I said I didn't eat a whole bunch of L and do a pile of k right at the beginning. Luckily (I think) I told my k hookup I thought I died andi he seems to feel he should do me a favor and not hook me up for some unknown amount of time. Glad he cares (not like I was really dead) I guess. Probably for the best. That stuff makes me way less productive.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I shoved ounces of that crap up my nose and I learned the hard way from a two year binge it nearly killed me still have unrepairable residual nerve damage in my arm and hand , who knows what other damage I did to my body with Street K , real Ketamine is medicinal…I still go once a month for intervenous infusions under doctor supervision of course..It’s good for maintaining decent mental health


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm supposed to be getting this cut and one called Gary Payton soon. I hear great things about both of them.
Do you know what was used to make GP?. I thought someone said it was Snowman?

:watchplant: yup,i should have white truffle soon,and runtz...and animal cookies...and some cake thingy...i can't keep track anymore of the desert strains

You would already have her but you said nada so it went to TC. I've had bad luck with anything cake, lots of herms in the seeds I tried.. I just got ICC, ill see if she is good enough for a project.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
well....sorta done anyway...going to need a power strip and timer,and need to run some intake ducts,but otherwise about ready to go..



Well-known member
Do you know what was used to make GP?. I thought someone said it was Snowman?

You would already have her but you said nada so it went to TC. I've had bad luck with anything cake, lots of herms in the seeds I tried.. I just got ICC, ill see if she is good enough for a project.

Gary Payton looks to be the Y x snowman


Well-known member
So far all the ice cream cake I have smoked has been good but not fantastic. My partner grabbed a cut recently so I will see if we have better luck. I told him not to grab it but nobody listens to me. They love the hype.


Well-known member
I shoved ounces of that crap up my nose and I learned the hard way from a two year binge it nearly killed me still have unrepairable residual nerve damage in my arm and hand , who knows what other damage I did to my body with Street K , real Ketamine is medicinal…I still go once a month for intervenous infusions under doctor supervision of course..It’s good for maintaining decent mental health

I did the k bender couple years ago. This year is about self control and willpower. At least that is what I'm telling myself.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So far all the ice cream cake I have smoked has been good but not fantastic. My partner grabbed a cut recently so I will see if we have better luck. I told him not to grab it but nobody listens to me. They love the hype.

ICC pics look great. Im not sure if all these ICC cuts are the same.. This ICC is supposed to be from Seedjunkies. He also sent Chimera#4 which also looks great. But pics can be deceiving..



...como el Son...
Te entiendo, bigtacofarmer

Lastima que no pueda ayudarte en tu idioma...

Mira, está muy bien que tu hija alimente, cepille y acaricie a tu perra y así cree vínculo. Es ideal. Pero no necesita adoptar una aptitud ni posición puramente dominante: olvídate de mí primo César Millán. Tu eres el que debes dominar tanto a tu perro como a tu hija como su interrelación. La perra debe respetar a tu hija, pero no porque piense simplemente que la niña está por encima en la cadena jerárquica (y por tanto la niña es más fuerte que la perra), sino por qué la quiere y respeta por el vínculo que tiene con ella, y por qué tú (su verdadero líder) lo quiere así.
Tu hija debe ser para tu perra una fuente de sentimientos agradables y tranquilos, de momento. Tu (los adultos) deben ser quienes den las correcciones, si son necesarias. Y así, si algo "va mal" y la perra se siente obligada a escalar en la escala jerárquica (al no tener un liderazgo que la satisfaga), no verá a tu hija como el primer escalón que debe subir...

Mira, todos mis perros entrenados en defensa/ataque tienen clarísimo que son más rápidos y fuertes que yo, y que pueden ponerme de rodillas con un solo mordisco... Cuando no, a mi pequeña sobrina de 6 años...
Así que si aceptan alegremente que yo y mi sobrina dirijamos su vida, no todo es jerarquía pura y dura, o bien esta claro que el perro ve esta jerarquía más allá de la pura dominancia física..
Entiendo tu preocupación, y deseo encuentres la mejor solución posible. Pero te repito que tu adiestrador/educador debería poder ayudarte.

I understand you @bicotafarmer. Too bad I can't help you in your language ...

Look, it is very good for your daughter to feed, brush and pet your dog and create bond with this... It is ideal. But she don't need to adopt a purely dominant aptitude or position: forget about my cousin César Millán. You are the one who must dominate both your dog and your daughter as their interrelation. The dog should respect your daughter, but not because she simply thinks that the girl is higher in the hierarchical chain (and therefore the girl is stronger than the dog), but because she loves and respects her because of the bond she has with her, and why you (her true leader) want it that way. Your daughter should be a source of pleasant and calm feelings for your dog, for now. You (the adults) should be the one to give the corrections, if necessary. And so, if something "goes wrong" and the dog feels forced to climb the hierarchical ladder (by not having a leadership that satisfies her), she will not see your daughter as the first step she must climb ... Look, all my dogs trained in defense / attack knows very clear that they are faster and stronger than me, and that they can bring me to my knees with a single bite ... When not, my little 6-year-old niece ... So if they happily accept that my niece and me run their lives, not everything is hierarchy pure and simple, or it is clear that the dog sees this hierarchy beyond pure physical dominance. I understand your concern, and I want you to find the best possible solution. But I repeat that your trainer / educator should be able to help you.


Well-known member
Te entiendo, bigtacofarmer

Lastima que no pueda ayudarte en tu idioma...

Mira, está muy bien que tu hija alimente, cepille y acaricie a tu perra y así cree vínculo. Es ideal. Pero no necesita adoptar una aptitud ni posición puramente dominante: olvídate de mí primo César Millán. Tu eres el que debes dominar tanto a tu perro como a tu hija como su interrelación. La perra debe respetar a tu hija, pero no porque piense simplemente que la niña está por encima en la cadena jerárquica (y por tanto la niña es más fuerte que la perra), sino por qué la quiere y respeta por el vínculo que tiene con ella, y por qué tú (su verdadero líder) lo quiere así.
Tu hija debe ser para tu perra una fuente de sentimientos agradables y tranquilos, de momento. Tu (los adultos) deben ser quienes den las correcciones, si son necesarias. Y así, si algo "va mal" y la perra se siente obligada a escalar en la escala jerárquica (al no tener un liderazgo que la satisfaga), no verá a tu hija como el primer escalón que debe subir...

Mira, todos mis perros entrenados en defensa/ataque tienen clarísimo que son más rápidos y fuertes que yo, y que pueden ponerme de rodillas con un solo mordisco... Cuando no, a mi pequeña sobrina de 6 años...
Así que si aceptan alegremente que yo y mi sobrina dirijamos su vida, no todo es jerarquía pura y dura, o bien esta claro que el perro ve esta jerarquía más allá de la pura dominancia física..
Entiendo tu preocupación, y deseo encuentres la mejor solución posible. Pero te repito que tu adiestrador/educador debería poder ayudarte.

I understand you @bicotafarmer. Too bad I can't help you in your language ... Look, it is very good for your daughter to feed, brush and pet your dog and thus bond. It is ideal. But you don't need to adopt a purely dominant aptitude or position: forget about my cousin César Millán. You are the one who must dominate both your dog and your daughter as their interrelation. The dog should respect your daughter, but not because she simply thinks that the girl is higher in the hierarchical chain (and therefore the girl is stronger than the dog), but because she loves and respects her because of the bond she has with her, and why you (her true leader) want it that way. Your daughter should be a source of pleasant and calm feelings for your dog, for now. You (the adults) should be the one to give the corrections, if necessary. And so, if something "goes wrong" and the dog feels forced to climb the hierarchical ladder (by not having a leadership that satisfies her), she will not see your daughter as the first step she must climb ... Look, all my dogs trained in defense / attack knows very clear that they are faster and stronger than me, and that they can bring me to my knees with a single bite ... When not, my little 6-year-old niece ... So if they happily accept that my niece and me run their lives, not everything is hierarchy pure and simple, or it is clear that the dog sees this hierarchy beyond pure physical dominance. I understand your concern, and I want you to find the best possible solution. But I repeat that your trainer / educator should be able to help you.

Unfortunately it is to late for that. This has been an issue for a few months. And last night she put her teeth on her face, barely missing her eye. I could not forgive myself if she actually hurt her. And my wife is completely over it all together and I can't blame her one bit.

I do think I may have found a good home for her. But I will be giving her away for free. Which is what it is. Not my favorite choice. But the safety of my kid is what most important.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Truth be told I can’t remember the last time I got laid … unfortunately:biglaugh: Married to my garden


Well-known member
Just got back from the grocery was alot of empty shelves up in there. idk whats up with that maybe just the holidays ...Was craving a piece of that store bought meat and they had no ribeyes so went with a tbone...

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Akss Trying to put on some weight started the day with bacon & cheese & toast & butter sandwich:dance: … Well it’s that time again Night Shift calls me .. a lot of watering and feeding tonight and yes I still have bills to pay


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:some desert....raining...in december....of course i have all the errands i put off today to deal with tomorrow when it rains all day...at least i get to feel smart for having snap on fenders so no wet,cold ass stripe while riding...