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Bug Scissor Hand


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...looks like a few days without rain coming up....so back to bitching about the heat! not really going to get hot hot for now,just regular hot...almost seems like a "normal" summer so far...hot as ass for 3 weeks in june,monsoon started a little early,and hopefully continues till next month...then hopefully it starts cooling off in september and drying out...

off to run errands in a bit,then back for garden chores and a few hours of trimming...almost up to 300 grams from the smaller of the two totes,the other one has like 3x as much so looking good to hit a gram per watt...and that's not including 3 more plants in the same trays...so could get to 1300 or slightly more...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
6.5 is the biggest i've ever been through...two words you don't want to hear when you live on an island..."tsunami warning"


Active member
Hey fellas, been busy around here. I've got all of my mothers cut and into rockwool. I burned the rest and bagged up the root balls. I also got a UV-C /ozone generator and ran that puppy to kill whatever I could. I need to place it in a few spots probably. The ten clones I had prior to the final cut appear to be clear of aphids, so fingers crossed there. My outdoor stuff has them, but for some reason they seem unaffected. Same with the 4x4, all of that media was recycled and stored outside... weird. It's going to be tricky keeping the indoor pest free, while letting the outdoor and 4x4 finish. I'm about halfway through on the 4x4, and the outdoor doesn't really need a ton of maintenance. The clones will be about three weeks, and I can put them back into the growroom in a week or so. Maybe I'll get a tyvec suit... Is the risk too high?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Hey fellas, been busy around here. I've got all of my mothers cut and into rockwool. I burned the rest and bagged up the root balls. I also got a UV-C /ozone generator and ran that puppy to kill whatever I could. I need to place it in a few spots probably. The ten clones I had prior to the final cut appear to be clear of aphids, so fingers crossed there. My outdoor stuff has them, but for some reason they seem unaffected. Same with the 4x4, all of that media was recycled and stored outside... weird. It's going to be tricky keeping the indoor pest free, while letting the outdoor and 4x4 finish. I'm about halfway through on the 4x4, and the outdoor doesn't really need a ton of maintenance. The clones will be about three weeks, and I can put them back into the growroom in a week or so. Maybe I'll get a tyvec suit... Is the risk too high?

Did you figure out why/how there getting in?.. Anytime someone sends you a cut DO NOT! mix with your stock, Isolate them. After the cut has acclimated to your place remove any medium on the roots and wash them. Now she will be ready for a fresh repot. You still need to keep her isolated from your stock.

Heads up your WTXP40 link goes to your old Flashbang x FS#18 tester thread. I have the right thread linked I'm my sig :D


Well-known member
Looks like elsa has made her way up here getting some rain now and getting a little breezy. Was out on the big pond yesterday was a pretty nice day other than a bit of swell... We had a quake last year pretty unusual for here was around 4.0 or something i think...I was home in the house and i felt a pretty good rumble...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...trim jail...in for the long count...still have the big bin to get to....and i just chopped three plants....and have another 24 to chop saturday...it's going to take me like 3 weeks to get all this trimmed up...say goodbye to july i guess...and by the time i get done with the main room harvest it will be time for the led room to get chopped...and then september will be here and i can start firing up more tents...


Active member
Yeah, that might've been my mistake. Not 100% on that though. I noticed an ant or two here and there, I've heard that they can transport aphids to your plant, which could be another of the seemingly endless possibilities.

Could they survive without roots to feed on, say like in a worm bin? I only put foliage and coffee grounds in it, with shredded egg cartons. I guess I'll poke around in there to see... I'd hate to have to toss my garden pals!

I took cuts from the best of the WT x P40 as well, hoping I could get them back as well. Everything looked pretty great for a while after the B. Bassiana application, but soon started looking a bit crappy. Maybe the media dried a bit too much, killing the fungus. I saved the healthiest looking specimens of everything and had to burn the rest:( I'll start the thread back up when I get rolling, and try to fix my sig link!

I washed and sterilized 144 pots yesterday, now I've experienced the sheer joy only Unc might understand:) Still have two 2x3' trays and 4 1020s to go, then I can vacuum the room and wait. I'll likely take the opportunity, while I don't have plants, to spray the outside of the house for ants without as much worry.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:alrighty,time to head out for yet another wallyworld run...back to summer for a few days,sunny and drying out...then back to trim jail and todays stage of the tour...think it's another mountain stage,can't look at the site that would tell me so i don't know who wins today...unless something radical happens pocegar has it pretty well wrapped up already...but considering the number of wrecks so far anything could happen...been a pretty wild tour...


Well-known member
Got some fresh bacalhau in the oven. Need to Up pot some Solo's to atleast one gallon coco might just use up the rest of the promix i got to keep some moms for a couple months. Hopefully i dont get to lazy after eating...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
:chin: and yet people still give me crap about washing and sterilizing pots and trays...

I'm horrible at washing my pots regularly. I always spray them down with a bleach mix before there used again. My herc pots are a PITA to clean vs the normal nursery pots.