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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:back from home despot...actually remembered my list so i think i got everything...now to hop on the bike and go deliver some weed...and a trip to wallyworld...should be a sweaty good time!


Active member
95 out today with 40% rh, a bit hot but nice and dry:) I got the outdoor plants fed and watered, then hopped into the kiddie pool to cool off. Even the deer flies seemed lethargic.
I took the pup for a walk around the trail and he was panting when we got back. He even drank water, which is pretty surprising since he never does. He always seems to have to pee though, so go figure. Don't tell him, but he may be due for a bath soon, not his favorite thing to do.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
100 and 17%...ha! beat you!...wait,i didn't want to win dammit!

back from dropping off some weed...i was crushed to find there was no hatch harvest roast chile at wallyworld...forced to buy mild since the regular hot chile is just mild with jalapeno extract added...

time for lunch then 22 up-pots to do...living room is full of projects...and all of them involve working in hot places...good times...


ICMag Donor
Just got a bunch of potting done here. Potting table in the shade helps.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
indoors is also nice...it will be fairly warm in the workshop since the swamp cooler air is mainly ducted into the tents...but still better than being outside where the angry angry sun god lives...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant: alrighty,time to play garden...then out front to water the yard...a solid week of 100+ temps...don't think i'm gonna be riding much this week...

Bud Green

I dig dirt
It's quarter past 5 and parts of the yard are in the shade now...

It's 93 but the humidity is only 55%.

Damn, I can feel my skin drying out, and turning into lizard skin already!



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i'm having pancakes too...except they're made with corn tortillas and stuffed and topped with green chile and cheese...but otherwise exactly the same!

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I had a charcoal broiled steak with fresh corn on the cob steamed on the side ...and some whole wheat bread to mop up the plate ...it was was delicious

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I am beat. It was only 90 out and 50% humidity today. Clouds in and out. So not as bad as it has been here lately. I got 9 square off and in the trailer, Got all that papered in and 6 square down. Good thing I watered before a I left this morning because I am wrecked.

I feel like uncs feet. All dried up. My own fault since I only drank two and a half gallons today. Starving and going to eat.


ICMag Donor
Ichabod, What is price per square out there, strip and shingle, good shingles like Certainteed Architectural.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
all done for the day...pretty much the same as icky's day...except for the work part!

definitely need my buddy over here to look at a breaker,i'm pretty sure it's happening during storms but a breaker keeps tripping...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ichabod, What is price per square out there, strip and shingle, good shingles like Certainteed Architectural.

For Certainteed Landmarks and two rows of Grace Ice and Water Shield you are about $155 for materials and disposal. Labor is all over the board. I am at $150 for low slope and $200-250 for steep slope. That is off on and clean up. But I have seen my steep slope charged for a low slope. And that was not even the high bidder.

I have seen one company charge about $650 for low slope which is materials labor and disposal. The same materials I use. I was at $305 for the same thing. And I try for $100 a hour for labor. Today I was at $134 a hour in labor. But I took off 8 square in 50 minutes. It came up real easy. Not often like that.

I did have some pain in the ass detail work that took a bunch off time. I had to clean up thick layers of tar on some of the flashings that legally I can not replace. So I have to reuse them.