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A Guide to Fishsticks

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Yeah, it was down here as well, and actually, we enjoyed the break unc!

(actually, I was jonesing for your pearls of wisdom.).:biggrin:

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I was on Mr. Nice forums reviewing the old thread where Nevil came on and now realize why Nevil was prodding me to get the Mango Haze. He said this:

Most of the work I did was with batches of 40-50 seeds at a time.
The variety I grew the most of was NL5xHzC. No.1 came out in the first batch of about 20 females. Over the years I've grown many 1000s. In most respects, it was still the best. No.122, the one Shanti dubbed the Mango, came after years of searching, a tireless quest on my part. Aspiring growers often came to me and I regularly made them start with 5Hz seed. There are a few cuts around from those exploits, but they weren't as good as 1 and 122. But almost. As I said before, there's not a sea of difference between the best out of 50 and the best out of 1000. But there is a difference for the most discerning.

My Son told me the story again how we got the OG seed, for the OGMango mother:
He said a big Humboldt broker from San Francisco, who had gone through hundreds of pounds of OG Kush, found a single seed in a pound of the very best OG he had ever sampled, and that was the seed he gave my ex wife.

I grew 3 plants of OGM this year, and they all turned out wonderful. One of them reacted to the cold nights so much, it turned out purple black. Ill have to show you some pics of it later


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:thankfully the weather is getting back to normal for early december..you know,50-60's during the day,dry and sunny...

three days in a row of clouds and rain...i felt like i was getting seasonal affective disorder...except of course i happen to have several extremely bright rooms in the house....so not so much:)

so i have some cuttings sitting in cups of water left over from sticking cuts,the cups were sitting off to the side where the sp150 light is hanging,i just turned that back on a couple days ago and all of a sudden the cuts are rooting...i'm thinking maybe i need some of those low power,blue wavelength heavy led strips for the cloning area now...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Its real cold here. 45 degrees with 86% humidity. We have a big storm heading this way right now. It supposed to rain cats and dogs this afternoon.

I ran by Home depot, and spent $130 on part of the wood for my new compost system. It will be 8' x 8' x 3.5' tall, with a center divider of pine 1x4 slats. The outsides are 1" x 7" redwood boards, and the corner posts will be treated 4x4s with decorative top caps.

My son has been on my case for years to go to "No dig, no till" gardening, constantly fed thick layers of rich compost, so Im transitioning to that now. I will be using hundreds of pounds of alfalfa soaked in molasses in my new compost mix along with finely chopped leaves, llama shit and Russian comfrey (Bocking 14) that I've been growing for the past couple years


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:bongsmi:better get ready to go...need to stop at wally world again and grab some mire poix (carrots,onion,celery) so i can make stock out of the turkey carcass...i cant stand the thought of having dead critter bones around and not making stock from them...

i'm remembering why i don't get turkey very often...after two days i'm totally over it...but still have half a breast to finish...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
vac lock it and toss it in the freezer for later
can't,it was a pre-cooked,smoked turkey breast...as a general rule you can't freeze something twice unless you alter it's state...if it had been a raw bird that i cooked i could freeze it,but since all i did was warm it up the texture would be destroyed by freezing it again...

plus the freezer is full of trim...:)

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I've been working out in the woodshop..
I have to build another 2 ft. X 4 ft. shelf system for lights...
I've got it mostly done and just taking a 30 minute coffee break...

The light shelf with my clone mothers is upstairs in the master bedroom, over the bathtub..
Luckily, when I built this house I installed a bathtub and a separate large shower...
But I do sometimes miss my epsom salt baths!:biggrin:

The new light shelf is going in the downstairs bedroom large walk-in closet...
I already have an extra mechanical timer and T-5's..
I need different day lengths...

Mrs G. started to bitch about a light shelf going in the closet, but since she tokes more than I do, she shut up pretty quickly...:biggrin:

I have about 7 clone mothers right now from my 2 best girls at the hideout this past summer..
One is a DBMH that was really nice and the other is a DBMH X Bucksaw..



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:yoinks: that was an exciting ride...i have the big frame bag on the straggler which acts much like a sail in high winds...and it's windy out...basically a side wind during the ride so i was getting shoved around...fun!

got a pot of stock going...about time for a nap after i choke down another damn turkey sandwich!

back to pork tenderloin for xmas dinner i think...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I've been working out in the woodshop..
I have to build another 2 ft. X 4 ft. shelf system for lights...
I've got it mostly done and just taking a 30 minute coffee break...

The light shelf with my clone mothers is upstairs in the master bedroom, over the bathtub..
Luckily, when I built this house I installed a bathtub and a separate large shower...
But I do sometimes miss my epsom salt baths!:biggrin:

The new light shelf is going in the downstairs bedroom large walk-in closet...
I already have an extra mechanical timer and T-5's..
I need different day lengths...

Mrs G. started to bitch about a light shelf going in the closet, but since she tokes more than I do, she shut up pretty quickly...:biggrin:

I have about 7 clone mothers right now from my 2 best girls at the hideout this past summer..
One is a DBMH that was really nice and the other is a DBMH X Bucksaw..


i'm over t5's...one of these days i will replace the bulbs with leds,they have conversion bulbs,they're just expensive...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,23 bucks each...be almost 200 bucks to convert my 8 bulb 4 foot t5 to led bulbs compared to 72 bucks for half decent flouro bulbs that will die in 3 months...never hurts to have a spare light around,and i could really use a mother tent but i'm running out of places to put another tent!

not really,i could squeeze in another 2-3 4x4 tents in the workshop...one of the nice things about leds is you can put a whole 4x4 tent,lights and fans, on one power strip...not like having to have two circuits to run a ballast and fans separately..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
i'm over t5's...one of these days i will replace the bulbs with leds,they have conversion bulbs,they're just expensive...

I swapped out all the T8 bulbs to T8 LED in the house. Prices on 8 bulbs cost 60$. Every room in my house used t8 bulbs. The bathrooms used 24", the kitchen used 4' bulbs. I had to convert 16 T8 bulbs total to T8 LED. Its easy to do. They dont use the ballasts that are inside the fixtures. Just bypass the power going into the ballast Connect directly to the bulbs. They have a internal voltage converter. I Shouldn't need to replace any for 5+ years..


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I got the area in front of the green house trimmed up, and raked, and moved the large potted citrus trees across the yard. I built two 8' sections of the redwood sides and am taking a break before I begin digging post holes, to set it in place. Its cold and windy.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Shouldn’t be spending more than $5.00 per 4’T5 bulb. I think I’ve got them as low as $3 and some change.
Someday I’ll swap mine out but I have two 4 bulb and four 8 bulb and they do fine for anything under three feet tall.

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