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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant::mopper: time to get to work,got the plants and clean up to deal with before the fur baby gets here....lunch first...and hopefully i can get some trimming done tonight...


ICMag Donor
GG#4 ..


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
🐶 doggo in the house...getting used to each other...so far so good,already curled up on the couch....rescue dog,saved from abusers so a bit shy

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
finally got a cat that likes me, but both the boys and i still long for a dog, even if it's only good attribute is the ability to magically appear when food hits the floor. 65 years old, and still not used to picking something up off of the kitchen floor. never had to...:dunno:🐶
Well that's because cleaning up is women's work.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
that's EVERYONE'S work. you make a mess, you clean it up. or get used to looking at/walking through/"wishing" that "someone" would do it for you...
It was a joke son. Don't get your panties in a wad cleaning that up. Me and my wife are a team. We both share our activities. She cooks and cleans while I eat her cooking.

Seriously I do a lot of cleaning here. Sometimes she is tired or sore and need stuff done and I help out with that. But I am not permitted to use the washer after the coco incident.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Over the years I have noticed my wife gets cranky when I do to much around the house. She needs that sense of purpose like she is wanted and needed in the relationship. She wants a strong man not some wimpy metrosexual. So I do the heavy lifting and tell her how much I like what she does. Seems to make things run smoother around here.

But every so often she needs help and feels overwhelmed. So that is when I help her out till things get back to normal. But she needs that sense of belonging which she gets from doing the more traditional things a woman does around the house.


Well-known member
I agree, there's a reason for the more traditional gender roles. We as men, are in general, built stronger to provide and protect while the women are more suited to nurture. Neither role is more glamorous than the other. Truth be told, I'd much rather cook and clean than huck wood or snow. But, I accept my gender biased job, as my male brain makes me more than happy to work for food and bjs;)


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...way too early a morning due to a certain quadruped...
so little miss apparently is a jumper,she got out over a 6+ foot rock wall,the one spot there's not a 7' chainlink fence...so only supervised trips outside...today we'll go check out the dog park that's only a dozen blocks away...hopefully the fence is tall enough she can run around,otherwise there's another small park nearby but she'll have to be leashed....
so gonna be a bit of a pain,but she's a good girl...she was a street dog in juarez,part golden retriever,part husky...i could hear the husky part when she was howling last night,luckily very quietly...

any who...get to start building up the bike frame today...and more dang trimming


It was a joke son. Don't get your panties in a wad cleaning that up. Me and my wife are a team. We both share our activities. She cooks and cleans while I eat her cooking.

Seriously I do a lot of cleaning here. Sometimes she is tired or sore and need stuff done and I help out with that. But I am not permitted to use the washer after the coco incident.
coco incident?
What did you?