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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

lots of weight to haul today...it's time for medium again...and more groceries...and i need to haul 20 lbs of ice home to make more bubble...probably get close to 100lbs hauled today...

then a whole buncha up-pots...gonna be tight in veg...i need 18 plants ready to go for the led room...i suppose i can always throw a 1000w lamp up in the new tent and use that to veg for a couple weeks while i wait for the led run to finish...i don't want to lose the two weeks of time waiting for the last three plants to finish but on the other hand it's all 10 weekers in the next round,probably easiest to empty the room,clean it,spray for bugs,clean some more,then reset...

and it just occured to me that i can take one panel down and use it in the tent for two weeks while i wait for the gmo and orange cream dream to finish...problem solved...

at some point i need to build a better scrog screen for the led room...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I have the same A frame press as you, with 3”x3” plates instead.

Have had it for about three years and like it, I think the A frame was about 65$ at harbor freight, possibly somewhere else though.

After I got it I read about a few users complaining of them loosening after use, I’m guessing they weren’t properly put together, but thought I would pass that along if it was useful.

It’s never been an issue with mine but I keep an eye on it now more.

Your getting some nicely colored product, it’s nice having hash on demand for sure.

considering that was low grade bubble thats been in the freezer for a couple months i thought it came out pretty good...heck,just not blowing any packets out made me happy with the run!

for sure a set of heated plates would be nice,it would certainly give more control and save time,and if i end up doing the freeze dryer live thing a fancier press might be a good thing but personally i would just as soon get a drum type keif collector and a set of heated plates and just run trim and not mess with live since the yield i don't think meets up with the higher price per gram to make it worthwhile running whole plants...

that and one of those bubble wash machines and i would be set...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Wow, 5+ elbows from 1800 watts, holy cats! I barely get 13 oz from my vert 600, unless I count popcorn! You guys have sold me. What does each of those lamps cost to build? I'm pretty handy and am confident with tools, electronics/ soldering. Can they be placed back to back in a square (vertically) with a fan blowing up the middle, or would they heat eachother up too much? Do you use any red spectrum? Sorry for all the questions, but you've peaked my interest and you obviously know what you're talking about.

The problem with building a few lights is the cost goes way up. I use a tee nut that cost $1.5 in small quantities to make. I had them make a thousand and the price went down to a quarter of the cost. I use 2 types of these nuts and 6 in total. So you can see the cost goes up about $7.50 for them alone.

Then you add the driver which would have cost about $11.00 more in less than quantities of 50. Then the heat sink. Drilling and tapping smaller amount cost over $25.00 each with the heat sink.

You can see the price starts to go up when you buy in smaller numbers. But I paid around I think $180 for the parts in each light.

Really there is not much to just putting them together. Wire strippers and screw drivers is all that is needed.

As for putting them in a square that is easy. You just need a square bracket to bolt them together. But that is not the best way to run them. Part of the problem with a vert square is the plants grow towards the light and shade each other in the corners. Flat on the wall like in my picture is a much more efficient way. And easier to work with as well. If the plants get to close to the light you can tie them back or slide the light away. With them around the light you can only tie them back.

But if you wanted to do a circle you can and a fan under the lights would cool the lights quite a bit. In the set up I posted that you see them in they run in the low 50's celcius I believe. With a fan they drop to the low 40's. That is with very light air movement.

I changed the light from what you see in the pictures as well. I added a spacer to the back side of the driver to get the driver off the heat sink. I was getting a hot spot under the driver. It was causing the diodes to get into the low 60's under the driver. By adding the spacer it brought the temp closer to the rest of the heat sink. With in a couple of degrees. And since heat degrades LEDs and makes them run less efficient I did not want that hot spot.

I did not design these with any red. They are 3000K 80 CRI. I can add red but I would have to redesign the strip and that would cost me another $275 for that. And since I wanted to use these in veg I did not do that. Red causes a little more stretch.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
The washer I have here is about a 5 gallon, for small jobs. Its a very beautiful little automatic machine Its blue and is pretty as hell. For big jobs, we use my sons 20 gallon machine. That one puts out a lot of bubble. The freeze dryer is enormous and runs on 220V. After a big harvest, my son has been known to work 20 hours straight ( the cactus is your friend), making bubble, freeze drying and pressing rosin. I just sold the last 7 grams we had.

My buddy just got a fancy automatic press with giant heated plates . The plates are about 1.5' x 1'. It almost looks silly. It can press like crazy, ounces at a time. Rosin literally pours out in a stream. Ive never seen anything like it. He invited me to use it when ever I want.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:bongsmi:where does the morning go?

best get rolling,i'm gonna skip medium hauling today and do that later in the week and go get a box of 6 inch insulated ducting to get the led room ducting redone which will free up a 6 inch fan/filter to use in the 5x5 tent and free up the 4x4 tent to use as a drying area...

plus i'm trying to get mars hydro to give me some lights to do a comparison run...if that happens i can get the 5x5 tent set up with plants right away...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:bigeye: boy,talk about a pitiful and insecure bullshit snakeoil salesperson...
i see hydro grow leds has edited the entire subforum to take out anything even vaguely questioning their total bullshit claims or anyone who dared question the great and powerful wizard of odd!

back from errands...a big ol' loop around town,pretty toasty out today,fairly dry though so nice to be back in the swamp cooled air...gotta remember to put a bucket of water in the fridge so i can spin up some bubble later...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Oh, that's alright, I didn't realize it was that intense! Thanks for all the great info, though:)

Well I can give you a idea of the strips alone. They have 150 Samsung 301B diodes 3000k 80 CRI with 10 parallel series of 15 diodes on 2 ounce copper trace with a 2mm aluminum strip with wago type connector at each end. The wires are 18 guage solid core 300 volt wire. Two wires one white and one black the white is about 18 inches longer than the black. These are wrapped with 3/16 shrink wrap and that is covered with 5/16 shrink wrap.

That right there will give you a idea of what it would be like getting a list. It would be a lot of work to put the list together and even longer getting the parts. Many were special order and took quite a bit of time to work with the suppliers.


Active member
More like the wizard of flaws! That's why I'm so leery about purchasing L.E.Ds, you don't know who to believe. They're expensive, and dickheads like that are flat out lying to people, just to sell you something . I'm glad I can see your guys' unbiased results and opinions.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,the horticulture lighting group site only has dry boring factual information about the lights...output,spectrum,par charts,coverage area...no fanciful claims...and you can see thousands of pics on their instagram page and thousands more in hashtags...plenty of pics of large commercial size grows with 20-50 lamps...plenty of review sites with ratings,many different outlets to buy the lamps...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I just read there LED can yield more than any other light? That's just not possible to claim. Lights are only 1 part of the growing picture. Everything can effect yield. Lights, RH, TEMPS, CO2, Nutrients, training, veg time. If something is off it will effect your yield. Not possible to claim the light was the reason you had bigger/Smaller yields. I never have the same yield from run to run. That's with everything set the same way.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:dance013:alrighty,got the new new on the way!!

big name cuts are fun and all,but something created by someone you know is way cooler in my book..

my next led room run has lots of hammerheads NEM so i should be able to get pics this time as the current has them all in the back row where i can't get a good angle...

and a bunch of platinum cookies which is also doing well under the leds...both varieties stay nice and compact during flower which is a bonus in my book...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I just read there LED can yield more than any other light? That's just not possible to claim. Lights are only 1 part of the growing picture. Everything can effect yield. Lights, RH, TEMPS, CO2, Nutrients, training, veg time. If something is off it will effect your yield. Not possible to claim the light was the reason you had bigger/Smaller yields. I never have the same yield from run to run. That's with everything set the same way.

i've never seen horticulture lighting group make those sorts of claims,they say their 550 panels will cover the same area a 1000w single end hps bulb will cover,and that's certainly true...in 2 weeks i will know how the yield is...i only have to average 2.4 oz per plant to hit 1 gpw and i never hit that with hps...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant: anyway...i'm over the whole hydro grow led thing,i think i've made my thoughts on the subject clear...

i'll have some real results from my led grow soon enough,and we've seen icky's results so it's fair to say leds have come a long way.seems like there's plenty of options to effectively replace standard lamps...

just waiting for lights on here...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
i'll have some real results from my led grow soon enough,and we've seen icky's results so it's fair to say leds have come a long way.seems like there's plenty of options to effectively replace standard lamps..

You too could have my results if you can learn photoshop as well as me. JK. No one as good as me at photoshop.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ive had a big London Broil marinating for days in Terryaki OJ. Im getting ready to make some more Shishkies. Yum! I just loveme some kebobs with mushrooms, marinated meat, Sweet onions, and sweet red peppers. Served over a bed of Jasmine or basmati rice is nice. :D. The last ones with bacon wrapped Art hearts and Lamb T bone meat, were to die for!

Women trip when I cook this kind of stuff for them. They cant contain themselves.

I got some more Mahi Mahi fillets for my freezer today. Also got some Korean short ribs. I love having a full freezer, that can run off my solar/battery bank. If shit ever hits the fan in the US, Ill be eating like a king, and far better then tRump ever does


$$ ALONE $$
I have some great news to announce......
Just signed the breeders packet for SeedsHereNow.com and I am now officially part of the family!
Not only that, But I am officially apart of the Asterion Seeds family in the U.K.as well.

I will no longer be selling my seeds direct, but transitioning to a wholesale breeder, supplying big orders to both distributors. :woohoo: