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A grow that's real not fade away. hazy's perpetual



fuck yea that burmese is fat with a PHat!!!!!! lol Looks like you got some good strains there, do you keep good phenos for moms?


Active member
Hey ns. The GS is worth the small price. i think that if you took the time to clone all females out of a pack and find the best pheno, you'd get a pretty stony one. Mine was the only female survivor of my almost total obliteration of my GS seeds. Heat issue or something.
So I didn't get to pick the best.
I love the CHD better than the DG. i'm more of a Sativa guy at heart I think. The CH wakes you up instead of putting you to sleep.
Now the Cin haze. i had 4 girls all different. More like F2s in variation. But REALLY good smoke. The two that went almost 100 days put you into a haze. Very confusing. Hard to remember clearly the next day if you smoke too much.

My NYCD are F2s from annaC.
They showed full range of phenos from short indica to tall sativa as expected from F2s. The three most resiny ones were the ones that I never got a clone to root of.
But this tall one I'm keeping is outrageously stony.
I am in love with NYCD.
I could get rid of everything else and just keep this one.

Howdy 79. Wow, thanks. The perpetual happened because I would cull a male and replace it, and I would start 25 seeds and end up with 5 girls and have to start more seeds, etc. Just trying to get enough plants to fill 10 sq ft, is a lot of work. Gotta get that veg area.

hey MMH It's not just for breakfast. Those sugar frosted flakes are good anytime.

Thanks bigtime for those Gs Lou. Two of them were pretty solid. a tall one and a little shorty.
Someday i'll run the other 8 seeds. I have a little G13haze pollen. I might hit up a bud of something with it.

Yo caligreen. That BK cross is looking so fat. The pistils lay in wads all over the buds. I just looked at it and it is getting pretty sparkly as well.
Maybe if I grow out a hundred of them I'll find a keeper. This would be if it didn't throw nanners. picked them off and have had no more.


Hey Hazy :wave: how's the growing? Lookin' pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. Been a while since I've been here. Seems like I missed so much...


Active member
new pics

new pics

Thought I'd put a few pics of my BurmeseKush x SweetWarp.

This BKSW is at 74 days. It always looks like it's about two weeks away from being done.
The one in the middle, which I posted as pic of earlier, smells like cherry candy.

I never thought I'd say that. It's the first time I've smelled fruity pot. It's really a beautiful smelling girl. Cherry Lifesavers. Too bad I don't have a cut.
Long flowering though.

Yo, Twisted Tree. :wave: Long time No see. Glad you dropped by. I can't wait to see how southern AZ treats your White Widow.

Maj. bro, always great to see you swing in. Wait till I get these Sugar shacks going that Sir Smokalot hooked me up with.
Got a couple germing now.

Speaking of nice nugs-- here's some.
They're both DreamGoddess. The fat one was grown in a hempy bucket, the other in soil.

I have 15 seeds germing and none of them were bought on SB or anywhere else. Just the kindness of friends here.
What's popping?
Two Sugar Shacks from SirSmokalot. A thousand thanks.

Three Farmer's Choice x Kandahar from Sugabear. Long may your plants be green.

Five SuperSilverHaze x NorthernLights from NuggetShiner. May you live long and prosper.

Five SuperSilverHaze x White Widow also from NuggetShiner. Your nuggets will shine on.

Looks like a good Spring.
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lots of good inspiration here Hazy
you got so many good strains going.....
looks like you never have time to get bored of one strain
keep on...keepin' on =)


Active member
No, Ogenko, no boredom with a good variety. Looking for keepers you gotta keep a lot going. Looks like you'll have a lot going when you get set up again.

here's a couple shots of my Oregon Burmese 1. Small, but tasty looking buds. I'll run them again when my mom gets big enough to give up some cuts.

nycd buds starting to take shape.

While this BKSW bud is fat and dense, one that i smoked already, was small and light. This one is almost as stony as the other one. It's really barely dry enough to burn right now. The other day I had been toking all day, and was a little burnt. I rolled up a doob of some BKSW and it cut through the fog. It absolutely kicked ass. This one is a little heavier stone, like Sweet Warp. The other was like BK. A sky high sativa buzz, with just a hint of body relaxation. Lucky me I've got about a hundred of these beans. I did get a few runts that i culled, and two of six hermied on me. Cut out the nanners and they never came back. Probably have a great keeper mom in the sack of seeds, if I clone them next time.:spank:

EDIT: amendment to the above 'smoke report'.
Maybe I was too tired last night. I smoked a joint of the above BKSW today, and soon had a mile wide smile on my face. Beautiful day. I thought, wow this is really good weed. 30 minutes later all the 'strong' part of the buzz went away, and had a kind of dragging high. Still very pleasant, with a heaviness in the feet and arms. after two hours the high fades away with surprisingly little post high droopiness.
Maybe I should have let it go another week. Maybe it wouldn't matter.
The other pheno I've tried was stellar. This one is mids.

Edit: Oh Yeah, All 5 of the SSH x WW seeds that i put in the paper towel have germed, 1st day. Not bad eh NS?
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Hazy Burmese is looking tasty. I've always wanted to try it, but never gave it a shot. Take care man.


Raistlin Majere

hello hazy :wave:
super nice show you have here
:respect: lots of great pics and variatys

hey have you ever revegged ?
if you want to save that BKSW with the cherry candy smell maybe you could try that

that dreamgoddess sure looks nice too
godbud is my favorite smoke and i am thinking about getting a pack one of these daze :rasta:
glad to here you like the Skush too
i have two goldenskush F2's in flower right now :jump:

hey take it easy man :lurk: I'll be back around


Active member
Hey, BR old friend, it seems like everything that gets crossed with that Burmese turns out good.
Kind of makes me want to get some of Reeferman's Burmese Pure.
Raistlin Majere, thanks for stopping in. Good to see new faces.
Revegging is out, because I chopped it down.
I hate revegging anyway.
I'll plant some more of these seeds and take clones before I flower next time.
Never had Godbud, but heard it was good. That's one reason I figured the DGs would rock. And they do.
Now, big news. A friend has given me cut of Sour Diesel IBL and C99!!!
They are welcome additions to the garden, and I can't wait to grow them out.
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Now, big news. I friend has given me cut of Sour Diesel IBL and C99!!!
They are welcome additions to the garden, and I can't wait to grow them out.

Woah dude that's sweet hazy! Can't wait to see those in flower ;)

Here's some of that C99 at day 50, my second time running two clones in cups. She is a great yielder and such sticky ooozing resin with these neon orange hairs and a great pineapple smell. This is where it's at hazy

Glad to see you finally have her! :rasta:
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Active member
:yoinks: nice cali. You pull bigger buds out of a solo cup of coco than I get out of a one gallon pot of soil. Seriously, that's a fat little c99 happening there.
Ordering coco soon.
I hope that I can do it justice. The cuts are doing great in their new soil homes.
You know those rapid rooters must be nice to use. Your cuts obviously root way faster than mine.

took down two BKSW tonight. They have fat dense rock hard buds with orange hairs, and while I don't detect cherry smells, I would call them fruity smelling.

some NYCD

Hey NuggetShiner 5 of 5 of those SSH x WW have sprouted. 4 of 6 SSH x NL sprouted.
In addition I have some crosses of my own started.
6 Sweet Tooth x Biko
4 Sweet Tooth f2s
3 (of 4 so far) Sweet Warp x SwT

The 3 Farmer's Choice x Kandahar sugabear hooked me up with, germed, but the roots only got about 1/8" long and they died. :badday:

4 Sugar Shack seeds from SirSmokalot sadly did not pop. They're in the same paper towels as all the rest. I'll give them another day or so but it looks bad. I'll try the other two in a few days.

so I have 20 or 21 seedlings going. Should make for a busy veg area. Complacency, lulled me into inaction, and right now I have 15+ empty spaces in my flower room. :fsu:
That's not the way to do a perpetual boys and girls.
I flowered my moms when I was feeling like I was on a roll.
Now I'm paying for not having any big vegging plants.
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
We Love Sprouts...

We Love Sprouts...

Woohoo! Congrats on the new cuts. I've had to let a few cuts disappear into
the sunset lately to make room for the new. Always feel a loss when I let a
plant go. :(
4 of 6 on the NL cross, not too bad. As u know those are completely untested.
Should be fun. Sorry about your germ rates on the others.
My Golden Skush was sent on the 2nd from SB, Ill be waiting. Next two purchases -
Soma NYCD and Reeferman Love Potion.

Both the NYCD & BKSW look very tastey, nice skillz.

Hazy - Complacency, lulled me into inaction, and right now I have 15+ empty spaces in my flower room.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You been smokin too much of this... :rasta:
Lmao, been there Hazy. :bashhead:

Here's a pic of a female sshxww at 7 wks.

and a bud shot...

bbl, NS


Active member
hey sugabear
one OB is at 55 and the other a few days behind. I think they're on the home stretch and finishing up. maybe a week.
I know you said that O99 was a bitch to clone. well so is OB1.
Heady Pete told me he had trouble cloning them.
The clone of the best looking one I have is doing great. But when I tried to clone that one it rooted finally but the top is now dying. It has nice roots though.
The clone of the other girl just never took off and is stunted most likely from something i did to it. i'll give it a little more time. I took pollen from the male(a little sativaish) i flowered and made a few OB2? seeds, but i still have a clone of the other male which is a much better plant. very Indica. I will cross it with the nicest most indica girl which i have a thriving clone of. Then those will be my OB2? seeds that i will grow out instead of trying to clone this bitch anymore. I want to keep it because it looks and smells so tasty.

NS that ssh x ww looks badass.
That's what I'm talking about.
I can't wait.
Good score on that NYCD. Good one to make f2s of. These F2s that annaC made were varied in structure like crazy. 7 girls 7 phenos. but all so good. What's LP. read it before just don't remember.
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Man, hazy, that looks great! I only have ugly looking mesquite trees...friggin' everywhere, too. How are these temps treating you? It's damn hot, isn't it? At least until the sun goes down, and then it's pretty chilly. It's kinda pissing me off, because I think the temps are causing my babes to grow alot slower. Just a few more days, maybe a week, and I think the nighttime temps will be alot kinder to my babies.


Active member
hazy ob2 sounds alright to me.. the oregon 90 was a pain to clone but it would - the stems seem to get woody very quickly... probably easier to clone when she is stretching during first two weeks of flower. this is when cloned most of my plants anyways...
