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A Filter For My Passive Intake?


LOL ya, ok super grow guy! LOL..

Its people like you that make me laugh... go to school.. learn something


Active member
u werent given bad advice, infact your being quite unfair.
you know you should have good ventilation at night cycle, so why jump on him for his advice?


Because the guy is posting contradictory and inflammatory nonsense. I said right at the outset, running the fans 24/7 is a no-no for this grow. And indeed, I posted several times that I have NEVER run fans 24/7, and have always been a-okay. There was a thread here no too long ago where a guy named "Whatever" posted that he also NEVER runs his fans all the time, and had pics of some fantastic plants to prove it. I believe CDM posted in that thread as well, trying to tell people that plants respirate at night, and use CO2 during that time (yeah, who needs to go to school?).

This CDM character can't compose a properly formatted sentence, and I'm suppose to take growing advice from him? And his infantile jabs? Riiight, I bet this is guy is a 50-something refugee from the 70's. 20's at best is more like it, with his net-speak and poor grammar.

I was growing my first plant around the time CDM was growing his first pube. I don't need his advice, nor do I want it. I came in and asked about a topic I hadn't had experience with, and a fair number of people gave me good, on topic advice, which I followed. Then, of course, there are the experts like CDM that need to have their voice heard, and will not take a hint and leave.
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Active member
ICMag Donor

jawnroot, man you should take a chill pill, IME.
The man was only trying to help you, and he gave you spot on advise. Yet you've got the sack to start calling bullshit.

Let me call some bullshit here, pal.
You are fine with running a HEPA filer at night, but not an exhaust fan. BULLSHIT.

I'd be very leary of giving you any advice now that I see you don't appreciate it.
You should be appreciative of a person taking the time to try and help, no matter if you feel it's wrong or not. That is for you to weigh out on your own, not try to convince us of your superiority.
From what I am seeing, the man was straight up with you, and you were a grade A prick.

Ventilation is a god thing, and a good grow will have it all the time.
You may feel like your grows are top shelf, but they would be better if you were doing things proper What you are asking is advice onhow to do something that is outside of the box of proper.
Like I said, if you are fine with a hepa filter running, then I think you are bullshitting us just to throw rocks at CDM. (shrug)

BTW...150cfm? What are you running, a computer grow?


Negative pressure when lights on? -then why worry for an intake odour control?
No air movement when lights off? - what's the reason for an open intake then?


Active member
i cant really remember if they use any c02 in the dark, but plants are still active and definately putting out oxygen and water vapour.

chill out and let it go, nobody gives a perfect answer, this is a discussion and you need to read the whole lot and then do what works best for you. you just need to remember your going to have very high humidty in the dark cycle, which will be made worse by filtering your intake and havin no exhaust fans running.


jawnroot said:
I'm looking for some kind of material/filter to put over my passive intake. It must prevent light from getting in, and prevent smells from getting out, and it should not restrict airflow to any great extent.


PS: Butterfly dampers are out of the question because of the clanging noises. They also restrict airflow much more than most would think.

assuming your grow space is airtight other than your intakes, there is not a workable solution to your question for odor control other than airtight closing dampers or some sort of negative pressure during lights out. your re-circualting fans moving air around during lights out causes a positve pressure and is going to force small amounts of air with odors out any crack, crevice or intake it finds. simple physics. if you turn your re-circ fans off during lights out, the odor will still escape without a completely sealed environment.

ganja odor does not have to "push" its way out to be noticeable. think about all the sealed plastic baggies you have your stash in that reaks of ganja outside the bag. there is no airflow or movement to cause it to "push" its way out of the sealed plastic bag, it just seeps through the plastic on its on whether its being handled or sitting still on a shelf. unless your growing in a sealed glass environment, ganja odor will eventually escape without some constant negative pressure.

if you do not already own one, maybe you could spend $30 and buy a speed control for your fan and turn it on a low setting during lights out. just enough to create a little airflow to maintain a slight negative pressure but without making any noticeable noise.

again, with all this said, we are all shooting in the dark here as we have no idea of your setup, equipment, space etc etc etc.



hoosierdaddy said:

jawnroot, man you should take a chill pill, IME.
The man was only trying to help you, and he gave you spot on advise. Yet you've got the sack to start calling bullshit.

Let me call some bullshit here, pal.
You are fine with running a HEPA filer at night, but not an exhaust fan. BULLSHIT.

I'd be very leary of giving you any advice now that I see you don't appreciate it.
You should be appreciative of a person taking the time to try and help, no matter if you feel it's wrong or not. That is for you to weigh out on your own, not try to convince us of your superiority.
From what I am seeing, the man was straight up with you, and you were a grade A prick.

Ventilation is a god thing, and a good grow will have it all the time.
You may feel like your grows are top shelf, but they would be better if you were doing things proper What you are asking is advice onhow to do something that is outside of the box of proper.
Like I said, if you are fine with a hepa filter running, then I think you are bullshitting us just to throw rocks at CDM. (shrug)

BTW...150cfm? What are you running, a computer grow?

Hosierdaddy: Whose busting balls, and whose being the grade-A prick? This nonsensical crap doesn't even make sense when you line it up with what I intend to do. Stay the hell away from my threads, and I'll do the same for you.
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Your right Hoosier,

I dont know why some people ask for advice, and then bitch at you when you give it.. Young jerks these days want everything given to them. I sure was not trying to offend anybody.

Anyway, Im not sweating it.
I have my own way of doing things, and I am happy with it. I dont mind if others do it another way.. Ive done 100's plus grows, and mini cabs.. and I think I know a little about what I am talking about.

I think with experiance you learn what works best... over the years I have learned that ventilation is important. Jawnroot apparently, and rudly insists Im wrong, thats ok with me.. why he is such a prick about it, maybe he had a bad day.. who knows..

Most of what goes into a great grow is common sense.. good air flow, so on.
I have been doing indoor for so long, and a lot has changed.. but some things like what plants like, never does. Ive done large grows in the hundreds indoors, back in the day, and many cabs of different sizes.. and I have created a few strains of my own. I am also an engineer by trade and do know a little about some things.

You dont see me asking here how to filter my shit, or block out light.
shit, those are high school questions...

anyways Jawnroot, if you are indeed an old timer, Im in my 50's now so Im pretty sure you are younger than me.

If for some reason you think I was being mean with you? sorry about that, I am not a mean person.

I wish you a happy grow.. Im happy with mine ;) relax, light one up and get over it.

hoosierdaddy said:

jawnroot, man you should take a chill pill, IME.
The man was only trying to help you, and he gave you spot on advise. Yet you've got the sack to start calling bullshit.

Let me call some bullshit here, pal.
You are fine with running a HEPA filer at night, but not an exhaust fan. BULLSHIT.

I'd be very leary of giving you any advice now that I see you don't appreciate it.
You should be appreciative of a person taking the time to try and help, no matter if you feel it's wrong or not. That is for you to weigh out on your own, not try to convince us of your superiority.
From what I am seeing, the man was straight up with you, and you were a grade A prick.

Ventilation is a god thing, and a good grow will have it all the time.
You may feel like your grows are top shelf, but they would be better if you were doing things proper What you are asking is advice onhow to do something that is outside of the box of proper.
Like I said, if you are fine with a hepa filter running, then I think you are bullshitting us just to throw rocks at CDM. (shrug)

BTW...150cfm? What are you running, a computer grow?
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In the future, if I offend anybody, I apoligize in advance! Any advice I give, if any, in the future please with a grain of salt and use at your own risk! :rasta:


jawnroot said:
There was a thread here no too long ago where a guy named "Whatever" posted that he also NEVER runs his fans all the time, and had pics of some fantastic plants to prove it.
Did someone say my name...LOL. Yes...there is no need to run active ventilation lights off in an open system...NONE...IF temps and humidity stay within acceptable parameters...but running oscillating fans 24/7 is important. Thanx about the comment about the fantastic plants :yes:

As for the butterfly valves they will for sure seal things up pretty good but for whatever reason you can't use em. Don't think these are the answer but something like a www.tamtech.com backdraft damper is GREAT if you have air trying to flow back the other way. They are inexpensive and provide little flow loss. I've used em in certain applications and love em. Yes butterfly valves really hurt air flow. The Tamarack units are fantastic but must have pressure going back the other way to seal em up as they are not spring activated.

If a sealed small space I'd think maybe a cheap Odor Sok might be the way to go as they are inexpensive and allow good air flow. I've heard mixed reports but if not used for active filtration for odor maybe get an oversized unit and should handle any odor trying to escape back out even if no negative pressure. An Odor Sok would also eliminate light penetration. Honestly for negative pressure lights off in a small space you'd probably just need a small computer muffin fan especially if the room/space is well sealed...and I mean like every possible crack.

As for 150 cfm...lol...I was originally taught to size your fan to exhaust a space every 2 minutes so a 150 cfm should be OK to clear a 6.75 x 6.75 x 6.75 foot space BUT in practice does not account for heat generated by a light so then 150 cfm for half that size unless the light/hood runs on a separate fan/cooling circuit.

Someone please tell me what you need active ventilation lights off for...except maybe odor control.

Anyway...hope the info helps in some small way. Here's that grow...with NO airflow lights off...just temp control via an AC or heater and a dehumidifier. How do people think peeps running closed (CO2) do it? I was basically running a closed system lights off and open lights on...no problemo!

I know this is an old thread, but I think these would work perfect. Each one can make several filters and they last for 90 days.



Also wouldn't an exhaust fan speed controller hooked to a humidistat in your grow tent/box effectively handle any ventilation issues whilst not running the fan 24/7?
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I know this is an old thread, but I think these would work perfect. Each one can make several filters and they last for 90 days.

View Image

Also wouldn't an exhaust fan speed controller hooked to a humidistat in your grow tent/box effectively handle any ventilation issues whilst not running the fan 24/7?

@CDM @al70 @jawnroot @hoosierdaddy

I was wondering what you thought of this setup, if your opinion isn't too much to ask, of course.

Thanks in advance guys.


Organic Dank Land
fwiw, there is also is this that could be used. For those that don't want to go buy a prefilter from the grow store anyways, can cut to size ;) (does not mention blocking pollen tho)

keeps the dog hair out, and dust. was all I was after for this round.
