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a early flower strain outdoor

Thanx mate ! Very good site i´ve been looking for the Grizzly´s and now i found them VERY GOOD. Are they reliable to order from ? I´m a little suspicious to internet business. And i dont like to send cash or moneyorders by mail, i prefer to transfer money from my bankaccount to another bankaccount so i have proof that i really paid for what i ordered. Many things get lost by mail( I have a friend who work at the postoffice and he told me many things about that LOL)


Chrille, I've been giving serious consideration to Donkey Dick.
I'm in Anchorage, 61 degrees north, and I'm in the same boat as yourself.
I know you can source them from the same .ca website.
Good luck with your search.
I'm paying attention.


Get two birds stoned at once
Biddy f2s were the best outdoor I have grown yet. Finished in plenty of time at ~44*


man, from what i read, this is just ah list of shit weed, u want good and fast or just fast?

ibTheMan, there are problems with northern grows.

Cannabis in general are not a cold hardy plant, allthough some are bred to survive cold environments. Another factor to take into consideration is the long summer days in the north. It just isn't enough darkness to grow them out.

So in order to find a strain suitable for northern grows it must be:

* early enough to finish before the early northern winter
* cold hardy enough to stand tall through the shifting weather
* it must flower even though it is few hours of darkness

What strains do you suggest?
Hi 1quixotix its nice to see another grower that has the same growing conditions as i have, so this thread could be helpful to other growers aswell who are looking for normal strains to grow far up north. But today did i look for some AF strains that i was thinking of crossing with some "normal" strains and it was Pandora & Automaria 2 from Paradise seeds. It says that they are 15-18% of thc ? Could that be right ? It is probably one of the strongest AF strains i have found so far if that is really true. Does somebody know ?
Donkey Dick seems to be a good strain because it has a early September finish, but i dont know which latitude that refer to ? And to Tokatronic; The early strains i going for this year where i live(60 north) is Maroc, Purple Maroc & Easy Sativa from Female seeds, i have been calculating that they should finish here by mid September after 7-8 weeks of flowering. But something i really want to know about them is if they could react to the rapidly descent of light i have here. On the 21/6 it is 23:14 h of light and on the 1/7 it is 22:32 h/light 2/7 22:26 h/light(6 min difference in 2 days) and 3/7 22:19 h/light 4/7 22:13 h/light 15/7 20:57 h/light 31/7 19:07 h/light 7/8 18:20 h/light and so on. As you can see the light changes very fast so i wonder if these strains can begin to flower a little bit earlier instead of waiting until you have exactly 6 hours of darkness, in the info about these strains it says that they begin to flower when you have a dark period of 6 hours but i was thinking that this speedy descent would make them to flower before they reach 6 hours.
What do you think about that ? Could this work for these strains or do i have to wait to to the beginning of August before they start to flower. Anyway if they start to flower at that time they still have plenty of time to finnish because of the short flowertime they have. In that case would they be ripe at the third week of September. The temperature at that time is approximately 15 C, and in September we ussually have 1-3 light frosts that probably dont kill(or hurt) them. So do you have any experience of Maroc or E.Sativa ?
And the other strains i will grow this summer are; Royal Dane, Royal Dane/Thypoon, Oldfarmer Nepal, Dna pot, Nadia Regina, Uk08, Owen´s Danish gold, Udeskunk mix and Afghan. All these are Danish strains as far as i know, some are Holland strains that has been grown in Denmark for many years so they have been adapted to the Danish climate and the leap to Sweden isnt so big so they will do just fine here. I´´m gonna cross very many strains this year and keep growing them here year by year so they will adapt better and better so in the end are they gonna start flower with only 4-5 hours of darkness and be resistant to cold wheater and mould. But i was also thinking of breeding god AF strains that have higher % of thc and less CDB so the high can be more natural. I really want northern outdoor growers to have good strains to choose from and not only AF strains that we almost have been restricted to. But some AF strains that i really wanted to try is Nirvana`s when they get them to work(flower at the 3rd week) I have been through some really bad luck with them, Shortrider whi didnt AF at all only one did that for me and that was some really good smoke, i liked it and then i tried Blue Mystic who didnt AF at all really dissappointment i ended up with only leaves when the autumn arrived. But they did compensated me and now i have a bunch of fem. Blue Mystic(normal) that i will cross with some Danish strains to make some of them a little stronger, most of the Danish strains are very good but i was thinking of crossing them with the Thypoon to make her little stronger and at the same time i have Blue Mystic that will flower earlier, thats not bad. But when Nirvana´s AF is back i will probably try Northern Light AF and Bubblelicious AF because i know that they are strong and have a nice buzz i like. I just hope they will be back before May so i have time to buy them and plant them outside at my secret places whoaa whooaa scchhhyyyy. . .(horrific laugh) But if anyone have any experience with the Maroc, P.Maroc, Easy Sativa and the Danish strains let me know how you was thinking about them, some of the Danish strains have i used before but it is nice to hear from you what your experience was with them. And i also wonder if anyone has growing Haley´s Comet from Flying Dutchmen ? In the description it says that " A large percentage of the plants trigger into flower at the slightest reduction of photo period" i wonder if that could work up here as we have so speedy reduction of light instead of waiting for a 9 or 10 hours of darkness as most plants are doing. What do you say about that ? feedback on that would be interesting. . .


Man, are you serious? All those strains? That's just awesome. I look forward to read your growlog! I'm not able to give you advice on the growing part, being without the experience.

What would be awesome, though, would be if you didn't pull the males. And harvested the seeds from all those females that made it. From my perspective it would be a major waste of money if all those different genetics didn't help you develop a serious seed collection that is suited to your geographical environment. "Sinsemilla vs a kick ass seed collection"
Yes i will save seeds from many strain crosses, because i have to develop strains that will work here properly. There´s a lot of emty land here to grow on and i have been looking around and i also remember some good places here because i grew up here. So i just waiting for early April so the snow can melt then i will begin to some pre diggin so everything is ready for some planting later on. I have already checked the PH and it was exactly 7 so that´s good. In early May i will crack the seeds and pregrowing them outside in small pots with a plastic bag around it so it gets a little bit warmer for them and approximatly 3 weeks after that will they be planted out in the places i have found. Some places will be seed generating places, like in one place will i put Royal Dane with some Marocs and so on so i have many crosses to work with. I really want them to be so light sensitive so they can feel when the light begin to reverse(like 1 or 2 weeks after midsummer) and spring into bloom even when there is 21-22 hours of light or at least 19 hours of light. But this goal could probably take years but someone got to do this so we very northern growers have some more choices than only AF.


I love your spirit, "someone got to do it". Do I understand you correctly if do not want an open pollination but want to do controlled crosses?


I would drop esbe a pm or put a thread in his HFH seedbay forum to find out.He a good guy that breeds at 55-56 lat.Boms outdoors thread also worth checking out, think he had success with GuerillaGold3 and royaldane and more at 60 lat.


ibTheMan, there are problems with northern grows.

Cannabis in general are not a cold hardy plant, allthough some are bred to survive cold environments. Another factor to take into consideration is the long summer days in the north. It just isn't enough darkness to grow them out.

So in order to find a strain suitable for northern grows it must be:

* early enough to finish before the early northern winter
* cold hardy enough to stand tall through the shifting weather
* it must flower even though it is few hours of darkness

What strains do you suggest?
Delicious Seeds have some nice strains that are fast, i like the Northern lights blues(grow it, its dank), and they have some nice fast Critical cross's, like critical SS, and yumbolt, c99 is fast and funky. i didnt know u where that far up there.
i would say start um flower'n a couple weeks early, if you can by put a cover over um or in ah garage, or go from inside to out already bud'n.
I was thinking of doing both ways. I will have some controlled crossing because i want some desirable traits that i´m looking for and also let nature play as she wants.


I have to mention Avalon from paradise seeds here because it seems that nobody knows about it!!! It's only commercial "non-AF" strain I had success at 60 NL. Most of the so called early strains didn't even show sex up here! :D

My 2 cents:
Get some Danish strains, couple modern AFs, and Avalon. Make some seeds with those and keep selecting the plants you like! After 3 summers you will be happy man!!! ;D

Avalon is really excelent breeding material, more frostines, more bud and less leaves...
Taste is the weak link, it needs good cure...
Yeah i´ve been reading some of his stuff here(Esbe) and it´s very good that we have Northern growers and breeders. But i was wondering if i could get the strains that he has somewhere else instead of waiting at some auction to run out, there are plenty of weeks to wait for some seeds. I really want to purchase all of my seeds and be ready at the beginning of April or at least end of April in case the wheater would be really nice to start the seeds a little earlier than i expected. I´ve bought seeds every month now from January to make sure that i got every strain that i want to try so i dont end up with panic buys in late April