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A budding organic convert - Help!



If your just switching your Nutes from Veg to flower I dont think you'll have a problem. Just be sure to flush before you switch, but that goes with every cycle. It should help in the taste department for sure.

Tex who? :wave:


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Blatant said:
PH problems wont be a problem for Organic Nutes like Pure Blend Pro it comes with a PH buffer.

I use Ionic which has a buffer in it too. Never a burnt leaf, never a Deficiency. Green as green. I've really been thinking hard about using the PBP though. Once the Ionic is used up I'll switch. Is liquid Karma the only supplement you use Blatant?

GreatLakes THC


Nah man during the cycle I use a lil this a lil that. What I use is PBP, Liquid Karma, Silica Blast (look into this stuff), I ammend with foiar feeding of Nitrozyme. Michorizhae when I transplant. I just picked up some Hydroplex for a Bloom finisher. I'm gonna do some testing to see which is better. Hydroplex or Fox Farm



Silica Blast?

Silica Blast?

Hey GreatLakes, good to see ya again.

Thanks for all these tips guys, and spotting for TK while his daytime connection's down. :) I'm off this week to pick up some PBP.

What does Silica Blast do for your garden, Blatant?


Silica Blast will strengthen your cell walls during photsynthesis and fortify the plant. Giving it the ability to handle stress like high heat, snapping of stems etc.... This stuff will also bump up the weight of your yield for the cash croppers. Not sure by how much cuz I'm not in it for the loot. I recommend this stuff to the noobs it will help with Newby mistakes.



Alright water babies, I home , I'm high, and thinkin I can type for a bit.

All great info from BC and Blatant and sounds like you were headin toward Pure Blend Pro from the get anyways so I assume you have some now.

It is an easy out of the bottle nute to get you feet wet with. I use the Pure Blend Pro Veg and flower but these are not stand alone contrary to what the pitch is. You definately have to us the Cal-Mag either theirs or someones because it is weal. Especially if you have a strain that eats that shit up fast and that varies. The Liquid Karma is killer but does have alot of heavy sediment that settle quick. I have airstones in my 20 and 2 in my 40 gallon res and it seems to cut down on that alot. I am about to try one of the large aquarium circulation pumps and drop it in there to see if it is more effective. I use the Silica blast but your moving off the "100% organic" fence, but not to bad. The Silica Blast helps improve cellular strength and vigor something like that. I use Bio Bizz Top Max as a bloom booster and it is really nice. Killer sugar coating on buds and leaves at like week three Super potassium rich stuff.
I have been overlappin my bloom and veg nutes a little right at the start of the flower cycle(12/12) till the second week then I flush and go to strait flower nutes.
I run the LK, SB, and Cal-mag all the way thru but I use the same amount of LK and SB but I add Cal-Mag based on the plants so it varies.
I start every new tank mix at 50% of the bottle no matter what. Then I bring up the level with primary nutes and the bloom booster in flower and primaries only on veg.
I think I will go back to the Pure Blend original veg and flower, still use the other ammendments the same. I'm lovin the Top Max and considered the full line until BG's tank took a shit and I didn't want to jack with it.
Metanatruals are next on my comparison list so we'll see.

ADamer the nutes are very forgiving and easy to fix if you to far one way or the other so don't be ascared at all.

Get ta growin



Hey guys I'm using PBP and want to use the silica blast. Can I use that with the PBP threw veg and flower? Also what would you suggest I use along with the PBP in flower?


Excellent info all around. Thanks for tying it all together and adding a few more pointers, Tex.

I'll definitely have to supplement with a Cal-Mag as I've run into that problem big time already with my northernberries this grow. I've tried the epson salt water treatment with marginal results. Silica Blast and Bio Bizz are also on my shopping list this weekend.

Tragic, if you haven't worked with Liquid Karma yet, try it out. I use it thoughout the grow cycle. It packs on about another 15% of girth onto my buds. I'm totally psyched it'll work into an organic routine nicely. Also TK mentioned that the Bio Bizz Top Max gives buds some extra TLC for the THC.

I'll let y'all know how it goes. :wave:


Yah tragic1 Silica Blast can be used up till flush time. In Flower I use LK, Silica Blast, PBP, and one of these Bloom Boosters; Fox Farm, Tiger Bloom Or Hydroplex, I may pick up some TopMax to see what the hubub is about.



I have read good things about the Botanicare Hydroplex also and it's cheaper than Top max.

Foxfarm Bigbud or tiger bud, I think it is also

Anyways just ran by the house to take a bong hit and head back out



the thing that sold me about hydroplex was NPK of it. .5-4-10 , now hows that for a phosphorous boost! We'll see what she puts out. Plus you only use about 10ml. per gallon I think. Not bad at all.



Non Conformist
Hey kid...

Hey kid...

I think you meant fox farm big bloom ( this is a tricomb maker trust me..) and tiger bloom, the big bloom is 100 % where as the tiger bloom is organic based ( and it's some thing you have to respect cause it's strong 2-8-4 ) any way I was wondering about this hydroplex is this something I've over looked in other words is it a old botanicare product like the power this and the power that ( which is a old vesion of the new scene... ) it sure looks good for when you first flower .5-4-10 with that much potas.the plants would recover from strech nicely and would probably finish them too. although somethin a litle higher in phos. would be cool also...


Non Conformist


also I was thinking about the use of L.K. ( and you can look into this e-mail american agr. ) to much of this is redundent when useing pbp cause it has the same things in it. grow on yall....


Non Conformist
some things to think about....

some things to think about....

I read alot of things about L.K. how there is a lot of the same things as pbp but the hormones are what makes the difference, some of the more important ones are cytokinis and auxins if there is one more than the other it will dictate how the plant grows ( roots or plant ) so they try to balance them and I think they done a purty good job cause it seems to me that what ever the plant stage of life it inhances it. For instace when I strance plant at flowering and I use L.K. the plants seem to strech a little more than with no L.K. also when I flower It's only after I've found out it's a girl I take clones and the ones I use L.k. on seem to contiue to flower where as the ones I don't seem to go back to veg real quick or quicker anyway... this stuff seems like it's the " BAM " of the grow world what do y'all think... ps. sorry for ramblin in your thread A-Dame... later


I'm psyched to start my organic hydro set up. I'll be doing either bogbubble and northernberry, with possible addition of a few ice girls to the mix.

Haven't found a local source for bio bizz or silica blast though. Any recommendations on the best place/s to order these products? Best price is a strong consideration.

muchas gracias! :wave: