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A Brand New Boy!!

Madrus Rose

post 69
hey guys for anyone who cares... Miss B and I just birthed a 7.7 pound baby boy healthy... everyone congrats miss b at doing a wonderful job and giving us our son... thanks again... back to the hospital...

you've just graduated from "PoopyTeaBags " ...to lots of POOPY~pants !!;)

Big Congrats !

:blowbubbles: Aint he darling ?? :cathug:

Now have to learn alot of Lullabyes & later on read lots of stories to him ...
keep em away from the video games as long as u can !!!


:yay::smoke out::greenstars:

Congrats Dad! The best day of my life was the birth of my son, nothing better. Pure joy.

Hope it is for you and your lady as well.


Organic Cat

Does this make Miss. B a Mrs. B, and if so, will the new Mrs. B be competing for the "Mrs. B" title with Mrs. Babba?

I suggest a mud-wrestle death-match. Or a MMA fight w/ no tap out.


Trying to have a good day
Congratulations..and you two are gonna be busy for the next few months/years..Im chasing around my little one year old boy right now..lols


Active member
My homie poopy is a gangster he will be warming up bottles and adjusting the ph to 7. I have met very few peops that deserve a child as much as miss b and poops do great job guys love ya both
Congratulations on a healthy baby! Nothing is better than the feeling you get after the baby is born and he is officially "Healthy"...Such a happy relaxing feeling....that soon ends when he is running around the house like a mad man, and trips to the ER for stitches...lol..hope you boy is a little calmer than mine....I call my kid All Day, cause he don't stop, all day...lol...



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
hey guys i want to go through one by one and thank everyone... we just got back frokm the hospital and im sooo tired just to let you all know thanks again... we apprciate all the kind words...