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I love my life
Sweet. Thanks for the Lowe's construction netting hook up. I love ZERO humidity, check out my thread's latest update. I'd love to hear your RH% before and after the dehumidifier. Also I think the captured water should be close to zero PPM.

Peace, :joint:


Weed Robot
This is a low budget mod that can help you produce CO2 by simply using vinegar and baking soda. This method eliminates excess heat and water vapor production and requires simple items you can find in your closet Create s system that drips the vinegar into a bed of baking soda (place it in a bucket) The main con of this system is not being able to control the CO2 levels, It takes alot of time for the CO2 to build up to a level where it helps a plant. Once this level is reached going over this level can kill the poor little plants this will take some experimenting on your part to figure out how much to add, throwing a solenoid switch in the line with a timer will help you do this with little effort
remember every living thing need oxengen to live so alternate air while supplying co2
bring freesh air in and out few times a day or your gonna run into problems
if you dont air in or out your room the air become toxic from what plants release
its like your farting in a air tight room plus keeps bacteria and flu's to a minimum
other wise your doing a great job.nice
also 2000 ppm co2 is toxic so watch out bro stay @ 1500 ppm
i know it cost but it would cost more if your so far and you had to start over so get at least a cheap co2 controller please.
Hydrosun- my RH without the dehumidifier was close to 70-89%..way to high. That of course was with a sealed room. Now I have my dehumidifier hooked up and running for about a hour and its staying around 50%...so im going to go get my Co2 refilled.

Dominican- thanks for the tip. I got a co2 controller for my tank too. Im still trying to get it dialed in though. You crack me up with the fart metaphor haha. Here are some pics from yesterday and today.




Today ^^^^


Weed Robot
like the laddy bug i heard laddy bugs are more usefull when their young when they dont fly
because thats when their trying to grow so they eat all insects but when they big they just want to mate.i dont know how tru this is but makes sense

it's nice to see you with buds keep up the good job bro
plants look like they should be on the cover of high times lol
like the laddy bug i heard laddy bugs are more usefull when their young when they dont fly
because thats when their trying to grow so they eat all insects but when they big they just want to mate.i dont know how tru this is but makes sense

it's nice to see you with buds keep up the good job bro
plants look like they should be on the cover of high times lol

Makes sense...I cant find the damn things now. Its ok though there are tons outside my house. I probally dont even need them though. Thanks man....finally right =)


Weed Robot
when lights are out 12/off plants dont use co2 so try and put a timer. plants dont use co2 in dark period 12/off they use oxengen only so i would vent for fresh air to come in and out all through out this period of 12/hours off. during the day light 12/hours on plants can use co2 but alternate vent a few times during light hours and you'll be all straight
Day 19

Day 19

Day 19---- and I changed/cleaned the resiviour with bio green. And cleaned the room. Everything is looking good they are sticky as hell already.





I love my life
Looks great, your photos aren't yellow like mine. How do you reduce the HPS glow?

Peace, :joint:


Weed Robot
Hey man, been really busy lately...glad your move went well. Do you know how to get rid of gnats?

i usely use whitefly aphid stick traps
Fungus Gnat Predators - 15,000 Nature's alternative to chemical insecticides, Fungus Gnat Predators feed on the larvae of fungus gnats and other small soil-dwelling creatures including thrips, mites, and springtails. Five thousand predators treat up to 200 square feet of growing surface. This is a package of 15,000 Fungus Gnat Predators.

i used some micro insects fungi that colonize eating them but dont remember the name it was a small cube and you just drop in the water and feed it to soil
i used soap before but you probly need a fogger too they must be all over
Day 43

Day 43

For some reason im feeling that they have stunted in growth...I have about 16 more days to go. Do they seem a little small to be this far along? Next time im using bigger buckets and getting rid of the coco mat...the roots are barelly making it through it. And im sure its adding to my humidity since it stays wet.



nice grow man. i am on my first hydro e&f right now, day 9 or so of flowering. i plan on doing either scrog or sog next cycle though. any tips?
nice grow man. i am on my first hydro e&f right now, day 9 or so of flowering. i plan on doing either scrog or sog next cycle though. any tips?

If you do scrog...Use a larger screen than the 2 inch. Its hard to train and since the holes are so small you have to bend the stem and it could snap the stem. Other than that veg at least 3 weeks. And make sure your pots are large enough.