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Mine has hit the mid to upper 70% range as well. Do you have a fan inside to keep the air movin? Unless you pick up a cold air dehumidifier I would not worry about it too much. Most run off of a compressor which will add more heat to the room you are trying to keep temps down in, and the digital ones are a few bucks. Mine does anyway, but that's what I get for livin on the coast.

I see, they are a little pricey...

Yes I have a fan in there that runs all the time...

So your suggesting to leave it alone right? 70's humidity is ok and the plants will grow fine?

Sorry to be ignorant...when I open the tent it like I walked into a jungle. I live in cali so im not use to humidity at all....ahaha
I see, they are a little pricey...

Yes I have a fan in there that runs all the time...

So your suggesting to leave it alone right? 70's humidity is ok and the plants will grow fine?

Sorry to be ignorant...when I open the tent it like I walked into a jungle. I live in cali so im not use to humidity at all....ahaha

Well you really would like to keep it down as much as you can. If it stay's too high you might have issues with mold during flowering. The weather has been a problem for me all summer. Either I keep the humidity down and the temps go up, or I lower the temp and the humidity goes up. I have found the fine line with running my 6" vortex on full 24/7 keep's the temp in the 71f range and humidity between 49 and 65 depending on ambient conditions, but no warmer then 75 during light out. During lights on I hit 82.5 and 47% RH.

No mold yet..... But with you running CO2 you have to consider what you need more. The boost that the CO2 will give, or the steady environment that you really need. Myself I would not worry about the CO2 till the cooler weather kicks in and try to maintain a stable environment.

That's just me though....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well about 8 days in now...

Hydrosun- Thanks for taking the time to explain that.

Dominican my main man, im glad your busy. The return will be worth while...keep rolling on. Stay safe.


----holy crap! i had to double check to make sure these pics werent in my room!!!! same tent,same carpet, same cabinets, same vent into the attic, etc! haha weird!
Thanks for the help...I turned off the co2 and going back to how it was before until I can get a dehumidifier...

Subrob...how do you handle your humidity?
looks great
whr thy seeds r clones?
1 gallon pots?i am askin bcuzz i was wondering cld u hav saved
by using cfls-r t5 s to get em a lil bigger.they look great though
humbolt nutes-i ve never used em but herad nothing but great things
i run 2 1000 s in 28 sq. feet
ac has to b on high wn lamps on and i had the same humidty problem so i left my vent fan on at night n worked-prbly cld hav done the same with a dehumidifier so look into both
advance nutes r great -i switchd from g.hpncs nutes 3 yrs ago n been fkn with pure blend from botnicare hydro-oragnic very pleased.
u might wanna switch to a lil bigger pot just my 2 cents-you shld yield at least 10-15% more if everythng goes right-best of luck
peace n over grow
3rd coast genetics
purple max is a stimulant to promote purple coloriation corret?
why use tht whn u hav gdpurp-you already have the purp genetics
i thnk it wld jst b somethng added tht u dont need u feel me????i wld much rather concentrate on yield and any thng from advanced used proprly is great.my 2 cents drop the purp max-cuz of your genes-n use the bloom good luck bro
gonna order
advance nutts ima give it a try since i keep getting salt build up with general hydroponics 3 part nutts i did the math 1800 for all the shit i need.

Let me know how far that $1800 bucks gets ya. Be interested to see what kinda gram per watt ratio you wind up with. For about $1700 less I think I will deal with the salt build up with regular cleaning till I see massive yield that would justify the costs.

Never seen anything other than this or that study out of AN, so till I know what's what I will stick with the winning combination that produces for me for the past five years. I might have spent what you are saying your costs will be in the past five years on nutrients and pull the gram per watt min, and not needing to go that crazy for a single grow. Ouch!!
looks great
whr thy seeds r clones?
1 gallon pots?i am askin bcuzz i was wondering cld u hav saved
by using cfls-r t5 s to get em a lil bigger.they look great though
humbolt nutes-i ve never used em but herad nothing but great things
i run 2 1000 s in 28 sq. feet
ac has to b on high wn lamps on and i had the same humidty problem so i left my vent fan on at night n worked-prbly cld hav done the same with a dehumidifier so look into both
advance nutes r great -i switchd from g.hpncs nutes 3 yrs ago n been fkn with pure blend from botnicare hydro-oragnic very pleased.
u might wanna switch to a lil bigger pot just my 2 cents-you shld yield at least 10-15% more if everythng goes right-best of luck
peace n over grow
3rd coast genetics

I started with clones..my pots are 3 gal and they sit ontop of a coco mat. I figured they would grow fine because the roots have plenty of room to grow underneath...correct me if im wrong. My future grows will consist of vegging under t-5s then using the tent as a flower room. I hear you on that.

I just checked my humidity (in night cycle) and it was high so I turned the fan on medium. thanks for the advice.

purple max is a stimulant to promote purple coloriation corret?
why use tht whn u hav gdpurp-you already have the purp genetics
i thnk it wld jst b somethng added tht u dont need u feel me????i wld much rather concentrate on yield and any thng from advanced used proprly is great.my 2 cents drop the purp max-cuz of your genes-n use the bloom good luck bro

On the bottle it says it helps promote more THC and help with turning purple..maybe ill just use it as a spray.

I decided to wait on the dehumidifier for a few days....I ran a ducting from the end of the light to underneath the tray...so its sucking the air out. Once I did that my temp stay around 79F and 55%

Im also leaving my Co2 on...I timed it for 10 min..kicked on for 30 seconds and was off for 1:30 seconds. Well see how long that lasts...im keeping it at 1000-1300 for a few days to get them used to Co2.

Anyways well see how this works for a while.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
What are you estimating yield wise?

This is the exact size I am building boxes of. Wondering if you have already gotten yields and what they averaged.

Lovin the show, keep it rolling
What are you estimating yield wise?

This is the exact size I am building boxes of. Wondering if you have already gotten yields and what they averaged.

Lovin the show, keep it rolling

im not sure how much I'll yield..I do know GDP is a large yielder. Up to 5 oz per plant. I doubt I'll hit that because I didn't veg that long. Next time I'll use co2 during veg and add a week.
co2 will boost yield whn used prperly.your co2 may be venting out whn vent fan comes on as well so wtch r keep tht in mind...the small t5 holds 6 bulbs wld be great i used em to veg n thy rock ask for half nhalf-mh-hps for the bulbs........yeah wld have faired a lil better if transplanted into 4 in. pot-4 1 gallon thn into 3-looks good great job n keep it up
as for out port grower-1800.00 buks on food???????thats in sane i wldnt buy the collection just whts needed-i agree thy are pricey-i stick 2 my pure blend botnicare graet job again
peace n over grow
I know, I'm loosing co2 as of now. It's the only way I can keep the dh at 50...I'll test it out for a few more days to see if I'll buy a dehumidifier.
hit up wal mart and buy a small 1 40 bks top and youll be good
any thing above 60% yur plnts will not grow as fast
75-85% hdty seeds/clones
60 for veg
50-60 flwerin
good lukeverything looks good y didnt u opt for the co2 boost bucket
it last 90days i use em instead of tanks-co2
No one around me carrys the dehumidifier I want...I need to Order it online. I don't know how to regulate the co2 in the bucket system ...maybe I'll try it out next time..


Active member
live: check craigslist...people use dehumidifiers for tons of stuff. i got my 80 pint for 75 bucks... works great.. never have any problems : )
if not that, then i'd do c02 in the day... an exhaust the room in the night...good luck.
Look what I found day 12

Look what I found day 12

Praise...thanks for the advice. I ordered a dehumidifier from walmart just shipped today...I ran out of co2..haha it lasted like 3 days. oh well. I will hook it back up later. Anyways here are some pics.



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