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9/11... 10 Years

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Bin Laden should be labeled more accurately as a financier and a figurehead, he never really got his hands dirty.

Ayman al-Zawahiri is a real terrorist.

The former longtime #2, and current #1, has ties to the muslim brotherhood, and was most likely involved in the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the actual mastermind of 9/11.

His nephew is Ramzi Yousef

The guy who drove the truck bomb into the WTC in 1993.


You've been taking it from behind for a long time and will do anything to keep from realizing it. Israel - definitely involved in 9-11. Vans full of explosives intercepted on the way to the bridge anyone?

I don't think mossad is stupid enough to drive around a van with a mural of planes hitting buildings at the same time as that is actually happening while they are enroute to bomb some bridges..

Look at the far right guy's neck. WTH is that?





Game Bred
Final Score:
przcvctm 1 dagnabit 0

dag you sound like a very angry,bitter old man... im picturing you and the wifey driving around town and your getting upset cause "she's on the rag" and being indecisive... but really all she is thinking about is how slow the car should be going before she bails out the door.

And if you believe that you probably believe remote controlled Jew airplanes controlled by reptilians from nibru hit the towers :jerkit:

So what is the terminal velocity of the HM of building 7?

None of you "truthers" care to handle the loose change.

Who is responsible?
What is the timeline?
How does it all tie in to 2012/elenin?
Where are the passengers from 93?
What ever happened to occam's razor?
Do you also refute the OED definitions of free fall and terminal velocity?
Why do you need to believe whatever you believe (no one has explained it other than to say "those darn Jews"
If our government can't hide a blowjob how did they hide this?

To much loose change for me to believe your non theory.


Cautiously Optimistic

In the radio transmissions it states that the van was at King Street and 6th Ave which is lower Manhattan. This is NOWHERE near the GWB which is in Upper Manhattan. Considering where they were, it would make more sense that they either exited the Holland tunnel or were heading towards it. Why was the GWB even mentioned let alone stated that they were trying to blow it up???
First, they (on the radio) report it as a "Remote controlled plane" then it automagically turns into a "van with a mural."
The guys ran from the van (and were subsequently captured) that was filled with "tons of explosives" but then it blew up?
They caught 2 guys but then there were 3? They were let go?
Fox News sucks for everything and is a tool of the Zionist Illuminati Reptilian Military/Industrial Complex but it's cool to use clips from that source when it suits your purposes?
Quite a bit of this stuff doesn't add up and that includes both the official story and the "truther" version.
In the radio transmissions it states that the van was at King Street and 6th Ave which is lower Manhattan. This is NOWHERE near the GWB which is in Upper Manhattan. Considering where they were, it would make more sense that they either exited the Holland tunnel or were heading towards it. Why was the GWB even mentioned let alone stated that they were trying to blow it up???
First, they (on the radio) report it as a "Remote controlled plane" then it automagically turns into a "van with a mural."
The guys ran from the van (and were subsequently captured) that was filled with "tons of explosives" but then it blew up?
They caught 2 guys but then there were 3? They were let go?
Fox News sucks for everything and is a tool of the Zionist Illuminati Reptilian Military/Industrial Complex but it's cool to use clips from that source when it suits your purposes?
Quite a bit of this stuff doesn't add up and that includes both the official story and the "truther" version.

I'm pretty there was more than one van. The van heading toward the bridge is described as "white." I take that to mean plain white.

They tried to frame the Palestinians:

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.
Jedi Mind Trick and shit...:laughing:


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
yea havent even read this, but dagnabit, once again, i agree with what you say. you truthers are fucking douchebags. straight fucking assholes. if you have that much god damn fucking time on your hands, please fucking do something else. you stupid fucks like every single person in the US government would have needed to be involved in this shit.

im a new yorker, my father is an attorney and worked at the WTC since 1987. Dude was there when it got bombed in '93, and when the planes hit ten years ago, so i take this shit real close to heart. fucking truthers, you guys are fucking tools.



Cautiously Optimistic
I'm pretty there was more than one van. The van heading toward the bridge is described as "white." I take that to mean plain white.

They tried to frame the Palestinians:

Jedi Mind Trick and shit...:laughing:

OK. But follow me here. If a van exploded on King Street, do you not think there would have been witnesses and mass damage/a crater? Think about the van filled with explosives that was part of the original WTC attack years prior to 9/11. Think about The Oklahoma City bombing. There is no evidence of this happening on King Street. Not one photo. Not one frame of video. Mind tricks, indeed. If these people were stopped with all of these explosives, why would they have been let go? If they were Mossad and wanted to just disappear and have people forget about it, would they go on TV and do interviews? Does Mossad have a history of TV appearances?
OK. But follow me here. If a van exploded on King Street, do you not think there would have been witnesses and mass damage/a crater? Think about the van filled with explosives that was part of the original WTC attack years prior to 9/11. Think about The Oklahoma City bombing. There is no evidence of this happening on King Street. Not one photo. Not one frame of video. Mind tricks, indeed. If these people were stopped with all of these explosives, why would they have been let go? If they were Mossad and wanted to just disappear and have people forget about it, would they go on TV and do interviews? Does Mossad have a history of TV appearances?

Where did you hear that a van exploded on King Street?

Why would they have been let go? Why would Lyndon Johnson allow Israel to attack the USS Liberty and kill all those American soldiers, then sweep it under the rug? Some 60 Israelis were detained, by the way. If memory serves some were detained for two months, then sent home.


Game Bred
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline?
How does it all tie in to 2012/elenin?
Where are the passengers from 93?
What ever happened to occam's razor?
Do you also refute the OED definitions of free fall and terminal velocity?
Why do you need to believe whatever you believe (no one has explained it other than to say "those darn Jews"
If our government can't hide a blowjob how did they hide this?
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline?
How does it all tie in to 2012/elenin?
Where are the passengers from 93?
What ever happened to occam's razor?
Do you also refute the OED definitions of free fall and terminal velocity?
Why do you need to believe whatever you believe (no one has explained it other than to say "those darn Jews"
If our government can't hide a blowjob how did they hide this?

Sarcastic and obtuse. Who did it? I don't know. Why speculate about that? Personally, I try not to believe anything if I can help it. Belief is the death of intelligence. I am more interested in processing information than developing beliefs.

Occam's razor states that when two things explain circumstances equally well the simpler explanation tends to be true. Well, the government story doesn't add up for countless reasons. So many obvious lies. The magic passport? The fake bin Laden video? The uncanny straight-down descent of each tower? Conservation of angular momentum says they should have fell to the side as they encountered resistance from the lower floors. The pulverization of the buildings into fine powder - what caused that?

Since I'm sure you are the kind of person who "respects authority" here are some experts on 9-11.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
you really are a fucking asshole. like fucking two planes hit these towers going 200 plus miles an hour. and they were loaded with jet fuel for transcontinental flights. the planes hit the towers so hard that it knocked the fireproofing off the steel beams.

like seriously, stop fucking disrespecting the people who fucking died. straight up. if all your going to do is say "well what they said happened definitely didnt happen" and not give some fucking concrete "other story" just fucking quit it.

you people need to find something fucking better to do with your time.

you really are a fucking asshole. like fucking two planes hit these towers going 200 plus miles an hour. and they were loaded with jet fuel for transcontinental flights. the planes hit the towers so hard that it knocked the fireproofing off the steel beams.

like seriously, stop fucking disrespecting the people who fucking died. straight up. if all your going to do is say "well what they said happened definitely didnt happen" and not give some fucking concrete "other story" just fucking quit it.

you people need to find something fucking better to do with your time.


Don't tell me what to do. You're too lazy and stupid to actually think about the things I've posted. All you do is attack without thinking. How do you know I'm disrespecting anyone? Just because you insist the asinine official story is true doesn't make it true. Maybe you are disrespecting humanity or even God by being such a dick?


Professor Organic Psychology
The fuel caught all the other combustibles on fire and the high unobstructed wind made the fire super hot. The beams got red hot. This weakened the beams and caused a domino effect once the floors started caving in. The weight and pressure on the lower floors was immense under ordinary conditions. Once you put in weakened beams on the upper floors of some of the largest buildings on the planet it just gave in. I don't understand why people have a problem with this. Buildings are built to codes and the codes to not take this sort of thing into consideration. Those involved in the attacks were educated people, the leader in the USA had a degree in engineering.

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