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8k Perpetual DTW Coco Medical Garden



Nice going BT, I have noticed there are a lot of nice sized MI grows here on icmag I love it! Do you know if they are gonna have another hightimes cup here in MI agian?
And last but not least some SSK in veg. These are a little larger than we usually put in but we have almost an extra foot with the benches now. These were supposed to go in today but will go tomorrow after we finish the gutter on the other side of the room.


The Sour Bubble turned out stellar and is being trimmed currently. I will get some dry shots when its all done.

Now back to work!




Pretty sure transplant shock , along with the bloom nutes feed mistake and added lack of nitrogen made em shut down and not eat during their transition into stretch , thus the no drying out and wet/dry period.......

Hope they turn around for yas Bro......Good luck and killer cleanup and changeovers to the drainage system....

Thanks for all the comments guys!


Makes sense. I was talking with PK in PM and he said if he recalls correctly this is the last project that DJs epic Blueberry male was used on before it was lost. I believe the azure and f13 have been touched with that same genepool.
Looks stellar!

Here is the SB under the ProScope HD


Switched everything over to Jack's Pro Hydro a few days ago. As far as mixing and handling LOVE IT! Following the 1 to .67 ratio Base/Calcinit we mixed by weight with a digital scale. The first batch came to 1.2 ec and the pH was dead on at 6.0. Next batch we did around 1.3-1.4 ec and the pH was 5.9. Was able to hit the same numbers across the next 2 reservoirs with the same weights. Mixes extremely clean i can actually see the bottom of our reservoirs! After a couple days pH is still right on with no pH adjustments. Can't get easier than that. We adjusted pH daily with the last mix.

The plants seem to have taken well to it as well. No adverse effects. The 12 schnazz actually received an entire 40 gal reservoir due to a timer mishap and were perky as ever! lol

Update soon. Started working on the other side of our space finally. Have the mother room together and we will be building the irrigation system tomorrow. Once thats all buttoned up we will get some pics up.



Hey BT, in post 24, how did you hold down the stake, what kind of stake did you use as a riser for the modified drippers? Thanks!
They are the Bow Smith Fan-Jet SP spike.


The have a threaded or a barbed version. You need the threaded if you use the risers or barbed if you use a softer tube that stretches a bit. Ordered from De Leon Irrigation Supply. You have to call in the order.


They also stock the risers and sprayers. The 2 sprayers we tried over sprayed the pots we were using. In a larger pot or a bed they would work well.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Ok Just finished...up to pare. Great show BT.... Some great knowledge. Thank you I appreciate it bro.

I got allot of Bog to go through. Your Sour Bubble gots me itching i think i got like 12 packs of Bog in the vault

You answered allot of my questions already.

Just curious Do you reuse your coco at all?

Hey no prob TP thats why I put it up here! If it wasn't for IC I wouldn't be half as far as I am today! I found this Sour B in a 10 pack of seeds circa 2008 from Harbourside in Oakland. Also have packs of the new BX2 BX3 release that I haven't touched and cant wait to go through, wish I had more numbers for seed crackin! We have not reused our coco but have been considering it lately. Considering the cost though its almost better to throw it in the veggie patch and start a new each run.

Yeah slacking on my thread, par for the course for me. Its tedious loading them damn pics and I get bored. But I shall put some up soon. Propagation/mother room is set and we built a new 6k fully sealed room which is awaiting clones now. Vertigo says my moms are to big but I think think he is jealous. :biggrin:

We have recently developed a black thumb for propagation and its held us up a bit. Ez clone and Turbo clone have developed a low success rate (50%) and take 3+ weeks just to get nubs. Haven't figured out the new room yet I suppose. Running pool shock in them now. Trays and domes were dusted off because this shouldnt be so difficult!

Have some Rare Dankness Flo Og and Casey wreck testers and a load of Schnazzleberry # 2 going in this week. Try to get some pics up soon but its a busy week leading up to a 4/20 Cannabis Cup trip to Denver! Wooo Hooo!!!



High Class Grass
Try bleaching out the cloners hardcore, reload and simply add a cup of ewc tea to the water. 40Amps made a thread about it and i tried it cause i was having issues with my cloner too. BAM! Roots came almost instantly. Water stays clear and with a good kinda earthy smell and the clones love it. Also, i keep my cloner on a 15/15 cycle. Try it out.

Stay Safe
Current procedure is hot water with physan 20, rinse, hot water with bleach, rinse. Fill with half tap half RO ppm is ~200 pH'ed to 5.3. Running the pool shock as a stock solution with 1 gram to a gallon of RO. Of this I am adding 4 tbs every 3 days. Smells clean lol.

I tried Caps OG Biowar root pack in there a couple rounds ago. Develop a thick clear slime on the cuts so I dumped and went back sterile. I will give the plain EWC tea a shot in one of the cloners. I have seen it work in RDWC systems. Got a link to the thread? Thanks man!

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