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800w Coco Closet- Hashberry, Sadhu, Speed Queen

The smells are really starting to come out in the jars now. Very berry smell on the Hashberry. Like strawberries mostly I'd say, but I swear there is another kind of berry smell in there too I just can't place. Really good stuff. Lush, thick smoke, and a heady, strong buzz where the sativa is definitely present. I'm good for two hours from a small amount. Relaxing but not knockout. Probably needed another week for that, and I'll find out. Still tastes a bit green, but its getting there.

The Speed Queen I just love. The fuel smell is coming out strong, but its not exactly a diesel smell. Im still acquiring my nose for it, but it smells darn good. Surfer weed is a probably a good description, though I wouldn't know. Great all-purpose weed? How about great camping weed? Its all you need to take with you for the trail hike or canoe trip or late night campfire with some brews. Maybe not so much the tent setup. A little bit and you can go off and do whatever. Or when chilling, double up on it and enjoy it expand stronger. Definitely glad I took the SQ longer and can't wait to have it under the HPS.

Sadhu is seedy. Really seedy. Jamie warned me. I knew better. I got lucky and didn't have many last time it happened, but this time is different. Small undeveloped seeds that are a pain when its still mighty sticky. I've gotten some trippy stones from the Sadhu though. Its been really strong but relatively short, around hour and a half. No clue what it smells like, but I'd buy it on smell alone for sure. Earthy tones but its spicy too and just unique flavors. I will certainly give the rest of these seeds a run.

Its all good stuff. Not the strongest ever for me, but that's not what I expected. We all have different tolerances and chemistry etc etc etc. This is some of the best weed ever for me though and that kicks ass. I'm geeked and will be for a while. Time to try some cannabutter. And to keep these going.

Here's an update for those wanting to know what goes on during the first week of 12/12 after being put in big buckets under bug lights.

Day 8 - Meaning after 8 cycles of 12 hours of darkness to me. They've grown a good 6-8 inches in the last week. I wanted them to. They are loving the new digs.

I'll start cleaning up below now and keep at it a couple weeks. They are getting about a gallon every day with 1ml/gal CalMag, 2ml/gal Liquid Karma, and 5ml/gal CNS17 grow. Thats about 450 ppm on my meter, so whatever works for you. And 5.8 ph. Run-off has been between 200-300 ppm and ph 5.9-6.1 so far. When I flush every couple weeks or as needed, which it did a couple times right after transplanting, I just double the watering, first with half strength then with regular strength nutes. Easy enough for me and its working good enough. The CNS17 is just the best veg formula I have on hand now. I'll use the PBP bloom for soil again which I switch. No reason to change things up. And no reason to do that kind of update any more since I'll be following what I did last time from here on out mostly.

Nothing for a while, I'll just lurk and enjoy the good frosty things going on elsewhere until I've got some more. If anyone has questions or suggestions I'm around though. Add molasses or Sweet this time? A pk booster? A p only booster I'd be interested in actually. Anyway if you got these beans going and want to talk shop or whatever, feel free.
Hey jed looking good homie. I did have a question tho, I see in one of your dried pic posts of the Sadhu that it had started turning purple. Did you lower temps or did it "just do it" on it's own? Sorry about that, couldn't resist. LOL
Thanks FirstTimer76, it was probably the temps. It was hitting low 60s at night. Not on purpose. Some purple here and there doesn't hurt though. Just a couple patches of it towards the very top of colas, and on the Hashberry too actually, but more on the Sadhu. I had bagseed sativa do the same thing last time with some purple at the top. I think its lower night temps. I'm not complaining, its kind of cool. Good spot and question, no worries.


yeah i got some very nice colors this rond for the first time,,,peace


Active member
hey bobblehead im surprised you are so calm about having hermies!

im about to flip my top now that i discovered "nanners" tonight.

i also noticed your hasberry has some stretching that is similar to mines, any advice? does that concern you at all? can you harvest when the stretchy growths are still expanding?

your speed queen looks so good though, nice job. wish i could say the same about my crops.
lol, I won't be so calm next time I see them nanners. They didn't show up until really late and I didn't think it would wreak as much havoc as it did. I learned. The hard way. Like a fool. I have to do that once in a while.

I did take the Hashberry too early. Not sure what causes the foxtails and bud stretching. Too close to the light was my 1st assumption, then genetics, then temps, then underfertilized, then you name it, there is something to blame.

I did have lower expectations for the Speed Queen, but even so, thank you, it really did turn out nice for me. Hashberry got the awards for Mandala, but I gotta say with the shorter flowering period the Speed Queen may have the overall edge for me. We'll see after this run under all HPS if I can get the yield up on SQ some more and what the Hashberry really feels like with a another week.


Active member
4sher, i guess we all have to learn the hard way!

i learned that you cannot keep a veg closet inside a flowering room.

also learned that genetics are extremely important, and its only worth it to flower the best and healthiest veg plants.
From a couple days ago after 14 cycles of 12 hours in darkness.

Day 14 - 12/12

And I've got buds with frost starting to form again, hoooooray. Speed Queen under HPS this time will be fascinating for me. Its my favorite, I admit it.

Giving some jars a little air.



hey BHJ,, i see you were posting in the midwest forum didn't know you were a fellow midwester,,,good deal bro...love jars full of pot that is for sure,,,,peace
The midwest will always be home, idoreallytry, but now I just visit a lot as I still own some stuff there. I'm paying midwest taxes, so I might as well still associate with the area, lol.

Took some pictures today to monitor my progress. Things look very similar to last time. The Speed Queen is a little lighter green than she should be, I believe, but healthy enough. Just like last time. I'll try bumping up the nutes on one of the 3 SQs this week and see what happens. Its nice having more than one plant of a strain going this time to do more experimenting.

Day 21 - Hashberry

Day 21 - Speed Queen

Nothing exciting. I'll probably have heat issues this run despite my efforts. I can always play with it if its not as good as the last run. Cooking, hash somehow, whatever. This is a bonus run I didn't really plan on anyway.


very cool man! what a great feeling it will be when you are cutting these and you are still knee deep in your last run! thats where i wanna be soon. gonna hafta smoke less or grow more lol!


very cool man! what a great feeling it will be when you are cutting these and you are still knee deep in your last run! thats where i wanna be soon. gonna hafta smoke less or grow more lol!

i say grow more lol,,,peace


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
that SQ is really starting to lead the pack again eh mate? ....

best of luck with these :D


OK, I put down the Hashberry for 5 days. Tonight I gave her another spin, and she spun me right back. Weeeeeeeeee. Can weed get noticeably more potent after more cure time, or was my time off what did it? Don't care, the Hashberry was awesome. Its still a little rough on the throat but the berry smells are nice now and the buzz tonight was strong and happy. Letting her go another week or so this time is going to be AWESOME.

The Sadhu I am calling my dessert weed. It has the best taste and smell of the three BY FAR. I can't do justice trying to describe the smell and taste, its just unique. Great for an after dinner relaxing toke. Like cake, its good in the morning too for a wake and bake. I'm glad I had it in my lineup.

Alright, brain fart over.
Day 28 - 12/12

Day 28 - 12/12

Thanks Jamie, she was a unique lady.

OK I took some pics today to share and compare. Comparing them to last run to see if things are similar, which they are, yea.

Day 28 - 12/12 Mandala Hashberry (left and center back) Speed Queen (right and center front)




Speed Queen



Sweet shit right there! Boy I bet that's a hell of a feeling, this round is damn near half way done now! Damn, seems like it was just yesterday you still had the first ones in the ground.