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8 years in prison sucks...BUT.........



Yea Many Have Long Said

Yea Many Have Long Said

man it's time they throw a big bomb on the whole region

just kurrrazzzzy people over there

Buttttttttttttttttttt That Would Be The Precursor to "THE END".

Personally Im Pretty SURE Israel is fixing o take care of Iran. :artist:"wont be long now"

And Then:wave:


I gotta go with Dum n Dumr..Danger is when you stand a chance of survival. Stupid is...well these bozos..


Sorcerer's Apprentice
There are A LOT of parts of my own city that I wouldn't go after dark.


Active member
Iran's leadership is evil (much like our own but in a different way).
They are propagandists and have no concern for human rights. They kill their own citizens for protesting.
These guys were not spies.
Just dumbasses.
Iran will use them as bargaining chips.


who ever said they look like a couple of mosad agents has it right.

you are just as likely to get killed or kidnapped in the border regions between the states and Mexico.

i'm not really surprised that the Iranians are paranoid about foreign agents spying and supporting local terrorists, because it came out in mainstream media that the US government is involved in that shit, just google it. bush admin financed a whole covert op program against Iran and Obama has continued it right from the start, even while he was telling Iran to open their fist in peace. so you can't really blame them for being suspicious.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Kurdistan was/is trying to promote tourism..


But seriously, wtf? Who the hell would go on vacation in a place so far off the beaten path and in a region that has so much turmoil???

Cant wait for the "Locked Up Abroad" episode on this one.
well,as i said,there are some of the worlds highest unclimbed peaks in that region,most of them so obscure they only have names like peak 3879....so if mountaineering was your thing it would be an awesome vacation spot....and theres not much turmoil there...no one lives up there,or more accurately,theres no resources valuable enough for anyone to care....

they dont really look the hiker type, hardly 'outdoorsy' to me. That can't really help their case.
they have been in jail for two years,i doubt they have tanning booths or a swimming pool at the jail...and have you ever met an alaskan? you could spend every single day outdoors there and still be pasty,for that matter,ever met a brit?:)


i bet the iranian courts dont have a credit for "time served"

gotta love those courtrooms where you sit in a cage in the middle of the room, during your trial.


i dont know about you guys but i like going to places that are considered 'dangerous' and so do a lot of other people like journalists, photographers, etc.

there was a woman hiker with these guys and she was released due to her poor health.

also they were in iraq not iran and the Iranians came over and arrested them.

What short memories we have...and the "media" are all too happy to lie to us.

The girl was (supposedly) released because the Iranians don't put women in prison. It had nothing to do with her health. Doesn't anyone remember the real story?

Lies lies lies...do yourself a favor...turn off the TV and throw away the newspapers.


Active member
What short memories we have...and the "media" are all too happy to lie to us.

The girl was (supposedly) released because the Iranians don't put women in prison. It had nothing to do with her health. Doesn't anyone remember the real story?

Lies lies lies...do yourself a favor...turn off the TV and throw away the newspapers.
hahahaha.... man what's worse is your immediate assumptions of someone based one line. its as if you think i get everything i know from fox news. i don't really watch or read the news and when i do its brief. i don't pick any political sides and don't really have the time nor motivation to investigate everything i may or may not hear on the news the brief time its on in my home.

holier than thou folks like yourself on either side of any aisle are equally as bad as what my tv is showing.

h^2 O

They both look like they hold some type of graduate degrees from MIT in math or computers. They probably were doing something....not sure for what country though. Isreal is a possibility.
Hope prison there is like in Turkey....you see Midnight Express? Sure you have to watch out for your cornhole, but you can smoke hash and pretty much do what you want.
Saw an episode of Locked Up and not sure what country it was.but the warden was like "being sent here is their punishment, they don't need to be punished while being here" and the prison was like a village with stores and hookers and weed and everything else. That warden had it right, the time is the punishment, they shouldn't be punished further in prison....just do their time comfortably.


Tropical Outcast

Hope prison there is like in Turkey....


I have been to a Turkish Prison, not as an inmate though and neither on the LEO side.

I am not even going to describe how those prisons are because no one here would believe me anyways.....

All I can say is the worst US prison
(although I've only seen them on "Lockup") is a 5-Star hotel vs. the "best" (If there is such thing) Turkish one.

They are the ultimate nightmare over there. Kinda like the place they should put in Child molesters, rapists etc. in the US.

h^2 O

I have been to a Turkish Prison, not as an inmate though and neither on the LEO side.

I am not even going to describe how those prisons are because no one here would believe me anyways.....

All I can say is the worst US prison
(although I've only seen them on "Lockup") is a 5-Star hotel vs. the "best" (If there is such thing) Turkish one.

They are the ultimate nightmare over there. Kinda like the place they should put in Child molesters, rapists etc. in the US.

In Midnight Express there were beatings and rapes....but the cops don't search cells and you can smoke hash and basically just hang out. It's not really like that?