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8 Plants x 8 Lights. Farmer's New Toys


Well-known member
I do run Pro-Silicate from Grotek @ 5mL/Gal. Never tried SB, but imagine they're the same. Grotek what I've always used and cheap. Dropped it for a bit, but have been giving it to these ladies since they've been back on Maxi.

Well water here.. shit is nasty..super high ppm.. I'm afraid to use any of it until I get it tested.

Thanks for the suggestion Cleancut. Ultimately.. I'm against perlite. Just don't want that stuff in my life. I live rurally and will ultimately spread coco root-balls amongst the property. Don't want the perlite mixed in there.. for the fact that it doesnt break down and security purposes (I'm a hair more likely to fall under the microscope then most), but am going to get a large greenhouse/outdoor veggie garden going this spring so maybe I can break out of my paranoid shell. Perlite still bothers me for some reason. Used some roots organics greenlite for getting youngins' going and it drives me nutes the way to gets all over the place and wants to float out of the cups if I'm drenching them too quick. Luggin bales aint really the direction I'm trying to go either. Lots of oldschool friends using it with good results though. Do you know if it plays nice with blumats?

PPKs will likely be a game changer for me. Hydroponics is where I thrive and started. Shit was fun back in those DWC closet/cabinet days. Grew into flood buckets. Coco got thrown in the middle there out of "equipment" ease or lack there-of and stuck with it because it was minimal. Have never grown in soil at all.

I'm gonna try some PPK trees and if I scale down anytime soon and do vert stacks I'd like to rush some water through some pipe racks with foam collars/no medium. Now.. that'd be the ticket.

silver hawaiian

Active member
How "portable" is the atomizer? Can it be fitted with a feed line?

'cause if so, I'd just use it to humidify the heck outta those broads. :D


Well-known member
2 gallon.

This bad boy.

Will look into seeing what all it can do. Havnt really messed with it much.


^^ Iv got that same one. I have straight murdered all PM and mites with that fucker. One of the best grow investments I ever made.


Active member
Well water here.. shit is nasty..super high ppm.. I'm afraid to use any of it until I get it tested.

Thanks for the suggestion Cleancut. Ultimately.. I'm against perlite. Just don't want that stuff in my life. I live rurally and will ultimately spread coco root-balls amongst the property. Don't want the perlite mixed in there.. for the fact that it doesnt break down and security purposes (I'm a hair more likely to fall under the microscope then most), but am going to get a large greenhouse/outdoor veggie garden going this spring so maybe I can break out of my paranoid shell. Perlite still bothers me for some reason. Used some roots organics greenlite for getting youngins' going and it drives me nutes the way to gets all over the place and wants to float out of the cups if I'm drenching them too quick. Luggin bales aint really the direction I'm trying to go either. Lots of oldschool friends using it with good results though. Do you know if it plays nice with blumats?

i hear ya. it is a bit more heatscore to buy and transport bales of Pro-Mix and dispose of it... but like you said a veggie garden will be your best bet for camouflaging yourself as an indoor grower... the fact that you have space is perfect, tons of space to bury it too if you need it... haha... ill never forget diggin a grave for my old root balls and burying them at night... if that doesnt make the hair on your neck stand up nothing will... ahahah.

about Blumats and soil-less mixes; im sure they can be dialed but those things are so unreliable and have a mind of their own, i would just water with a wand or regular dripper stakes....


i hear ya. it is a bit more heatscore to buy and transport bales of Pro-Mix and dispose of it... but like you said a veggie garden will be your best bet for camouflaging yourself as an indoor grower... the fact that you have space is perfect, tons of space to bury it too if you need it... haha... ill never forget diggin a grave for my old root balls and burying them at night... if that doesnt make the hair on your neck stand up nothing will... ahahah.

about Blumats and soil-less mixes; im sure they can be dialed but those things are so unreliable and have a mind of their own, i would just water with a wand or regular dripper stakes....
Blumats have no mind and are at the mercy of their growers......and......as far as unreliability , again I`m gonna call grower error or rather lack of attention to detail TILL the cones are dialed.......but....

Blumat`s aren`t for everyone , and just like FlowerFarmer was sayin bout they performed well once dialed , his heart was/is growin in hydro surroundings.......

Many ways ta skin a mule , and I`ve got many bro`s killin it with Blumats and upgraded techniques , but to each his own....



Well-known member
nice..where did u find that? Got a link?

I go it from a friend who just got it from the hydro-shop, but said he couldnt use it because it was blowing his plants over.

It is a cannon, but nothing my ladies cant handle. Pretty nice because it literally blows their leaves upwards and allows a nice coating under the leaves.

He paid around $250. Retails for $300 normally. Amazon looks to have them for almost $200. Try googling this:

(I dont like linking into another website from ICMAG, those network admins can see where traffic originates from, and who knows who they are.)
Hudson 99598 Electric Fog Atomizer Sprayer Outdoor 2 Gallon

Blumats work flawlessly for me. I don't fall into the category of those whom have trouble with them. They are set it and forget it for me, however I still don't like the individual attention needed at each carrot during the re-load. A bit more work then just sitting a block on a table or stabbing a stake into a pot.PPKs seem like a blast. Where does one source Turface and Brown Rice Hulls again? Those PPK threads are a maze of info.


Active member
sorry bout always shit talkin blumats guys, thats just my paranoia talking... i'm scared to use em but i DO have respect for those killing it with them! :yes:


I have run both Dyna pro-tek and Silica Blast both work great but with the pro-tek I dont need to add any type of PH buffer it pretty much levels everything off but if I used the SB I would have to adjust with amounts of PH up no matter what.


plant pimp
I go it from a friend who just got it from the hydro-shop, but said he couldnt use it because it was blowing his plants over.

It is a cannon, but nothing my ladies cant handle. Pretty nice because it literally blows their leaves upwards and allows a nice coating under the leaves.

He paid around $250. Retails for $300 normally. Amazon looks to have them for almost $200. Try googling this:

(I dont like linking into another website from ICMAG, those network admins can see where traffic originates from, and who knows who they are.)
Hudson 99598 Electric Fog Atomizer Sprayer Outdoor 2 Gallon

Blumats work flawlessly for me. I don't fall into the category of those whom have trouble with them. They are set it and forget it for me, however I still don't like the individual attention needed at each carrot during the re-load. A bit more work then just sitting a block on a table or stabbing a stake into a pot.PPKs seem like a blast. Where does one source Turface and Brown Rice Hulls again? Those PPK threads are a maze of info.

Thanks for that info FF! I am surely picking up one of those


I have run both Dyna pro-tek and Silica Blast both work great but with the pro-tek I dont need to add any type of PH buffer it pretty much levels everything off but if I used the SB I would have to adjust with amounts of PH up no matter what.
Good info HB........Silcablast.... although raisin my ph some , never adjusted my juice mix to where I didn`t need "ph down" , but I never mixed rez`s and directly fed any rooms till they`d settled and buffered for a solid week with a powerhead keepin shit constantly stirred till I got back to each location .......and then.......

I`d add ph down to ph levels needed and feed both rooms for a solid week.....then....rinse and repeat........anyways.....

FF....I`d say stay with your Protekt cuz you're used to it , and for the record....I never put a whole lotta stock in recipe`s be it Rez/Head/Lucas/KISS etc... yada yada.......

Gotta concentrate on target ppm`s with everything used while getting used to what it takes from all the additives to acquire those target ppm`s........

Good luck with the Maxibloom @ 7 gms per gal...sounds like the plants like it a whole lot more......but.......the plain and simple facts of the matter is that some strains are simply Cal/Mag whores and require sometimes double the doseage of the other girls.....

Couldn`t tell from the pics if all the plants were affected , so good luck again in dialin their ass in and hoonin........



Well-known member
Don't feel like cutting the lights off, but here are some more shots.

The plants seemed to have responded well to the addition of the 5mL/Gal of CalMag, but might be a bit too N heavy on top of Maxibloom @7g because I'm starting to see a bit of claw on the tops. Now, this also could be due to excessive RH at night, because my sante fe isnt in there right now, and it needs to be. Moisture developing on the ceiling/walls during dark cycle. It'll be returned to the room as soon as my circles room is all the way down. <-- to high of chance of bud rot over there.

Since I noticed some claw, and don't have my EC meter to see what the silicate and calmag is taking me up to after maxibloom @7g I decided to hit them a few times with diluted maxibloom + calmag. I'm not sure how much, but just did a bit less grams them what I'd normally do in a 55gal barrel.

Hopefully these ladies will continue to smile...so that I can continue to smile. I think they responded well to the increase in temp. I brought the split up a few degrees to shoot for around 83 or so leaf temp with the IR gun... need to lookup the manual to set my night heat pump, because I currently have no idea how cold its getting in there lights off. My house is fucking cold right now because I have no heat and just rely on grow room heat of the vented space and an outdoor wood furnace. The furnace is nice, but its some work to run gardens and keep it loaded with wood night and day. Place has been staying at ~60F with me doing nothing vs. the ~70 I'd keep it at if I was fucking with wood everyday. We'll deal with it until I get this trim done. My lazy ass didnt cover the wood pile so its a bitch to keep fueled up right now.

Furthermore my electric dryer aint putting out heat. Fuck... going have to find time to mess with that.

Anyways...here are some shot.. I gotta get back to trimming.






No blumats yet.. still hand watering until I can finish trimming, transplant my next circles room, and clean up a bit.

Here's to hoping I pull another 10+ out of this room.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Lookin Good! I am digging the trees! Do you have fans under your bulbs? I try to with mine but I don't have enough fans for both sides. I notice some people don't have them at all.


Well-known member
Nah no fans.. Just a split AC on the long wall with 2 16" wallmounts below it. One corner has a max 10 on a scrubber tossing some air around and another oscillating floor fan in a corner behind my co2 genny blowing that enriched air into them. I could likely use some more wall fans, but with the split the floor fans don't really seem necessary. No heat issues so far.

I can't wait to complete this run because once we approach warmer weather I'll be shutting down my circles room and going PPK with 8000w instead of the 600w in the corners like I'm doing now. I've got the cooling for it so why not.

I need to collect supplies for my PPK, but also need to dig back into those threads when time permits because the info is ever growing.
So you're saying something like a tractor supply wide "feed" type of bin as my upper container... with a 2-3 gal bucket as my lower? Do you use a traditional PVC white tailpiece for the wick pipe? Does anything secure the top wide container to the lower more narrow container. Looks like they could get tippy, but obviously its a non-issue for you guys.

I really wanna go turface/rice hulls if I can find them.

As soon as I'm done trimming I'm going to brush up on them and its game on.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Flippin' amazing FF!

Can't wait to see what you do with the PPKs. .. And admittedly, the how-you-do. I've tried to educate myself, but those threads are a frickin' wealth of information, ..

And I can't seem to find the cheese.


Well-known member

lol.. Eh, I find myself to be fairly literate and organized in mind, but those PPK thread are quite a number to wrap your head around. I'm not sure why it is. Awesome info is in there, but I know exactly what you mean.

I'll still be a sec trimming and getting things cleaned up / re-loaded, but when I do put together a PPK system I'll be sure to document and dump as simply as possible for us OCD/ADD heads.. or whatever the hell is a matter' with me.



lol.. Eh, I find myself to be fairly literate and organized in mind, but those PPK thread are quite a number to wrap your head around. I'm not sure why it is. Awesome info is in there, but I know exactly what you mean.

I'll still be a sec trimming and getting things cleaned up / re-loaded, but when I do put together a PPK system I'll be sure to document and dump as simply as possible for us OCD/ADD heads.. or whatever the hell is a matter' with me.
Thanks.....My old OCD ass has the same issue with wrappin my head around start to finish with them plant killers........especially with the evolving pulse thingies.......

I know proof`s in da pudding and demands respect........but ....I`m not sure us stoners`ve been payin close enough attention........anyways...



Fuck Entropy.
but those PPK thread are quite a number to wrap your head around. I'm not sure why it is.

I think it's the opposite of everything...

PPKs are super easy.

Super boring.

Grow lots of healthy plants.

PPKers get super bored, and are super high.

So they talk about lots of super shit.

Which confuses people who want a tutorial.

Because the threads are full of shit that really isn't tutorial... Speculative. Random. Bastardly.

And the threads are so full of all this shit, and D9 keeps deleting his older pics making other threads (...um... excuse me) incomplete and obsolete...

But PPKs are wicked easy mechanically and functionally.

Holy shit, this was a crap post.

I like your flowers Farmer, I like your flowers.