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7k, upgradable to 17k, MPB kush room


Mistress, I actually got a pm about you after you posted a link of a hempy or krusty bucket build in my MPB thread... just a warning about you I guess from some random member. I have seen you do this in other dwc threads and it gives me a chuckle... I have no idea why people get so but hurt by it lol. Being so green to the game I always came across people knocking these older bucket designs so I just overlooked them thinking they were old technology and focused my studies on mpbs. Boy was I wrong and now can't stand people knocking these older system. It makes me wonder if I would have setup a MPB grow knowing what I do know. again thanks for the links gonna check em out.

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Whats up fellas? Here's a long over due update.

Here are some pics I took a couple day ago at beginning of week7. After all my research I fucked up pretty bad following a nute regime based off a .7 ppm scale with my .5 meter. I was feeding these girls a whole lot more nutes then I original had planned. The plants looked great up until the res change at week 6 which is the the height of their planned PPM. I immediately notice they were not taking in the nutes because my ppms were rising. It caused a lockout for about a week. I had to do a couple res changes and they continued feeding but all the way down at 700ppm from 1400ppm when I noticed the lockout.

anyways, plants hardly stretch after flip but the average girl still is about 43" tall and about 48" wide.

I defoliate my plants at certain times and for certain reasons... very calculated leaf pluck. For example this is a plant that I defoliated a little more then the other plants because I really needed to get light to the backside of the plant. You can see in these pics its only getting hit by 2 lights and those lights are NOT in the front and back of this plant. I am standing behind the plant taking the pics. There are no lights behind these plants. Now these plants did not get as big as the ones getting hit by 3-4 lights because the extra leaf pluck slowed them down some, but, The buds on the backside of this plant are developing nicely... I attribute this to my leaf pluck. Every plant in this room gets a clean up where it needs it... NOT JUST RANDOM PULLING OF LEAVES.

I have plants getting hit by 1,2,3,4 lights... all very different in size. I have come to the conclusion that you need at least 2 lights per plant to make it worth while. I have to wait to see the final weight of these 6 plants only getting hit by 1 light to see if its worth the extra time, space, nutes ect. Plant numbers are gonna stay but really need to get 10 extra 600's in the room and get every plant hit by 3 lights minimum. Eventually the room is gonna be a 13k room and the only thing I need to buy is 5 lumatek dual 600 ballast/bulbs and upgrade my 3 ton a/c to a 5 ton. Maybe also have to upgrade my water chiller but temps are perfect now and nothing is insulated. might be able to get away with the 1/2hp chiller if I insulated the buckets, returns and all hoses.


Hit by 1 light..


Random shots. I took these pics with the lights off, excuse the angles of the shots. I had no clue what I was aiming at lol. Pics were taken 5mins before lights on so I don't think the flash stressed them to bad.
























Next round I am running all bubba kush. and 20 extra purple kushes in hempy buckets to fill some voids in the room. I got them all stuffed under a 1k and they are overgrowing the room. I might have solved my vertical growth issues with these bubbas. They are clearly growing a whole lot quicker then the purple kush. Had some issues with my friend, Guess he forgot I needed kids and I was left with all the shit he had left. They were in pretty bad condition when I got them but they have turned around. I might need to upgrade to 2 1k's for my veg setup or possible 2 600's if I plan to continue to run the extra hempys in the futures.

Purple kush on the right, bubba on the left....

thanks again guys for all the comments and suggestions along the way. It means a lot and wouldn't come this far without them.



I love my life
It looks like you are going to be very happy soon. Sorry to hear about the burns, the bottom of my bulbs hang at 6'5" I'm afraid of those bulbs ;)


Nugga Boo

Those bitches look fat Mike! I'm glad the ppm issues didn't cause any serious harm to your babies. How long have you been growing indoors using hydroponics? Looks like you have a great deal of know how from your setup.


Those bitches look fat Mike! I'm glad the ppm issues didn't cause any serious harm to your babies. How long have you been growing indoors using hydroponics? Looks like you have a great deal of know how from your setup.

first time I ever grew was way back in high school from some bag seed. It never really worked out lol. Since then my only experience with hydroponics was helping a friend out in a flood and drain setup for 2 runs and a very similar setup with another friend... only lasted 1 run. I moved and setup shop for myself. Like I said in previous post, I had to forget everything I learned from these two guys and start from scratch. I learned everything from many respected members on this website. I had a couple issues a long the way but felt I learned a ton actually growing rather than reading. Its the only way to really get a feel for the system. You wont know what your in for until you set it up.

I will say its not like I decided a few months back I wanted to grow my own medicine. I have been around probably 2 dozen SOG dirt grows, some big some small. A regular on a trimming crew if you will. I was just a kid back then. I have been a regular smoker for about 15 years now and so is pretty much my entire family. I dont know if any of them are growers but they all smoke a hell of a lot of dank buds.

With that said I sometimes look back and think I must have been crazy to jump in this big. There was so much on the line with this grow with pretty much everything I had invested. Its nice that it actually planned out and so close to harvest to rep my rewards.

So yeah this is actually my fourth run with hydroponics, first run with a RCDWC... I really can't count my first attempt with the bag seed... it was sad.

thanks for the comments guys.

I am planning on either buying a trim reaper or a spin pro. I am not sure which one yet... anyone want to give their opinions. I aint trimming all this by hand so please dont start bashing these trimming machines. I do have access to one of those big twisters but at 500 per day I could go buy a reaper for 1000 from my local hydroshop. They had a warranty claim on it, repaired it and willing to let it go for cheap... thing is brand new... well almost.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Looking very nice

Sorry, forgot to ask, but how are your lights and plants laid out? The simple X O X explanation will work for me.


Looking very nice

Sorry, forgot to ask, but how are your lights and plants laid out? The simple X O X explanation will work for me.

Thanks brotha, appreciate the comments and all the knowledge your spreading all over the forums.:thank you:

Yes its a xoxoxo pattern. With this layout/plant numbers, It should be a 14 or 15 light room. I added 6 extra plants to a traditional 7k light layout. I am shooting for GPW numbers rather than weight per plant. Those 6 outside plants were not meant to even be there in the original plans but by the looks of them they will really help bring up the GPW.


Sorry to hear about the burns, the bottom of my bulbs hang at 6'5" I'm afraid of those bulbs ;)


It fucking sucks but not to bad. Your not expecting it and its like a shock. Doesnt hurt because you never expected it coming, much like a cow being branded just thinks the famers coming in for the reach around but hits him with hot iron lol... never saw it coming.

I have been poking around your journals and pics. I had no idea you had so many journals up. I dont know how I missed them all. Must have been spending to much time over in the MPB forums on another site. Gonna take me a couple days to catch up. Got a few questions for you but gonna continue to read some journalsm you have problem addressed them already. I like that veg table with the net baskets. Gonna do something similar myself. Was planning to do top drip but your setup looks way easier.


Smile Vs Cry
Wtf..oh shit what''''em :yoinks: ""speechless""..look real pinewood bro! amazing plant like ive ever seen, the structure are really awesome bush n' fat's :laughing:
High Class thread n' work, i'll be watching tha progress fo su!! :greenstars:
put this such an excellent job up in 420!!!..:yeahthats


Just read the whole thread keep the good work up an congratulating you on yor first grow I'm impressed to say the least


tagged, are you sure there isnt a retractable roof letting the sun in?

haha naw bro, Just lots of 1ks, aggressive training and leak plucks.

I have been following you and your boys vertical stadiums. I am seriously impressed and can't understand why most of these sog growers in my area are not running stadiums... tons of sog growers in my area. In facts I think i am the only guy doing tree's among my friends... all doing sog. They are all gonna trip if I set up a stadium and I am sure they will convert.

There are tons of trailers in the paper used that are only 6.5' wide. Would be perfect for these types of stadium builds. I am 100% sure I am gonna run a NF style layout in a 12" trailer sometime in the future. Just love the look of the whole setup. Gonna post in your thread... actually have a few questions for ya.


Lookin good Bro........Hope Harvey`s good to yas........Now .....I wanna take yas ta school fer lil bit......

It was determined long ago back in the Krusty Wars days that bigger rooms with buncha plants using bare bulbs caused lumen "dissipation" with lack of lumen "absorption" by the plants due to not having reflective surfaces beyond plant matter , and you talkin bout slingin more light at em`s all well and good , but.....to put things in perspective...........if it`s not blastin at em 360 degrees , it`s being dissipated and eaten by all the dark elsewhere in the room......

Doubled`s always seemed ta think that the larger room yas had , all yas hadta do was throw more light at it......wrong answer.....

I ran 2-10 x 10 rooms side by side flippin ever 4 1/2-5 weeks with krusty buckets and 4 plants in each room........600`s in the corners and a 1000 watt MH in the middle.........34 watts per sq ft.......

Once dialed with each plant receiving light on 3 sides and everything that went past got blasted right back at em from the reflectix on the walls and ceilings........Major sideways canopy penetration for the win and was pullin 10 lbs every month or so for lotta yrs.............

If you ran 5-1000`s in an X pattern and split the big spot into 2 flip rooms while using the rest for other things using a strain with a halfway decent stetch , you could easily do 10+ with this setup runnin the more finicky elite kushes and such cuz they bush sideways naturally......Veg is gonna suck for yas with no stretch though................

I had a perfect 50/50 Mex sat/ind hybrid that stretched like a mofo and swelled accordingly , so don`t think yield`s not associated with strain dependent , or else Doubleds would`ve never pulled 4 lb`ers outta the G-13`s......

Holler in pm so I won`t clog yer thread Bro.........No bullshit over here....just straight up "on da job trainin".......

I see how serious you are about this shit from the initial investments made , so think about goin smaller more controlled rooms and more of em.....easier ta manage and easier on you......

Holler if I can help........My 2 cents from all those yrs........Not tryinta tell yas what ta do........



Just read the whole thread keep the good work up an congratulating you on yor first grow I'm impressed to say the least

An honor having you here buddy and thank you for the comments. I find it hard to believe myself that I pulled this off... not in the bag yet though.

The other two grows I was helping out with was entirely copied from your sog grow. We were using slightly less plants then a true sog but were running 2 600's on a moved over a 4x8 table. I believe my boy had 120+ plants per 4x8. Didn't yield as much as your setups did but got over 2lbs on the second run with a low yielding strain. Another friend had a similar setup running AK47 and hit 2.5 lbs with 600's and a mover.


Ya it's all in the strain in the big #s that white rhino was a huge yielder but the high wasn't all that I'm always proud of any thing over 2 lbs a table of some elite strains but am leaning to some trees/ bushes myself lower plant #s = less work / trouble

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