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600w Hempy closet grow

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to start a new thread for my second run. My first run which can be found on this micro section was definitely a success, grew Sour Diesel and Super Lemon Haze each in a DWC bucket. Got decent yield on the SD (just over an ounce, was a bad pheno) and good yield on the SLH (just over four and a half ounces) keep in mind these were grown from cfl's from start to finish so I'm impressed with the power of cfl's.

Anyways this will be my second run and I decided to try hempy buckets since I've heard nothing but good things about them and they're still hydro so I didn't have to go out and buy all new nutes. For this run I will be vegging under cfl's and flowering under a 600w hps while SCrogging them. I also decided to get some better genetics which are:

Tahoe OG Kush
The Ultimate
OGQ (Space Queen x Quirkle) I hope that's right, that's what the guy told me it was, please correct me if I'm wrong.
3 mystery bagseeds


Clones before being transferred into hempy buckets


Seedlings putting down some roots


Clones put in their new homes, poor Ultimate in the back in pretty bad shock from the transfer from soil to hempy but she's recovering slowly

Can't wait for the roots to hit the res so they can explode and I can set my scrog up. I'll be adding at least six more white cfls to help with the veg state soon. More coming later...
Why is it called 600w?

Are you asking why a 600watt grow is in the micro section or what the "w" stood for? Cuz I think Cody answered your question if it was about the "w".

I'm definitely eager to see how well these plants do in hempy buckets, my dwc buckets were super easy to set up and maintain so I'm hoping for some good results now that I have better genetics.
:thank you: everyone that's tuned in. It should be a fun ride :tiphat:
Just wanted to post a quick update

Roots seem to have finally reached the reservoir because they've exploded the past couple of days.


I've moved them around but you can see the first pics for comparison on how quickly they seem to grow. Maybe another week or two before I take some clones as well as do some LST/FIM action to prepare for the screen.

Also I will be cleaning the coasters asap to get rid of the algae growth forming down there so no worries.

Interesting growth so far that I've observed from the OGQ (Space Queen x Qwerkle)


Notice the fan leaves are shooting out single leaf fan leaves. We'll see how it turns out once it gets bigger.


All single leaves
@oneshot thanks for stopping by, I'm excited to get these into flowering already :) I'll be keeping a close eye on your progress as well can't wait to see the finished results.
Just wanted to give another lil quick update shot as well as ask some advice


All the plants are filling in nicely and growing strong.

I'm planning on taking some clones tomorrow, should I also start LST them? I'm thinking I should definitely do that as well as FIM the Ultimate and Blackwater (right side tallest two) since they're getting a lil too tall. Let me know what you guys think.


Eye level to get a better look at the height difference


hi there great looking plants i have heard of hempy buckets
but never seen anyone use em in a grow!! they look excellent..
Did some LST action, I must say it really opens up the plant so the light gets inside and to the bottom. Haven't taken any clones yet, gonna wait till I get a cloner.


The Blackwater smells amazing, I was getting strong whiffs of her scent while I was tying her down. I can't wait till it flowers

Can't wait till these grow out so I can throw a screen on top of them and then flip them. :dance013:

Vegging's been going on for about 5 weeks now, gonna take clones later this week and then set up the SCrog. Needless to say it is now jungle status in there. Still debating on whether or not to defoliate because they're growing so well and leaves are so big.

Blackwater is doing amazing (front right) and gives off a strong scent every time I go to water her.

Flipping by this time next week can't wait! :dance013:

Green Sky

Interesting growth so far that I've observed from the OGQ (Space Queen x Qwerkle)

View Image
Notice the fan leaves are shooting out single leaf fan leaves. We'll see how it turns out once it gets bigger.

View Image
All single leaves

**Those are from the cut being made during flowering. Whenever a clone is taken from a bloomer, and reverts back to veg, they tend to send single "fronds" out for a while. Hormones and all... :tiphat:

* I am really curious how you gonna fit all them buds in your cab when you are vegging for 5 weeks??? I hope you take a LOT of clones :)

Unless I have a Sativa dominant plant which needs the extra love, my girls get 3 good weeks and off they go to the big show

Green Sky


BTW, the girls look fantastic!

I think you should Sog the next round. Take like 40 clones now, so in a 3-4 weeks they will be ready to flower in 2liter hempy's :biggrin:

Green Sky

Is the 600w hps in use right now? Cause wow you have a lot of cfls

:laughing: right? I was thinking of that too... I count atleast 10 CFL so there must be like 12 - 50+ watter's in there to get 600

wouldn't 1 vertical 400 or 600 HPS be better on both heat and wattage?:hotbounce
**Those are from the cut being made during flowering. Whenever a clone is taken from a bloomer, and reverts back to veg, they tend to send single "fronds" out for a while. Hormones and all... :tiphat:

* I am really curious how you gonna fit all them buds in your cab when you are vegging for 5 weeks??? I hope you take a LOT of clones :)

Unless I have a Sativa dominant plant which needs the extra love, my girls get 3 good weeks and off they go to the big show

Thanks for stopping by Green Sky. Thanks for your info about the single leaf shooter. I did not know about that but now I do thanks! It has begun to shoot out normal looking leaves now.

Although I will be SCRogging them I do realize now that they are WAY too bushy and it seems like I will have to take a lot of clones.

Is the 600w hps in use right now? Cause wow you have a lot of cfls

Thanks for peeking in Megas, the 600w is not in use at the moment, I will be taking clones within the next two days and setting up the SCRog, THEN comes time for the 600w. Although it does look like a lot it's only 10 6500k cfl bulbs running at 24/0. The camera had a hard time adjusting the white balance and exposure so this was the best I could get. I will be leaving about 4 of these bulbs to go along with the 600w hps to add additional spectrum/UVB etc.


BTW, the girls look fantastic!

I think you should Sog the next round. Take like 40 clones now, so in a 3-4 weeks they will be ready to flower in 2liter hempy's :biggrin:

Thanks again, I've been wanting to try Sog for my next round and I think you're right that these plants will provide me the perfect opportunity to do that.

What's everyone's easiest method of rooting clones? I have rockwool available, I kind of wanted to make my own bubbler cloner from left over materials from my DWC run but that means I need to go out and buy more materials. My only problem now is where to put all these clones...

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