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6000w E/F grow: Mo' light, mo' crystal!!


Active member
Looking good big daddyhaze keep your girl in it other dudes are just jealous.......Hey what did you wrap your hard line duct with is that reflectix or did it come insulated like that?..........
daddyhaze said:
Well Ive never been accused of being a small guy, I played college football and I wasn't exactly the punter... But my old rooms were hella inefficient (and comfortable!) , and now I'm stepping up to a better more well run place, but DAMN!!! I can barley fit under those tables to change the 3x 115 gal reservoirs!!! Oh well, more reason to drop some #'s.... Took 3.5 hours to change 3... last run it took 1 hour to change 2... need to work this out... comments and suggestions appreciated!

what steps do you take to change out your res? do you use r/o water or tap? i change out 5 70gal res every 3 weeks so i can relate to dealing with all that water. maybe my method will be quicker for you? i use two garden hoses and a sump pump.

for draining, i attach the draining hose to a 2000gph sump pump that pumps from the bottom (bought from lowes for $100). it drains my 70gal res in about 10mins. the pump drains to an 1/8th of an inch from the bottom of the res. when the water is almost done draining, i am able to slide a 2x4 piece of wood under the res to tilt all the water towards the pump. when its done, i dunk it into the next res and start draining.

while the next res is draining, i will attach a hose to my tap and fill the first emptied res directly from the tap. my tap is about 60psi and fills my 70gal res in about 15mins. if you use r/o water, you can use another sump pump inside the res you use to store your r/o water.

the cycle continues until all of the res are changed. having my fill and drain action going on simultaneously saves me time. i use have one hose to do all the draining first and filling after, but that's time consuming. let me know if this helps or if you have an idea that might make my method better.
your method definitely sounds similar mine. so you use a 1/4hp pump, maybe upgrading to a 1/3hp or 1/2hp can save you more time on the draining part, i use to spend a lot of time just waiting for the res to drain. when i do decide to clean my res, i use a broom to scrub the walls and bottom to loosen all the gunk up when its draining, but probably not as thorough as you.

here's another idea i was thinking about, they make reservoir liners (i'm not sure if they make one for 115gal). this might get expensive every 8 days but the nutrient solution never touches the res so there's no need to scrub and you can change out the liners every time you change the res which makes cleaning a snap.

have you tried any other medium with your e/f tables? i use hydroton too but it gets real heavy when dealing with a lot of tables. i was looking into perlite because it's so light but i can't reuse it.


Other than dont scrub them, dont change them so often etc, all I can suggest is moving the reses to another spot where you can access them better. My future plans have all the reses in one room and easy access to them for maintenance

I dont get that anal. Every couple weeks I just connect a hose to the pump and pump them out. Fill with water, flush for a day, dump, fill with new nutes. Only after harvest does everything get a good cleaning.


yamaha_1fan said:
Other than dont scrub them, dont change them so often etc,
i only change my res every 2 wks, clean throughly inbetween grows. no problems. there is a little residue buildup but not bad, i think it comes mostly from using the general hydroponics expert line. some of that stuff is really thick. it may cause the pumps to die a little earlier with the residue buildup but for me its not that big of a deal. the small pumps that came with my ebb and gro system suck ass but they are really cheap to replace
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WoW how did I miss this!!! Real tight set up.. I didn't catch your ballasts anywhere digi Mag??


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
daddyhaze said:
I love showin off the girls! Day 15 now, imma take some pics in a lil bit, let me know what you think!

you wanna know what I think?

sinve you love to show off your girls, i think you need to convince your girl to take some more pics with ya!


yeah i know its some.... :fsu: for me to be askin, but what the hell, why not?? :rasta: we're all friends here.....


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
daddyhaze said:
HaHa Wayne, Imma get her shot for some friends @ 420girls and HT so, ill ost those... waitin for some more bud porn to shoot it though!

you are a very resourceful person...

ill :joint: to that...

peace, LW


forgot to mention i do use FLORA KLEEN every other change and also before harvest. dont like salt lockout or chemical taste in my grow either :rasta:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
awsome piece man looks like a good bong>>>>>> where did u get your dehumidifiers ive been looking for some big ones like that >>>> love this thread its sweet
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No Longer a Human Watering Can
wow thats a killer deal >>>> and seems to work killer too
ill have to check that out >>>thanks man>>>> should help me out tons


GOD i am glad i found this thread daddyhaze myman! reading through what i missed during the holidaze and had some good old laughs. u a funny guy haha, nvm ^^

just checking in, the thread isnt looking less promicing ill admit :D i see flowers starting to come about.

btw, that bong, cant help myself for being such an oppinionated dick hahaha

but i cant stand those long ones like that, i really really have come to like these with the rubber lid that cleanes so easily. and these gives such a fantastic compression and full thickness of smoke, also the choke empties out so quickly and powerful imo.

but thats just IMO, subjectively!

they came down btw :D

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Dam... just read your thread, fuckin' sick bro didn't know you was doin' it like this! Your set up is so identical to mines... from the tables to the medium and the nets except i have 2 4x8 huts and minus the half naked chick :moon: Tell ya' bro, theres nothing like G-strings,beer, and some dank ass bud!


daddyhaze said:
Hey arctic, I used to own a glass shop and I really really love quality glass on glass fittings and super sleek design, not that your pipe isn't sweet, I jus have a sick addiction to expensive ill glass..... But on another note... Harvey looks sweet 4 you! glad you got some sick buds! Cure some up real good, then invite my ass to come fishing!
drymouth, thanks man... Imma just try to do my thing here.....
Micropro... well u know.. you the shit.. FUCK the chargers! more IPA! LOVE 215!

glass shop eyh? :D thats nice. cured buds and fishing up in here all year round 24/7 hehe, bring seeds, and a coupple of them ladies u got bouncing around ur rooms there we're good to go hehe

2-3 more daze and ill have a little taste of my DMT before it goes to jar'ing. did some major updates to the room. feeling quite good about it atm.

all good things mate, keep up the good work :D