What's new

60,000 sq. ft. Marijuana Cultivation Facility to be Unveiled near Oakland Airport



i wonder if anyone will get thanks from the government and
corporations for all the "knowledge" and effort that the cannabis pioneers
put in over many years?

i suspect the thanks would go something like-
thank you for all your efforts and hard work fun lovin criminals
but we are bigger and badder so pay us for the pleasure of your hard work.
would you like a minimum wage job looking after our plants?


Thought so.......Loose lips sink ships when poised for expansion and diversification.......You keep up the non-communication , YOU needta run for office......

No more from me , everything`s crystal now.......:tiphat:
If your greenhouse has a door, climate control, maybe even co2 and supplemental lighting. . . It is "indoor" like what part of the word "door" isn't understood there?

Sunshine grown bud I will choose always over indoor. I have sold pounds to clubs of outdoor as indoor for top dollar they were disappointed when it ran out. In Arcata, last year, my outdoor was going as indoor and everybody was disappointed when it ran out. Had I called it outdoor, nobody would have even took a look at it or given it a chance. Kind of like spoon feeding a toddler, pretending the spoon is an airplane.

Gotta find a clone that works, like any other situation. I digress, wanted to interject my 2cents.

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