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6 Mixed ACE fems - DeeDubya's Winter Grow


Well-known member

Even better today, my friend;) So happy to see Malawi PCK and Zam bounce back. :dance013: pretty much three weeks today or tomorrow, looking on schedule if not better. Still need full health and green before flower. Probably one good feed next week and off we go to 12/12:biggrin: That's more than I would usually veg plants like the two Panama Hazes. I've heard some hazes don't throw pistils for weeks, so could get huge during stretch. As per usual, those two'll be on the edge of too big, prolly. Also see some bending/tying in the near future for all. Everybody else needs more size.

OT, if you're lurking around, yours stayed a super manageable, what, 9 feet tall? Seem to remember them being pretty big bushes when you started flower. Soil will slow these down some, as will 3 gal pot size. Plus my years of stressing plants to their limit tell me I'll right to start them flowering a little smaller. Plus, I'm guaranteed a trouble free grow as I'm only running 7 plants as opposed to your 8... or was it 6? I'm going to endeavor to keep the hermie rate to a modest 60-70 percent.

Haze x KC #2 is getting her half gallon in a few minutes with 1/4 strength coco nutes. yeeha, dwd


Well-known member
Looking good at 3 weeks veg

Looking good at 3 weeks veg

They all got water/microbes/superthrive yesterday. Starting to show real promise;)

Edit; anyone else getting nervous about the size of the panhazes?


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They're looking very perky! :) Dude,I think like the left Pan haze more, but the other one looks like will have really huge leaves !


Well-known member
They're looking very perky! :) Dude,I think like the left Pan haze more, but the other one looks like will have really huge leaves !

Same here, and the PH1 is a few days older than PH2, so I'm thinking PH2 takes after red Panama and PH1 after the green goddess, but I could be full of sh*t;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Lovely seedlings deepwaterdude,

Really happy to know you are growing this time some of our haze hybrids!
Have a great weekend friend! :)


Well-known member
Almost ready for flower-little training and topping

Almost ready for flower-little training and topping

Lovely seedlings deepwaterdude,

Really happy to know you are growing this time some of our haze hybrids!
Have a great weekend friend! :)

Thanks, dubi, they're entering the too-beautiful-to-flower phase, getting nice blue/green color and bushing out big time, even the untopped M x PCK:biggrin:

Very interesting structures and smells going on in there. Very happy that ZAm has recovered enough to top her as she is STINKY;) I'll have to cut some holes in the tops of the cloth pots for LST.

Here they is, dee dubya


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Well-known member
Whos this dee dubya guy ? sure got some nice plants OH its the Dude!:biggrin: what happened with the tupur ? that coco shit f u up eh it seems it can be the best or the worst had my share of the cal mag thingy and the cec of coco but once i figured it out.:joint: Any ways nice plants Dee Dubya...:tiphat:


Well-known member
Whos this dee dubya guy ? sure got some nice plants OH its the Dude!:biggrin: what happened with the tupur ? that coco shit f u up eh it seems it can be the best or the worst had my share of the cal mag thingy and the cec of coco but once i figured it out. Any ways nice plants Dee Dubya...:tiphat:

What's up, sir Budsalot! Good to see you around;) Well, the best I can say is that the tuper provided a quickass start. At less than a month, they are full fledged little bushes, even with a repot.
AS for coco, should've treated this mix as straight coco, soaking, PHing, precharging with calmag etc... Had a little too much faith in the "pH perfect" nutes doing the job for me;)

Gonna flip to 12/12 today or tomorrow:dance013: Let the games begin! dwd


Well-known member
Day 3 12/12 - 30 days from seed

Day 3 12/12 - 30 days from seed

Day 3 12/12:

Here they is after a little fish and seaweed, little Age Old Bloom to the tune of .8EC. They'll be on water for a week. Decided to cage PanHaze2 and Haze x KC 1 instead of tying them to their pots. Getting crowded:peacock: Temps are a tad cold @70, but it is what it is.

Right now, I'm digging the style of Malawi x PCK, OE and ZAm. Nice, chunky additions to the Hazey limbs starting to creep all over the tent. The PanHazes could drink everyday, especially number 2. Still get watered every 2 days without fail. dat's da nudes. first snow today, going to be some bitter nights ahead.


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Well-known member
DWD, gonna be a hello of a rid brother, the girls are looking outstanding sir!

Thanks, my broo. It's gonna be crowded in there, but I don't think as many tops as your scrog! LST sessions will be epic starting in about a week:biggrin:

It just occurs to me I'm probably going to take Haze x KC 2 out and put her near a window so the cat gods can nibble on her leaves, ease the space a little. I consider a Haze x KC female a serious and hefty offering the gods won't ignore.


Hey bro!:) Steaming along nicely!That's some nice cages,would love to get my hands on something like this for the next run...
Getting cold here ,too!:tiphat:


Well-known member
Almost 1 week 12/12

Almost 1 week 12/12

Hey bro!:) Steaming along nicely!That's some nice cages,would love to get my hands on something like this for the next run...
Getting cold here ,too!:tiphat:

Hey, syd, happy xmas! I have to see if I've got a couple more of those cages for the other 2 hazes. They're very simple and effective at spreading things out without too much tying up.
I'm pretty sure the cold of the Mediterranean and my high desert are quite different! But you're a fisherman, so I can imagine things getting rough this time of year;)

This here's the beginning of day 7. Gave the girls some Botanicare calmag+ yesterday and they seem to look better today. First pistil award goes to... surprise, surprise, Malawi x PCK, who looks phenomenal. Wouldn't mind 7 of her in there;) Judging by her branching, I could've topped her to good effect.

Only dilemma is whether to keep that Haze xKC 2 in there or not. Getting attached to her now she's healthier and branching. Maybe I'll try a onebud approach and cut all but the main top. Or get her pot out of there, which would be best for the others.

All plants are starting to look very good, don't have a concrete favorite, just happy everywhere I look. I've upped the temps of their room 5 degrees to 65f, though 'tis much warmer in the tent and more humid, say 75-85f and 60%rh.

Here they are!


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Well-known member
1 week since flip and both Panama Hazes have first pistils, as do OE and Malawi x PCK. Just waiting on the Haze x KC and Zam.;)


Great news amigo!The rest shouldn't take long now...They're looking fantastic! :tiphat: C'mon now,keep the hzkc2, single cola in a corner sounds nice!

Regarding the cold,it sure can't compete with yours in absolute numbers,but higher humidity does the trick:biggrin: But don't take the word of a fisherman :laughing:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
DWD, nice full tent of girls. I hope your grow is bountiful. Peace


Well-known member
2 weeks since flip - Raised temps, dropped light, raised nute level.

2 weeks since flip - Raised temps, dropped light, raised nute level.

:tiphat:Hello and Happy New Year, Syd and Farmerlion! Thanks for the good thoughts.

Girls are perky this morning, getting half strength Sensi A + B and responding well. I raised the temps another 5 degrees to 70f ambient temp outside tent and a bit warmer inside. Still cool for LED grow, but they're reaching for the sky. Lastly, dropped the light yesterday to 18" from canopy to get flower power and they're digging that too.

They've all got pistils except for the Haze x KC2 named Syd (yep, I named that one after our own syd, who saved her from the chopping block.) Anyhoo, here they is, looking like winter champs. Did I mention the Hazes drink a helluva lot?


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Thanks for the honours :biggrin: Although a plant named syd in your tent equals herm hazard :laughing:
They're looking healthy as can be :)

Old Toker

Well-known member
Sorry DWD....just found your new thread. Congrats and good luck! Definitely subbed for another one of your "lets see what I can avoid killing grow." Got to say....as much as you lusted after my PHs....I'm not at all surprised to see that you've germed a couple.
OT, if you're lurking around, yours stayed a super manageable, what, 9 feet tall? Seem to remember them being pretty big bushes when you started flower.
They were about 18" when I switched to 12/12. And yes....considering how they wrapped around the inside of the tent ...I'd say a good 9'.
Plus, I'm guaranteed a trouble free grow as I'm only running 7 plants as opposed to your 8... or was it 6?
I had 8....but you are a far better grower than I. :tiphat: